Implement firmware upload function
Change-Id: Ie89793ec9add1fc9e5241b422cfff64784f7b078
Signed-off-by: Iftekharul Islam <>
diff --git a/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.html b/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.html
index 817fd06..8c681df 100644
--- a/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.html
+++ b/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.html
@@ -18,252 +18,8 @@
<span class="icon icon__bar-arrow"> </span> Scroll to upload image file
-<div class="row column firmware__table">
- <div class="table-header column small-12">
- <p class="inline">Server images</p>
- <p class="inline firmware__active-version">In-memory firmware version: v1.99.4-82-g874f12e</p>
- </div>
- <div class="table row column">
- <div class="table__head">
- <div class="table__row">
- <div class="table__cell">
- Boot Priority
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- Image state
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- Image ID
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- Version
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- Action
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="table__body">
- <div class="table__row">
- <div class="table__cell firmware__primary">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Boot Priority:</span>
- <div class="icon icon__up-arrow icon-as-spacer" aria-hidden="true">
- <span class="accessible-text">firmware down in priority</span></div>
- <div class="icon icon__down-arrow" aria-hidden="true">
- <span class="accessible-text">firmware down in priority</span></div>
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__active">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image state:</span>Active
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image ID:</span>46c8c3d0
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__version" ng-class="{'active':extendedVersion === true}">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Version:</span>v1.99.4-82-g874f12e
- <div class="icon icon__more" ng-click="extendedVersion = ! extendedVersion"
- ng-class="{'active':extendedVersion === true}">
- <svg version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 24.3 24.6">
- <path d="M12.1,23C6.1,23,1.3,18.2,1.3,12.3S6.1,1.6,12.1,1.6s10.7,4.8,10.7,10.7S18,23,12.1,23z M12.1,2.6c-5.4,0-9.7,4.4-9.7,9.7 S6.7,22,12.1,22s9.7-4.4,9.7-9.7S17.4,2.6,12.1,2.6z"/>
- <g>
- <circle cx="6.7" cy="12.5" r="1.5"/>
- <circle cx="12.1" cy="12.5" r="1.5"/>
- <circle cx="17.4" cy="12.5" r="1.5"/>
- </g>
- </svg>
- </div>
- <div class="icon__more-dropdown" ng-show="extendedVersion">
- <h5 class="bold">Extended version information</h5>
- <p class="no-margin">Host: 1.2.3</p>
- <p class="no-margin">Linux: 2.3.4</p>
- <p class="no-margin">Other OS: 4.5.6</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- new row -->
- <div class="table__row">
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Boot Priority:</span>
- <div class="icon icon__up-arrow" aria-hidden="true">
- <span class="accessible-text">firmware up in priority</span></div>
- <div class="icon icon__down-arrow" aria-hidden="true">
- <span class="accessible-text">firmware down in priority</span></div>
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__active">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image state:</span>Active
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image ID:</span>46c9c3e4
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__version">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Version:</span>v1.99.4-82-g874g45r
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Action:</span>
- <button class="firmware__action-link">Delete</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- new row -->
- <div class="table__row">
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Boot Priority:</span>
- <div class="icon icon__up-arrow" aria-hidden="true">
- <span class="accessible-text">firmware up in priority</span></div>
- <div class="icon icon__down-arrow icon-as-spacer" aria-hidden="true">
- <span class="accessible-text">firmware down in priority</span></div>
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__active">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image state:</span>Active
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image ID:</span>46c9c3e4
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__version">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Version:</span>v1.99.4-82-g974g48r
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Action:</span>
- <button class="firmware__action-link">Delete</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- new row -->
- <div class="table__row disabled">
- <div class="table__cell"></div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__active">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image state:</span>Invalid
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image ID:</span>46c9c3e4
