Updating images and stles
Updating images and styles after code merge conflicts
Change-Id: I96490926caa41d13e4d625ff67f6a463d7819d34
Signed-off-by: Iftekharul Islam <iffy.ryan@ibm.com>
diff --git a/app/vendors/hterm/hterm_all.js b/app/vendors/hterm/hterm_all.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bab739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/vendors/hterm/hterm_all.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17295 @@
+// This file was generated by libdot/bin/concat.sh.
+// It has been marked read-only for your safety. Rather
+// than edit it directly, please modify one of these source
+// files...
+// libdot/js/lib.js
+// libdot/js/lib_colors.js
+// libdot/js/lib_f.js
+// libdot/js/lib_message_manager.js
+// libdot/js/lib_preference_manager.js
+// libdot/js/lib_resource.js
+// libdot/js/lib_storage.js
+// libdot/js/lib_storage_chrome.js
+// libdot/js/lib_storage_local.js
+// libdot/js/lib_storage_memory.js
+// libdot/js/lib_test_manager.js
+// libdot/js/lib_utf8.js
+// libdot/js/lib_wc.js
+// hterm/js/hterm.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_frame.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_keyboard.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_bindings.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_keymap.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_keypattern.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_options.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_parser.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_parser_identifiers.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_preference_manager.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_pubsub.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_screen.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_scrollport.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_terminal.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_terminal_io.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_text_attributes.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_vt.js
+// hterm/js/hterm_vt_character_map.js
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+if (typeof lib != 'undefined')
+ throw new Error('Global "lib" object already exists.');
+var lib = {};
+ * Map of "dependency" to ["source", ...].
+ *
+ * Each dependency is a object name, like "lib.fs", "source" is the url that
+ * depends on the object.
+ */
+lib.runtimeDependencies_ = {};
+ * List of functions that need to be invoked during library initialization.
+ *
+ * Each element in the initCallbacks_ array is itself a two-element array.
+ * Element 0 is a short string describing the owner of the init routine, useful
+ * for debugging. Element 1 is the callback function.
+ */
+lib.initCallbacks_ = [];
+ * Records a runtime dependency.
+ *
+ * This can be useful when you want to express a run-time dependency at
+ * compile time. It is not intended to be a full-fledged library system or
+ * dependency tracker. It's just there to make it possible to debug the
+ * deps without running all the code.
+ *
+ * Object names are specified as strings. For example...
+ *
+ * lib.rtdep('lib.colors', 'lib.PreferenceManager');
+ *
+ * Object names need not be rooted by 'lib'. You may use this to declare a
+ * dependency on any object.
+ *
+ * The client program may call lib.ensureRuntimeDependencies() at startup in
+ * order to ensure that all runtime dependencies have been met.
+ *
+ * @param {string} var_args One or more objects specified as strings.
+ */
+lib.rtdep = function(var_args) {
+ var source;
+ try {
+ throw new Error();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ var stackArray = ex.stack.split('\n');
+ // In Safari, the resulting stackArray will only have 2 elements and the
+ // individual strings are formatted differently.
+ if (stackArray.length >= 3) {
+ source = stackArray[2].replace(/^\s*at\s+/, '');
+ } else {
+ source = stackArray[1].replace(/^\s*global code@/, '');
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var path = arguments[i];
+ if (path instanceof Array) {
+ lib.rtdep.apply(lib, path);
+ } else {
+ var ary = this.runtimeDependencies_[path];
+ if (!ary)
+ ary = this.runtimeDependencies_[path] = [];
+ ary.push(source);
+ }
+ }
+ * Ensures that all runtime dependencies are met, or an exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * Every unmet runtime dependency will be logged to the JS console. If at
+ * least one dependency is unmet this will raise an exception.
+ */
+lib.ensureRuntimeDependencies_ = function() {
+ var passed = true;
+ for (var path in lib.runtimeDependencies_) {
+ var sourceList = lib.runtimeDependencies_[path];
+ var names = path.split('.');
+ // In a document context 'window' is the global object. In a worker it's
+ // called 'self'.
+ var obj = (window || self);
+ for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+ if (!(names[i] in obj)) {
+ console.warn('Missing "' + path + '" is needed by', sourceList);
+ passed = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ obj = obj[names[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!passed)
+ throw new Error('Failed runtime dependency check');
+ * Register an initialization function.
+ *
+ * The initialization functions are invoked in registration order when
+ * lib.init() is invoked. Each function will receive a single parameter, which
+ * is a function to be invoked when it completes its part of the initialization.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name A short descriptive name of the init routine useful for
+ * debugging.
+ * @param {function(function)} callback The initialization function to register.
+ * @return {function} The callback parameter.
+ */
+lib.registerInit = function(name, callback) {
+ lib.initCallbacks_.push([name, callback]);
+ return callback;
+ * Initialize the library.
+ *
+ * This will ensure that all registered runtime dependencies are met, and
+ * invoke any registered initialization functions.
+ *
+ * Initialization is asynchronous. The library is not ready for use until
+ * the onInit function is invoked.
+ *
+ * @param {function()} onInit The function to invoke when initialization is
+ * complete.
+ * @param {function(*)} opt_logFunction An optional function to send
+ * initialization related log messages to.
+ */
+lib.init = function(onInit, opt_logFunction) {
+ var ary = lib.initCallbacks_;
+ var initNext = function() {
+ if (ary.length) {
+ var rec = ary.shift();
+ if (opt_logFunction)
+ opt_logFunction('init: ' + rec[0]);
+ rec[1](lib.f.alarm(initNext));
+ } else {
+ onInit();
+ }
+ };
+ if (typeof onInit != 'function')
+ throw new Error('Missing or invalid argument: onInit');
+ lib.ensureRuntimeDependencies_();
+ setTimeout(initNext, 0);
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_colors.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Namespace for color utilities.
+ */
+lib.colors = {};
+ * First, some canned regular expressions we're going to use in this file.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ,~~~~.
+ * |>_< ~~
+ * 3`---'-/.
+ * 3:::::\v\
+ * =o=:::::\,\
+ * | :::::\,,\
+ *
+ *
+ * There's no way to break long RE literals in JavaScript. Fix that why don't
+ * you? Oh, and also there's no way to write a string that doesn't interpret
+ * escapes.
+ *
+ * Instead, we stoop to this .replace() trick.
+ */
+lib.colors.re_ = {
+ // CSS hex color, #RGB.
+ hex16: /#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])/i,
+ // CSS hex color, #RRGGBB.
+ hex24: /#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})/i,
+ // CSS rgb color, rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb).
+ rgb: new RegExp(
+ ('^/s*rgb/s*/(/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,' +
+ '/s*(/d{1,3})/s*/)/s*$'
+ ).replace(/\//g, '\\'), 'i'),
+ // CSS rgb color, rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb,aaa).
+ rgba: new RegExp(
+ ('^/s*rgba/s*' +
+ '/(/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*' +
+ '(?:,/s*(/d+(?:/./d+)?)/s*)/)/s*$'
+ ).replace(/\//g, '\\'), 'i'),
+ // Either RGB or RGBA.
+ rgbx: new RegExp(
+ ('^/s*rgba?/s*' +
+ '/(/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*' +
+ '(?:,/s*(/d+(?:/./d+)?)/s*)?/)/s*$'
+ ).replace(/\//g, '\\'), 'i'),
+ // An X11 "rgb:dddd/dddd/dddd" value.
+ x11rgb: /^\s*rgb:([a-f0-9]{1,4})\/([a-f0-9]{1,4})\/([a-f0-9]{1,4})\s*$/i,
+ // English color name.
+ name: /[a-z][a-z0-9\s]+/,
+ * Convert a CSS rgb(ddd,ddd,ddd) color value into an X11 color value.
+ *
+ * Other CSS color values are ignored to ensure sanitary data handling.
+ *
+ * Each 'ddd' component is a one byte value specified in decimal.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value The CSS color value to convert.
+ * @return {string} The X11 color value or null if the value could not be
+ * converted.
+ */
+lib.colors.rgbToX11 = function(value) {
+ function scale(v) {
+ v = (Math.min(v, 255) * 257).toString(16);
+ return lib.f.zpad(v, 4);
+ }
+ var ary = value.match(lib.colors.re_.rgbx);
+ if (!ary)
+ return null;
+ return 'rgb:' + scale(ary[1]) + '/' + scale(ary[2]) + '/' + scale(ary[3]);
+ * Convert a legacy X11 colover value into an CSS rgb(...) color value.
+ *
+ * They take the form:
+ * 12 bit: #RGB -> #R000G000B000
+ * 24 bit: #RRGGBB -> #RR00GG00BB00
+ * 36 bit: #RRRGGGBBB -> #RRR0GGG0BBB0
+ * 48 bit: #RRRRGGGGBBBB
+ * These are the most significant bits.
+ *
+ * Truncate values back down to 24 bit since that's all CSS supports.
+ */
+lib.colors.x11HexToCSS = function(v) {
+ if (!v.startsWith('#'))
+ return null;
+ // Strip the leading # off.
+ v = v.substr(1);
+ // Reject unknown sizes.
+ if ([3, 6, 9, 12].indexOf(v.length) == -1)
+ return null;
+ // Reject non-hex values.
+ if (v.match(/[^a-f0-9]/i))
+ return null;
+ // Split the colors out.
+ var size = v.length / 3;
+ var r = v.substr(0, size);
+ var g = v.substr(size, size);
+ var b = v.substr(size + size, size);
+ // Normalize to 16 bits.
+ function norm16(v) {
+ v = parseInt(v, 16);
+ return size == 2 ? v : // 16 bit
+ size == 1 ? v << 4 : // 8 bit
+ v >> (4 * (size - 2)); // 24 or 32 bit
+ }
+ return lib.colors.arrayToRGBA([r, g, b].map(norm16));
+ * Convert an X11 color value into an CSS rgb(...) color value.
+ *
+ * The X11 value may be an X11 color name, or an RGB value of the form
+ * rgb:hhhh/hhhh/hhhh. If a component value is less than 4 digits it is
+ * padded out to 4, then scaled down to fit in a single byte.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value The X11 color value to convert.
+ * @return {string} The CSS color value or null if the value could not be
+ * converted.
