

A voltage rail produced by a regulator.

Voltage regulators produce one or more rails. Each rail typically provides a different output voltage level, such as 1.1V.

On a PMBus regulator with multiple rails, the current rail is selected using the PAGE command. Subsequent PMBus commands are sent to that PAGE/rail.


commentsnoarray of stringsOne or more comment lines describing this rail.
idyesstringUnique ID for this rail. Can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), and underscore (_).
configurationnoconfigurationSpecifies configuration changes that should be applied to this rail. These changes usually override hardware default settings. The configuration changes are applied during the boot before regulators are enabled.
sensor_monitoringnosensor_monitoringSpecifies how to read the sensors for this rail.


  "comments": [ "Vdd rail on PAGE 0 of the Vdd/Vio regulator" ],
  "id": "vdd",
  "configuration": {
    "volts": 1.1,
    "rule_id": "set_page0_voltage_rule"
  "sensor_monitoring": {
    "rule_id": "read_ir35221_page0_sensors_rule"