clang-format: Update to match docs repo

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Change-Id: Ic2c462525eb27b8295c2b298871e04268d93faf2
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <>
diff --git a/types.hpp b/types.hpp
index e4c2888..0e78432 100644
--- a/types.hpp
+++ b/types.hpp
@@ -7,43 +7,42 @@
 namespace time
-    /** @brief Alias to time sync mode class */
-    using ModeSetting =
-        sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Time::server::Synchronization;
+/** @brief Alias to time sync mode class */
+using ModeSetting =
+    sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Time::server::Synchronization;
-    /** @brief Alias to time owner class */
-    using OwnerSetting = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Time::server::Owner;
+/** @brief Alias to time owner class */
+using OwnerSetting = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Time::server::Owner;
-    /** @brief Supported time sync modes
-     *  NTP     Time sourced by Network Time Server
-     *  Manual  User of the system need to set the time
-     */
-    using Mode = ModeSetting::Method;
+/** @brief Supported time sync modes
+ *  NTP     Time sourced by Network Time Server
+ *  Manual  User of the system need to set the time
+ */
+using Mode = ModeSetting::Method;
-    /** @brief Supported time owners
-     *  BMC     Time source may be NTP or Manual but it has to be set natively
-     *          on the BMC. Meaning, host can not set the time. What it also
-     *          means is that when BMC gets IPMI_SET_SEL_TIME, then its ignored.
-     *          similarly, when BMC gets IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME, then the BMC's time
-     *          is returned.
-     *
-     *  Host    Its only IPMI_SEL_SEL_TIME that will set the time on BMC.
-     *          Meaning, IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME and request to get BMC time will
-     *          result in same value.
-     *
-     *  Split   Both BMC and Host will maintain their individual clocks but then
-     *          the time information is stored in BMC. BMC can have either NTP
-     *          or Manual as it's source of time and will set the time directly
-     *          on the BMC. When IPMI_SET_SEL_TIME is received, then the delta
-     *          between that and BMC's time is calculated and is stored.
-     *          When BMC reads the time, the current time is returned.
-     *          When IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME is received, BMC's time is retrieved and
-     *          then the delta offset is factored in prior to returning.
-     *
-     *  Both:   BMC's time is set with whoever that sets the time. Similarly,
-     *          BMC's time is returned to whoever that asks the time.
-     */
-    using Owner = OwnerSetting::Owners;
+/** @brief Supported time owners
+ *  BMC     Time source may be NTP or Manual but it has to be set natively
+ *          on the BMC. Meaning, host can not set the time. What it also
+ *          means is that when BMC gets IPMI_SET_SEL_TIME, then its ignored.
+ *          similarly, when BMC gets IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME, then the BMC's time
+ *          is returned.
+ *
+ *  Host    Its only IPMI_SEL_SEL_TIME that will set the time on BMC.
+ *          Meaning, IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME and request to get BMC time will
+ *          result in same value.
+ *
+ *  Split   Both BMC and Host will maintain their individual clocks but then
+ *          the time information is stored in BMC. BMC can have either NTP
+ *          or Manual as it's source of time and will set the time directly
+ *          on the BMC. When IPMI_SET_SEL_TIME is received, then the delta
+ *          between that and BMC's time is calculated and is stored.
+ *          When BMC reads the time, the current time is returned.
+ *          When IPMI_GET_SEL_TIME is received, BMC's time is retrieved and
+ *          then the delta offset is factored in prior to returning.
+ *
+ *  Both:   BMC's time is set with whoever that sets the time. Similarly,
+ *          BMC's time is returned to whoever that asks the time.
+ */
+using Owner = OwnerSetting::Owners;
+} // namespace time
+} // namespace phosphor