+ */
+lib.colors.x11ToCSS = function(v) {
+ function scale(v) {
+ // Pad out values with less than four digits. This padding (probably)
+ // matches xterm. It's difficult to say for sure since xterm seems to
+ // arrive at a padded value and then perform some combination of
+ // gamma correction, color space transformation, and quantization.
+ if (v.length == 1) {
+ // Single digits pad out to four by repeating the character. "f" becomes
+ // "ffff". Scaling down a hex value of this pattern by 257 is the same
+ // as cutting off one byte. We skip the middle step and just double
+ // the character.
+ return parseInt(v + v, 16);
+ }
+ if (v.length == 2) {
+ // Similar deal here. X11 pads two digit values by repeating the
+ // byte (or scale up by 257). Since we're going to scale it back
+ // down anyway, we can just return the original value.
+ return parseInt(v, 16);
+ }
+ if (v.length == 3) {
+ // Three digit values seem to be padded by repeating the final digit.
+ // e.g. 10f becomes 10ff.
+ v = v + v.substr(2);
+ }
+ // Scale down the 2 byte value.
+ return Math.round(parseInt(v, 16) / 257);
+ }
+ var ary = v.match(lib.colors.re_.x11rgb);
+ if (!ary) {
+ // Handle the legacy format.
+ if (v.startsWith('#'))
+ return lib.colors.x11HexToCSS(v);
+ else
+ return lib.colors.nameToRGB(v);
+ }
+ ary.splice(0, 1);
+ return lib.colors.arrayToRGBA(ary.map(scale));
+ * Converts one or more CSS '#RRGGBB' color values into their rgb(...)
+ * form.
+ *
+ * Arrays are converted in place. If a value cannot be converted, it is
+ * replaced with null.
+ *
+ * @param {string|Array.<string>} A single RGB value or array of RGB values to
+ * convert.
+ * @return {string|Array.<string>} The converted value or values.
+ */
+lib.colors.hexToRGB = function(arg) {
+ var hex16 = lib.colors.re_.hex16;
+ var hex24 = lib.colors.re_.hex24;
+ function convert(hex) {
+ if (hex.length == 4) {
+ hex = hex.replace(hex16, function(h, r, g, b) {
+ return "#" + r + r + g + g + b + b;
+ });
+ }
+ var ary = hex.match(hex24);
+ if (!ary)
+ return null;
+ return 'rgb(' + parseInt(ary[1], 16) + ', ' +
+ parseInt(ary[2], 16) + ', ' +
+ parseInt(ary[3], 16) + ')';
+ }
+ if (arg instanceof Array) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
+ arg[i] = convert(arg[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ arg = convert(arg);
+ }
+ return arg;
+ * Converts one or more CSS rgb(...) forms into their '#RRGGBB' color values.
+ *
+ * If given an rgba(...) form, the alpha field is thrown away.
+ *
+ * Arrays are converted in place. If a value cannot be converted, it is
+ * replaced with null.
+ *
+ * @param {string|Array.<string>} A single rgb(...) value or array of rgb(...)
+ * values to convert.
+ * @return {string|Array.<string>} The converted value or values.
+ */
+lib.colors.rgbToHex = function(arg) {
+ function convert(rgb) {
+ var ary = lib.colors.crackRGB(rgb);
+ if (!ary)
+ return null;
+ return '#' + lib.f.zpad(((parseInt(ary[0]) << 16) |
+ (parseInt(ary[1]) << 8) |
+ (parseInt(ary[2]) << 0)).toString(16), 6);
+ }
+ if (arg instanceof Array) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
+ arg[i] = convert(arg[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ arg = convert(arg);
+ }
+ return arg;
+ * Take any valid css color definition and turn it into an rgb or rgba value.
+ *
+ * Returns null if the value could not be normalized.
+ */
+lib.colors.normalizeCSS = function(def) {
+ if (def.substr(0, 1) == '#')
+ return lib.colors.hexToRGB(def);
+ if (lib.colors.re_.rgbx.test(def))
+ return def;
+ return lib.colors.nameToRGB(def);
+ * Convert a 3 or 4 element array into an rgba(...) string.
+ */
+lib.colors.arrayToRGBA = function(ary) {
+ var alpha = (ary.length > 3) ? ary[3] : 1;
+ return 'rgba(' + ary[0] + ', ' + ary[1] + ', ' + ary[2] + ', ' + alpha + ')';
+ * Overwrite the alpha channel of an rgb/rgba color.
+ */
+lib.colors.setAlpha = function(rgb, alpha) {
+ var ary = lib.colors.crackRGB(rgb);
+ ary[3] = alpha;
+ return lib.colors.arrayToRGBA(ary);
+ * Mix a percentage of a tint color into a base color.
+ */
+lib.colors.mix = function(base, tint, percent) {
+ var ary1 = lib.colors.crackRGB(base);
+ var ary2 = lib.colors.crackRGB(tint);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ var diff = ary2[i] - ary1[i];
+ ary1[i] = Math.round(parseInt(ary1[i]) + diff * percent);
+ }
+ return lib.colors.arrayToRGBA(ary1);
+ * Split an rgb/rgba color into an array of its components.
+ *
+ * On success, a 4 element array will be returned. For rgb values, the alpha
+ * will be set to 1.
+ */
+lib.colors.crackRGB = function(color) {
+ if (color.substr(0, 4) == 'rgba') {
+ var ary = color.match(lib.colors.re_.rgba);
+ if (ary) {
+ ary.shift();
+ return ary;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var ary = color.match(lib.colors.re_.rgb);
+ if (ary) {
+ ary.shift();
+ ary.push(1);
+ return ary;
+ }
+ }
+ console.error('Couldn\'t crack: ' + color);
+ return null;
+ * Convert an X11 color name into a CSS rgb(...) value.
+ *
+ * Names are stripped of spaces and converted to lowercase. If the name is
+ * unknown, null is returned.
+ *
+ * This list of color name to RGB mapping is derived from the stock X11
+ * rgb.txt file.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name The color name to convert.
+ * @return {string} The corresponding CSS rgb(...) value.
+ */
+lib.colors.nameToRGB = function(name) {
+ if (name in lib.colors.colorNames)
+ return lib.colors.colorNames[name];
+ name = name.toLowerCase();
+ if (name in lib.colors.colorNames)
+ return lib.colors.colorNames[name];
+ name = name.replace(/\s+/g, '');
+ if (name in lib.colors.colorNames)
+ return lib.colors.colorNames[name];
+ return null;
+ * The stock color palette.
+ */
+lib.colors.stockColorPalette = lib.colors.hexToRGB
+ ([// The "ANSI 16"...
+ '#000000', '#CC0000', '#4E9A06', '#C4A000',
+ '#3465A4', '#75507B', '#06989A', '#D3D7CF',
+ '#555753', '#EF2929', '#00BA13', '#FCE94F',
+ '#729FCF', '#F200CB', '#00B5BD', '#EEEEEC',
+ // The 6x6 color cubes...
+ '#000000', '#00005F', '#000087', '#0000AF', '#0000D7', '#0000FF',
+ '#005F00', '#005F5F', '#005F87', '#005FAF', '#005FD7', '#005FFF',
+ '#008700', '#00875F', '#008787', '#0087AF', '#0087D7', '#0087FF',
+ '#00AF00', '#00AF5F', '#00AF87', '#00AFAF', '#00AFD7', '#00AFFF',
+ '#00D700', '#00D75F', '#00D787', '#00D7AF', '#00D7D7', '#00D7FF',
+ '#00FF00', '#00FF5F', '#00FF87', '#00FFAF', '#00FFD7', '#00FFFF',
+ '#5F0000', '#5F005F', '#5F0087', '#5F00AF', '#5F00D7', '#5F00FF',
+ '#5F5F00', '#5F5F5F', '#5F5F87', '#5F5FAF', '#5F5FD7', '#5F5FFF',
+ '#5F8700', '#5F875F', '#5F8787', '#5F87AF', '#5F87D7', '#5F87FF',
+ '#5FAF00', '#5FAF5F', '#5FAF87', '#5FAFAF', '#5FAFD7', '#5FAFFF',
+ '#5FD700', '#5FD75F', '#5FD787', '#5FD7AF', '#5FD7D7', '#5FD7FF',
+ '#5FFF00', '#5FFF5F', '#5FFF87', '#5FFFAF', '#5FFFD7', '#5FFFFF',
+ '#870000', '#87005F', '#870087', '#8700AF', '#8700D7', '#8700FF',
+ '#875F00', '#875F5F', '#875F87', '#875FAF', '#875FD7', '#875FFF',
+ '#878700', '#87875F', '#878787', '#8787AF', '#8787D7', '#8787FF',
+ '#87AF00', '#87AF5F', '#87AF87', '#87AFAF', '#87AFD7', '#87AFFF',
+ '#87D700', '#87D75F', '#87D787', '#87D7AF', '#87D7D7', '#87D7FF',
+ '#87FF00', '#87FF5F', '#87FF87', '#87FFAF', '#87FFD7', '#87FFFF',
+ '#AF0000', '#AF005F', '#AF0087', '#AF00AF', '#AF00D7', '#AF00FF',
+ '#AF5F00', '#AF5F5F', '#AF5F87', '#AF5FAF', '#AF5FD7', '#AF5FFF',
+ '#AF8700', '#AF875F', '#AF8787', '#AF87AF', '#AF87D7', '#AF87FF',
+ '#AFAF00', '#AFAF5F', '#AFAF87', '#AFAFAF', '#AFAFD7', '#AFAFFF',
+ '#AFD700', '#AFD75F', '#AFD787', '#AFD7AF', '#AFD7D7', '#AFD7FF',
+ '#AFFF00', '#AFFF5F', '#AFFF87', '#AFFFAF', '#AFFFD7', '#AFFFFF',
+ '#D70000', '#D7005F', '#D70087', '#D700AF', '#D700D7', '#D700FF',
+ '#D75F00', '#D75F5F', '#D75F87', '#D75FAF', '#D75FD7', '#D75FFF',
+ '#D78700', '#D7875F', '#D78787', '#D787AF', '#D787D7', '#D787FF',
+ '#D7AF00', '#D7AF5F', '#D7AF87', '#D7AFAF', '#D7AFD7', '#D7AFFF',
+ '#D7D700', '#D7D75F', '#D7D787', '#D7D7AF', '#D7D7D7', '#D7D7FF',
+ '#D7FF00', '#D7FF5F', '#D7FF87', '#D7FFAF', '#D7FFD7', '#D7FFFF',
+ '#FF0000', '#FF005F', '#FF0087', '#FF00AF', '#FF00D7', '#FF00FF',
+ '#FF5F00', '#FF5F5F', '#FF5F87', '#FF5FAF', '#FF5FD7', '#FF5FFF',
+ '#FF8700', '#FF875F', '#FF8787', '#FF87AF', '#FF87D7', '#FF87FF',
+ '#FFAF00', '#FFAF5F', '#FFAF87', '#FFAFAF', '#FFAFD7', '#FFAFFF',
+ '#FFD700', '#FFD75F', '#FFD787', '#FFD7AF', '#FFD7D7', '#FFD7FF',
+ '#FFFF00', '#FFFF5F', '#FFFF87', '#FFFFAF', '#FFFFD7', '#FFFFFF',
+ // The greyscale ramp...
