Create separate file for ConfigMgr class
As the ldap_configuration.cpp was getting long
so it is good to create the seprate file for
Ran the unit test.
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <>
Change-Id: I312a9f423d4ab3ca4ebd5f17193f7b02162ded6b
diff --git a/phosphor-ldap-config/ b/phosphor-ldap-config/
index 0092ae5..101d8a7 100644
--- a/phosphor-ldap-config/
+++ b/phosphor-ldap-config/
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
bin_PROGRAMS = phosphor-ldap-conf
-noinst_HEADERS = ldap_configuration.hpp utils.hpp
+noinst_HEADERS = ldap_configuration.hpp ldap_config_mgr.hpp utils.hpp
phosphor_ldap_conf_SOURCES = \
main.cpp \
utils.cpp \
ldap_configuration.cpp \
+ ldap_config_mgr.cpp \
phosphor_ldap_conf_LDFLAGS = $(SDBUSPLUS_LIBS) \
diff --git a/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_config_mgr.cpp b/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_config_mgr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35baa9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_config_mgr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+#include "ldap_config_mgr.hpp"
+#include "ldap_configuration.hpp"
+#include "ldap_serialize.hpp"
+#include "utils.hpp"
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+namespace phosphor
+namespace ldap
+constexpr auto nscdService = "nscd.service";
+constexpr auto LDAPscheme = "ldap";
+constexpr auto LDAPSscheme = "ldaps";
+using namespace phosphor::logging;
+using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error;
+namespace fs = std::filesystem;
+using Argument = xyz::openbmc_project::Common::InvalidArgument;
+using Line = std::string;
+using Key = std::string;
+using Val = std::string;
+using ConfigInfo = std::map<Key, Val>;
+void ConfigMgr::startOrStopService(const std::string& service, bool start)
+ if (start)
+ {
+ restartService(service);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stopService(service);
+ }
+void ConfigMgr::restartService(const std::string& service)
+ try
+ {
+ auto method = bus.new_method_call(SYSTEMD_BUSNAME, SYSTEMD_PATH,
+ SYSTEMD_INTERFACE, "RestartUnit");
+ method.append(service.c_str(), "replace");
+ bus.call_noreply(method);
+ }
+ catch (const sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError& ex)
+ {
+ log<level::ERR>("Failed to restart service",
+ entry("SERVICE=%s", service.c_str()),
+ entry("ERR=%s", ex.what()));
+ elog<InternalFailure>();
+ }
+void ConfigMgr::stopService(const std::string& service)
+ try
+ {
+ auto method = bus.new_method_call(SYSTEMD_BUSNAME, SYSTEMD_PATH,
+ method.append(service.c_str(), "replace");
+ bus.call_noreply(method);
+ }
+ catch (const sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError& ex)
+ {
+ log<level::ERR>("Failed to stop service",
+ entry("SERVICE=%s", service.c_str()),
+ entry("ERR=%s", ex.what()));
+ elog<InternalFailure>();
+ }
+void ConfigMgr::deleteObject()
+ configPtr.reset(nullptr);
+std::string ConfigMgr::createConfig(
+ std::string lDAPServerURI, std::string lDAPBindDN, std::string lDAPBaseDN,
+ std::string lDAPBindDNPassword, CreateIface::SearchScope lDAPSearchScope,
+ CreateIface::Create::Type lDAPType, std::string groupNameAttribute,
+ std::string userNameAttribute)
+ bool secureLDAP = false;
+ if (isValidLDAPURI(lDAPServerURI, LDAPSscheme))
+ {
+ secureLDAP = true;
+ }
+ else if (isValidLDAPURI(lDAPServerURI, LDAPscheme))
+ {
+ secureLDAP = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log<level::ERR>("bad LDAP Server URI",
+ entry("LDAPSERVERURI=%s", lDAPServerURI.c_str()));
+ elog<InvalidArgument>(Argument::ARGUMENT_NAME("lDAPServerURI"),
+ Argument::ARGUMENT_VALUE(lDAPServerURI.c_str()));
+ }
+ if (secureLDAP && !fs::exists(tlsCacertFile.c_str()))
+ {
+ log<level::ERR>("LDAP server's CA certificate not provided",
+ entry("TLSCACERTFILE=%s", tlsCacertFile.c_str()));
+ elog<NoCACertificate>();
+ }
+ if (lDAPBindDN.empty())
+ {
+ log<level::ERR>("Not a valid LDAP BINDDN",
+ entry("LDAPBINDDN=%s", lDAPBindDN.c_str()));
+ elog<InvalidArgument>(Argument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LDAPBindDN"),
+ Argument::ARGUMENT_VALUE(lDAPBindDN.c_str()));
+ }
+ if (lDAPBaseDN.empty())
+ {
+ log<level::ERR>("Not a valid LDAP BASEDN",
+ entry("LDAPBASEDN=%s", lDAPBaseDN.c_str()));
+ elog<InvalidArgument>(Argument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LDAPBaseDN"),
+ Argument::ARGUMENT_VALUE(lDAPBaseDN.c_str()));
+ }
+ // With current implementation we support only one LDAP server.
