Removing unused SetPassword D-Bus API method

Password update is done through pam_chauthtok() API,
and don't use SetPassword. Removing the unused code.


Change-Id: I42a5b7c73bc2cb2404801df1c1cd057a94a1a924
Signed-off-by: Sumanth Bhat <>
Signed-off-by: Richard Marian Thomaiyar <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 9da26ef..b138aea 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 sbin_PROGRAMS = phosphor-user-manager
-noinst_HEADERS = user.hpp user_mgr.hpp users.hpp
+noinst_HEADERS = user_mgr.hpp users.hpp
 phosphor_user_manager_SOURCES = \
-                user.cpp \
                 mainapp.cpp \
                 user_mgr.cpp \
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 06b7bb2..00f969c 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -3,33 +3,28 @@
 # Run all 'check' test programs
 TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS)
-# Build/add utest to test suite
-check_PROGRAMS = utest
-utest_CPPFLAGS = -Igtest \
-                 $(GTEST_CPPFLAGS) \
-                 $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \
-                 $(PHOSPHOR_LOGGING_CFLAGS) \
-                 $(SDBUSPLUS_CFLAGS)
+cppflags = -Igtest \
+           $(GTEST_CPPFLAGS) \
+           $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \
+           $(SDBUSPLUS_CFLAGS)
+cxxflags = $(PTHREAD_CFLAGS)
-utest_LDFLAGS = -lgtest_main \
-                -lgtest \
-                $(PTHREAD_LIBS) \
-                $(OESDK_TESTCASE_FLAGS) \
-                $(PHOSPHOR_LOGGING_LIBS) \
-                $(SDBUSPLUS_LIBS) \
-                -lcrypt \
-                -lstdc++fs
+ldflags = -lgtest_main \
+          -lgtest \
+          $(PTHREAD_LIBS) \
+          $(OESDK_TESTCASE_FLAGS) \
+          $(SDBUSPLUS_LIBS) \
+          -lcrypt \
+          -lstdc++fs
-utest_SOURCES = utest.cpp
-utest_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/user.o
-check_PROGRAMS += ldap_config_test
-ldap_config_test_CPPFLAGS = $(utest_CPPFLAGS)
-ldap_config_test_CXXFLAGS = $(utest_CXXFLAGS)
-ldap_config_test_LDFLAGS  = $(utest_LDFLAGS) \
+check_PROGRAMS = ldap_config_test
+ldap_config_test_CPPFLAGS = $(cppflags)
+ldap_config_test_CXXFLAGS = $(cxxflags)
+ldap_config_test_LDFLAGS  = $(ldflags) \
                             -lldap \
 ldap_config_test_SOURCES  = ldap_config_test.cpp utils_test.cpp
@@ -38,9 +33,9 @@
 check_PROGRAMS += ldap_mapper_test
-ldap_mapper_test_CPPFLAGS = $(utest_CPPFLAGS)
-ldap_mapper_test_CXXFLAGS = $(utest_CXXFLAGS)
-ldap_mapper_test_LDFLAGS  = $(utest_LDFLAGS)
+ldap_mapper_test_CPPFLAGS = $(cppflags)
+ldap_mapper_test_CXXFLAGS = $(cxxflags)
+ldap_mapper_test_LDFLAGS  = $(ldflags)
 ldap_mapper_test_SOURCES  = ldap_mapper_test.cpp
 ldap_mapper_test_LDADD  = $(top_builddir)/phosphor-ldap-mapper/ldap_mapper_entry.o \
                           $(top_builddir)/phosphor-ldap-mapper/ldap_mapper_mgr.o \
diff --git a/test/utest.cpp b/test/utest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e17283..0000000
--- a/test/utest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <experimental/filesystem>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
-#include "user.hpp"
-namespace phosphor
-namespace user
-namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
-constexpr auto path = "/dummy/user";
-constexpr auto testShadow = "/tmp/__tshadow__";
-constexpr auto shadowCompare = "/tmp/__tshadowCompare__";
-// New password
-constexpr auto password = "passw0rd";
-constexpr auto MD5 = "1";
-constexpr auto SHA512 = "6";
-constexpr auto salt = "1G.cK/YP";
-// Example entry matching /etc/shadow structure
-constexpr auto spPwdp = "$1$1G.cK/YP$JI5t0oliPxZveXOvLcZ/H.:17344:1:90:7:::";
-class UserTest : public ::testing::Test
-  public:
