regulators: Fix 'presence_detection' test cases fail.

Fix test case failures for the 'presence_detection' object.
The failures are caused by new logic in the validator that checks for invalid rule IDs.

Signed-off-by: Bob King <>
Change-Id: I93e813ee9a7ad64a87075f1ddcb2fb6199e74cda
diff --git a/phosphor-regulators/test/validate-regulators-config_tests.cpp b/phosphor-regulators/test/validate-regulators-config_tests.cpp
index e2203d9..b2c7c9f 100644
--- a/phosphor-regulators/test/validate-regulators-config_tests.cpp
+++ b/phosphor-regulators/test/validate-regulators-config_tests.cpp
@@ -1949,7 +1949,7 @@
         ["chassis"][0]["devices"][0]["presence_detection"]["comments"][0] =
             "Regulator is only present on the FooBar backplane";
-                         ["rule_id"] = "is_foobar_backplane_installed_rule";
+                         ["rule_id"] = "set_voltage_rule";
     // Valid: test presence_detection with only property rule_id.
         json configFile = presenceDetectionFile;
@@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@
             "{u'comments': [u'Regulator is only present on the FooBar "
             "backplane'], u'actions': [{u'compare_presence': {u'value': True, "
             "u'fru': u'/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu3'}}], u'rule_id': "
-            "u'is_foobar_backplane_installed_rule'} is valid under each of "
+            "u'set_voltage_rule'} is valid under each of "
             "{u'required': [u'actions']}, {u'required': [u'rule_id']}");
     // Invalid: test presence_detection with no rule_id and actions.