Run js-beautify and fixjsstyle on code

Found this pointer on stackoverflow:

End goal is to get the code formatted well enough that
clang format will run correctly against it.

Change-Id: I80053e78d253d8eee49233e42d55e5807ae8fdc8
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
diff --git a/app/configuration/controllers/date-time-controller.js b/app/configuration/controllers/date-time-controller.js
index 9ad6dc1..341d175 100644
--- a/app/configuration/controllers/date-time-controller.js
+++ b/app/configuration/controllers/date-time-controller.js
@@ -6,20 +6,19 @@
  * @name dateTimeController
-window.angular && (function (angular) {
-    'use strict';
+window.angular && (function(angular) {
+  'use strict';
-    angular
-        .module('app.configuration')
-        .controller('dateTimeController', [
-            '$scope',
-            '$window',
-            'APIUtils',
-            'dataService',
-            function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService){
-                $scope.dataService = dataService;
-            }
-        ]
-    );
+  angular
+    .module('app.configuration')
+    .controller('dateTimeController', [
+      '$scope',
+      '$window',
+      'APIUtils',
+      'dataService',
+      function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService) {
+        $scope.dataService = dataService;
+      }
+    ]);
diff --git a/app/configuration/controllers/file-controller.js b/app/configuration/controllers/file-controller.js
index b19af61..37c7ffb 100644
--- a/app/configuration/controllers/file-controller.js
+++ b/app/configuration/controllers/file-controller.js
@@ -6,20 +6,19 @@
  * @name fileController
-window.angular && (function (angular) {
-    'use strict';
+window.angular && (function(angular) {
+  'use strict';
-    angular
-        .module('app.configuration')
-        .controller('fileController', [
-            '$scope',
-            '$window',
-            'APIUtils',
-            'dataService',
-            function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService){
-                $scope.dataService = dataService;
-            }
-        ]
-    );
+  angular
+    .module('app.configuration')
+    .controller('fileController', [
+      '$scope',
+      '$window',
+      'APIUtils',
+      'dataService',
+      function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService) {
+        $scope.dataService = dataService;
+      }
+    ]);
diff --git a/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.js b/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.js
index f5f0541..cf838ec 100644
--- a/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.js
+++ b/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.js
@@ -6,310 +6,313 @@
  * @name firmwareController
-window.angular && (function (angular) {
-    'use strict';
+window.angular && (function(angular) {
+  'use strict';
-    angular
-        .module('app.configuration')
-        .controller('firmwareController', [
-                '$scope',
-                '$window',
-                'APIUtils',
-                'dataService',
-                '$location',
-                '$anchorScroll',
-                'Constants',
-                '$interval',
-                '$q',
-                '$timeout',
-                function ($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService, $location, $anchorScroll, Constants, $interval, $q, $timeout) {
-                    $scope.dataService = dataService;
+  angular
+    .module('app.configuration')
+    .controller('firmwareController', [
+      '$scope',
+      '$window',
+      'APIUtils',
+      'dataService',
+      '$location',
+      '$anchorScroll',
+      'Constants',
+      '$interval',
+      '$q',
+      '$timeout',
+      function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService, $location, $anchorScroll, Constants, $interval, $q, $timeout) {
+        $scope.dataService = dataService;
-                    //Scroll to target anchor
-                    $scope.gotoAnchor = function () {
-                        $location.hash('upload');
-                        $anchorScroll();
-                    };
+        //Scroll to target anchor
+        $scope.gotoAnchor = function() {
+          $location.hash('upload');
+          $anchorScroll();
+        };
-                    $scope.firmwares = [];
-                    $scope.bmcActiveVersion = "";
-                    $scope.hostActiveVersion = "";
-                    $scope.display_error = false;
-                    $scope.activate_confirm = false;
-                    $scope.delete_image_id = "";
-                    $scope.delete_image_version = "";
-                    $scope.activate_image_id = "";
-                    $scope.activate_image_version = "";
-                    $scope.activate_image_type = "";
-                    $scope.priority_image_id = "";
-                    $scope.priority_image_version = "";
-                    $scope.priority_from = -1;