+ deleteObject();
+ auto objPath = std::string(LDAP_CONFIG_DBUS_OBJ_PATH);
+ configPtr = std::make_unique<Config>(
+ bus, objPath.c_str(), configFilePath.c_str(), tlsCacertFile.c_str(),
+ secureLDAP, lDAPServerURI, lDAPBindDN, lDAPBaseDN,
+ std::move(lDAPBindDNPassword),
+ static_cast<ConfigIface::SearchScope>(lDAPSearchScope),
+ static_cast<ConfigIface::Type>(lDAPType), false, groupNameAttribute,
+ userNameAttribute, *this);
+ restartService(nscdService);
+ return objPath;
+void ConfigMgr::restore(const char* filePath)
+ if (!fs::exists(filePath))
+ {
+ log<level::ERR>("Config file doesn't exists",
+ entry("LDAP_CONFIG_FILE=%s", configFilePath.c_str()));
+ return;
+ }
+ ConfigInfo configValues;
+ try
+ {
+ std::fstream stream(filePath, std::fstream::in);
+ Line line;
+ // read characters from stream and places them into line
+ while (std::getline(stream, line))
+ {
+ // remove leading and trailing extra spaces
+ auto firstScan = line.find_first_not_of(' ');
+ auto first =
+ (firstScan == std::string::npos ? line.length() : firstScan);
+ auto last = line.find_last_not_of(' ');
+ line = line.substr(first, last - first + 1);
+ // reduce multiple spaces between two words to a single space
+ auto pred = [](char a, char b) {
+ return (a == b && a == ' ') ? true : false;
+ };
+ auto lastPos = std::unique(line.begin(), line.end(), pred);
+ line.erase(lastPos, line.end());
+ // Ignore if line is empty or starts with '#'
+ if (line.empty() || == '#')
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Key key;
+ std::istringstream isLine(line);
+ // extract characters from isLine and stores them into
+ // key until the delimitation character ' ' is found.
+ // If the delimiter is found, it is extracted and discarded
+ // the next input operation will begin after it.
+ if (std::getline(isLine, key, ' '))
+ {
+ Val value;
+ // extract characters after delimitation character ' '
+ if (std::getline(isLine, value, ' '))
+ {
+ // skip line if it starts with "base shadow" or
+ // "base passwd" because we would have 3 entries
+ // ("base lDAPBaseDN" , "base passwd lDAPBaseDN" and
+ // "base shadow lDAPBaseDN") for the property "lDAPBaseDN",
+ // one is enough to restore it.
+ if ((key == "base") &&
+ (value == "passwd" || value == "shadow"))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // if config type is AD "map group" entry would be add to
+ // the map configValues. For OpenLdap config file no map
+ // entry would be there.
+ if ((key == "map") && (value == "passwd"))
+ {
+ key = key + "_" + value;
+ if (std::getline(isLine, value, ' '))
+ {
+ key += "_" + value;
+ }
+ std::getline(isLine, value, ' ');
+ }
+ configValues[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CreateIface::SearchScope lDAPSearchScope;
+ if (configValues["scope"] == "sub")
+ {
+ lDAPSearchScope = CreateIface::SearchScope::sub;
+ }
+ else if (configValues["scope"] == "one")
+ {
+ lDAPSearchScope = CreateIface::SearchScope::one;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lDAPSearchScope = CreateIface::SearchScope::base;
+ }
+ CreateIface::Type lDAPType;
+ // If the file is having a line which starts with "map group"
+ if (configValues["map"] == "group")
+ {
+ lDAPType = CreateIface::Type::ActiveDirectory;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lDAPType = CreateIface::Type::OpenLdap;
+ }
+ // Don't create the config object if either of the field is empty.
