Add time Manager to handle property changes callback

1. Implement time::Manager who registers property change signal for time
mode and owner;
2. Add PropertyChangeListner interface to handle the callback;
3. Make EpochBase to implement the interface.

Change-Id: I185580ae37353e1ed82a47e4905fb22e269ac09d
Signed-off-by: Lei YU <>
diff --git a/types.hpp b/types.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b88965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace phosphor
+namespace time
+        /** @brief Supported time modes
+         *  NTP     Time sourced by Network Time Server
+         *  MANUAL  User of the system need to set the time
+         */
+        enum class Mode
+        {
+            NTP,
+            MANUAL,
+        };
+        /** @brief Supported time owners
+         *  BMC     Time source may be NTP or MANUAL but it has to be set natively
+         *          on the BMC. Meaning, host can not set the time. What it also
+         *          means is that when BMC gets IPMI_SET_SEL_TIME, then its ignored.
+         *          similarly, when BMC gets IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME, then the BMC's time
+         *          is returned.
+         *
+         *  HOST    Its only IPMI_SEL_SEL_TIME that will set the time on BMC.
+         *          Meaning, IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME and request to get BMC time will
+         *          result in same value.
+         *
+         *  SPLIT   Both BMC and HOST will maintain their individual clocks but then
+         *          the time information is stored in BMC. BMC can have either NTP
+         *          or MANUAL as it's source of time and will set the time directly
+         *          on the BMC. When IPMI_SET_SEL_TIME is received, then the delta
+         *          between that and BMC's time is calculated and is stored.
+         *          When BMC reads the time, the current time is returned.
+         *          When IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME is received, BMC's time is retrieved and
+         *          then the delta offset is factored in prior to returning.
+         *
+         *  BOTH:   BMC's time is set with whoever that sets the time. Similarly,
+         *          BMC's time is returned to whoever that asks the time.
+         */
+        enum class Owner
+        {
+            BMC,
+            HOST,
+            SPLIT,
+            BOTH,
+        };