-                    $scope.priority_to = -1;
-                    $scope.confirm_priority = false;
-                    $scope.file_empty = true;
-                    $scope.uploading = false;
-                    $scope.upload_success = false;
-                    $scope.activate = { reboot: true };
-                    $scope.download_error_msg = "";
-                    $scope.download_success = false;
+        $scope.firmwares = [];
+        $scope.bmcActiveVersion = '';
+        $scope.hostActiveVersion = '';
+        $scope.display_error = false;
+        $scope.activate_confirm = false;
+        $scope.delete_image_id = '';
+        $scope.delete_image_version = '';
+        $scope.activate_image_id = '';
+        $scope.activate_image_version = '';
+        $scope.activate_image_type = '';
+        $scope.priority_image_id = '';
+        $scope.priority_image_version = '';
+        $scope.priority_from = -1;
+        $scope.priority_to = -1;
+        $scope.confirm_priority = false;
+        $scope.file_empty = true;
+        $scope.uploading = false;
+        $scope.upload_success = false;
+        $scope.activate = {
+          reboot: true
+        };
+        $scope.download_error_msg = '';
+        $scope.download_success = false;
-                    var pollActivationTimer = undefined;
-                    var pollDownloadTimer = undefined;
+        var pollActivationTimer = undefined;
+        var pollDownloadTimer = undefined;
-                    $scope.error = {
-                        modal_title: "",
-                        title: "",
-                        desc: "",
-                        type: "warning"
-                    };
+        $scope.error = {
+          modal_title: '',
+          title: '',
+          desc: '',
+          type: 'warning'
+        };
-                    $scope.activateImage = function(imageId, imageVersion, imageType){
-                        $scope.activate_image_id = imageId;
-                        $scope.activate_image_version = imageVersion;
-                        $scope.activate_image_type = imageType;
-                        $scope.activate_confirm = true;
-                    }
+        $scope.activateImage = function(imageId, imageVersion, imageType) {
+          $scope.activate_image_id = imageId;
+          $scope.activate_image_version = imageVersion;
+          $scope.activate_image_type = imageType;
+          $scope.activate_confirm = true;
+        };
-                    $scope.displayError = function(data){
-                        $scope.error = data;
-                        $scope.display_error = true;
-                    }
+        $scope.displayError = function(data) {
+          $scope.error = data;
+          $scope.display_error = true;
+        };
-                    function waitForActive(imageId){
-                      var deferred = $q.defer();
-                      var startTime = new Date();
-                      pollActivationTimer = $interval(function(){
-                        APIUtils.getActivation(imageId).then(function(state){
-                          //@TODO: display an error message if image "Failed"
-                          if(((/\.Active$/).test( || ((/\.Failed$/).test({
-                            $interval.cancel(pollActivationTimer);
-                            pollActivationTimer = undefined;
-                            deferred.resolve(state);
-                          }
-                        }, function(error){
-                          $interval.cancel(pollActivationTimer);
-                          pollActivationTimer = undefined;
-                          console.log(error);
-                          deferred.reject(error);
-                        });
-                        var now = new Date();
-                        if((now.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) >= Constants.TIMEOUT.ACTIVATION){
-                          $interval.cancel(pollActivationTimer);
-                          pollActivationTimer = undefined;
-                          console.log("Time out activating image, " + imageId);
-                          deferred.reject("Time out. Image did not activate in allotted time.");
-                        }
-                      }, Constants.POLL_INTERVALS.ACTIVATION);
-                      return deferred.promise;
-                    }
+        function waitForActive(imageId) {
+          var deferred = $q.defer();
+          var startTime = new Date();
+          pollActivationTimer = $interval(function() {
+            APIUtils.getActivation(imageId).then(function(state) {
+              //@TODO: display an error message if image "Failed"
+              if (((/\.Active$/).test( || ((/\.Failed$/).test( {
+                $interval.cancel(pollActivationTimer);
+                pollActivationTimer = undefined;
+                deferred.resolve(state);
+              }
+            }, function(error) {
+              $interval.cancel(pollActivationTimer);
