blob: a3824295b47cc9f792675ed83e95b8f13bd6518a [file] [log] [blame]
window.angular && (function(angular) {
'use strict';
* bmcTable Component
* To use:
* The 'data' attribute should be an array of all row objects in the table.
* It will render each item as a <tr> in the table.
* Each row object in the data array should also have a 'uiData'
* property that should be an array of the properties that will render
* as each table cell <td>.
* Each row object in the data array can optionally have an
* 'actions' property that should be an array of actions to provide the
* <bmc-table-actions> component.
* Each row object can optionally have an 'expandContent' property
* that should be a string value and can contain valid HTML. To render
* the expanded content, set 'expandable' attribute to true.
* Each row object can optionally have a 'selectable' property. Defaults
* to true if table is selectable. If a particular row should not
* be selectable, set to false.
* data = [
* { uiData: ['root', 'Admin', 'enabled' ], selectable: false },
* { uiData: ['user1', 'User', 'disabled' ] }
* ]
* The 'header' attribute should be an array of all header objects in the
* table. Each object in the header array should have a 'label' property
* that will render as a <th> in the table.
* If the table is sortable, can optionally add 'sortable' property to header
* row object. If a particular column is not sortable, set to false.
* header = [
* { label: 'Username' },
* { label: 'Privilege' }
* { label: 'Account Status', sortable: false }
* ]
* The 'sortable' attribute should be a boolean value. Defaults to false.
* The 'default-sort' attribute should be the index value of the header
* obejct that should be sorted on inital load.
* The 'row-actions-enabled' attribute, should be a boolean value
* Can be set to true to render table row actions. Defaults to false.
* Row actions are defined in data.actions.
* The 'expandable' attribute should be a boolean value. If true each
* row object in data array should contain a 'expandContent' property
* The 'selectable' attribute should be a boolean value.
* If 'selectable' is true, include 'batch-actions' property that should
* be an array of actions to provide <table-toolbar> component.
* The 'size' attribute which can be set to 'small' which will
* render a smaller font size in the table.
const TableController = function() {
this.sortAscending = true;
this.expandedRows = new Set();
this.selectedRows = new Set();
this.selectHeaderCheckbox = false;
this.someSelected = false;
let selectableRowCount = 0;
* Sorts table data
const sortData = () => {, b) => {
const aProp = a.uiData[this.activeSort];
const bProp = b.uiData[this.activeSort];
if (aProp === bProp) {
return 0;
} else {
if (this.sortAscending) {
return aProp < bProp ? -1 : 1;
return aProp > bProp ? -1 : 1;
* Prep table
* Make adjustments to account for optional configurations
const prepTable = () => {
if (this.sortable) {
// If sort is enabled, check for undefined 'sortable'
// property for each item in header array
this.header = => {
column.sortable =
column.sortable === undefined ? true : column.sortable;
return column;
* Prep data
* When data binding changes, make adjustments to account for
* optional configurations and undefined values
const prepData = () => {
selectableRowCount = 0; => {
if (row.uiData === undefined) {
// Check for undefined 'uiData' property for each item in data
// array
row.uiData = [];
if (this.selectable) {
// If table is selectable check row for 'selectable' property
row.selectable = row.selectable === undefined ? true : row.selectable;
if (row.selectable) {
row.selected = false;
if (this.sortable) {
if (this.activeSort !== undefined || this.defaultSort !== undefined) {
// apply default or active sort if one is defined
this.activeSort = this.defaultSort !== undefined ? this.defaultSort :
* Select all rows
* Sets each selectable row selected property to true
* and adds index to selectedRow Set
const selectAllRows = () => {
this.selectHeaderCheckbox = true;
this.someSelected = false;, index) => {
if (!row.selected && row.selectable) {
row.selected = true;
* Deselect all rows
* Sets each row selected property to false
* and clears selectedRow Set
const deselectAllRows = () => {
this.selectHeaderCheckbox = false;
this.someSelected = false;
this.selectedRows.clear(); => {
if (row.selectable) {
row.selected = false;
* Callback when table row action clicked
* Emits user desired action and associated row data to
* parent controller
* @param {string} action : action type
* @param {any} row : user object
this.onEmitRowAction = (action, row) => {
if (action !== undefined && row !== undefined) {
const value = {action, row};
* Callback when batch action clicked from toolbar
* Emits the action type and the selected row data to
* parent controller
* @param {string} action : action type
this.onEmitBatchAction = (action) => {
const filteredRows = => row.selected);
const value = {action, filteredRows};
* Callback when sortable table header clicked
* @param {number} index : index of header item
this.onClickSort = (index) => {
if (index === this.activeSort) {
// If clicked header is already sorted, reverse
// the sort direction
this.sortAscending = !this.sortAscending;;
} else {
this.sortAscending = true;
this.activeSort = index;
* Callback when expand trigger clicked
* @param {number} row : index of expanded row
this.onClickExpand = (row) => {
if (this.expandedRows.has(row)) {
} else {
* Callback when select checkbox clicked
* @param {number} row : index of selected row
this.onRowSelectChange = (row) => {
if (this.selectedRows.has(row)) {
} else {
if (this.selectedRows.size === 0) {
this.someSelected = false;
this.selectHeaderCheckbox = false;
} else if (this.selectedRows.size === selectableRowCount) {
this.someSelected = false;
this.selectHeaderCheckbox = true;
} else {
this.someSelected = true;
* Callback when header select box value changes
this.onHeaderSelectChange = (checked) => {
this.selectHeaderCheckbox = checked;
if (this.selectHeaderCheckbox) {
} else {
* Callback when cancel/close button closed
* from toolbar
this.onToolbarClose = () => {
* onInit Component lifecycle hook
* Checking for undefined values
this.$onInit = () => {
this.header = this.header === undefined ? [] : this.header; = == undefined ? [] :;
this.sortable = this.sortable === undefined ? false : this.sortable;
this.rowActionsEnabled =
this.rowActionsEnabled === undefined ? false : this.rowActionsEnabled;
this.size = this.size === undefined ? '' : this.size;
this.expandable = this.expandable === undefined ? false : this.expandable;
this.selectable = this.selectable === undefined ? false : this.selectable;
* onChanges Component lifecycle hook
this.$onChanges = (onChangesObj) => {
const dataChange =;
if (dataChange) {
* Register bmcTable component
angular.module('app.common.components').component('bmcTable', {
template: require('./table.html'),
controller: TableController,
bindings: {
data: '<', // Array
header: '<', // Array
rowActionsEnabled: '<', // boolean
size: '<', // string
sortable: '<', // boolean
defaultSort: '<', // number (index of sort)
expandable: '<', // boolean
selectable: '<', // boolean
batchActions: '<', // Array
emitRowAction: '&',
emitBatchAction: '&'