-    const std::string md5Salt =
-        '$' + std::string(MD5) + '$' + std::string(salt) + '$';
-    const std::string shaSalt =
-        '$' + std::string(SHA512) + '$' + std::string(salt) + '$';
-    const std::string entry =
-        fs::path(path).filename().string() + ':' + std::string(spPwdp);
-    sdbusplus::bus::bus bus;
-    phosphor::user::User user;
-    // Gets called as part of each TEST_F construction
-    UserTest() : bus(sdbusplus::bus::new_default()), user(bus, path)
-    {
-        // Create a shadow file entry
-        std::ofstream file(testShadow);
-        file << entry;
-        file.close();
-        // File to compare against
-        std::ofstream compare(shadowCompare);
-        compare << entry;
-        compare.close();
-    }
-    // Gets called as part of each TEST_F destruction
-    ~UserTest()
-    {
-        if (fs::exists(testShadow))
-        {
-            fs::remove(testShadow);
-        }
-        if (fs::exists(shadowCompare))
-        {
-            fs::remove(shadowCompare);
-        }
-    }
-    /** @brief wrapper for get crypt field */
-    auto getCryptField(char* data)
-    {
-        return User::getCryptField(std::forward<decltype(data)>(data));
-    }
-    /** @brief wrapper for getSaltString */
-    auto getSaltString(const std::string& crypt, const std::string& salt)
-    {
-        return User::getSaltString(std::forward<decltype(crypt)>(crypt),
-                                   std::forward<decltype(salt)>(salt));
-    }
-    /** @brief wrapper for generateHash */
-    auto generateHash(const std::string& password, const std::string& salt)
-    {
-        return User::generateHash(std::forward<decltype(password)>(password),
-                                  std::forward<decltype(salt)>(salt));
-    }
-    /** @brief Applies the new password */
-    auto applyPassword()
-    {
-        return user.applyPassword(testShadow, password, salt);
-    }
-/** @brief Makes sure that SHA512 crypt field is extracted
- */
-TEST_F(UserTest, sha512GetCryptField)
-    auto salt = const_cast<char*>(shaSalt.c_str());
-    EXPECT_EQ(SHA512, this->getCryptField(salt));
-/** @brief Makes sure that MD5 crypt field is extracted as default
- */
-TEST_F(UserTest, md55GetCryptFieldDefault)
-    auto salt = const_cast<char*>("hello");
-    EXPECT_EQ(MD5, this->getCryptField(salt));
-/** @brief Makes sure that MD5 crypt field is extracted
- */
-TEST_F(UserTest, md55GetCryptField)
-    auto salt = const_cast<char*>(md5Salt.c_str());
-    EXPECT_EQ(MD5, this->getCryptField(salt));
-/** @brief Makes sure that salt string is put within $$
- */
-TEST_F(UserTest, getSaltString)
-    EXPECT_EQ(md5Salt, this->getSaltString(MD5, salt));
-/** @brief Makes sure hash is generated correctly
- */
-TEST_F(UserTest, generateHash)
-    std::string sample = crypt(password, md5Salt.c_str());
-    std::string actual = generateHash(password, md5Salt);
-    EXPECT_EQ(sample, actual);
-/** @brief Verifies that the correct password is written to file
- */
-TEST_F(UserTest, applyPassword)
-    // Update the password
-    applyPassword();
-    // Read files and compare
-    std::ifstream shadow(testShadow);
-    std::ifstream copy(shadowCompare);
-    std::string shadowEntry;
-    shadow >> shadowEntry;
-    std::string shadowCompareEntry;
-    copy >> shadowCompareEntry;
-    EXPECT_EQ(shadowEntry, shadowCompareEntry);
-/** @brief Verifies the permissions are correct
- */
-TEST_F(UserTest, verifyShadowPermission)
-    // Change the permission to 400-> -r--------
-    chmod(testShadow, S_IRUSR);
-    chmod(shadowCompare, S_IRUSR);
-    // Update the password so that the temp file is in action
-    applyPassword();
-    // Compare the permission of 2 files.