+ if (configValues["uri"] == "" || configValues["binddn"] == "" ||
+ configValues["base"] == "")
+ {
+ log<level::INFO>(
+ "LDAP config parameter value missing",
+ entry("URI=%s", configValues["uri"].c_str()),
+ entry("BASEDN=%s", configValues["base"].c_str()),
+ entry("BINDDN=%s", configValues["binddn"].c_str()));
+ return;
+ }
+ createConfig(std::move(configValues["uri"]),
+ std::move(configValues["binddn"]),
+ std::move(configValues["base"]),
+ std::move(configValues["bindpw"]), lDAPSearchScope,
+ lDAPType, std::move(configValues["map_passwd_uid"]),
+ std::move(configValues["map_passwd_gidNumber"]));
+ // Get the enabled property value from the persistent location
+ if (!deserialize(dbusPersistentPath, *configPtr))
+ {
+ log<level::INFO>(
+ "Deserialization Failed, continue with service disable");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const InvalidArgument& e)
+ {
+ // Don't throw - we don't want to create a D-Bus
+ // object upon finding empty values in config, as
+ // this can be a default config.
+ }
+ catch (const NoCACertificate& e)
+ {
+ // Don't throw - we don't want to create a D-Bus
+ // object upon finding "ssl on" without having tls_cacertFile in place,
+ // as this can be a default config.
+ }
+ catch (const InternalFailure& e)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ log<level::ERR>(e.what());
+ elog<InternalFailure>();
+ }
+} // namespace ldap
+} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_config_mgr.hpp b/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_config_mgr.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c12a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_config_mgr.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "ldap_configuration.hpp"
+#include "config.h"
+#include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/Ldap/Config/server.hpp>
+#include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/Ldap/Create/server.hpp>
+#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>
+#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
+#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
+#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
+#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
+#include <string>
+namespace phosphor
+namespace ldap
+static constexpr auto defaultNslcdFile = "nslcd.conf.default";
+static constexpr auto nsSwitchFile = "nsswitch.conf";
+using namespace phosphor::logging;
+using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error;
+using CreateIface = sdbusplus::server::object::object<
+ sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::User::Ldap::server::Create>;
+// class Config;
+/** @class ConfigMgr
+ * @brief Creates LDAP server configuration.
+ * @details concrete implementation of xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create
+ * APIs, in order to create LDAP configuration.
+ */
+class ConfigMgr : public CreateIface
+ public:
+ ConfigMgr() = delete;
+ ~ConfigMgr() = default;
+ ConfigMgr(const ConfigMgr&) = delete;
+ ConfigMgr& operator=(const ConfigMgr&) = delete;
+ ConfigMgr(ConfigMgr&&) = delete;
+ ConfigMgr& operator=(ConfigMgr&&) = delete;
+ /** @brief ConfigMgr to put object onto bus at a dbus path.
+ * @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to.
+ * @param[in] path - Path to attach at.
+ * @param[in] filePath - LDAP configuration file.
+ * @param[in] dbusPersistentPath - Persistent path for LDAP D-Bus property.
+ * @param[in] caCertFile - LDAP's CA certificate file.
+ */
+ ConfigMgr(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const char* path, const char* filePath,
+ const char* dbusPersistentPath, const char* caCertFile) :
+ CreateIface(bus, path, true),
+ dbusPersistentPath(dbusPersistentPath), configFilePath(filePath),
+ bus(bus)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ restore(configFilePath.c_str());
+ emit_object_added();
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ configPtr.reset(nullptr);
+ log<level::ERR>(e.what());
+ elog<InternalFailure>();
+ }
+ }
+ /** @brief concrete implementation of the pure virtual funtion
+ xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create.createConfig.