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__version">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Version:</span>v1.99.4-82-g774g15r
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Action:</span>
- <button class="firmware__action-link">Delete</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="table__row">
- <div class="table__row-save" role="alert"><p>Saved</p></div> <!-- inject div when row is saved -->
- <div class="table__cell"></div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__active">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image state:</span>Invalid
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image ID:</span>46c9c3e4
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__version">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Version:</span>v1.99.4-82-g774g15r
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Action:</span>
- <button class="firmware__action-link">Delete</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-<div class="row column firmware__table">
- <div class="table-header column small-12">
- <p class="inline">BMC images</p>
- <p class="inline firmware__active-version">In-memory firmware version: v4.0.4-83r</p>
- </div>
- <div class="table row column">
- <div class="table__head">
- <div class="table__row">
- <div class="table__cell">
- Boot Priority
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- Image state
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- Image ID
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- Version
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- Action
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="table__body">
- <!-- new row -->
- <div class="table__row">
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Boot Priority:</span>
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__active">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image state:</span>Active
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image ID:</span>nnnnnn0
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__version">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Version:</span>v4.0.4-83r
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Action:</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- new row -->
- <div class="table__row disabled">
- <div class="table__cell"></div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__active">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image state:</span>Activation failed
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image ID:</span>50c9c3e4
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__version">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Version:</span>v3.4-82-g874g45r
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Action:</span>
- <button class="firmware__action-link">Delete</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- new row -->
- <div class="table__row">
- <div class="table__cell"></div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__active">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image state:</span>Ready
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image ID:</span>nnnnnn1
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__version">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Version:</span>v4.0.3-83r
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Action:</span>
- <button class="firmware__action-link">Activate</button>
- <button class="firmware__action-link">Delete</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- new row -->
- <div class="table__row table__row-uploading">
- <div class="table__cell"></div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__active">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image state:</span>Not ready
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Image ID:</span>nnnnnn2
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell firmware__version">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Version:</span>v4.0.2-82p
- </div>
- <div class="table__cell">
- <span class="table__cell-label">Action:</span>
- <span>Validating...</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
+<firmware-list title="BMC images" version="bmcActiveVersion" firmwares="firmwares" filter-by="filters.bmc"></firmware-list>
+<firmware-list title="Server images" version="hostActiveVersion" firmwares="firmwares" filter-by=""></firmware-list>
<div class="row column" id="upload">
<div class="column small-12 page-header">
<h2 class="inline h3 bold">Upload firmware image</h2>
@@ -275,12 +31,12 @@
<p>Optional text area. Can be used to explain about updating openBMC firmware from workstation. This could
be step-by-step instruction. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et</p>
<label for="file-upload" class="inline firmware__upload-chooser">
- <input id="file-upload" type="file" class="hide"/>
+ <input id="file-upload" type="file" file="file" class="hide" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().fileNameChanged()"/>
