meson: Fix local build of the settings_gen target

Currently local meson build fails with the following error:
[343/700] Generating settings_manager_hpp with a custom command
FAILED: settings_manager.hpp
<...>/env/bin/python3 ../ -i ../settings_example.yaml
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sdbusplus'
This is happening because 'settings_manager.mako.hpp' from the
'settings_gen' target refers to python modules from the external
'sdbusplus' project. Therefore in case of a local build it is
necessary to provide search path to the relevant sdbusplus subproject
folder. Fix this with the help of 'PYTHONPATH' environment variable.

Both local meson build and Yocto build are finished successfully.

Change-Id: I8ec81edcdeb84c82a315937d3ed31be3dbaa1aa5
Signed-off-by: Konstantin Aladyshev <>
1 file changed