Basic initial implementation

This is a base implementation which does following
1. create a daemon,
2. parse config file and create a virtual sensor object
3. create list of virtual sensors for given config.
4. Creates a systemd unit file

It currently supports constant params only and dbus params will be in
follow up patch.

Signed-off-by: Vijay Khemka <>
Change-Id: I89b2ffb8bff67bdbb3033071cba9f6e565a9af6e
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4258e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+    'phosphor-virtual-sensor',
+    'cpp',
+    version: '1.0',
+    default_options: [
+        'cpp_std=c++17',
+    ],
+    'virtual-sensor',
+    [
+        'virtualSensor.cpp',
+    ],
+    dependencies: [
+        dependency('phosphor-logging'),
+        dependency('sdbusplus'),
+        dependency('phosphor-dbus-interfaces'),
+        dependency('sdeventplus'),
+    ],
+    install: true,
+    install_dir: get_option('bindir')
+packagedir = join_paths(
+    get_option('prefix'),
+    get_option('datadir'),
+    meson.project_name(),
+configfile = 'virtual_sensor_config.json'
+confpath = '"' + join_paths(
+    packagedir,
+    configfile,
+) + '"'
+install_data(sources : configfile, install_dir : packagedir)
+conf_data = configuration_data()
+conf_data.set('VIRTUAL_SENSOR_CONFIG_FILE', confpath)
+configure_file(output : 'config.hpp',
+               configuration : conf_data)
+systemd = dependency('systemd')
+conf_data = configuration_data()
+conf_data.set('bindir', get_option('prefix') / get_option('bindir'))
+  input: '',
+  output: 'phosphor-virtual-sensor.service',
+  configuration: conf_data,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: systemd.get_pkgconfig_variable('systemdsystemunitdir'))