Increase the power on delay timer to 5 seconds

The current level of ship-level Witherspoon power supplies are not
always asserting the POWER_GOOD bit in the STATUS_WORD within the
expected 2 second window. Increasing the power on delay timer from 2
seconds to 5 seconds.

Change-Id: I980fefcd67c092b694ef482f89928f2bd9f82857
Signed-off-by: Brandon Wyman <>
diff --git a/power-supply/main.cpp b/power-supply/main.cpp
index 32b5149..dc13ef9 100644
--- a/power-supply/main.cpp
+++ b/power-supply/main.cpp
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
     // assert DC_GOOD (and update POWER_GOOD Negated), +/1 100ms. That would
     // give us a 1250ms delay from state=1 to checking STATUS_WORD, however,
     // the sysfs files will only be updated by the ibm-cffps device driver once
-    // a second, so round up that delay to 2 seconds.
-    std::chrono::seconds powerOnDelay(2);
+    // a second, so rounding up from 1 to 5 seconds.
+    std::chrono::seconds powerOnDelay(5);
     // Timer to delay setting internal presence tracking. Allows for servicing
     // the power supply.
     std::chrono::seconds presentDelay(2);