+              pollActivationTimer = undefined;
+              console.log(error);
+              deferred.reject(error);
+            });
+            var now = new Date();
+            if ((now.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) >= Constants.TIMEOUT.ACTIVATION) {
+              $interval.cancel(pollActivationTimer);
+              pollActivationTimer = undefined;
+              console.log('Time out activating image, ' + imageId);
+              deferred.reject('Time out. Image did not activate in allotted time.');
+            }
+          }, Constants.POLL_INTERVALS.ACTIVATION);
+          return deferred.promise;
+        }
-                    $scope.activateConfirmed = function(){
-                        APIUtils.activateImage($scope.activate_image_id).then(function(state){
-                          $scope.loadFirmwares();
-                          return state;
-                        }, function(error){
-                          $scope.displayError({
-                            modal_title: 'Error during activation call',
-                            title: 'Error during activation call',
-                            desc: JSON.stringify(,
-                            type: 'Error'
-                          });
-                        }).then(function(activationState){
-                          waitForActive($scope.activate_image_id).then(function(state){
-                            $scope.loadFirmwares();
-                        }, function(error){
-                          $scope.displayError({
-                            modal_title: 'Error during image activation',
-                            title: 'Error during image activation',
-                            desc: JSON.stringify(,
-                            type: 'Error'
-                          });
-                        }).then(function(state){
-                          // Only look at reboot if it's a BMC image
-                          if($scope.activate.reboot && ($scope.activate_image_type == 'BMC')){
-                            // Despite the new image being active, issue,
-                            //, can cause a
-                            // system to brick, if the system reboots before the service to set
-                            // the U-Boot variables is complete. Wait 10 seconds before rebooting
-                            // to ensure this service is complete. This issue is fixed in newer images, but
-                            // the user may be updating from an older image that does not that have this fix.
-                            // TODO: remove this timeout after sufficient time has passed.
-                            $timeout(function() {
-                              APIUtils.bmcReboot(function(response){}, function(error){
-                                $scope.displayError({
-                                  modal_title: 'Error during BMC reboot',
-                                  title: 'Error during BMC reboot',
-                                  desc: JSON.stringify(,
-                                  type: 'Error'
-                                });
-                              });
-                            }, 10000);
-                          }
-                        });
-                      });
-                      $scope.activate_confirm = false;
-                    }
+        $scope.activateConfirmed = function() {
+          APIUtils.activateImage($scope.activate_image_id).then(function(state) {
+            $scope.loadFirmwares();
+            return state;
+          }, function(error) {
+            $scope.displayError({
+              modal_title: 'Error during activation call',
+              title: 'Error during activation call',
+              desc: JSON.stringify(,
+              type: 'Error'
+            });
+          }).then(function(activationState) {
+            waitForActive($scope.activate_image_id).then(function(state) {
+              $scope.loadFirmwares();
+            }, function(error) {
+              $scope.displayError({
+                modal_title: 'Error during image activation',
+                title: 'Error during image activation',
+                desc: JSON.stringify(,
+                type: 'Error'
+              });
+            }).then(function(state) {
+              // Only look at reboot if it's a BMC image
+              if ($scope.activate.reboot && ($scope.activate_image_type == 'BMC')) {
+                // Despite the new image being active, issue,
+                //, can cause a
+                // system to brick, if the system reboots before the service to set
+                // the U-Boot variables is complete. Wait 10 seconds before rebooting
+                // to ensure this service is complete. This issue is fixed in newer images, but
+                // the user may be updating from an older image that does not that have this fix.
+                // TODO: remove this timeout after sufficient time has passed.