-    // file rename would make sure that the permissions
-    // of old are moved to new
-    struct stat shadow
-    {
-    };
-    struct stat compare
-    {
-    };
-    stat(testShadow, &shadow);
-    stat(shadowCompare, &compare);
-    EXPECT_EQ(shadow.st_mode, compare.st_mode);
-} // namespace user
-} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/user.cpp b/user.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6999a98..0000000
--- a/user.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright © 2017 IBM Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <cstring>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <shadow.h>
-#include <array>
-#include <random>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>
-#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
-#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
-#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
-#include "user.hpp"
-#include "file.hpp"
-#include "shadowlock.hpp"
-#include "config.h"
-namespace phosphor
-namespace user
-constexpr auto SHADOW_FILE = "/etc/shadow";
-// See crypt(3)
-constexpr int SALT_LENGTH = 16;
-using namespace phosphor::logging;
-using InsufficientPermission =
-    sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InsufficientPermission;
-using InternalFailure =
-    sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InternalFailure;
-// Sets or updates the password
-void User::setPassword(std::string newPassword)
-    // Gate any access to /etc/shadow
-    phosphor::user::shadow::Lock lock();
-    // rewind to the start of shadow entry
-    setspent();
-    // Generate a random string from set [A-Za-z0-9./]
-    std::string salt{};
-    salt.resize(SALT_LENGTH);
-    salt = randomString(SALT_LENGTH);
-    // Apply the change. Updates could be directly made to shadow
-    // but then any update must be contained within the boundary
-    // of that user, else it would run into next entry and thus
-    // corrupting it. Classic example is when a password is set on
-    // a user ID that does not have a prior password
-    applyPassword(SHADOW_FILE, newPassword, salt);
-    return;
-void User::applyPassword(const std::string& shadowFile,
-                         const std::string& password, const std::string& salt)
-    // Needed by getspnam_r
-    struct spwd shdp;
-    struct spwd* pshdp;
-    // This should be fine even if SHA512 is used.
-    std::array<char, 1024> buffer{};
-    // Open the shadow file for reading
-    phosphor::user::File shadow(shadowFile, "r");
-    if ((shadow)() == NULL)
-    {
-        return raiseException(errno, "Error opening shadow file");
-    }
-    // open temp shadow file, by suffixing random name in shadow file name.
-    std::vector<char> tempFileName(shadowFile.begin(), shadowFile.end());
-    std::vector<char> fileTemplate = {'_', '_', 'X', 'X', 'X',
-                                      'X', 'X', 'X', '\0'};
-    tempFileName.insert(tempFileName.end(), fileTemplate.begin(),
-                        fileTemplate.end());
-    int fd = mkstemp(;
-    if (fd == -1)
-    {
-        return raiseException(errno, "Error creating temp shadow file");
-    }
-    std::string strTempFileName(;
-    // Open the temp shadow file for writing from provided fd
-    // By "true", remove it at exit if still there.