+ * @param[in] lDAPServerURI - LDAP URI of the server.
+ * @param[in] lDAPBindDN - distinguished name with which bind to bind
+ to the directory server for lookups.
+ * @param[in] lDAPBaseDN - distinguished name to use as search base.
+ * @param[in] lDAPBindDNPassword - credentials with which to bind.
+ * @param[in] lDAPSearchScope - the search scope.
+ * @param[in] lDAPType - Specifies the LDAP server type which can be AD
+ or openLDAP.
+ * @param[in] groupNameAttribute - Specifies attribute name that contains
+ * the name of the Group in the LDAP server.
+ * @param[in] usernameAttribute - Specifies attribute name that contains
+ * the username in the LDAP server.
+ * @returns the object path of the D-Bus object created.
+ */
+ std::string createConfig(std::string lDAPServerURI, std::string lDAPBindDN,
+ std::string lDAPBaseDN,
+ std::string lDAPBindDNPassword,
+ CreateIface::SearchScope lDAPSearchScope,
+ CreateIface::Type lDAPType,
+ std::string groupNameAttribute,
+ std::string userNameAttribute) override;
+ /** @brief restarts given service
+ * @param[in] service - Service to be restarted.
+ */
+ virtual void restartService(const std::string& service);
+ /** @brief stops given service
+ * @param[in] service - Service to be stopped.
+ */
+ virtual void stopService(const std::string& service);
+ /** @brief start or stop the service depending on the given value
+ * @param[in] service - Service to be start/stop.
+ * @param[in] value - true to start the service otherwise stop.
+ */
+ virtual void startOrStopService(const std::string& service, bool value);
+ /** @brief delete the config D-Bus object.
+ */
+ void deleteObject();
+ /* ldap service enabled property would be saved under
+ * this path.
+ */
+ std::string dbusPersistentPath;
+ protected:
+ std::string configFilePath{};
+ std::string tlsCacertFile{};
+ /** @brief Persistent sdbusplus D-Bus bus connection. */
+ sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
+ /** @brief Pointer to a Config D-Bus object */
+ std::unique_ptr<Config> configPtr = nullptr;
+ /** @brief Populate existing config into D-Bus properties
+ * @param[in] filePath - LDAP config file path
+ */
+ virtual void restore(const char* filePath);
+} // namespace ldap
+} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.cpp b/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.cpp
index 77726ee..4edbed7 100644
--- a/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.cpp
+++ b/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#include "ldap_config_mgr.hpp"
#include "ldap_configuration.hpp"
#include "ldap_serialize.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
@@ -9,6 +10,7 @@
namespace ldap
constexpr auto nslcdService = "nslcd.service";
constexpr auto nscdService = "nscd.service";
constexpr auto LDAPscheme = "ldap";
@@ -480,274 +482,5 @@
return val;
-void ConfigMgr::startOrStopService(const std::string& service, bool start)
- if (start)
- {
- restartService(service);
- }
- else
- {
- stopService(service);
- }
-void ConfigMgr::restartService(const std::string& service)
- try
- {
- auto method = bus.new_method_call(SYSTEMD_BUSNAME, SYSTEMD_PATH,
- SYSTEMD_INTERFACE, "RestartUnit");
- method.append(service.c_str(), "replace");
- bus.call_noreply(method);
- }
- catch (const sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError& ex)
- {
- log<level::ERR>("Failed to restart service",
- entry("SERVICE=%s", service.c_str()),
- entry("ERR=%s", ex.what()));
- elog<InternalFailure>();
- }
-void ConfigMgr::stopService(const std::string& service)
- try
- {
- auto method = bus.new_method_call(SYSTEMD_BUSNAME, SYSTEMD_PATH,
- method.append(service.c_str(), "replace");
- bus.call_noreply(method);
- }
- catch (const sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError& ex)
- {
- log<level::ERR>("Failed to stop service",
