Update users navigation section

- Changed the section name to be access-control
- Moved LDAP Settings and Certificate Management to access-control navigation
- Changed Manage User Account subsection name to Local User Management

Resolves: openbmc/phosphor-webui#619

Signed-off-by: Mira Murali <miramurali23@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Derick Montague <derick.montague@ibm.com>
Change-Id: I0d94c80c295b997d94c04330fd87f4fc4d229bf8
diff --git a/app/access-control/controllers/ldap-controller.js b/app/access-control/controllers/ldap-controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfdab50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/access-control/controllers/ldap-controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ * Controller for LDAP
+ *
+ * @module app/access-control
+ * @exports ldapController
+ * @name ldapController
+ */
+window.angular && (function(angular) {
+  'use strict';
+  angular.module('app.accessControl').controller('ldapController', [
+    '$scope', 'APIUtils', '$q', 'toastService',
+    function($scope, APIUtils, $q, toastService) {
+      $scope.loading = false;
+      $scope.isSecure = false;
+      $scope.ldapProperties = {};
+      $scope.originalProperties = {};
+      $scope.submitted = false;
+      $scope.roleGroups = [];
+      $scope.roleGroupType = '';
+      $scope.clientCertificateExpires = '';
+      $scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
+        $scope.loadLdap();
+      });
+      $scope.loadLdap = function() {
+        $scope.loading = true;
+        $scope.submitted = false;
+        var getLdapProperties =
+            APIUtils.getAllUserAccountProperties()
+                .then(function(data) {
+                  $scope.ldapProperties = {
+                    'ServiceEnabled': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled :
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled :
+                        false,
+                    'LDAPServiceEnabled': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled,
+                    'ADServiceEnabled': data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled,
+                    'EnabledServiceType': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        'ldap' :
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ? 'ad' : '',
+                    'ServiceAddresses': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.LDAP.ServiceAddresses :
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceAddresses :
+                        [],
+                    'useSSL': $scope.isSSL(
+                        data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+                            data.LDAP.ServiceAddresses[0] :
+                            data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceAddresses[0]),
+                    'Username': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.LDAP.Authentication.Username :
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.Authentication.Username :
+                        '',
+                    'BaseDistinguishedNames': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.LDAP.LDAPService.SearchSettings
+                            .BaseDistinguishedNames :
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.LDAPService.SearchSettings
+                                .BaseDistinguishedNames :
+                        [],
+                    'GroupsAttribute': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.LDAP.LDAPService.SearchSettings.GroupsAttribute :
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.LDAPService.SearchSettings
+                                .GroupsAttribute :
+                        '',
+                    'UsernameAttribute': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.LDAP.LDAPService.SearchSettings.UsernameAttribute :
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.LDAPService.SearchSettings
+                                .UsernameAttribute :
+                        '',
+                    'AuthenticationType': data.LDAP.ServiceEnabled ?
+                        data.LDAP.Authentication.AuthenticationType :
+                        data.ActiveDirectory.Authentication.AuthenticationType,
+                  };
+                  $scope.roleGroupType =
+                      $scope.ldapProperties.EnabledServiceType;
+                  if ($scope.ldapProperties.ServiceEnabled) {
+                    if ($scope.ldapProperties.LDAPServiceEnabled) {
+                      $scope.roleGroups = data.LDAP.RemoteRoleMapping;
+                    } else if ($scope.ldapProperties.ADServiceEnabled) {
+                      $scope.roleGroups =
+                          data.ActiveDirectory.RemoteRoleMapping;
+                    }
+                  }
+                })
+                .catch(function(error) {
+                  console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+                });
+        var getClientCertificate =
+            APIUtils
+                .getCertificate('/redfish/v1/AccountService/LDAP/Certificates')