+                $timeout(function() {
+                  APIUtils.bmcReboot(function(response) {}, function(error) {
+                    $scope.displayError({
+                      modal_title: 'Error during BMC reboot',
+                      title: 'Error during BMC reboot',
+                      desc: JSON.stringify(,
+                      type: 'Error'
+                    });
+                  });
+                }, 10000);
+              }
+            });
+          });
+          $scope.activate_confirm = false;
+        };
-                    $scope.upload = function(){
-                      if($scope.file) {
-                        $scope.uploading = true;
-                        $scope.upload_success = false;
-                        APIUtils.uploadImage($scope.file).then(function(response){
-                          $scope.file = "";
-                          $scope.uploading = false;
-                          $scope.upload_success = true;
-                          $scope.loadFirmwares();
-                        }, function(error){
-                          $scope.uploading = false;
-                          console.log(error);
-                          $scope.displayError({
-                            modal_title: 'Error during image upload',
-                            title: 'Error during image upload',
-                            desc: error,
-                            type: 'Error'
-                          });
-                        });
-                      }
-                    }
+        $scope.upload = function() {
+          if ($scope.file) {
+            $scope.uploading = true;
+            $scope.upload_success = false;
+            APIUtils.uploadImage($scope.file).then(function(response) {
+              $scope.file = '';
+              $scope.uploading = false;
+              $scope.upload_success = true;
+              $scope.loadFirmwares();
+            }, function(error) {
+              $scope.uploading = false;
+              console.log(error);
+              $scope.displayError({
+                modal_title: 'Error during image upload',
+                title: 'Error during image upload',
+                desc: error,
+                type: 'Error'
+              });
+            });
+          }
+        };
-                    //TODO: openbmc/openbmc#1691 Add support to return
-                    //the id of the newly created image, downloaded via
-                    //tftp. Polling the number of software objects is a
-                    //near term solution.
-                    function waitForDownload(){
-                        var deferred = $q.defer();
-                        var startTime = new Date();
-                        pollDownloadTimer = $interval(function(){
-                            var now = new Date();
-                            if((now.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) >= Constants.TIMEOUT.DOWNLOAD_IMAGE){
-                                $interval.cancel(pollDownloadTimer);
-                                pollDownloadTimer = undefined;
-                                deferred.reject(new Error(Constants.MESSAGES.POLL.DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_TIMEOUT));
-                            }
+        //TODO: openbmc/openbmc#1691 Add support to return
+        //the id of the newly created image, downloaded via
+        //tftp. Polling the number of software objects is a
+        //near term solution.
+        function waitForDownload() {
+          var deferred = $q.defer();
+          var startTime = new Date();
+          pollDownloadTimer = $interval(function() {
+            var now = new Date();
+            if ((now.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) >= Constants.TIMEOUT.DOWNLOAD_IMAGE) {
+              $interval.cancel(pollDownloadTimer);
+              pollDownloadTimer = undefined;
+              deferred.reject(new Error(Constants.MESSAGES.POLL.DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_TIMEOUT));
+            }
-                            APIUtils.getFirmwares().then(function(response){
-                                if( === $scope.firmwares.length + 1){
-                                    $interval.cancel(pollDownloadTimer);
-                                    pollDownloadTimer = undefined;
-                                    deferred.resolve(;
-                                }
-                            }, function(error){
-                                $interval.cancel(pollDownloadTimer);
-                                pollDownloadTimer = undefined;
-                                deferred.reject(error);
-                            });
-                        }, Constants.POLL_INTERVALS.DOWNLOAD_IMAGE);
+            APIUtils.getFirmwares().then(function(response) {
+              if ( === $scope.firmwares.length + 1) {
+                $interval.cancel(pollDownloadTimer);
+                pollDownloadTimer = undefined;
+                deferred.resolve(;
+              }
+            }, function(error) {
+              $interval.cancel(pollDownloadTimer);
+              pollDownloadTimer = undefined;
+              deferred.reject(error);
+            });
+          }, Constants.POLL_INTERVALS.DOWNLOAD_IMAGE);
