Remove reference to IBM in phosphor-webui

As phosphor webui is supposed to be the reference implementation, it
should not reference IBM, nor have IBM copywritten logos contained
within it.  If these are neccesary for IBM platforms, they should be
done in a bbappend in the bitbake layer, or in a way that doesn't put
copywritten materials on BMCs that may not have permission to use and
release it.

I'm hoping to generate ddiscussion on how the best way to handle this
from a build perspective would be, but for now, references should be to
the OpenBmc project, not IBM to avoid copyright issues.

Change-Id: I73efda399e967ca4446b8df403e94e14ab24aff8
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
diff --git a/app/server-control/controllers/remote-console-controller.js b/app/server-control/controllers/remote-console-controller.js
index 2b69561..c32749a 100644
--- a/app/server-control/controllers/remote-console-controller.js
+++ b/app/server-control/controllers/remote-console-controller.js
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
                 //Print to console window
       'OpenBMC ver.00');
       'This is not an actual live connection.');
-      'root@IBM:');
+      'root@OpenBmc:');
                 //Allows keyboard input