- entry("SERVICE=%s", service.c_str()),
- entry("ERR=%s", ex.what()));
- elog<InternalFailure>();
- }
-void ConfigMgr::deleteObject()
- configPtr.reset(nullptr);
-std::string ConfigMgr::createConfig(
- std::string lDAPServerURI, std::string lDAPBindDN, std::string lDAPBaseDN,
- std::string lDAPBindDNPassword, CreateIface::SearchScope lDAPSearchScope,
- CreateIface::Create::Type lDAPType, std::string groupNameAttribute,
- std::string userNameAttribute)
- bool secureLDAP = false;
- if (isValidLDAPURI(lDAPServerURI, LDAPSscheme))
- {
- secureLDAP = true;
- }
- else if (isValidLDAPURI(lDAPServerURI, LDAPscheme))
- {
- secureLDAP = false;
- }
- else
- {
- log<level::ERR>("bad LDAP Server URI",
- entry("LDAPSERVERURI=%s", lDAPServerURI.c_str()));
- elog<InvalidArgument>(Argument::ARGUMENT_NAME("lDAPServerURI"),
- Argument::ARGUMENT_VALUE(lDAPServerURI.c_str()));
- }
- if (secureLDAP && !fs::exists(tlsCacertFile.c_str()))
- {
- log<level::ERR>("LDAP server's CA certificate not provided",
- entry("TLSCACERTFILE=%s", tlsCacertFile.c_str()));
- elog<NoCACertificate>();
- }
- if (lDAPBindDN.empty())
- {
- log<level::ERR>("Not a valid LDAP BINDDN",
- entry("LDAPBINDDN=%s", lDAPBindDN.c_str()));
- elog<InvalidArgument>(Argument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LDAPBindDN"),
- Argument::ARGUMENT_VALUE(lDAPBindDN.c_str()));
- }
- if (lDAPBaseDN.empty())
- {
- log<level::ERR>("Not a valid LDAP BASEDN",
- entry("LDAPBASEDN=%s", lDAPBaseDN.c_str()));
- elog<InvalidArgument>(Argument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LDAPBaseDN"),
- Argument::ARGUMENT_VALUE(lDAPBaseDN.c_str()));
- }
- // With current implementation we support only one LDAP server.
- deleteObject();
- auto objPath = std::string(LDAP_CONFIG_DBUS_OBJ_PATH);
- configPtr = std::make_unique<Config>(
- bus, objPath.c_str(), configFilePath.c_str(), tlsCacertFile.c_str(),
- secureLDAP, lDAPServerURI, lDAPBindDN, lDAPBaseDN,
- std::move(lDAPBindDNPassword),
- static_cast<ConfigIface::SearchScope>(lDAPSearchScope),
- static_cast<ConfigIface::Type>(lDAPType), false, groupNameAttribute,
- userNameAttribute, *this);
- restartService(nscdService);
- return objPath;
-void ConfigMgr::restore(const char* filePath)
- if (!fs::exists(filePath))
- {
- log<level::ERR>("Config file doesn't exists",
- entry("LDAP_CONFIG_FILE=%s", configFilePath.c_str()));
- return;
- }
- ConfigInfo configValues;
- try
- {
- std::fstream stream(filePath, std::fstream::in);
- Line line;
- // read characters from stream and places them into line
- while (std::getline(stream, line))
- {
- // remove leading and trailing extra spaces
- auto firstScan = line.find_first_not_of(' ');
- auto first =
- (firstScan == std::string::npos ? line.length() : firstScan);
- auto last = line.find_last_not_of(' ');
- line = line.substr(first, last - first + 1);
- // reduce multiple spaces between two words to a single space
- auto pred = [](char a, char b) {
- return (a == b && a == ' ') ? true : false;
- };
- auto lastPos = std::unique(line.begin(), line.end(), pred);
- line.erase(lastPos, line.end());
- // Ignore if line is empty or starts with '#'
- if (line.empty() || == '#')
- {
- continue;
- }
- Key key;
- std::istringstream isLine(line);
- // extract characters from isLine and stores them into
- // key until the delimitation character ' ' is found.
- // If the delimiter is found, it is extracted and discarded
- // the next input operation will begin after it.
- if (std::getline(isLine, key, ' '))
- {
- Val value;
- // extract characters after delimitation character ' '
- if (std::getline(isLine, value, ' '))
- {
- // skip line if it starts with "base shadow" or
- // "base passwd" because we would have 3 entries
- // ("base lDAPBaseDN" , "base passwd lDAPBaseDN" and
- // "base shadow lDAPBaseDN") for the property "lDAPBaseDN",
- // one is enough to restore it.