<span class="button btn-secondary inline">Choose a file</span>
- <span class="inline firmware__upload-file-name">No file chosen</span>
+ <span class="inline firmware__upload-file-name"><span ng-if="!file">No file chosen</span><span ng-if=" !== undefined">{{}}</span></span>
- <input type="submit" value="Upload firmware" class="inline btn btn-primary float-right"/>
- <div class="inline uploading">Upload in progress...</div>
+ <input type="button" value="Upload firmware" class="inline button btn-primary float-right" ng-click="upload()"/>
+ <div class="inline uploading" ng-show="uploading">Upload in progress...</div>
<div class=" column firmware__upload-tftp">
<h3 class="h4 bold">Download from TFTP server</h3>
@@ -297,63 +53,33 @@
<input name="tftp-file-name" id="tftp-file-name" type="text"/>
<div class="column small-12 large-4">
- <input type="submit" value="Download firmware" class="inline btn btn-primary float-right"/>
+ <input type="submit" value="Download firmware" class="inline button btn-primary float-right"/>
- <div class="inline uploading">Upload in progress...</div>
+ <div class="inline uploading" ng-show="downloading">Downloading in progress...</div>
<!-- Firmware modals -->
-<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog">
+<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog" ng-class="{'active': display_error}">
<div class="modal__upload-fail" role="document">
- <div class="screen-reader-offscreen modal-description">Upload failure modal</div><!-- accessibility only; used for screen readers -->
+ <div class="screen-reader-offscreen modal-description">{{error.modal_title}}</div><!-- accessibility only; used for screen readers -->
<div class="page-header ">
- <span class="icon icon__warning inline"><span class="accessible-text" role="alert">Warning</span></span>
- <h1 class="modal-title h4 inline">Upload failed</h1>
+ <span class="icon icon__warning inline"><span class="accessible-text" role="alert">{{error.type}}</span></span>
+ <h1 class="modal-title h4 inline">{{error.title}}</h1>
<div class="modal__content">
- <p>The upload of the image file has failed.</p>
+ <p>{{error.desc}}</p>
<div class="modal__button-wrapper">
- <button class="inline btn-primary">Close</button>
+ <button class="inline btn-primary" ng-click="display_error = false;">Close</button>
-<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog">
- <div class="modal__activation-fail" role="document">
- <div class="screen-reader-offscreen modal-description">Activation failure modal</div><!-- accessibility only; used for screen readers -->
- <div class="page-header ">
- <span class="icon icon__warning inline"><span class="accessible-text" role="alert">Warning</span></span>
- <h1 class="modal-title h4 inline">Activation failed</h1>
- </div>
- <div class="modal__content">
- <p>Activation of the image file has failed.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="modal__button-wrapper">
- <button class="inline btn-primary">Close</button>
- </div>
- </div>
-<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog">
- <div class="modal__tftp-unreachable" role="document">
- <div class="screen-reader-offscreen modal-description">TFTP server unreachable modal</div><!-- accessibility only; used for screen readers -->
- <div class="page-header ">
- <span class="icon icon__warning inline"><span class="accessible-text" role="alert">Warning</span></span>
- <h1 class="modal-title h4 inline">TFTP server unreachable </h1>
- </div>
- <div class="modal__content">
- <p>Could not make a connection with the TFTP server. Check the IP address and connections, and try
- again.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="modal__button-wrapper">
- <button class="inline btn-primary">Close</button>
- </div>
- </div>
-<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog">
+<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog" ng-class="{'active': confirm_delete}">
<div class="modal__tftp-unreachable" role="document">
<div class="screen-reader-offscreen modal-description">Delete firmware image</div><!-- accessibility only; used for screen readers -->
<div class="page-header ">
@@ -361,15 +87,16 @@
<h1 class="modal-title h4 inline">Delete image</h1>
<div class="modal__content">
- <p>Delete firmware v3.4-82-g874g45r?</p>
+ <p>Delete firmware {{delete_image_version}}?</p>
<div class="modal__button-wrapper">
- <button class="inline btn-secondary">Cancel</button>
- <button class="inline btn-primary">Continue</button>
+ <button class="inline btn-secondary" ng-click="confirm_delete=false;">Cancel</button>
+ <button class="inline btn-primary" ng-click="confirmDeleteImage()">Continue</button>
-<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog">
+<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog" ng-class="{'active': confirm_upload_image}">
<div class="modal__upload" role="document">
