Fix missing expiring/expired icons and warnning messages in certificate table

- Confirmed with backend developer that we should be checking certificate expiration date with bmc date/time set
- Converted both certificate expiration date and bmc date/time to EPOCH time to fix the bug

Tested: Go to Date and Time settings and change BMC time to be after or 30 days before a certificate expiration date.
Then either a warning or expiration icon and message will be displayed next to the date and message on top of the table.
To remove the expiration or warning date, upload a certificate that has an expiration date greater than 30 days after bmc time
set. The icon and warning message should now disappear.

Signed-off-by: Mira Murali  <>
Change-Id: I9389fe3cce5a555945adf9c56180897a6be047bf
diff --git a/app/common/directives/certificate.html b/app/common/directives/certificate.html
index 35c2de3..2b7d9b7 100644
--- a/app/common/directives/certificate.html
+++ b/app/common/directives/certificate.html
@@ -24,53 +24,39 @@
     Valid until:
   <div class="certificate__status-cell">
-    <span class="inline"
-      ng-class="{'icon__warning' : cert.isExpiring , 'icon__critical' : cert.isExpired}"
+    <span class="inline" ng-class="{'icon__warning certificate__table__icon' : cert.isExpiring , 'icon__critical certificate__table__icon' : cert.isExpired}"
       ng-if="cert.isExpired || cert.isExpiring"></span>
   <div class="certificate__date-cell">
     {{cert.ValidNotAfter | date:medium}}
   <div class="certificate__buttons-cell">
-    <button type="button" ng-click="cert.upload = true" aria-label="Replace certificate"
-      class="btn  btn-tertiary certificate__button">
+    <button type="button" ng-click="cert.upload = true" aria-label="Replace certificate" class="btn  btn-tertiary certificate__button">
       <icon file="icon-replace.svg" aria-hidden="true"></icon>
   <div ng-show="cert.upload === true" class="upload__certificate">
     <div class="certificate__upload-chooser row">
       <div class="small-1 column">
-        <button
-          type="button"
-          ng-click="cert.upload=false"
-          aria-label="close replace certificate upload form">
+        <button type="button" ng-click="cert.upload=false" aria-label="close replace certificate upload form">
           <icon file="icon-close.svg" aria-hidden="true"></icon>
       <div class="small-2 column">
-          <label>
-            <input
-            id="upload_{{cert.Description + cert.Id}}"
-            type="file"
-            file="cert.file"
-            class="input-file" />
-            <span class="btn btn-secondary">Choose file</span>
-          </label>
-        </div>
+        <label>
+          <input id="upload_{{cert.Description + cert.Id}}" type="file" file="cert.file" class="input-file" />
+          <span class="btn btn-secondary">Choose file</span>
+        </label>
+      </div>
       <div class="small-6 column">
         <span ng-if="!cert.file">No file selected</span>
-        <button
-          type="reset"
-          ng-if=""
-          ng-click="cert.file = '';"
-          aria-label="remove selected file">
+        <button type="reset" ng-if="" ng-click="cert.file = '';" aria-label="remove selected file">
           <icon file="icon-close.svg" aria-hidden="true"></icon>
       <div class="small-3 column">
-        <button type="submit" ng-class="{disabled:!cert.file}" class="btn btn-primary"
-          ng-click="replaceCertificate(cert)">
+        <button type="submit" ng-class="{disabled:!cert.file}" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="replaceCertificate(cert)">