+ '#080808', '#121212', '#1C1C1C', '#262626', '#303030', '#3A3A3A',
+ '#444444', '#4E4E4E', '#585858', '#626262', '#6C6C6C', '#767676',
+ '#808080', '#8A8A8A', '#949494', '#9E9E9E', '#A8A8A8', '#B2B2B2',
+ '#BCBCBC', '#C6C6C6', '#D0D0D0', '#DADADA', '#E4E4E4', '#EEEEEE'
+ ]);
+ * The current color palette, possibly with user changes.
+ */
+lib.colors.colorPalette = lib.colors.stockColorPalette;
+ * Named colors according to the stock X11 rgb.txt file.
+ */
+lib.colors.colorNames = {
+ "aliceblue": "rgb(240, 248, 255)",
+ "antiquewhite": "rgb(250, 235, 215)",
+ "antiquewhite1": "rgb(255, 239, 219)",
+ "antiquewhite2": "rgb(238, 223, 204)",
+ "antiquewhite3": "rgb(205, 192, 176)",
+ "antiquewhite4": "rgb(139, 131, 120)",
+ "aquamarine": "rgb(127, 255, 212)",
+ "aquamarine1": "rgb(127, 255, 212)",
+ "aquamarine2": "rgb(118, 238, 198)",
+ "aquamarine3": "rgb(102, 205, 170)",
+ "aquamarine4": "rgb(69, 139, 116)",
+ "azure": "rgb(240, 255, 255)",
+ "azure1": "rgb(240, 255, 255)",
+ "azure2": "rgb(224, 238, 238)",
+ "azure3": "rgb(193, 205, 205)",
+ "azure4": "rgb(131, 139, 139)",
+ "beige": "rgb(245, 245, 220)",
+ "bisque": "rgb(255, 228, 196)",
+ "bisque1": "rgb(255, 228, 196)",
+ "bisque2": "rgb(238, 213, 183)",
+ "bisque3": "rgb(205, 183, 158)",
+ "bisque4": "rgb(139, 125, 107)",
+ "black": "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
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+ "blue3": "rgb(0, 0, 205)",
+ "blue4": "rgb(0, 0, 139)",
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+ "brown3": "rgb(205, 51, 51)",
+ "brown4": "rgb(139, 35, 35)",
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+ "cadetblue3": "rgb(122, 197, 205)",
+ "cadetblue4": "rgb(83, 134, 139)",
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+ "chartreuse1": "rgb(127, 255, 0)",
+ "chartreuse2": "rgb(118, 238, 0)",
+ "chartreuse3": "rgb(102, 205, 0)",
+ "chartreuse4": "rgb(69, 139, 0)",
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+ "chocolate1": "rgb(255, 127, 36)",
+ "chocolate2": "rgb(238, 118, 33)",
+ "chocolate3": "rgb(205, 102, 29)",
+ "chocolate4": "rgb(139, 69, 19)",
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+ "coral1": "rgb(255, 114, 86)",
+ "coral2": "rgb(238, 106, 80)",
+ "coral3": "rgb(205, 91, 69)",
+ "coral4": "rgb(139, 62, 47)",
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+ "cornsilk1": "rgb(255, 248, 220)",
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+ "cornsilk3": "rgb(205, 200, 177)",
+ "cornsilk4": "rgb(139, 136, 120)",
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+ "cyan1": "rgb(0, 255, 255)",
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+ "cyan4": "rgb(0, 139, 139)",
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+ "darkgrey": "rgb(169, 169, 169)",
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+ "darkolivegreen2": "rgb(188, 238, 104)",
+ "darkolivegreen3": "rgb(162, 205, 90)",
+ "darkolivegreen4": "rgb(110, 139, 61)",
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+ "darkorange1": "rgb(255, 127, 0)",
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+ "darkorange3": "rgb(205, 102, 0)",
+ "darkorange4": "rgb(139, 69, 0)",
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+ "darkorchid3": "rgb(154, 50, 205)",
+ "darkorchid4": "rgb(104, 34, 139)",
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+ "darkslategray3": "rgb(121, 205, 205)",
+ "darkslategray4": "rgb(82, 139, 139)",
+ "darkslategrey": "rgb(47, 79, 79)",
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+ "deeppink1": "rgb(255, 20, 147)",
+ "deeppink2": "rgb(238, 18, 137)",
+ "deeppink3": "rgb(205, 16, 118)",
+ "deeppink4": "rgb(139, 10, 80)",
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+ "deepskyblue1": "rgb(0, 191, 255)",
+ "deepskyblue2": "rgb(0, 178, 238)",
+ "deepskyblue3": "rgb(0, 154, 205)",
+ "deepskyblue4": "rgb(0, 104, 139)",
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+ "dimgrey": "rgb(105, 105, 105)",
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+ "dodgerblue1": "rgb(30, 144, 255)",
+ "dodgerblue2": "rgb(28, 134, 238)",
+ "dodgerblue3": "rgb(24, 116, 205)",
+ "dodgerblue4": "rgb(16, 78, 139)",
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+ "firebrick2": "rgb(238, 44, 44)",
+ "firebrick3": "rgb(205, 38, 38)",
+ "firebrick4": "rgb(139, 26, 26)",
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+ "gold4": "rgb(139, 117, 0)",
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+ "goldenrod4": "rgb(139, 105, 20)",
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+ "gray13": "rgb(33, 33, 33)",
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+ "gray15": "rgb(38, 38, 38)",
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+ "gray17": "rgb(43, 43, 43)",
+ "gray18": "rgb(46, 46, 46)",
+ "gray19": "rgb(48, 48, 48)",
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+ "gray21": "rgb(54, 54, 54)",
+ "gray22": "rgb(56, 56, 56)",
+ "gray23": "rgb(59, 59, 59)",
+ "gray24": "rgb(61, 61, 61)",
+ "gray25": "rgb(64, 64, 64)",
+ "gray26": "rgb(66, 66, 66)",
+ "gray27": "rgb(69, 69, 69)",
+ "gray28": "rgb(71, 71, 71)",
+ "gray29": "rgb(74, 74, 74)",
+ "gray3": "rgb(8, 8, 8)",
+ "gray30": "rgb(77, 77, 77)",
+ "gray31": "rgb(79, 79, 79)",
+ "gray32": "rgb(82, 82, 82)",
+ "gray33": "rgb(84, 84, 84)",
+ "gray34": "rgb(87, 87, 87)",
+ "gray35": "rgb(89, 89, 89)",
+ "gray36": "rgb(92, 92, 92)",
+ "gray37": "rgb(94, 94, 94)",
+ "gray38": "rgb(97, 97, 97)",
+ "gray39": "rgb(99, 99, 99)",
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+ "gray40": "rgb(102, 102, 102)",
+ "gray41": "rgb(105, 105, 105)",
+ "gray42": "rgb(107, 107, 107)",
+ "gray43": "rgb(110, 110, 110)",
+ "gray44": "rgb(112, 112, 112)",
+ "gray45": "rgb(115, 115, 115)",
+ "gray46": "rgb(117, 117, 117)",
+ "gray47": "rgb(120, 120, 120)",
+ "gray48": "rgb(122, 122, 122)",
+ "gray49": "rgb(125, 125, 125)",
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+ "gray50": "rgb(127, 127, 127)",
+ "gray51": "rgb(130, 130, 130)",
+ "gray52": "rgb(133, 133, 133)",
+ "gray53": "rgb(135, 135, 135)",
+ "gray54": "rgb(138, 138, 138)",
+ "gray55": "rgb(140, 140, 140)",
+ "gray56": "rgb(143, 143, 143)",
+ "gray57": "rgb(145, 145, 145)",
+ "gray58": "rgb(148, 148, 148)",
+ "gray59": "rgb(150, 150, 150)",
+ "gray6": "rgb(15, 15, 15)",
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+ "gray61": "rgb(156, 156, 156)",
+ "gray62": "rgb(158, 158, 158)",
+ "gray63": "rgb(161, 161, 161)",
+ "gray64": "rgb(163, 163, 163)",
+ "gray65": "rgb(166, 166, 166)",
+ "gray66": "rgb(168, 168, 168)",
+ "gray67": "rgb(171, 171, 171)",
+ "gray68": "rgb(173, 173, 173)",
+ "gray69": "rgb(176, 176, 176)",
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+ "gray71": "rgb(181, 181, 181)",
+ "gray72": "rgb(184, 184, 184)",
+ "gray73": "rgb(186, 186, 186)",
+ "gray74": "rgb(189, 189, 189)",
+ "gray75": "rgb(191, 191, 191)",
+ "gray76": "rgb(194, 194, 194)",
+ "gray77": "rgb(196, 196, 196)",
+ "gray78": "rgb(199, 199, 199)",
+ "gray79": "rgb(201, 201, 201)",
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+ "gray80": "rgb(204, 204, 204)",
+ "gray81": "rgb(207, 207, 207)",
+ "gray82": "rgb(209, 209, 209)",
+ "gray83": "rgb(212, 212, 212)",
+ "gray84": "rgb(214, 214, 214)",
+ "gray85": "rgb(217, 217, 217)",
+ "gray86": "rgb(219, 219, 219)",
+ "gray87": "rgb(222, 222, 222)",
+ "gray88": "rgb(224, 224, 224)",
+ "gray89": "rgb(227, 227, 227)",
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+ "gray90": "rgb(229, 229, 229)",
+ "gray91": "rgb(232, 232, 232)",
+ "gray92": "rgb(235, 235, 235)",
+ "gray93": "rgb(237, 237, 237)",
+ "gray94": "rgb(240, 240, 240)",
+ "gray95": "rgb(242, 242, 242)",
+ "gray96": "rgb(245, 245, 245)",
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+ "grey25": "rgb(64, 64, 64)",
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+ "grey31": "rgb(79, 79, 79)",
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+ "grey34": "rgb(87, 87, 87)",
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+ "grey36": "rgb(92, 92, 92)",
+ "grey37": "rgb(94, 94, 94)",
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+ "grey45": "rgb(115, 115, 115)",
