Remove Associations property from inventory item

If the inventory item had a Assocations interface, it would have
a Assocations property. This Assocations property showed
on the inventory panel under the individual inventory item

There can be a lot of Associations, the chassis for example associates
to a lot of sensors, and they are long, full D-Bus paths. Not
very useful and can overwhelm the dropdown so remove the property.

One day we might want something to associate an inventory item to
an object (e.g. sensors). This would require design changes to
accommodate this.

Support both the old and new Associations interface.

Tested: Built an image and loaded on a Witherspoon. No longer see
        this property.
Change-Id: Ib67e36c7536a42eb56e65b6dbe6fd8798976ee08
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <>
1 file changed
tree: c43803381c47d7bac67117aeaf9d9a50ee436522
  1. app/
  2. .babelrc
  3. .clang-format
  4. .gitignore
  5. config.json
  7. karma.conf.js
  10. package-lock.json
  11. package.json
  12. postcss.config.js
  15. webpack.config.js

OpenBMC Web User Interface

The OpenBMC WebUI is a Web-based user interface for the OpenBMC firmware stack. The WebUI uses AngularJS. Features include:

  • View system overview data such as model information and serial number
  • View and manage event logs
  • View inventory data
  • View sensor data
  • Power On/Off server operations
  • Reboot BMC
  • Manage and update BMC and Host firmware
  • IPv4 network settings
  • SoL console


nodejs (>= 4.2.6) npm (>= 6.0.1)

Note The default installation of your Linux distro may not come with the required versions above. See the following for more information on updating:


npm install

Note This must be run from within the phosphor-webui git repository.

Running locally

npm run-script server

This will start a server instance and begin listening for connections at http://localhost:8080. This development server provides live reloading on code changes. NOTE: Browsing to https://<BMC> and accepting the self-signed certificate might be required to prevent your browser from blocking traffic to the BMC.

Logging in

Enter the BMC Host or BMC IP address, username, and password. The default username and password are root/0penBmc.

Note that some OpenBMC implementations use bmcweb for its backend. For security reasons, bmcweb will need to be recompiled and loaded onto the target BMC Host before the above redirect command will work. The option to turn on within bmcweb is BMCWEB_INSECURE_DISABLE_XSS_PREVENTION.