angular | |
.module('app.controllers', []) | |
.controller('loginController', ['$scope', '$window', 'APIUtils', 'dataService', 'userModel', function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService, userModel){ | |
$scope.dataService = dataService; | |
$scope.tryLogin = function(username, password, event){ | |
if(event.keyCode === 13){ | |
$scope.login(username, password); | |
} | |
}; | |
$scope.login = function(username, password){ | |
$scope.error = false; | |
if(!username || username == "" || | |
!password || password == ""){ | |
return false; | |
}else{ | |
userModel.login(username, password, function(status, unreachable){ | |
if(status){ | |
$scope.$emit('user-logged-in',{}); | |
$window.location.hash = '#/system-overview'; | |
}else{ | |
if(!unreachable){ | |
$scope.error = true; | |
} | |
}; | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
}]) | |
.controller('dashboardController', ['$scope', 'dataService', function($scope, dataService){ | |
$scope.dataService = dataService; | |
}]) | |
.controller('systemOverviewController', ['$scope', 'dataService', function($scope, dataService){ | |
$scope.dataService = dataService; | |
}]) | |
.controller('unitIDController', ['$scope', 'dataService', function($scope, dataService){ | |
$scope.dataService = dataService; | |
}]) | |
.controller('bmcRebootController', ['$scope', 'dataService', function($scope, dataService){ | |
$scope.dataService = dataService; | |
}]) | |
.controller('powerOperationsController', ['$scope', 'APIUtils', 'dataService', '$timeout', function($scope, APIUtils, dataService, $timeout){ | |
$scope.dataService = dataService; | |
$scope.confirm = false; | |
$scope.power_confirm = false; | |
$scope.warmboot_confirm = false; | |
$scope.coldboot_confirm = false; | |
$scope.orderly_confirm = false; | |
$scope.immediately_confirm = false; | |
//@TODO: call api and get proper state | |
$scope.toggleState = function(){ | |
dataService.server_state = (dataService.server_state == 'Running') ? 'Off': 'Running'; | |
} | |
$scope.togglePower = function(){ | |
var method = (dataService.server_state == 'Running') ? 'hostPowerOff' : 'hostPowerOn'; | |
//@TODO: show progress or set class orange | |
APIUtils[method](function(response){ | |
//update state based on response | |
//error case? | |
if(response == null){ | |
console.log("Failed request."); | |
}else{ | |
//@TODO::need to get the server status | |
if(dataService.server_state == 'Running'){ | |
dataService.setPowerOffState(); | |
}else{ | |
dataService.setPowerOnState(); | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
$scope.powerOnConfirm = function(){ | |
if($scope.confirm) { | |
return; | |
} | |
$scope.confirm = true; | |
$scope.power_confirm = true; | |
}; | |
$scope.warmReboot = function(){ | |
//@TODO:show progress | |
dataService.setBootingState(); | |
APIUtils.hostPowerOff(function(response){ | |
if(response){ | |
APIUtils.hostPowerOn(function(response){ | |
if(response){ | |
dataService.setPowerOnState(); | |
}else{ | |
//@TODO:show error message | |
} | |
}); | |
}else{ | |
} | |
}); | |
}; | |
$scope.testState = function(){ | |
$timeout(function(){ | |
dataService.setPowerOffState(); | |
$timeout(function(){ | |
dataService.setPowerOnState(); | |
}, 2000); | |
}, 1000); | |
}; | |
$scope.warmRebootConfirm = function(){ | |
if($scope.confirm) { | |
return; | |
} | |
$scope.confirm = true; | |
$scope.warmboot_confirm = true; | |
}; | |
$scope.coldReboot = function(){ | |
$scope.warmReboot(); | |
}; | |
$scope.coldRebootConfirm = function(){ | |
if($scope.confirm) { | |
return; | |
} | |
$scope.confirm = true; | |
$scope.coldboot_confirm = true; | |
}; | |
$scope.orderlyShutdown = function(){ | |
//@TODO:show progress | |
APIUtils.hostPowerOff(function(response){ | |
if(response){ | |
dataService.setPowerOffState(); | |
}else{ | |
//@TODO:hide progress & show error message | |
} | |
}); | |
}; | |
$scope.orderlyShutdownConfirm = function(){ | |
if($scope.confirm) { | |
return; | |
} | |
$scope.confirm = true; | |
$scope.orderly_confirm = true; | |
}; | |
$scope.immediateShutdown = function(){ | |
$scope.orderlyShutdown(); | |
}; | |
$scope.immediateShutdownConfirm = function(){ | |
if($scope.confirm) { | |
return; | |
} | |
$scope.confirm = true; | |
$scope.immediately_confirm = true; | |
}; | |
}]); |