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+ "grey47": "rgb(120, 120, 120)",
+ "grey48": "rgb(122, 122, 122)",
+ "grey49": "rgb(125, 125, 125)",
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+ "grey50": "rgb(127, 127, 127)",
+ "grey51": "rgb(130, 130, 130)",
+ "grey52": "rgb(133, 133, 133)",
+ "grey53": "rgb(135, 135, 135)",
+ "grey54": "rgb(138, 138, 138)",
+ "grey55": "rgb(140, 140, 140)",
+ "grey56": "rgb(143, 143, 143)",
+ "grey57": "rgb(145, 145, 145)",
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+ "grey59": "rgb(150, 150, 150)",
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+ "grey62": "rgb(158, 158, 158)",
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+ "grey64": "rgb(163, 163, 163)",
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+ "grey66": "rgb(168, 168, 168)",
+ "grey67": "rgb(171, 171, 171)",
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+ "grey71": "rgb(181, 181, 181)",
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+ "grey73": "rgb(186, 186, 186)",
+ "grey74": "rgb(189, 189, 189)",
+ "grey75": "rgb(191, 191, 191)",
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+ "grey78": "rgb(199, 199, 199)",
+ "grey79": "rgb(201, 201, 201)",
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+ "grey80": "rgb(204, 204, 204)",
+ "grey81": "rgb(207, 207, 207)",
+ "grey82": "rgb(209, 209, 209)",
+ "grey83": "rgb(212, 212, 212)",
+ "grey84": "rgb(214, 214, 214)",
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+ "grey88": "rgb(224, 224, 224)",
+ "grey89": "rgb(227, 227, 227)",
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+ "grey91": "rgb(232, 232, 232)",
+ "grey92": "rgb(235, 235, 235)",
+ "grey93": "rgb(237, 237, 237)",
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+ "grey95": "rgb(242, 242, 242)",
+ "grey96": "rgb(245, 245, 245)",
+ "grey97": "rgb(247, 247, 247)",
+ "grey98": "rgb(250, 250, 250)",
+ "grey99": "rgb(252, 252, 252)",
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+ "honeydew3": "rgb(193, 205, 193)",
+ "honeydew4": "rgb(131, 139, 131)",
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+ "hotpink1": "rgb(255, 110, 180)",
+ "hotpink2": "rgb(238, 106, 167)",
+ "hotpink3": "rgb(205, 96, 144)",
+ "hotpink4": "rgb(139, 58, 98)",
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+ "indianred3": "rgb(205, 85, 85)",
+ "indianred4": "rgb(139, 58, 58)",
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+ "ivory1": "rgb(255, 255, 240)",
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+ "ivory3": "rgb(205, 205, 193)",
+ "ivory4": "rgb(139, 139, 131)",
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+ "khaki2": "rgb(238, 230, 133)",
+ "khaki3": "rgb(205, 198, 115)",
+ "khaki4": "rgb(139, 134, 78)",
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+ "lavenderblush1": "rgb(255, 240, 245)",
+ "lavenderblush2": "rgb(238, 224, 229)",
+ "lavenderblush3": "rgb(205, 193, 197)",
+ "lavenderblush4": "rgb(139, 131, 134)",
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+ "lemonchiffon1": "rgb(255, 250, 205)",
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+ "lemonchiffon3": "rgb(205, 201, 165)",
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+ "lightblue2": "rgb(178, 223, 238)",
+ "lightblue3": "rgb(154, 192, 205)",
+ "lightblue4": "rgb(104, 131, 139)",
+ "lightcoral": "rgb(240, 128, 128)",
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+ "lightcyan1": "rgb(224, 255, 255)",
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+ "lightgoldenrod2": "rgb(238, 220, 130)",
+ "lightgoldenrod3": "rgb(205, 190, 112)",
+ "lightgoldenrod4": "rgb(139, 129, 76)",
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+ "lightgreen": "rgb(144, 238, 144)",
+ "lightgrey": "rgb(211, 211, 211)",
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+ "lightpink1": "rgb(255, 174, 185)",
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+ "lightpink3": "rgb(205, 140, 149)",
+ "lightpink4": "rgb(139, 95, 101)",
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+ "lightsalmon1": "rgb(255, 160, 122)",
+ "lightsalmon2": "rgb(238, 149, 114)",
+ "lightsalmon3": "rgb(205, 129, 98)",
+ "lightsalmon4": "rgb(139, 87, 66)",
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+ "lightskyblue": "rgb(135, 206, 250)",
+ "lightskyblue1": "rgb(176, 226, 255)",
+ "lightskyblue2": "rgb(164, 211, 238)",
+ "lightskyblue3": "rgb(141, 182, 205)",
+ "lightskyblue4": "rgb(96, 123, 139)",
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+ "lightslategrey": "rgb(119, 136, 153)",
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+ "lightsteelblue2": "rgb(188, 210, 238)",
+ "lightsteelblue3": "rgb(162, 181, 205)",
+ "lightsteelblue4": "rgb(110, 123, 139)",
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+ "lightyellow2": "rgb(238, 238, 209)",
+ "lightyellow3": "rgb(205, 205, 180)",
+ "lightyellow4": "rgb(139, 139, 122)",
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+ "linen": "rgb(250, 240, 230)",
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+ "magenta1": "rgb(255, 0, 255)",
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+ "magenta3": "rgb(205, 0, 205)",
+ "magenta4": "rgb(139, 0, 139)",
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+ "maroon1": "rgb(255, 52, 179)",
+ "maroon2": "rgb(238, 48, 167)",
+ "maroon3": "rgb(205, 41, 144)",
+ "maroon4": "rgb(139, 28, 98)",
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+ "mediumblue": "rgb(0, 0, 205)",
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+ "mediumorchid1": "rgb(224, 102, 255)",
+ "mediumorchid2": "rgb(209, 95, 238)",
+ "mediumorchid3": "rgb(180, 82, 205)",
+ "mediumorchid4": "rgb(122, 55, 139)",
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+ "mediumpurple1": "rgb(171, 130, 255)",
+ "mediumpurple2": "rgb(159, 121, 238)",
+ "mediumpurple3": "rgb(137, 104, 205)",
+ "mediumpurple4": "rgb(93, 71, 139)",
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+ "mediumspringgreen": "rgb(0, 250, 154)",
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+ "mistyrose1": "rgb(255, 228, 225)",
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+ "mistyrose3": "rgb(205, 183, 181)",
+ "mistyrose4": "rgb(139, 125, 123)",
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+ "navajowhite": "rgb(255, 222, 173)",
+ "navajowhite1": "rgb(255, 222, 173)",
+ "navajowhite2": "rgb(238, 207, 161)",
+ "navajowhite3": "rgb(205, 179, 139)",
+ "navajowhite4": "rgb(139, 121, 94)",
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+ "orangered2": "rgb(238, 64, 0)",
+ "orangered3": "rgb(205, 55, 0)",
+ "orangered4": "rgb(139, 37, 0)",
+ "orchid": "rgb(218, 112, 214)",
+ "orchid1": "rgb(255, 131, 250)",
+ "orchid2": "rgb(238, 122, 233)",
+ "orchid3": "rgb(205, 105, 201)",
+ "orchid4": "rgb(139, 71, 137)",
+ "palegoldenrod": "rgb(238, 232, 170)",
+ "palegreen": "rgb(152, 251, 152)",
+ "palegreen1": "rgb(154, 255, 154)",
+ "palegreen2": "rgb(144, 238, 144)",
+ "palegreen3": "rgb(124, 205, 124)",
+ "palegreen4": "rgb(84, 139, 84)",
+ "paleturquoise": "rgb(175, 238, 238)",
+ "paleturquoise1": "rgb(187, 255, 255)",
+ "paleturquoise2": "rgb(174, 238, 238)",
+ "paleturquoise3": "rgb(150, 205, 205)",
+ "paleturquoise4": "rgb(102, 139, 139)",
+ "palevioletred": "rgb(219, 112, 147)",
+ "palevioletred1": "rgb(255, 130, 171)",
+ "palevioletred2": "rgb(238, 121, 159)",
+ "palevioletred3": "rgb(205, 104, 137)",
+ "palevioletred4": "rgb(139, 71, 93)",
+ "papayawhip": "rgb(255, 239, 213)",
+ "peachpuff": "rgb(255, 218, 185)",
+ "peachpuff1": "rgb(255, 218, 185)",
+ "peachpuff2": "rgb(238, 203, 173)",
+ "peachpuff3": "rgb(205, 175, 149)",
+ "peachpuff4": "rgb(139, 119, 101)",
+ "peru": "rgb(205, 133, 63)",
+ "pink": "rgb(255, 192, 203)",
+ "pink1": "rgb(255, 181, 197)",
+ "pink2": "rgb(238, 169, 184)",
+ "pink3": "rgb(205, 145, 158)",
+ "pink4": "rgb(139, 99, 108)",
+ "plum": "rgb(221, 160, 221)",
+ "plum1": "rgb(255, 187, 255)",
+ "plum2": "rgb(238, 174, 238)",
+ "plum3": "rgb(205, 150, 205)",
+ "plum4": "rgb(139, 102, 139)",
+ "powderblue": "rgb(176, 224, 230)",
+ "purple": "rgb(160, 32, 240)",