-                        return deferred.promise;
-                    }
+          return deferred.promise;
+        }
-                    $ = function(){
-                        $scope.download_success = false;
-                        $scope.download_error_msg = "";
-                        if(!$scope.download_host || !$scope.download_filename){
-                          $scope.download_error_msg = "Field is required!";
-                          return false;
-                        }
+        $ = function() {
+          $scope.download_success = false;
+          $scope.download_error_msg = '';
+          if (!$scope.download_host || !$scope.download_filename) {
+            $scope.download_error_msg = 'Field is required!';
+            return false;
+          }
-                        $scope.downloading = true;
-                        APIUtils.getFirmwares().then(function(response){
-                            $scope.firmwares =;
-                        }).then(function(){
-                            return APIUtils.downloadImage($scope.download_host,
-                                    $scope.download_filename).then(function(downloadStatus){
-                                return downloadStatus;
-                            });
-                        }).then(function(downloadStatus){
-                            return waitForDownload();
-                        }).then(function(newFirmwareList){
-                            $scope.download_host = "";
-                            $scope.download_filename = "";
-                            $scope.downloading = false;
-                            $scope.download_success = true;
-                            $scope.loadFirmwares();
-                        }, function(error){
-                            console.log(error);
-                            $scope.displayError({
-                                modal_title: 'Error during downloading Image',
-                                title: 'Error during downloading Image',
-                                desc: error,
-                                type: 'Error'
-                            });
-                            $scope.downloading = false;
-                        });
-                    }
+          $scope.downloading = true;
+          APIUtils.getFirmwares().then(function(response) {
+            $scope.firmwares =;
+          }).then(function() {
+            return APIUtils.downloadImage($scope.download_host,
+              $scope.download_filename).then(function(downloadStatus) {
+              return downloadStatus;
+            });
+          }).then(function(downloadStatus) {
+            return waitForDownload();
+          }).then(function(newFirmwareList) {
+            $scope.download_host = '';
+            $scope.download_filename = '';
+            $scope.downloading = false;
+            $scope.download_success = true;
+            $scope.loadFirmwares();
+          }, function(error) {
+            console.log(error);
+            $scope.displayError({
+              modal_title: 'Error during downloading Image',
+              title: 'Error during downloading Image',
+              desc: error,
+              type: 'Error'
+            });
+            $scope.downloading = false;
+          });
+        };
-                    $scope.changePriority = function(imageId, imageVersion, from, to){
-                        $scope.priority_image_id = imageId;
-                        $scope.priority_image_version = imageVersion;
-                        $scope.priority_from = from;
-                        $scope.priority_to = to;
-                        $scope.confirm_priority = true;
-                    }
+        $scope.changePriority = function(imageId, imageVersion, from, to) {
+          $scope.priority_image_id = imageId;
+          $scope.priority_image_version = imageVersion;
+          $scope.priority_from = from;
+          $scope.priority_to = to;
+          $scope.confirm_priority = true;
+        };
-                    $scope.confirmChangePriority = function(){
-                        $scope.loading = true;
-                        APIUtils.changePriority($scope.priority_image_id, $scope.priority_to).then(function(response){
-                            $scope.loading = false;
-                            if(response.status == 'error'){
-                                $scope.displayError({
-                                    modal_title:,
-                                    title:,
-                                    desc:,
-                                    type: 'Error'
-                                });
-                            }else{
-                                $scope.loadFirmwares();
-                            }
-                        });
-                        $scope.confirm_priority = false;
-                    }
-                    $scope.deleteImage = function(imageId, imageVersion){
-                        $scope.delete_image_id = imageId;
-                        $scope.delete_image_version = imageVersion;
-                        $scope.confirm_delete = true;
-                    }
-                    $scope.confirmDeleteImage = function(){
-                        $scope.loading = true;