- if ((key == "base") &&
- (value == "passwd" || value == "shadow"))
- {
- continue;
- }
- // if config type is AD "map group" entry would be add to
- // the map configValues. For OpenLdap config file no map
- // entry would be there.
- if ((key == "map") && (value == "passwd"))
- {
- key = key + "_" + value;
- if (std::getline(isLine, value, ' '))
- {
- key += "_" + value;
- }
- std::getline(isLine, value, ' ');
- }
- configValues[key] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- CreateIface::SearchScope lDAPSearchScope;
- if (configValues["scope"] == "sub")
- {
- lDAPSearchScope = CreateIface::SearchScope::sub;
- }
- else if (configValues["scope"] == "one")
- {
- lDAPSearchScope = CreateIface::SearchScope::one;
- }
- else
- {
- lDAPSearchScope = CreateIface::SearchScope::base;
- }
- CreateIface::Type lDAPType;
- // If the file is having a line which starts with "map group"
- if (configValues["map"] == "group")
- {
- lDAPType = CreateIface::Type::ActiveDirectory;
- }
- else
- {
- lDAPType = CreateIface::Type::OpenLdap;
- }
- // Don't create the config object if either of the field is empty.
- if (configValues["uri"] == "" || configValues["binddn"] == "" ||
- configValues["base"] == "")
- {
- log<level::INFO>(
- "LDAP config parameter value missing",
- entry("URI=%s", configValues["uri"].c_str()),
- entry("BASEDN=%s", configValues["base"].c_str()),
- entry("BINDDN=%s", configValues["binddn"].c_str()));
- return;
- }
- createConfig(std::move(configValues["uri"]),
- std::move(configValues["binddn"]),
- std::move(configValues["base"]),
- std::move(configValues["bindpw"]), lDAPSearchScope,
- lDAPType, std::move(configValues["map_passwd_uid"]),
- std::move(configValues["map_passwd_gidNumber"]));
- // Get the enabled property value from the persistent location
- if (!deserialize(dbusPersistentPath, *configPtr))
- {
- log<level::INFO>(
- "Deserialization Failed, continue with service disable");
- }
- }
- catch (const InvalidArgument& e)
- {
- // Don't throw - we don't want to create a D-Bus
- // object upon finding empty values in config, as
- // this can be a default config.
- }
- catch (const NoCACertificate& e)
- {
- // Don't throw - we don't want to create a D-Bus
- // object upon finding "ssl on" without having tls_cacertFile in place,
- // as this can be a default config.
- }
- catch (const InternalFailure& e)
- {
- throw;
- }
- catch (const std::exception& e)
- {
- log<level::ERR>(e.what());
- elog<InternalFailure>();
- }
} // namespace ldap
} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.hpp b/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.hpp
index d4fe5b7..8af4e4d 100644
--- a/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.hpp
+++ b/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.hpp
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
#include "config.h"
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Object/Delete/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Object/Enable/server.hpp>
-#include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/Ldap/Config/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/Ldap/Create/server.hpp>
+#include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/Ldap/Config/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
namespace ldap
-static constexpr auto defaultNslcdFile = "nslcd.conf.default";
-static constexpr auto nsSwitchFile = "nsswitch.conf";
using namespace phosphor::logging;
using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error;
@@ -169,110 +167,5 @@
friend class MockConfigMgr;
-/** @class ConfigMgr
- * @brief Creates LDAP server configuration.
- * @details concrete implementation of xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create
- * APIs, in order to create LDAP configuration.
- */
-class ConfigMgr : public CreateIface
- public:
- ConfigMgr() = delete;
- ~ConfigMgr() = default;
- ConfigMgr(const ConfigMgr&) = delete;
- ConfigMgr& operator=(const ConfigMgr&) = delete;
- ConfigMgr(ConfigMgr&&) = delete;
- ConfigMgr& operator=(ConfigMgr&&) = delete;
- /** @brief ConfigMgr to put object onto bus at a dbus path.
- * @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to.
- * @param[in] path - Path to attach at.
- * @param[in] filePath - LDAP configuration file.