+ "purple1": "rgb(155, 48, 255)",
+ "purple2": "rgb(145, 44, 238)",
+ "purple3": "rgb(125, 38, 205)",
+ "purple4": "rgb(85, 26, 139)",
+ "red": "rgb(255, 0, 0)",
+ "red1": "rgb(255, 0, 0)",
+ "red2": "rgb(238, 0, 0)",
+ "red3": "rgb(205, 0, 0)",
+ "red4": "rgb(139, 0, 0)",
+ "rosybrown": "rgb(188, 143, 143)",
+ "rosybrown1": "rgb(255, 193, 193)",
+ "rosybrown2": "rgb(238, 180, 180)",
+ "rosybrown3": "rgb(205, 155, 155)",
+ "rosybrown4": "rgb(139, 105, 105)",
+ "royalblue": "rgb(65, 105, 225)",
+ "royalblue1": "rgb(72, 118, 255)",
+ "royalblue2": "rgb(67, 110, 238)",
+ "royalblue3": "rgb(58, 95, 205)",
+ "royalblue4": "rgb(39, 64, 139)",
+ "saddlebrown": "rgb(139, 69, 19)",
+ "salmon": "rgb(250, 128, 114)",
+ "salmon1": "rgb(255, 140, 105)",
+ "salmon2": "rgb(238, 130, 98)",
+ "salmon3": "rgb(205, 112, 84)",
+ "salmon4": "rgb(139, 76, 57)",
+ "sandybrown": "rgb(244, 164, 96)",
+ "seagreen": "rgb(46, 139, 87)",
+ "seagreen1": "rgb(84, 255, 159)",
+ "seagreen2": "rgb(78, 238, 148)",
+ "seagreen3": "rgb(67, 205, 128)",
+ "seagreen4": "rgb(46, 139, 87)",
+ "seashell": "rgb(255, 245, 238)",
+ "seashell1": "rgb(255, 245, 238)",
+ "seashell2": "rgb(238, 229, 222)",
+ "seashell3": "rgb(205, 197, 191)",
+ "seashell4": "rgb(139, 134, 130)",
+ "sienna": "rgb(160, 82, 45)",
+ "sienna1": "rgb(255, 130, 71)",
+ "sienna2": "rgb(238, 121, 66)",
+ "sienna3": "rgb(205, 104, 57)",
+ "sienna4": "rgb(139, 71, 38)",
+ "skyblue": "rgb(135, 206, 235)",
+ "skyblue1": "rgb(135, 206, 255)",
+ "skyblue2": "rgb(126, 192, 238)",
+ "skyblue3": "rgb(108, 166, 205)",
+ "skyblue4": "rgb(74, 112, 139)",
+ "slateblue": "rgb(106, 90, 205)",
+ "slateblue1": "rgb(131, 111, 255)",
+ "slateblue2": "rgb(122, 103, 238)",
+ "slateblue3": "rgb(105, 89, 205)",
+ "slateblue4": "rgb(71, 60, 139)",
+ "slategray": "rgb(112, 128, 144)",
+ "slategray1": "rgb(198, 226, 255)",
+ "slategray2": "rgb(185, 211, 238)",
+ "slategray3": "rgb(159, 182, 205)",
+ "slategray4": "rgb(108, 123, 139)",
+ "slategrey": "rgb(112, 128, 144)",
+ "snow": "rgb(255, 250, 250)",
+ "snow1": "rgb(255, 250, 250)",
+ "snow2": "rgb(238, 233, 233)",
+ "snow3": "rgb(205, 201, 201)",
+ "snow4": "rgb(139, 137, 137)",
+ "springgreen": "rgb(0, 255, 127)",
+ "springgreen1": "rgb(0, 255, 127)",
+ "springgreen2": "rgb(0, 238, 118)",
+ "springgreen3": "rgb(0, 205, 102)",
+ "springgreen4": "rgb(0, 139, 69)",
+ "steelblue": "rgb(70, 130, 180)",
+ "steelblue1": "rgb(99, 184, 255)",
+ "steelblue2": "rgb(92, 172, 238)",
+ "steelblue3": "rgb(79, 148, 205)",
+ "steelblue4": "rgb(54, 100, 139)",
+ "tan": "rgb(210, 180, 140)",
+ "tan1": "rgb(255, 165, 79)",
+ "tan2": "rgb(238, 154, 73)",
+ "tan3": "rgb(205, 133, 63)",
+ "tan4": "rgb(139, 90, 43)",
+ "thistle": "rgb(216, 191, 216)",
+ "thistle1": "rgb(255, 225, 255)",
+ "thistle2": "rgb(238, 210, 238)",
+ "thistle3": "rgb(205, 181, 205)",
+ "thistle4": "rgb(139, 123, 139)",
+ "tomato": "rgb(255, 99, 71)",
+ "tomato1": "rgb(255, 99, 71)",
+ "tomato2": "rgb(238, 92, 66)",
+ "tomato3": "rgb(205, 79, 57)",
+ "tomato4": "rgb(139, 54, 38)",
+ "turquoise": "rgb(64, 224, 208)",
+ "turquoise1": "rgb(0, 245, 255)",
+ "turquoise2": "rgb(0, 229, 238)",
+ "turquoise3": "rgb(0, 197, 205)",
+ "turquoise4": "rgb(0, 134, 139)",
+ "violet": "rgb(238, 130, 238)",
+ "violetred": "rgb(208, 32, 144)",
+ "violetred1": "rgb(255, 62, 150)",
+ "violetred2": "rgb(238, 58, 140)",
+ "violetred3": "rgb(205, 50, 120)",
+ "violetred4": "rgb(139, 34, 82)",
+ "wheat": "rgb(245, 222, 179)",
+ "wheat1": "rgb(255, 231, 186)",
+ "wheat2": "rgb(238, 216, 174)",
+ "wheat3": "rgb(205, 186, 150)",
+ "wheat4": "rgb(139, 126, 102)",
+ "white": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
+ "whitesmoke": "rgb(245, 245, 245)",
+ "yellow": "rgb(255, 255, 0)",
+ "yellow1": "rgb(255, 255, 0)",
+ "yellow2": "rgb(238, 238, 0)",
+ "yellow3": "rgb(205, 205, 0)",
+ "yellow4": "rgb(139, 139, 0)",
+ "yellowgreen": "rgb(154, 205, 50)"
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_f.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Grab bag of utility functions.
+ */
+lib.f = {};
+ * Replace variable references in a string.
+ *
+ * Variables are of the form %FUNCTION(VARNAME). FUNCTION is an optional
+ * escape function to apply to the value.
+ *
+ * For example
+ * lib.f.replaceVars("%(greeting), %encodeURIComponent(name)",
+ * { greeting: "Hello",
+ * name: "Google+" });
+ *
+ * Will result in "Hello, Google%2B".
+ */
+lib.f.replaceVars = function(str, vars) {
+ return str.replace(/%([a-z]*)\(([^\)]+)\)/gi, function(match, fn, varname) {
+ if (typeof vars[varname] == 'undefined')
+ throw 'Unknown variable: ' + varname;
+ var rv = vars[varname];
+ if (fn in lib.f.replaceVars.functions) {
+ rv = lib.f.replaceVars.functions[fn](rv);
+ } else if (fn) {
+ throw 'Unknown escape function: ' + fn;
+ }
+ return rv;
+ });
+ * Functions that can be used with replaceVars.
+ *
+ * Clients can add to this list to extend lib.f.replaceVars().
+ */
+lib.f.replaceVars.functions = {
+ encodeURI: encodeURI,
+ encodeURIComponent: encodeURIComponent,
+ escapeHTML: function(str) {
+ var map = {
+ '<': '<',
+ '>': '>',
+ '&': '&',
+ '"': '"',
+ "'": '''
+ };
+ return str.replace(/[<>&\"\']/g, function(m) { return map[m] });
+ }
+ * Get the list of accepted UI languages.
+ *
+ * @param {function(Array)} callback Function to invoke with the results. The
+ * parameter is a list of locale names.
+ */
+lib.f.getAcceptLanguages = function(callback) {
+ if (lib.f.getAcceptLanguages.chromeSupported()) {
+ chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages(callback);
+ } else {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ callback([navigator.language.replace(/-/g, '_')]);
+ }, 0);
+ }
+lib.f.getAcceptLanguages.chromeSupported = function() {
+ return window.chrome && chrome.i18n;
+ * Parse a query string into a hash.
+ *
+ * This takes a url query string in the form 'name1=value&name2=value' and
+ * converts it into an object of the form { name1: 'value', name2: 'value' }.
+ * If a given name appears multiple times in the query string, only the
+ * last value will appear in the result.
+ *
+ * Names and values are passed through decodeURIComponent before being added
+ * to the result object.
+ *
+ * @param {string} queryString The string to parse. If it starts with a
+ * leading '?', the '?' will be ignored.
+ */
+lib.f.parseQuery = function(queryString) {
+ if (queryString.substr(0, 1) == '?')
+ queryString = queryString.substr(1);
+ var rv = {};
+ var pairs = queryString.split('&');
+ for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
+ var pair = pairs[i].split('=');
+ rv[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
+ }
+ return rv;
+lib.f.getURL = function(path) {
+ if (lib.f.getURL.chromeSupported())
+ return chrome.runtime.getURL(path);
+ return path;
+lib.f.getURL.chromeSupported = function() {
+ return window.chrome && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.getURL;
+ * Clamp a given integer to a specified range.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} v The value to be clamped.
+ * @param {integer} min The minimum acceptable value.
+ * @param {integer} max The maximum acceptable value.
+ */
+lib.f.clamp = function(v, min, max) {
+ if (v < min)
+ return min;
+ if (v > max)
+ return max;
+ return v;
+ * Left pad a string to a given length using a given character.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str The string to pad.
+ * @param {integer} length The desired length.
+ * @param {string} opt_ch The optional padding character, defaults to ' '.
+ * @return {string} The padded string.
+ */
+lib.f.lpad = function(str, length, opt_ch) {
+ str = String(str);
+ opt_ch = opt_ch || ' ';
+ while (str.length < length)
+ str = opt_ch + str;
+ return str;
+ * Left pad a number to a given length with leading zeros.
+ *
+ * @param {string|integer} number The number to pad.
+ * @param {integer} length The desired length.
+ * @return {string} The padded number as a string.
+ */
+lib.f.zpad = function(number, length) {
+ return lib.f.lpad(number, length, '0');
+ * Return a string containing a given number of space characters.
