psu-ng: Power supply class updates for input history

Update the meson files to include the record_manager with the
phosphor-psu-monitor application.

Since we do not want to blindly enable input history for all power
supplies, base the enablement of the feature off of the driver name.
Change the PowerSupply class to require the driver name be passed in,
and pass that down via the PSUManager during the configuration

Add a server manager to the PSUManager to handle the INPUT HISTORY data
that will be under /org/open_power/sensors.

The INPUT_HISTORY command is handled via a sysfs file in binary format,
so add in a readBinary() base function to allow for mock testing.

Change-Id: Iea163892d5482e6f2dacacfbfa746f605af52ed5
Signed-off-by: Brandon Wyman <>
diff --git a/pmbus.hpp b/pmbus.hpp
index d0fe747..7e71148 100644
--- a/pmbus.hpp
+++ b/pmbus.hpp
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@
     virtual uint64_t read(const std::string& name, Type type,
                           bool errTrace = true) = 0;
     virtual std::string readString(const std::string& name, Type type) = 0;
+    virtual std::vector<uint8_t> readBinary(const std::string& name, Type type,
+                                            size_t length) = 0;
     virtual void writeBinary(const std::string& name, std::vector<uint8_t> data,
                              Type type) = 0;
     virtual void findHwmonDir() = 0;