-                        APIUtils.deleteImage($scope.delete_image_id).then(function(response){
-                            $scope.loading = false;
-                            if(response.status == 'error'){
-                                $scope.displayError({
-                                    modal_title:,
-                                    title:,
-                                    desc:,
-                                    type: 'Error'
-                                });
-                            }else{
-                                $scope.loadFirmwares();
-                            }
-                        });
-                        $scope.confirm_delete = false;
-                    }
-                    $scope.fileNameChanged = function(){
-                        $scope.file_empty = false;
-                    }
+        $scope.confirmChangePriority = function() {
+          $scope.loading = true;
+          APIUtils.changePriority($scope.priority_image_id, $scope.priority_to).then(function(response) {
+            $scope.loading = false;
+            if (response.status == 'error') {
+              $scope.displayError({
+                modal_title:,
+                title:,
+                desc:,
+                type: 'Error'
+              });
+            }
+            else {
+              $scope.loadFirmwares();
+            }
+          });
+          $scope.confirm_priority = false;
+        };
+        $scope.deleteImage = function(imageId, imageVersion) {
+          $scope.delete_image_id = imageId;
+          $scope.delete_image_version = imageVersion;
+          $scope.confirm_delete = true;
+        };
+        $scope.confirmDeleteImage = function() {
+          $scope.loading = true;
+          APIUtils.deleteImage($scope.delete_image_id).then(function(response) {
+            $scope.loading = false;
+            if (response.status == 'error') {
+              $scope.displayError({
+                modal_title:,
+                title:,
+                desc:,
+                type: 'Error'
+              });
+            }
+            else {
+              $scope.loadFirmwares();
+            }
+          });
+          $scope.confirm_delete = false;
+        };
+        $scope.fileNameChanged = function() {
+          $scope.file_empty = false;
+        };
-                    $scope.filters = {
-                        bmc: {
-                            imageType: 'BMC'
-                        },
-                        host: {
-                            imageType: 'Host'
-                        }
-                    };
+        $scope.filters = {
+          bmc: {
+            imageType: 'BMC'
+          },
+          host: {
+            imageType: 'Host'
+          }
+        };
-                    $scope.loadFirmwares = function(){
-                        APIUtils.getFirmwares().then(function(result){
-                           $scope.firmwares =;
-                           $scope.bmcActiveVersion = result.bmcActiveVersion;
-                           $scope.hostActiveVersion = result.hostActiveVersion;
-                        });
-                    }
+        $scope.loadFirmwares = function() {
+          APIUtils.getFirmwares().then(function(result) {
+            $scope.firmwares =;
+            $scope.bmcActiveVersion = result.bmcActiveVersion;
+            $scope.hostActiveVersion = result.hostActiveVersion;
+          });
+        };
-                    $scope.loadFirmwares();
-                }
-            ]
-        );
+        $scope.loadFirmwares();
+      }
+    ]);
diff --git a/app/configuration/controllers/network-controller.js b/app/configuration/controllers/network-controller.js
index f08989b..4eff0cd 100644
--- a/app/configuration/controllers/network-controller.js
+++ b/app/configuration/controllers/network-controller.js
@@ -6,38 +6,37 @@
  * @name networkController
-window.angular && (function (angular) {
-    'use strict';
+window.angular && (function(angular) {
+  'use strict';
-    angular
-        .module('app.configuration')
-        .controller('networkController', [
-            '$scope',
-            '$window',
-            'APIUtils',
-            'dataService',
-            function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService){
-                $scope.dataService = dataService;
-                $ = {};
-                $scope.interface = {};
-                $scope.networkDevice  = false;
-                $scope.hostname = "";
+  angular
+    .module('app.configuration')
+    .controller('networkController', [
+      '$scope',
+      '$window',
+      'APIUtils',
+      'dataService',
+      function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService) {
+        $scope.dataService = dataService;
+        $ = {};
+        $scope.interface = {};
+        $scope.networkDevice = false;
+        $scope.hostname = '';
-                $scope.selectInterface = function(interfaceId){
-                    $scope.interface = $[interfaceId];
-                    $scope.selectedInterface = interfaceId;
-                    $scope.networkDevice = false;
-                }
-                APIUtils.getNetworkInfo().then(function(data){
-                    $ = data.formatted_data;
-                    $scope.hostname = data.hostname;