<div class="screen-reader-offscreen modal-description">Upload image file modal</div><!-- accessibility only; used for screen readers -->
<div class="page-header ">
@@ -385,12 +112,12 @@
to the previous image.</p>
<div class="modal__button-wrapper">
- <button class="inline btn-secondary">Cancel</button>
- <button class="inline btn-primary">Continue</button>
+ <button class="inline btn-secondary" ng-click="confirm_upload_image = false;">Cancel</button>
+ <button class="inline btn-primary" ng-click="confirmUpload()">Continue</button>
-<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog">
+<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog" ng-class="{'active': reboot_confirm}">
<div class="modal__reboot" role="document">
<div class="screen-reader-offscreen modal-description">Server reboot required modal</div><!-- accessibility only; used for screen readers -->
<div class="page-header ">
@@ -407,12 +134,12 @@
<a href="#/server-control/power-operations" class="bold modal__link">Go to power operations page</a>
<div class="modal__button-wrapper">
- <button class="inline btn-secondary">Cancel</button>
- <button class="inline btn-primary">Warm reboot</button>
+ <button class="inline btn-secondary" ng-click="reboot_confirm=false;">Cancel</button>
+ <button class="inline btn-primary" ng-click="confirmWarmReboot()">Warm reboot</button>
-<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog">
+<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog" ng-class="{'active': preserve_settings_confirm}">
<div class="modal__preserve-settings" role="document">
<div class="screen-reader-offscreen modal-description">Preserve setting modal</div><!-- accessibility only; used for screen readers -->
<div class="page-header ">
@@ -443,9 +170,9 @@
<div class="modal__button-wrapper">
- <button class="inline btn-secondary">Cancel</button>
- <button class="inline btn-primary">Continue</button>
+ <button class="inline btn-secondary" ng-click="preserve_settings_confirm=false;">Cancel</button>
+ <button class="inline btn-primary" ng-click="preserveSettingsConfirmed()">Continue</button>
-<div class="modal-overlay" tabindex="-1"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
+<div class="modal-overlay" tabindex="-1" ng-class="{'active': (display_error || confirm_upload_image || reboot_confirm || preserve_settings_confirm)}"></div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.js b/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.js
index 0eef4ea..2bdfced 100644
--- a/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.js
+++ b/app/configuration/controllers/firmware-controller.js
@@ -27,6 +27,99 @@
+ $scope.firmwares = [];
+ $scope.bmcActiveVersion = "";
+ $scope.hostActiveVersion = "";
+ $scope.display_error = false;
+ $scope.confirm_upload_image = false;
+ $scope.reboot_confirm = false;
+ $scope.preserve_settings_confirm = false;
+ $scope.delete_image_id = "";
+ $scope.activate_image_id = "";
+ $scope.file_empty = true;
+ $scope.uploading = false;
+ $scope.error = {
+ modal_title: "",
+ title: "",
+ desc: "",
+ type: "warning"
+ };
+ $scope.activateImage = function(imageId){
+ $scope.activate_image_id = imageId;
+ $scope.preserve_settings_confirm = true;
+ }
+ $scope.displayError = function(data){
+ $scope.error = data;
+ $scope.display_error = true;
+ }
+ $scope.preserveSettingsConfirmed = function(){
+ //show error
+ $scope.preserve_settings_confirm = false;
+ }
+ $scope.confirmWarmReboot = function(){
+ $scope.reboot_confirm = false;
+ }
+ $scope.upload = function(){
+ if(!$scope.file_empty){
+ $scope.confirm_upload_image = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.confirmUpload = function(){
+ $scope.uploading = true;
+ APIUtils.uploadImage($scope.file, function(response){
+ $scope.uploading = false;
+ if(response.status == 'error'){
+ $scope.displayError({
+ modal_title:,
+ title:,
+ desc:,
+ type: 'Error'
+ });
+ }else{
+ $scope.loadFirmwares();
+ }
+ });
+ $scope.confirm_upload_image = false;
+ }
+ $scope.deleteImage = function(imageId){
+ $scope.delete_image_id = imageId;
+ $scope.confirm_delete = true;
+ }
+ $scope.confirmDeleteImage = function(imageId){
+ $scope.confirm_delete = false;
+ }
+ $scope.fileNameChanged = function(){
+ $scope.file_empty = false;
+ }
+ $scope.uploading = false;
+ $scope.filters = {
+ bmc: {
+ imageType: 'BMC'
+ },
+ host: {
+ imageType: 'Host'
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.loadFirmwares = function(){
+ APIUtils.getFirmwares(function(data, bmcActiveVersion, hostActiveVersion){
+ $scope.firmwares = data;
+ $scope.bmcActiveVersion = bmcActiveVersion;
+ $scope.hostActiveVersion = hostActiveVersion;
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.loadFirmwares();
diff --git a/app/configuration/styles/firmware.scss b/app/configuration/styles/firmware.scss
index 08de2bd..ea51b57 100644
--- a/app/configuration/styles/firmware.scss
+++ b/app/configuration/styles/firmware.scss
@@ -75,12 +75,7 @@
label {
font-weight: 700;
- .row p,
- fieldset {
- label {
- font-weight: 300;
- }
- }
input {
height: 2.4em;