Tools: add script to create an update tarball

This script is used to generate the tarball using the PSU image and MANIFEST
usage: generate-psu-tar [OPTION] <parameter>...
   -i,     --image        <file>      PSU FW image
   -v,     --version      <version>   PSU FW version
   -model, --model        <model>     PSU FW model
   -mf,    --manufacture  <version>   PSU FW manufacture
   -o,     --outfile      <filename>  Outfile name
			              For example : -o psufw.tar
                                      The default outfile name is image.tar,and
                                      "image" is what you input.
   -s,     --sign         <path>      Sign the image. The optional path argument specifies
                                      the private key file. Defaults to the bash variable
                                      PRIVATE_KEY_PATH if available, or else uses the
                                      open-source private key in this script.
   -h,     --help                     Display this help text and exit.

Tested: Use this script to generate the tarball for PSU update.
for example :
./generate-psu-tar -i PSU.hex -v 12-34 -model 432-1
                   -mf LITEON -o test.tar -s /home/chicago/test/private_key

./generate-psu-tar -i PSU.hex -v 12-34 -model 432-1
                   -mf LITEON -o test.tar -s test/private_key

./generate-psu-tar -i PSU.hex -v 12-34 -model 432-1 -mf LITEON -o test.tar -s

./generate-psu-tar -i PSU.hex -v 12-34 -model 432-1 -mf LITEON -o test.tar

./generate-psu-tar -i PSU.hex -v 12-34 -model 432-1 -mf LITEON

Signed-off-by: Chicago Duan <>
Change-Id: I50ea116bc6e1e49d7fea3e0974453c442784fbe1
diff --git a/tools/generate-psu-tar b/tools/generate-psu-tar
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..83bc020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/generate-psu-tar
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+set -eo pipefail
+help=$'Generate Tarball with PSU image and MANIFEST Script
+usage: generate-psu-tar [OPTION] <parameter>...
+   -i,     --image        <file>      PSU FW image
+   -v,     --version      <version>   PSU FW version
+   -model, --model        <model>     PSU FW model
+   -mf,    --manufacture  <version>   PSU FW manufacture
+   -o,     --outfile      <filename>  Outfile name
+			              For example : -o psufw.tar
+                                      The default outfile name is image.tar,and
+                                      "image" is what you input.
+   -s,     --sign         <path>      Sign the image. The optional path argument specifies
+                                      the private key file. Defaults to the bash variable
+                                      PRIVATE_KEY_PATH if available, or else uses the
+                                      open-source private key in this script.
+   -h,     --help                     Display this help text and exit.
+private_key=$'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
+-----END PRIVATE KEY-----
+declare -a partitions=()
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+  key="$1"
+  case $key in
+    -i|--image)
+      image="$2"
+      shift 2
+      ;;
+    -v|--version)
+      version="$2"
+      shift 2
+      ;;
+    -model|--model)
+      model="$2"
+      shift 2
+      ;;
+    -mf|--manufacture)
+      manufacture="$2"
+      shift 2
+      ;;
+    -o|--outfile)
+      outfile="$2"
+      shift 2
+      ;;
+    -s|--sign)
+      do_sign=true
+      if [[ ! -z "${2}"  && "${2}" != -* ]]; then
+        private_key_path="$2"
+        shift 2
+      else
+        shift 1
+      fi
+      ;;
+    -h|--help)
+      echo "$help"
+      exit
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "Please enter the correct parameters."
+      echo "$help"
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+if [ ! -f "${image}" ]; then
+  echo "Please enter a valid PSU FW image file."
+  echo "$help"
+  exit 1
+if [  -z "${version}" ]; then
+  echo "Please enter a valid PSU FW image version."
+  echo "$help"
+  exit 1
+if [  -z "${model}" ]; then
+  echo "Please enter a valid PSU FW image model."
+  echo "$help"
+  exit 1
+if [  -z "${manufacture}" ]; then
+  echo "Please enter a valid PSU FW image manufacture."
+  echo "$help"
+  exit 1
+if [  -z "${outfile}" ]; then
+  outfile=`pwd`/$image.tar
+  outfile=`pwd`/$outfile
+scratch_dir=`mktemp -d`
+trap "{ rm -r ${scratch_dir}; }" EXIT
+if [[ "${do_sign}" == true ]]; then
+  if [[ -z "${private_key_path}" ]]; then
+    private_key_path=${scratch_dir}/OpenBMC.priv
+    echo "${private_key}" > "${private_key_path}"
+    echo "Image is NOT secure!! Signing with the open private key!"
+  else
+    if [[ ! -f "${private_key_path}" ]]; then
+      echo "Couldn't find private key ${private_key_path}."
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "Signing with ${private_key_path}."
+  fi
+  public_key_file=publickey
+  public_key_path=${scratch_dir}/$public_key_file
+  openssl pkey -in "${private_key_path}" -pubout -out "${public_key_path}"
+  cp ${private_key_path} ${scratch_dir}/private_key
+files_to_sign="$manifest_location $public_key_file $image"
+cp ${image} ${scratch_dir}
+cd "${scratch_dir}"
+echo "Creating MANIFEST for the image"
+echo -e "purpose=xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.PSU\nversion=$version\n\
+extended_version=model=$model,manufacture=$manufacture" > $manifest_location
+if [[ "${do_sign}" == true ]]; then
+  private_key_name=$(basename "${private_key_path}")
+  key_type="${private_key_name%.*}"
+  echo KeyType="${key_type}" >> $manifest_location
+  echo HashType="RSA-SHA256" >> $manifest_location
+  for file in $files_to_sign; do
+    openssl dgst -sha256 -sign private_key -out "${file}.sig" $file
+  done
+  additional_files="*.sig"
+tar -cvf $outfile $files_to_sign $additional_files
+echo "PSU FW tarball at $outfile"