-    // This is needed to cleanup the temp file at exception
-    phosphor::user::File temp(fd, strTempFileName, "w", true);
-    if ((temp)() == NULL)
-    {
-        close(fd);
-        return raiseException(errno, "Error opening temp shadow file");
-    }
-    fd = -1; // don't use fd anymore, as the File object owns it
-    // Change the permission of this new temp file
-    // to be same as shadow so that it's secure
-    struct stat st
-    {
-    };
-    auto r = fstat(fileno((shadow)()), &st);
-    if (r < 0)
-    {
-        return raiseException(errno, "Error reading shadow file mode");
-    }
-    r = fchmod(fileno((temp)()), st.st_mode);
-    if (r < 0)
-    {
-        return raiseException(errno, "Error setting temp file mode");
-    }
-    // Read shadow file and process
-    while (true)
-    {
-        auto r = fgetspent_r((shadow)(), &shdp,,
-                             buffer.max_size(), &pshdp);
-        if (r)
-        {
-            if (errno == EACCES || errno == ERANGE)
-            {
-                return raiseException(errno, "Error reading shadow file");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // Seem to have run over all
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // Hash of password if the user matches
-        std::string hash{};
-        // Matched user
-        if (user == shdp.sp_namp)
-        {
-            // Update with new hashed password
-            hash = hashPassword(shdp.sp_pwdp, password, salt);
-            shdp.sp_pwdp = const_cast<char*>(hash.c_str());
-        }
-        // Apply
-        r = putspent(&shdp, (temp)());
-        if (r < 0)
-        {
-            return raiseException(errno, "Error updating temp shadow file");
-        }
-    } // All entries
-    // Done
-    endspent();
-    // flush contents to file first, before renaming to avoid
-    // corruption during power failure
-    fflush((temp)());
-    // Everything must be fine at this point
-    fs::rename(strTempFileName, shadowFile);
-    return;
-void User::raiseException(int errNo, const std::string& errMsg)
-    using namespace std::string_literals;
-    if (errNo == EACCES)
-    {
-        auto message = "Access denied "s + errMsg;
-        log<level::ERR>(message.c_str());
-        elog<InsufficientPermission>();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        log<level::ERR>(errMsg.c_str(), entry("USER=%s", user.c_str()),
-                        entry("ERRNO=%d", errNo));
-        elog<InternalFailure>();
-    }
-std::string User::hashPassword(char* spPwdp, const std::string& password,
-                               const std::string& salt)
-    // Parse and get crypt algo
-    auto cryptAlgo = getCryptField(spPwdp);
-    if (cryptAlgo.empty())
-    {
-        log<level::ERR>("Error finding crypt algo",
-                        entry("USER=%s", user.c_str()));
-        elog<InternalFailure>();
-    }
-    // Update shadow password pointer with hash
-    auto saltString = getSaltString(cryptAlgo, salt);
-    return generateHash(password, saltString);
-// Returns a random string in set [A-Za-z0-9./]
-// of size numChars
-const std::string User::randomString(int length)
-    // Populated random string
-    std::string random{};
-    // Needed per crypt(3)
-    std::string set = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk"
-                      "lmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789./";
-    // Will be used to obtain a seed for the random number engine
-    std::random_device rd;
-    // Standard mersenne_twister_engine seeded with rd()
-    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
-    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, set.size() - 1);
-    for (int count = 0; count < length; count++)
-    {
-        // Use dis to transform the random unsigned int generated by
-        // gen into a int in [1, SALT_LENGTH]
-        random.push_back(;
-    }
-    return random;
-// Extract crypto algorithm field
-CryptAlgo User::getCryptField(char* spPwdp)
-    char* savePtr{};
-    if (std::string{spPwdp}.front() != '$')
-    {
-        return DEFAULT_CRYPT_ALGO;
-    }
-    return strtok_r(spPwdp, "$", &savePtr);
-// Returns specific format of salt string
-std::string User::getSaltString(const std::string& crypt,
-                                const std::string& salt)
-    return '$' + crypt + '$' + salt + '$';
-// Given a password and salt, generates hash
-std::string User::generateHash(const std::string& password,
-                               const std::string& salt)
-    return crypt(password.c_str(), salt.c_str());
-} // namespace user
-} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/user.hpp b/user.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e57702..0000000
--- a/user.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <cstring>
-#include <experimental/filesystem>
-#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
-#include <sdbusplus/server/object.hpp>
-#include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/Password/server.hpp>
-namespace phosphor
-namespace user
-using CryptAlgo = std::string;
-namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
-namespace Base = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::User::server;
-using Interface = sdbusplus::server::object::object<Base::Password>;
-/** @class User
- *  @brief Responsible for managing a specific user account.