+ *
+ * This method maintains a static cache of the largest amount of whitespace
+ * ever requested. It shouldn't be used to generate an insanely huge amount of
+ * whitespace.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} length The desired amount of whitespace.
+ * @param {string} A string of spaces of the requested length.
+ */
+lib.f.getWhitespace = function(length) {
+ if (length <= 0)
+ return '';
+ var f = this.getWhitespace;
+ if (!f.whitespace)
+ f.whitespace = ' ';
+ while (length > f.whitespace.length) {
+ f.whitespace += f.whitespace;
+ }
+ return f.whitespace.substr(0, length);
+ /**
+ * Ensure that a function is called within a certain time limit.
+ *
+ * Simple usage looks like this...
+ *
+ * lib.registerInit(lib.f.alarm(onInit));
+ *
+ * This will log a warning to the console if onInit() is not invoked within
+ * 5 seconds.
+ *
+ * If you're performing some operation that may take longer than 5 seconds you
+ * can pass a duration in milliseconds as the optional second parameter.
+ *
+ * If you pass a string identifier instead of a callback function, you'll get a
+ * wrapper generator rather than a single wrapper. Each call to the
+ * generator will return a wrapped version of the callback wired to
+ * a shared timeout. This is for cases where you want to ensure that at least
+ * one of a set of callbacks is invoked before a timeout expires.
+ *
+ * var alarm = lib.f.alarm('fetch object');
+ * lib.foo.fetchObject(alarm(onSuccess), alarm(onFailure));
+ *
+ * @param {function(*)} callback The function to wrap in an alarm.
+ * @param {int} opt_ms Optional number of milliseconds to wait before raising
+ * an alarm. Default is 5000 (5 seconds).
+ * @return {function} If callback is a function then the return value will be
+ * the wrapped callback. If callback is a string then the return value will
+ * be a function that generates new wrapped callbacks.
+ */
+lib.f.alarm = function(callback, opt_ms) {
+ var ms = opt_ms || 5 * 1000;
+ var stack = lib.f.getStack(1);
+ return (function() {
+ // This outer function is called immediately. It's here to capture a new
+ // scope for the timeout variable.
+ // The 'timeout' variable is shared by this timeout function, and the
+ // callback wrapper.
+ var timeout = setTimeout(function() {
+ var name = (typeof callback == 'string') ? name : callback.name;
+ name = name ? (': ' + name) : '';
+ console.warn('lib.f.alarm: timeout expired: ' + (ms / 1000) + 's' + name);
+ console.log(stack);
+ timeout = null;
+ }, ms);
+ var wrapperGenerator = function(callback) {
+ return function() {
+ if (timeout) {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = null;
+ }
+ return callback.apply(null, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ if (typeof callback == 'string')
+ return wrapperGenerator;
+ return wrapperGenerator(callback);
+ })();
+ * Return the current call stack after skipping a given number of frames.
+ *
+ * This method is intended to be used for debugging only. It returns an
+ * Object instead of an Array, because the console stringifies arrays by
+ * default and that's not what we want.
+ *
+ * A typical call might look like...
+ *
+ * console.log('Something wicked this way came', lib.f.getStack());
+ * // Notice the comma ^
+ *
+ * This would print the message to the js console, followed by an object
+ * which can be clicked to reveal the stack.
+ *
+ * @param {number} opt_ignoreFrames The optional number of stack frames to
+ * ignore. The actual 'getStack' call is always ignored.
+ */
+lib.f.getStack = function(opt_ignoreFrames) {
+ var ignoreFrames = opt_ignoreFrames ? opt_ignoreFrames + 2 : 2;
+ var stackArray;
+ try {
+ throw new Error();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ stackArray = ex.stack.split('\n');
+ }
+ var stackObject = {};
+ for (var i = ignoreFrames; i < stackArray.length; i++) {
+ stackObject[i - ignoreFrames] = stackArray[i].replace(/^\s*at\s+/, '');
+ }
+ return stackObject;
+ * Divides the two numbers and floors the results, unless the remainder is less
+ * than an incredibly small value, in which case it returns the ceiling.
+ * This is useful when the number are truncated approximations of longer
+ * values, and so doing division with these numbers yields a result incredibly
+ * close to a whole number.
+ *
+ * @param {number} numerator
+ * @param {number} denominator
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+lib.f.smartFloorDivide = function(numerator, denominator) {
+ var val = numerator / denominator;
+ var ceiling = Math.ceil(val);
+ if (ceiling - val < .0001) {
+ return ceiling;
+ } else {
+ return Math.floor(val);
+ }
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_message_manager.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * MessageManager class handles internationalized strings.
+ *
+ * Note: chrome.i18n isn't sufficient because...
+ * 1. There's a bug in chrome that makes it unavailable in iframes:
+ * https://crbug.com/130200
+ * 2. The client code may not be packaged in a Chrome extension.
+ * 3. The client code may be part of a library packaged in a third-party
+ * Chrome extension.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} languages List of languages to load, in the order they
+ * should be loaded. Newer messages replace older ones. 'en' is
+ * automatically added as the first language if it is not already present.
+ */
+lib.MessageManager = function(languages) {
+ this.languages_ = languages.map(
+ function(el) { return el.replace(/-/g, '_') });
+ if (this.languages_.indexOf('en') == -1)
+ this.languages_.unshift('en');
+ this.messages = {};
+ * Add message definitions to the message manager.
+ *
+ * This takes an object of the same format of a Chrome messages.json file. See
+ * <https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/i18n-messages>.
+ */
+lib.MessageManager.prototype.addMessages = function(defs) {
+ for (var key in defs) {
+ var def = defs[key];
+ if (!def.placeholders) {
+ this.messages[key] = def.message;
+ } else {
+ // Replace "$NAME$" placeholders with "$1", etc.
+ this.messages[key] = def.message.replace(
+ /\$([a-z][^\s\$]+)\$/ig,
+ function(m, name) {
+ return defs[key].placeholders[name.toLowerCase()].content;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ * Load the first available language message bundle.
+ *
+ * @param {string} pattern A url pattern containing a "$1" where the locale
+ * name should go.
+ * @param {function(Array,Array)} onComplete Function to be called when loading
+ * is complete. The two arrays are the list of successful and failed
+ * locale names. If the first parameter is length 0, no locales were
+ * loaded.
+ */
+lib.MessageManager.prototype.findAndLoadMessages = function(
+ pattern, onComplete) {
+ var languages = this.languages_.concat();
+ var loaded = [];
+ var failed = [];
+ function onLanguageComplete(state) {
+ if (state) {
+ loaded = languages.shift();
+ } else {
+ failed = languages.shift();
+ }
+ if (languages.length) {
+ tryNextLanguage();
+ } else {
+ onComplete(loaded, failed);
+ }
+ }
+ var tryNextLanguage = function() {
+ this.loadMessages(this.replaceReferences(pattern, languages),
+ onLanguageComplete.bind(this, true),
+ onLanguageComplete.bind(this, false));
+ }.bind(this);
+ tryNextLanguage();
+ * Load messages from a messages.json file.
+ */
+lib.MessageManager.prototype.loadMessages = function(
+ url, onSuccess, opt_onError) {
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.onloadend = function() {
+ if (xhr.status != 200) {
+ if (opt_onError)
+ opt_onError(xhr.status);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.addMessages(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText));
+ onSuccess();
+ }.bind(this);
+ xhr.open('GET', url);
+ xhr.send();
+ * Replace $1...$n references with the elements of the args array.
+ *
+ * @param {string} msg String containing the message and argument references.
+ * @param {Array} args Array containing the argument values.
+ */
+lib.MessageManager.replaceReferences = function(msg, args) {
+ return msg.replace(/\$(\d+)/g, function (m, index) {
+ return args[index - 1];
+ });
+ * Per-instance copy of replaceReferences.
+ */
+lib.MessageManager.prototype.replaceReferences =
+ lib.MessageManager.replaceReferences;
+ * Get a message by name, optionally replacing arguments too.
+ *
+ * @param {string} msgname String containing the name of the message to get.
+ * @param {Array} opt_args Optional array containing the argument values.
+ * @param {string} opt_default Optional value to return if the msgname is not
+ * found. Returns the message name by default.
+ */
+lib.MessageManager.prototype.get = function(msgname, opt_args, opt_default) {
+ var message;
+ if (msgname in this.messages) {
+ message = this.messages[msgname];
+ } else {
+ if (window.chrome.i18n)
+ message = chrome.i18n.getMessage(msgname);
+ if (!message) {
+ console.warn('Unknown message: ' + msgname);
+ return (typeof opt_default == 'undefined') ? msgname : opt_default;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!opt_args)
+ return message;
+ if (!(opt_args instanceof Array))
+ opt_args = [opt_args];
+ return this.replaceReferences(message, opt_args);
+ * Process all of the "i18n" html attributes found in a given dom fragment.
+ *
+ * Each i18n attribute should contain a JSON object. The keys are taken to
+ * be attribute names, and the values are message names.
+ *
+ * If the JSON object has a "_" (underscore) key, it's value is used as the
+ * textContent of the element.
+ *
+ * Message names can refer to other attributes on the same element with by
+ * prefixing with a dollar sign. For example...
+ *
+ * <button id='send-button'
+ * i18n='{"aria-label": "$id", "_": "SEND_BUTTON_LABEL"}'
+ * ></button>
+ *
+ * The aria-label message name will be computed as "SEND_BUTTON_ARIA_LABEL".
+ * Notice that the "id" attribute was appended to the target attribute, and
+ * the result converted to UPPER_AND_UNDER style.
+ */
+lib.MessageManager.prototype.processI18nAttributes = function(dom) {
+ // Convert the "lower-and-dashes" attribute names into
+ // "UPPER_AND_UNDER" style.
+ function thunk(str) { return str.replace(/-/g, '_').toUpperCase() }
+ var nodes = dom.querySelectorAll('[i18n]');
+ for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+ var node = nodes[i];
+ var i18n = node.getAttribute('i18n');
+ if (!i18n)
+ continue;
+ try {
+ i18n = JSON.parse(i18n);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.error('Can\'t parse ' + node.tagName + '#' + node.id + ': ' +
+ i18n);
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ for (var key in i18n) {
+ var msgname = i18n[key];
+ if (msgname.substr(0, 1) == '$')
+ msgname = thunk(node.getAttribute(msgname.substr(1)) + '_' + key);
+ var msg = this.get(msgname);
+ if (key == '_') {
+ node.textContent = msg;
+ } else {
+ node.setAttribute(key, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_preference_manager.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Constructor for lib.PreferenceManager objects.
