LDAP configuration and user groups
Adds LDAP page and ability to add and change configuration settings.
Adds ability to add, remove and edit user groups for LDAP.
Resolves openbmc/phosphor-webui#38
Resolves openbmc/phosphor-webui#39
Tested: Loaded on to a witherspoon and able to add initial LDAP config
as well us update the configuration and role groups. Appropriate messages displayed
to user when required fields are missing or in the incorrect format.
Change-Id: If8a21f3f9d9334415ead73472e90b2a0823bf9ea
Signed-off-by: beccabroek <beccabroek@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <dixsiew@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>
diff --git a/app/configuration/controllers/ldap-controller.js b/app/configuration/controllers/ldap-controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..129e3db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/configuration/controllers/ldap-controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ * Controller for LDAP
+ *
+ * @module app/configuration
+ * @exports ldapController
+ * @name ldapController
+ */
+window.angular && (function(angular) {
+ 'use strict';
+ angular.module('app.configuration').controller('ldapController', [
+ '$scope', 'APIUtils', '$q', 'toastService',
+ function($scope, APIUtils, $q, toastService) {
+ $scope.loading = false;
+ $scope.isSecure = false;
+ $scope.ldapProperties = {};
+ $scope.originalProperties = {};
+ $scope.submitted = false;
+ $scope.roleGroups = [];
+ $scope.roleGroupType = '';
+ $scope.clientCertificateExpires = '';
+ $scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
+ $scope.loadLdap();
+ });
+ $scope.loadLdap = function() {
+ $scope.loading = true;
+ $scope.submitted = false;
+ var getLdapProperties =
+ APIUtils.getAllUserAccountProperties()
+ .then(function(data) {
+ $scope.ldapProperties = {
+ 'ServiceEnabled': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled :
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled :
+ false,
+ 'LDAPServiceEnabled': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled,
+ 'ADServiceEnabled': data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled,
+ 'EnabledServiceType': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+ 'ldap' :
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ? 'ad' : '',
+ 'ServiceAddresses': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.LDAP.ServiceAddresses :
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceAddresses :
+ [],
+ 'useSSL': $scope.isSSL(
+ data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.LDAP.ServiceAddresses[0] :
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceAddresses[0]),
+ 'Username': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.LDAP.Authentication.Username :
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.ActiveDirectory.Authentication.Username :
+ '',
+ 'BaseDistinguishedNames': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.LDAP.LDAPService.SearchSettings
+ .BaseDistinguishedNames :
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.ActiveDirectory.LDAPService.SearchSettings
+ .BaseDistinguishedNames :
+ [],
+ 'GroupsAttribute': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.LDAP.LDAPService.SearchSettings.GroupsAttribute :
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.ActiveDirectory.LDAPService.SearchSettings
+ .GroupsAttribute :
+ '',
+ 'UsernameAttribute': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.LDAP.LDAPService.SearchSettings.UsernameAttribute :
+ data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.ActiveDirectory.LDAPService.SearchSettings
+ .UsernameAttribute :
+ '',
+ 'AuthenticationType': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+ data.LDAP.Authentication.AuthenticationType :
+ data.ActiveDirectory.Authentication.AuthenticationType,
+ };
+ $scope.roleGroupType =
+ $scope.ldapProperties.EnabledServiceType;
+ if ($scope.ldapProperties.ServiceEnabled) {
+ if ($scope.ldapProperties.LDAPServiceEnabled) {
+ $scope.roleGroups = data.LDAP.RemoteRoleMapping;