- * @param[in] dbusPersistentPath - Persistent path for LDAP D-Bus property.
- * @param[in] caCertFile - LDAP's CA certificate file.
- */
- ConfigMgr(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const char* path, const char* filePath,
- const char* dbusPersistentPath, const char* caCertFile) :
- CreateIface(bus, path, true),
- dbusPersistentPath(dbusPersistentPath), configFilePath(filePath),
- bus(bus)
- {
- try
- {
- restore(configFilePath.c_str());
- emit_object_added();
- }
- catch (const std::exception& e)
- {
- configPtr.reset(nullptr);
- log<level::ERR>(e.what());
- elog<InternalFailure>();
- }
- }
- /** @brief concrete implementation of the pure virtual funtion
- xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create.createConfig.
- * @param[in] lDAPServerURI - LDAP URI of the server.
- * @param[in] lDAPBindDN - distinguished name with which bind to bind
- to the directory server for lookups.
- * @param[in] lDAPBaseDN - distinguished name to use as search base.
- * @param[in] lDAPBindDNPassword - credentials with which to bind.
- * @param[in] lDAPSearchScope - the search scope.
- * @param[in] lDAPType - Specifies the LDAP server type which can be AD
- or openLDAP.
- * @param[in] groupNameAttribute - Specifies attribute name that contains
- * the name of the Group in the LDAP server.
- * @param[in] usernameAttribute - Specifies attribute name that contains
- * the username in the LDAP server.
- * @returns the object path of the D-Bus object created.
- */
- std::string createConfig(std::string lDAPServerURI, std::string lDAPBindDN,
- std::string lDAPBaseDN,
- std::string lDAPBindDNPassword,
- CreateIface::SearchScope lDAPSearchScope,
- CreateIface::Type lDAPType,
- std::string groupNameAttribute,
- std::string userNameAttribute) override;
- /** @brief restarts given service
- * @param[in] service - Service to be restarted.
- */
- virtual void restartService(const std::string& service);
- /** @brief stops given service
- * @param[in] service - Service to be stopped.
- */
- virtual void stopService(const std::string& service);
- /** @brief start or stop the service depending on the given value
- * @param[in] service - Service to be start/stop.
- * @param[in] value - true to start the service otherwise stop.
- */
- virtual void startOrStopService(const std::string& service, bool value);
- /** @brief delete the config D-Bus object.
- */
- void deleteObject();
- /* ldap service enabled property would be saved under
- * this path.
- */
- std::string dbusPersistentPath;
- protected:
- std::string configFilePath{};
- std::string tlsCacertFile{};
- /** @brief Persistent sdbusplus D-Bus bus connection. */
- sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
- /** @brief Pointer to a Config D-Bus object */
- std::unique_ptr<Config> configPtr = nullptr;
- /** @brief Populate existing config into D-Bus properties
- * @param[in] filePath - LDAP config file path
- */
- virtual void restore(const char* filePath);
} // namespace ldap
} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/phosphor-ldap-config/main.cpp b/phosphor-ldap-config/main.cpp
index 2e3bf66..c6eaa5a 100644
--- a/phosphor-ldap-config/main.cpp
+++ b/phosphor-ldap-config/main.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "config.h"
-#include "ldap_configuration.hpp"
+#include "ldap_config_mgr.hpp"
#include <experimental/filesystem>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 00f969c..17f5774 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
ldap_config_test_SOURCES = ldap_config_test.cpp utils_test.cpp
ldap_config_test_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.o \
$(top_builddir)/phosphor-ldap-config/utils.o \
- $(top_builddir)/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_serialize.o
+ $(top_builddir)/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_serialize.o \
+ $(top_builddir)/phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_config_mgr.o
check_PROGRAMS += ldap_mapper_test
ldap_mapper_test_CPPFLAGS = $(cppflags)
diff --git a/test/ldap_config_test.cpp b/test/ldap_config_test.cpp
index f9cf386..4cbb363 100644
--- a/test/ldap_config_test.cpp
+++ b/test/ldap_config_test.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_configuration.hpp"
+#include "phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_config_mgr.hpp"
#include "phosphor-ldap-config/ldap_serialize.hpp"
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>