+ *
+ * These objects deal with persisting changes to stable storage and notifying
+ * consumers when preferences change.
+ *
+ * It is intended that the backing store could be something other than HTML5
+ * storage, but there aren't any use cases at the moment. In the future there
+ * may be a chrome api to store sync-able name/value pairs, and we'd want
+ * that.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.Storage.*} storage The storage object to use as a backing
+ * store.
+ * @param {string} opt_prefix The optional prefix to be used for all preference
+ * names. The '/' character should be used to separate levels of hierarchy,
+ * if you're going to have that kind of thing. If provided, the prefix
+ * should start with a '/'. If not provided, it defaults to '/'.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager = function(storage, opt_prefix) {
+ this.storage = storage;
+ this.storageObserver_ = this.onStorageChange_.bind(this);
+ this.isActive_ = false;
+ this.activate();
+ this.trace = false;
+ var prefix = opt_prefix || '/';
+ if (prefix.substr(prefix.length - 1) != '/')
+ prefix += '/';
+ this.prefix = prefix;
+ this.prefRecords_ = {};
+ this.globalObservers_ = [];
+ this.childFactories_ = {};
+ // Map of list-name to {map of child pref managers}
+ // As in...
+ //
+ // this.childLists_ = {
+ // 'profile-ids': {
+ // 'one': PreferenceManager,
+ // 'two': PreferenceManager,
+ // ...
+ // },
+ //
+ // 'frob-ids': {
+ // ...
+ // }
+ // }
+ this.childLists_ = {};
+ * Used internally to indicate that the current value of the preference should
+ * be taken from the default value defined with the preference.
+ *
+ * Equality tests against this value MUST use '===' or '!==' to be accurate.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.DEFAULT_VALUE = new String('DEFAULT');
+ * An individual preference.
+ *
+ * These objects are managed by the PreferenceManager, you shouldn't need to
+ * handle them directly.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.Record = function(name, defaultValue) {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
+ this.currentValue = this.DEFAULT_VALUE;
+ this.observers = [];
+ * A local copy of the DEFAULT_VALUE constant to make it less verbose.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.Record.prototype.DEFAULT_VALUE =
+ lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.DEFAULT_VALUE;
+ * Register a callback to be invoked when this preference changes.
+ *
+ * @param {function(value, string, lib.PreferenceManager} observer The function
+ * to invoke. It will receive the new value, the name of the preference,
+ * and a reference to the PreferenceManager as parameters.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.Record.prototype.addObserver = function(observer) {
+ this.observers.push(observer);
+ * Unregister an observer callback.
+ *
+ * @param {function} observer A previously registered callback.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.Record.prototype.removeObserver = function(observer) {
+ var i = this.observers.indexOf(observer);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ this.observers.splice(i, 1);
+ * Fetch the value of this preference.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.Record.prototype.get = function() {
+ if (this.currentValue === this.DEFAULT_VALUE) {
+ if (/^(string|number)$/.test(typeof this.defaultValue))
+ return this.defaultValue;
+ if (typeof this.defaultValue == 'object') {
+ // We want to return a COPY of the default value so that users can
+ // modify the array or object without changing the default value.
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.defaultValue));
+ }
+ return this.defaultValue;
+ }
+ return this.currentValue;
+ * Stop this preference manager from tracking storage changes.
+ *
+ * Call this if you're going to swap out one preference manager for another so
+ * that you don't get notified about irrelevant changes.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.deactivate = function() {
+ if (!this.isActive_)
+ throw new Error('Not activated');
+ this.isActive_ = false;
+ this.storage.removeObserver(this.storageObserver_);
+ * Start tracking storage changes.
+ *
+ * If you previously deactivated this preference manager, you can reactivate it
+ * with this method. You don't need to call this at initialization time, as
+ * it's automatically called as part of the constructor.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.activate = function() {
+ if (this.isActive_)
+ throw new Error('Already activated');
+ this.isActive_ = true;
+ this.storage.addObserver(this.storageObserver_);
+ * Read the backing storage for these preferences.
+ *
+ * You should do this once at initialization time to prime the local cache
+ * of preference values. The preference manager will monitor the backing
+ * storage for changes, so you should not need to call this more than once.
+ *
+ * This function recursively reads storage for all child preference managers as
+ * well.
+ *
+ * This function is asynchronous, if you need to read preference values, you
+ * *must* wait for the callback.
+ *
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the read
+ * has completed.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.readStorage = function(opt_callback) {
+ var pendingChildren = 0;
+ function onChildComplete() {
+ if (--pendingChildren == 0 && opt_callback)
+ opt_callback();
+ }
+ var keys = Object.keys(this.prefRecords_).map(
+ function(el) { return this.prefix + el }.bind(this));
+ if (this.trace)
+ console.log('Preferences read: ' + this.prefix);
+ this.storage.getItems(keys, function(items) {
+ var prefixLength = this.prefix.length;
+ for (var key in items) {
+ var value = items[key];
+ var name = key.substr(prefixLength);
+ var needSync = (name in this.childLists_ &&
+ (JSON.stringify(value) !=
+ JSON.stringify(this.prefRecords_[name].currentValue)));
+ this.prefRecords_[name].currentValue = value;
+ if (needSync) {
+ pendingChildren++;
+ this.syncChildList(name, onChildComplete);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pendingChildren == 0 && opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback);
+ }.bind(this));
+ * Define a preference.
+ *
+ * This registers a name, default value, and onChange handler for a preference.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name The name of the preference. This will be prefixed by
+ * the prefix of this PreferenceManager before written to local storage.
+ * @param {string|number|boolean|Object|Array|null} value The default value of
+ * this preference. Anything that can be represented in JSON is a valid
+ * default value.
+ * @param {function(value, string, lib.PreferenceManager} opt_observer A
+ * function to invoke when the preference changes. It will receive the new
+ * value, the name of the preference, and a reference to the
+ * PreferenceManager as parameters.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.definePreference = function(
+ name, value, opt_onChange) {
+ var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
+ if (record) {
+ this.changeDefault(name, value);
+ } else {
+ record = this.prefRecords_[name] =
+ new lib.PreferenceManager.Record(name, value);
+ }
+ if (opt_onChange)
+ record.addObserver(opt_onChange);
+ * Define multiple preferences with a single function call.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} defaults An array of 3-element arrays. Each three element
+ * array should contain the [key, value, onChange] parameters for a
+ * preference.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.definePreferences = function(defaults) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < defaults.length; i++) {
+ this.definePreference(defaults[i][0], defaults[i][1], defaults[i][2]);
+ }
+ * Define an ordered list of child preferences.
+ *
+ * Child preferences are different from just storing an array of JSON objects
+ * in that each child is an instance of a preference manager. This means you
+ * can observe changes to individual child preferences, and get some validation
+ * that you're not reading or writing to an undefined child preference value.
+ *
+ * @param {string} listName A name for the list of children. This must be
+ * unique in this preference manager. The listName will become a
+ * preference on this PreferenceManager used to store the ordered list of
+ * child ids. It is also used in get/add/remove operations to identify the
+ * list of children to operate on.
+ * @param {function} childFactory A function that will be used to generate
+ * instances of these children. The factory function will receive the
+ * parent lib.PreferenceManager object and a unique id for the new child
+ * preferences.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.defineChildren = function(
+ listName, childFactory) {
+ // Define a preference to hold the ordered list of child ids.
+ this.definePreference(listName, [],
+ this.onChildListChange_.bind(this, listName));
+ this.childFactories_[listName] = childFactory;
+ this.childLists_[listName] = {};
+ * Register to observe preference changes.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} global A callback that will happen for every preference.
+ * Pass null if you don't need one.
+ * @param {Object} map A map of preference specific callbacks. Pass null if
+ * you don't need any.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.addObservers = function(global, map) {
+ if (global && typeof global != 'function')
+ throw new Error('Invalid param: globals');
+ if (global)
+ this.globalObservers_.push(global);
+ if (!map)
+ return;
+ for (var name in map) {
+ if (!(name in this.prefRecords_))
+ throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
+ this.prefRecords_[name].addObserver(map[name]);
+ }
+ * Dispatch the change observers for all known preferences.
+ *
+ * It may be useful to call this after readStorage completes, in order to
+ * get application state in sync with user preferences.
+ *
+ * This can be used if you've changed a preference manager out from under
+ * a live object, for example when switching to a different prefix.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.notifyAll = function() {
+ for (var name in this.prefRecords_) {
+ this.notifyChange_(name);
+ }
+ * Notify the change observers for a given preference.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name The name of the preference that changed.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.notifyChange_ = function(name) {
+ var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
+ if (!record)
+ throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
+ var currentValue = record.get();
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.globalObservers_.length; i++)
+ this.globalObservers_[i](name, currentValue);
+ for (var i = 0; i < record.observers.length; i++) {
+ record.observers[i](currentValue, name, this);
+ }
+ * Create a new child PreferenceManager for the given child list.
+ *
+ * The optional hint parameter is an opaque prefix added to the auto-generated
+ * unique id for this child. Your child factory can parse out the prefix
+ * and use it.
+ *
+ * @param {string} listName The child list to create the new instance from.
+ * @param {string} opt_hint Optional hint to include in the child id.
+ * @param {string} opt_id Optional id to override the generated id.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.createChild = function(listName, opt_hint,
+ opt_id) {
+ var ids = this.get(listName);
+ var id;
+ if (opt_id) {
+ id = opt_id;
+ if (ids.indexOf(id) != -1)
+ throw new Error('Duplicate child: ' + listName + ': ' + id);
+ } else {
+ // Pick a random, unique 4-digit hex identifier for the new profile.
+ while (!id || ids.indexOf(id) != -1) {
+ id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffff + 1).toString(16);
+ id = lib.f.zpad(id, 4);
+ if (opt_hint)
+ id = opt_hint + ':' + id;
+ }
+ }
+ var childManager = this.childFactories_[listName](this, id);
+ childManager.trace = this.trace;
+ childManager.resetAll();
+ this.childLists_[listName][id] = childManager;
+ ids.push(id);
+ this.set(listName, ids);
+ return childManager;
+ * Remove a child preferences instance.