+                .then(function(data) {
+                  if (data.Members) {
+                    var certificate = data.Members[0];
+                    APIUtils.getCertificate(certificate['@odata.id'])
+                        .then(
+                            function(data) {
+                              $scope.clientCertificateExpires =
+                                  data.ValidNotAfter;
+                            },
+                            function(error) {
+                              console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+                            })
+                  }
+                })
+                .catch(function(error) {
+                  console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+                });
+        var promises = [getLdapProperties, getClientCertificate];
+        $q.all(promises).finally(function() {
+          $scope.loading = false;
+        });
+      };
+      $scope.saveLdapSettings = function() {
+        for (var i in $scope.ldapProperties.ServiceAddresses) {
+          if ($scope.ldapProperties.useSSL !==
+              $scope.isSSL($scope.ldapProperties.ServiceAddresses[i])) {
+            toastService.error(
+                'Server URI ' + $scope.ldapProperties.ServiceAddresses[i] +
+                ' must begin with ' +
+                ($scope.ldapProperties.useSSL ? 'ldaps:// ' : 'ldap:// ') +
+                'when SSL is ' +
+                ($scope.ldapProperties.useSSL ? 'configured. ' :
+                                                'not configured.'));
+          }
+        }
+        // Default LDAP and AD Attributes
+        let LDAP = {};
+        let ActiveDirectory = {};
+        // Data to pass to request
+        let data = {};
+        data.LDAP = LDAP;
+        data.ActiveDirectory = ActiveDirectory;
+        // Values to update the service type object
+        let Authentication = {};
+        Authentication.Username = $scope.ldapProperties.Username;
+        Authentication.Password = $scope.ldapProperties.Password;
+        Authentication.AuthenticationType =
+            $scope.ldapProperties.AuthenticationType;
+        let LDAPService = {};
+        LDAPService.SearchSettings = {};
+        LDAPService.SearchSettings.BaseDistinguishedNames =
+            $scope.ldapProperties.BaseDistinguishedNames;
+        LDAPService.SearchSettings.GroupsAttribute =
+            $scope.ldapProperties.GroupsAttribute;
+        LDAPService.SearchSettings.UsernameAttribute =
+            $scope.ldapProperties.UsernameAttribute;
+        let ServiceAddresses = $scope.ldapProperties.ServiceAddresses;
+        if ($scope.ldapProperties.EnabledServiceType == 'ldap') {
+          ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled = false;
+          LDAP.ServiceEnabled = true;
+          LDAP.Authentication = Authentication;
+          LDAP.LDAPService = LDAPService;
+          LDAP.ServiceAddresses = ServiceAddresses;
+        } else if ($scope.ldapProperties.EnabledServiceType == 'ad') {
+          ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled = true;
+          LDAP.ServiceEnabled = false;
+          ActiveDirectory.Authentication = Authentication;
+          ActiveDirectory.LDAPService = LDAPService;
+          ActiveDirectory.ServiceAddresses = ServiceAddresses;
+        }
+        APIUtils.saveLdapProperties(data).then(
+            function(response) {
+              if (!response.data.hasOwnProperty('error')) {
+                toastService.success('Successfully updated LDAP settings.');
+                $scope.loadLdap();
+              } else {
+                toastService.error('Unable to update LDAP settings.');
+                console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data.error.message));
+              }
+            },
+            function(error) {
+              toastService.error('Unable to update LDAP settings.');
+              console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+            });
+      };
+      $scope.isSSL = function(uri) {
+        return uri.startsWith('ldaps://');
+      };
+      $scope.updateServiceEnabled = function() {
+        if (!$scope.ldapProperties.ServiceEnabled) {
+          $scope.ldapProperties.EnabledServiceType = '';
+          let data = {};
+          let LDAP = {};
+          data.LDAP = LDAP;
+          LDAP.ServiceEnabled = false;
+          let ActiveDirectory = {};
+          data.ActiveDirectory = ActiveDirectory;
+          ActiveDirectory.ServiceEnabled = false;
+          APIUtils.saveLdapProperties(data).then(
+              function(response) {
+                toastService.success('Successfully disabled LDAP.');
+                $scope.roleGroups = [];
+                $scope.loadLdap();
+              },
+              function(error) {
+                toastService.error('Unable to disable LDAP.');
+                console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
+              });
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  ]);