- *         It is implementing just the Password interface
- *         for now.
- */
-class User : public Interface
-  public:
-    User() = delete;
-    ~User() = default;
-    User(const User&) = delete;
-    User& operator=(const User&) = delete;
-    User(User&&) = delete;
-    User& operator=(User&&) = delete;
-    /** @brief Constructs User object.
-     *
-     *  @param[in] bus  - sdbusplus handler
-     *  @param[in] path - D-Bus path
-     */
-    User(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const char* path) :
-        Interface(bus, path), bus(bus), path(path),
-        user(fs::path(path).filename())
-    {
-        // Do nothing
-    }
-    /** @brief user password set method. If this is called for
-     *         a user ID that already has the password, the password
-     *         would be updated, else password would be created.
-     *         Since this needs an already authenticated session,
-     *         old password is not needed.
-     *
-     *  @param[in] newPassword - New password
-     */
-    void setPassword(std::string newPassword) override;
-  private:
-    /** @brief sdbusplus handler */
-    sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
-    /** @brief object path */
-    const std::string& path;
-    /** @brief User id extracted from object path */
-    const std::string user;
-    /** @brief Returns a random string from set [A-Za-z0-9./]
-     *         of length size
-     *
-     *  @param[in] numChars - length of string
-     */
-    static const std::string randomString(int length);
-    /** @brief Returns password hash created with crypt algo,
-     *         salt and password
-     *
-     *  @param[in] spPwdp   - sp_pwdp of struct spwd
-     *  @param[in] password - clear text password
-     *  @param[in] salt     - Random salt
-     */
-    std::string hashPassword(char* spPwdp, const std::string& password,
-                             const std::string& salt);
-    /** @brief Extracts crypto number from the shadow entry for user
-     *
-     *  @param[in] spPwdp - sp_pwdp of struct spwd
-     */
-    static CryptAlgo getCryptField(char* spPwdp);
-    /** @brief Generates one-way hash based on salt and password
-     *
-     *  @param[in] password - clear text password
-     *  @param[in] salt     - Combination of crypto method and salt
-     *                        Eg: $1$HELLO$, where in 1 is crypto method
-     *                        and HELLO is salt
-     */
-    static std::string generateHash(const std::string& password,
-                                    const std::string& salt);
-    /** @brief Returns salt string with $ delimiter.
-     *         Eg: If crypt is 1 and salt is HELLO, returns $1$HELLO$
-     *
-     *  @param[in] crypt - Crypt number in string
-     *  @param[in] salt  - salt
-     */
-    static std::string getSaltString(const std::string& crypt,
-                                     const std::string& salt);
-    /** @brief Applies the password for a given user.
-     *         Writes shadow entries into a temp file
-     *
-     *  @param[in] shadowFile - shadow password file
-     *  @param[in] password   - clear text password
-     *  @param[in] salt       - salt
-     */
-    void applyPassword(const std::string& shadowFile,
-                       const std::string& password, const std::string& salt);
-    /** @brief Wrapper for raising exception
-     *
-     *  @param[in] errNo  - errno
-     *  @param[in] errMsg - Error message
-     */
-    void raiseException(int errNo, const std::string& errMsg);
-    /** @brief For enabling test cases */
-    friend class UserTest;
-} // namespace user
-} // namespace phosphor