+ } else if ($scope.ldapProperties.ADServiceEnabled) {
+ $scope.roleGroups =
+ data.ActiveDirectory.RemoteRoleMapping;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(function(error) {
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+ });
+ var getClientCertificate =
+ APIUtils
+ .getCertificate('/redfish/v1/AccountService/LDAP/Certificates')
+ .then(function(data) {
+ if (data.Members) {
+ var certificate = data.Members[0];
+ APIUtils.getCertificate(certificate['@odata.id'])
+ .then(
+ function(data) {
+ $scope.clientCertificateExpires =
+ data.ValidNotAfter;
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(function(error) {
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+ });
+ var promises = [getLdapProperties, getClientCertificate];
+ $q.all(promises).finally(function() {
+ $scope.loading = false;
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.saveLdapSettings = function() {
+ for (var i in $scope.ldapProperties.ServiceAddresses) {
+ if ($scope.ldapProperties.useSSL !==
+ $scope.isSSL($scope.ldapProperties.ServiceAddresses[i])) {
+ toastService.error(
+ 'Server URI ' + $scope.ldapProperties.ServiceAddresses[i] +
+ ' must begin with ' +
+ ($scope.ldapProperties.useSSL ? 'ldaps:// ' : 'ldap:// ') +
+ 'when SSL is ' +
+ ($scope.ldapProperties.useSSL ? 'configured. ' :
+ 'not configured.'));
+ }
+ }
+ // Default LDAP and AD Attributes
+ let LDAP = {};
+ let ActiveDirectory = {};
+ // Data to pass to request
+ let data = {};
+ data.LDAP = LDAP;
+ data.ActiveDirectory = ActiveDirectory;
+ // Values to update the service type object
+ let Authentication = {};
+ Authentication.Username = $scope.ldapProperties.Username;
+ Authentication.Password = $scope.ldapProperties.Password;
+ Authentication.AuthenticationType =
+ $scope.ldapProperties.AuthenticationType;
+ let LDAPService = {};
+ LDAPService.SearchSettings = {};
+ LDAPService.SearchSettings.BaseDistinguishedNames =
+ $scope.ldapProperties.BaseDistinguishedNames;
+ LDAPService.SearchSettings.GroupsAttribute =
+ $scope.ldapProperties.GroupsAttribute;
+ LDAPService.SearchSettings.UsernameAttribute =
+ $scope.ldapProperties.UsernameAttribute;
+ let ServiceAddresses = $scope.ldapProperties.ServiceAddresses;
+ if ($scope.ldapProperties.EnabledServiceType == 'ldap') {
+ ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled = false;
+ LDAP.ServiceEnabled = true;
+ LDAP.Authentication = Authentication;
+ LDAP.LDAPService = LDAPService;
+ LDAP.ServiceAddresses = ServiceAddresses;
+ } else if ($scope.ldapProperties.EnabledServiceType == 'ad') {
+ ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled = true;
+ LDAP.ServiceEnabled = false;
+ ActiveDirectory.Authentication = Authentication;
+ ActiveDirectory.LDAPService = LDAPService;
+ ActiveDirectory.ServiceAddresses = ServiceAddresses;
+ }
+ APIUtils.saveLdapProperties(data).then(
+ function(response) {
+ if (!response.data.hasOwnProperty('error')) {
+ toastService.success('Successfully updated LDAP settings.');
+ $scope.loadLdap();
+ } else {
+ toastService.error('Unable to update LDAP settings.');
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data.error.message));
+ }
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ toastService.error('Unable to update LDAP settings.');
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.isSSL = function(uri) {
+ return uri.startsWith('ldaps://');
+ };
+ $scope.updateServiceEnabled = function() {
+ if (!$scope.ldapProperties.ServiceEnabled) {
+ $scope.ldapProperties.EnabledServiceType = '';
+ let data = {};
+ let LDAP = {};
+ data.LDAP = LDAP;
+ LDAP.ServiceEnabled = false;
+ let ActiveDirectory = {};
+ data.ActiveDirectory = ActiveDirectory;
+ ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled = false;
+ APIUtils.saveLdapProperties(data).then(
+ function(response) {
+ toastService.success('Successfully disabled LDAP.');
+ $scope.roleGroups = [];
+ $scope.loadLdap();
+ },
+ function(error) {
+ toastService.error('Unable to disable LDAP.');
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]);