-                    if(${
-                       $scope.selectedInterface = $[0];
-                       $scope.interface = $[$scope.selectedInterface];
-                    }
-                });
-            }
-        ]
-    );
+        $scope.selectInterface = function(interfaceId) {
+          $scope.interface = $[interfaceId];
+          $scope.selectedInterface = interfaceId;
+          $scope.networkDevice = false;
+        };
+        APIUtils.getNetworkInfo().then(function(data) {
+          $ = data.formatted_data;
+          $scope.hostname = data.hostname;
+          if ($ {
+            $scope.selectedInterface = $[0];
+            $scope.interface = $[$scope.selectedInterface];
+          }
+        });
+      }
+    ]);
diff --git a/app/configuration/controllers/security-controller.js b/app/configuration/controllers/security-controller.js
index eb6f698..d250ac7 100644
--- a/app/configuration/controllers/security-controller.js
+++ b/app/configuration/controllers/security-controller.js
@@ -6,20 +6,19 @@
  * @name securityController
-window.angular && (function (angular) {
-    'use strict';
+window.angular && (function(angular) {
+  'use strict';
-    angular
-        .module('app.configuration')
-        .controller('securityController', [
-            '$scope',
-            '$window',
-            'APIUtils',
-            'dataService',
-            function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService){
-                $scope.dataService = dataService;
-            }
-        ]
-    );
+  angular
+    .module('app.configuration')
+    .controller('securityController', [
+      '$scope',
+      '$window',
+      'APIUtils',
+      'dataService',
+      function($scope, $window, APIUtils, dataService) {
+        $scope.dataService = dataService;
+      }
+    ]);
diff --git a/app/configuration/index.js b/app/configuration/index.js
index 0b5499e..869af04 100644
--- a/app/configuration/index.js
+++ b/app/configuration/index.js
@@ -5,45 +5,45 @@
  * @exports app/configuration/index
-window.angular && (function (angular) {
-    'use strict';
+window.angular && (function(angular) {
+  'use strict';
-    angular
-        .module('app.configuration', [
-            'ngRoute',
-            'app.constants',
-            ''
-        ])
-        // Route configuration
-        .config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
-            $routeProvider
-                .when('/configuration/network', {
-                    'template': require('./controllers/network-controller.html'),
-                    'controller': 'networkController',
-                    authenticated: true
-                })
-                .when('/configuration/security', {
-                    'template': require('./controllers/security-controller.html'),
-                    'controller': 'securityController',
-                    authenticated: true
-                }).when('/configuration/date-time', {
-                    'template': require('./controllers/date-time-controller.html'),
-                    'controller': 'dateTimeController',
-                    authenticated: true
-                })
-                .when('/configuration/file', {
-                    'template': require('./controllers/file-controller.html'),
-                    'controller': 'fileController',
-                    authenticated: true
-                }).when('/configuration', {
-                    'template': require('./controllers/network-controller.html'),
-                    'controller': 'networkController',
-                    authenticated: true
-                }).when('/configuration/firmware', {
-                'template': require('./controllers/firmware-controller.html'),
-                'controller': 'firmwareController',
-                authenticated: true
-            });
-        }]);
+  angular
+    .module('app.configuration', [
+      'ngRoute',
+      'app.constants',
+      ''
+    ])
+    // Route configuration
+    .config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
+      $routeProvider
+        .when('/configuration/network', {
+          'template': require('./controllers/network-controller.html'),
+          'controller': 'networkController',
+          authenticated: true
+        })
+        .when('/configuration/security', {
+          'template': require('./controllers/security-controller.html'),
+          'controller': 'securityController',
+          authenticated: true
+        }).when('/configuration/date-time', {
+          'template': require('./controllers/date-time-controller.html'),
+          'controller': 'dateTimeController',
+          authenticated: true
+        })
+        .when('/configuration/file', {
+          'template': require('./controllers/file-controller.html'),
+          'controller': 'fileController',
+          authenticated: true
+        }).when('/configuration', {
+          'template': require('./controllers/network-controller.html'),
+          'controller': 'networkController',
+          authenticated: true
+        }).when('/configuration/firmware', {
+          'template': require('./controllers/firmware-controller.html'),
+          'controller': 'firmwareController',
+          authenticated: true
+        });
+    }]);