+ *
+ * Removes a child preference manager and clears any preferences stored in it.
+ *
+ * @param {string} listName The name of the child list containing the child to
+ * remove.
+ * @param {string} id The child ID.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.removeChild = function(listName, id) {
+ var prefs = this.getChild(listName, id);
+ prefs.resetAll();
+ var ids = this.get(listName);
+ var i = ids.indexOf(id);
+ if (i != -1) {
+ ids.splice(i, 1);
+ this.set(listName, ids);
+ }
+ delete this.childLists_[listName][id];
+ * Return a child PreferenceManager instance for a given id.
+ *
+ * If the child list or child id is not known this will return the specified
+ * default value or throw an exception if no default value is provided.
+ *
+ * @param {string} listName The child list to look in.
+ * @param {string} id The child ID.
+ * @param {*} opt_default The optional default value to return if the child
+ * is not found.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.getChild = function(listName, id, opt_default) {
+ if (!(listName in this.childLists_))
+ throw new Error('Unknown child list: ' + listName);
+ var childList = this.childLists_[listName];
+ if (!(id in childList)) {
+ if (typeof opt_default == 'undefined')
+ throw new Error('Unknown "' + listName + '" child: ' + id);
+ return opt_default;
+ }
+ return childList[id];
+ * Calculate the difference between two lists of child ids.
+ *
+ * Given two arrays of child ids, this function will return an object
+ * with "added", "removed", and "common" properties. Each property is
+ * a map of child-id to `true`. For example, given...
+ *
+ * a = ['child-x', 'child-y']
+ * b = ['child-y']
+ *
+ * diffChildLists(a, b) =>
+ * { added: { 'child-x': true }, removed: {}, common: { 'child-y': true } }
+ *
+ * The added/removed properties assume that `a` is the current list.
+ *
+ * @param {Array[string]} a The most recent list of child ids.
+ * @param {Array[string]} b An older list of child ids.
+ * @return {Object} An object with added/removed/common properties.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.diffChildLists = function(a, b) {
+ var rv = {
+ added: {},
+ removed: {},
+ common: {},
+ };
+ for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+ if (b.indexOf(a[i]) != -1) {
+ rv.common[a[i]] = true;
+ } else {
+ rv.added[a[i]] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
+ if ((b[i] in rv.added) || (b[i] in rv.common))
+ continue;
+ rv.removed[b[i]] = true;
+ }
+ return rv;
+ * Synchronize a list of child PreferenceManagers instances with the current
+ * list stored in prefs.
+ *
+ * This will instantiate any missing managers and read current preference values
+ * from storage. Any active managers that no longer appear in preferences will
+ * be deleted.
+ *
+ * @param {string} listName The child list to synchronize.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the sync
+ * is complete.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.syncChildList = function(
+ listName, opt_callback) {
+ var pendingChildren = 0;
+ function onChildStorage() {
+ if (--pendingChildren == 0 && opt_callback)
+ opt_callback();
+ }
+ // The list of child ids that we *should* have a manager for.
+ var currentIds = this.get(listName);
+ // The known managers at the start of the sync. Any manager still in this
+ // list at the end should be discarded.
+ var oldIds = Object.keys(this.childLists_[listName]);
+ var rv = lib.PreferenceManager.diffChildLists(currentIds, oldIds);
+ for (var i = 0; i < currentIds.length; i++) {
+ var id = currentIds[i];
+ var managerIndex = oldIds.indexOf(id);
+ if (managerIndex >= 0)
+ oldIds.splice(managerIndex, 1);
+ if (!this.childLists_[listName][id]) {
+ var childManager = this.childFactories_[listName](this, id);
+ if (!childManager) {
+ console.warn('Unable to restore child: ' + listName + ': ' + id);
+ continue;
+ }
+ childManager.trace = this.trace;
+ this.childLists_[listName][id] = childManager;
+ pendingChildren++;
+ childManager.readStorage(onChildStorage);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < oldIds.length; i++) {
+ delete this.childLists_[listName][oldIds[i]];
+ }
+ if (!pendingChildren && opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback);
+ * Reset a preference to its default state.
+ *
+ * This will dispatch the onChange handler if the preference value actually
+ * changes.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name The preference to reset.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.reset = function(name) {
+ var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
+ if (!record)
+ throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
+ this.storage.removeItem(this.prefix + name);
+ if (record.currentValue !== this.DEFAULT_VALUE) {
+ record.currentValue = this.DEFAULT_VALUE;
+ this.notifyChange_(name);
+ }
+ * Reset all preferences back to their default state.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.resetAll = function() {
+ var changed = [];
+ for (var listName in this.childLists_) {
+ var childList = this.childLists_[listName];
+ for (var id in childList) {
+ childList[id].resetAll();
+ }
+ }
+ for (var name in this.prefRecords_) {
+ if (this.prefRecords_[name].currentValue !== this.DEFAULT_VALUE) {
+ this.prefRecords_[name].currentValue = this.DEFAULT_VALUE;
+ changed.push(name);
+ }
+ }
+ var keys = Object.keys(this.prefRecords_).map(function(el) {
+ return this.prefix + el;
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.storage.removeItems(keys);
+ changed.forEach(this.notifyChange_.bind(this));
+ * Return true if two values should be considered not-equal.
+ *
+ * If both values are the same scalar type and compare equal this function
+ * returns false (no difference), otherwise return true.
+ *
+ * This is used in places where we want to check if a preference has changed.
+ * Rather than take the time to compare complex values we just consider them
+ * to always be different.
+ *
+ * @param {*} a A value to compare.
+ * @param {*} b A value to compare.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.diff = function(a, b) {
+ // If the types are different, or the type is not a simple primitive one.
+ if ((typeof a) !== (typeof b) ||
+ !(/^(undefined|boolean|number|string)$/.test(typeof a))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return a !== b;
+ * Change the default value of a preference.
+ *
+ * This is useful when subclassing preference managers.
+ *
+ * The function does not alter the current value of the preference, unless
+ * it has the old default value. When that happens, the change observers
+ * will be notified.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name The name of the parameter to change.
+ * @param {*} newValue The new default value for the preference.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.changeDefault = function(name, newValue) {
+ var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
+ if (!record)
+ throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
+ if (!this.diff(record.defaultValue, newValue)) {
+ // Default value hasn't changed.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (record.currentValue !== this.DEFAULT_VALUE) {
+ // This pref has a specific value, just change the default and we're done.
+ record.defaultValue = newValue;
+ return;
+ }
+ record.defaultValue = newValue;
+ this.notifyChange_(name);
+ * Change the default value of multiple preferences.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} map A map of name -> value pairs specifying the new default
+ * values.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.changeDefaults = function(map) {
+ for (var key in map) {
+ this.changeDefault(key, map[key]);
+ }
+ * Set a preference to a specific value.
+ *
+ * This will dispatch the onChange handler if the preference value actually
+ * changes.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The preference to set.
+ * @param {*} value The value to set. Anything that can be represented in
+ * JSON is a valid value.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.set = function(name, newValue) {
+ var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
+ if (!record)
+ throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
+ var oldValue = record.get();
+ if (!this.diff(oldValue, newValue))
+ return;
+ if (this.diff(record.defaultValue, newValue)) {
+ record.currentValue = newValue;
+ this.storage.setItem(this.prefix + name, newValue);
+ } else {
+ record.currentValue = this.DEFAULT_VALUE;
+ this.storage.removeItem(this.prefix + name);
+ }
+ // We need to manually send out the notification on this instance. If we
+ // The storage event won't fire a notification because we've already changed
+ // the currentValue, so it won't see a difference. If we delayed changing
+ // currentValue until the storage event, a pref read immediately after a write
+ // would return the previous value.
+ //
+ // The notification is in a timeout so clients don't accidentally depend on
+ // a synchronous notification.
+ setTimeout(this.notifyChange_.bind(this, name), 0);
+ * Get the value of a preference.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The preference to get.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.get = function(name) {
+ var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
+ if (!record)
+ throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
+ return record.get();
+ * Return all non-default preferences as a JSON object.
+ *
+ * This includes any nested preference managers as well.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.exportAsJson = function() {
+ var rv = {};
+ for (var name in this.prefRecords_) {
+ if (name in this.childLists_) {
+ rv[name] = [];
+ var childIds = this.get(name);
+ for (var i = 0; i < childIds.length; i++) {
+ var id = childIds[i];
+ rv[name].push({id: id, json: this.getChild(name, id).exportAsJson()});
+ }
+ } else {
+ var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
+ if (record.currentValue != this.DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ rv[name] = record.currentValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ * Import a JSON blob of preferences previously generated with exportAsJson.
+ *
+ * This will create nested preference managers as well.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.importFromJson = function(json) {
+ for (var name in json) {
+ if (name in this.childLists_) {
+ var childList = json[name];
+ for (var i = 0; i < childList.length; i++) {
+ var id = childList[i].id;
+ var childPrefManager = this.childLists_[name][id];
+ if (!childPrefManager)
+ childPrefManager = this.createChild(name, null, id);
+ childPrefManager.importFromJson(childList[i].json);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.set(name, json[name]);
+ }
+ }
+ * Called when one of the child list preferences changes.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.onChildListChange_ = function(listName) {
+ this.syncChildList(listName);
+ * Called when a key in the storage changes.
+ */
+lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.onStorageChange_ = function(map) {
+ for (var key in map) {
+ if (this.prefix) {
+ if (key.lastIndexOf(this.prefix, 0) != 0)
+ continue;
+ }
+ var name = key.substr(this.prefix.length);
+ if (!(name in this.prefRecords_)) {
+ // Sometimes we'll get notified about prefs that are no longer defined.
+ continue;
+ }
+ var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
+ var newValue = map[key].newValue;
+ var currentValue = record.currentValue;
+ if (currentValue === record.DEFAULT_VALUE)
+ currentValue = (void 0);
+ if (this.diff(currentValue, newValue)) {
+ if (typeof newValue == 'undefined') {
+ record.currentValue = record.DEFAULT_VALUE;
+ } else {
+ record.currentValue = newValue;
+ }
+ this.notifyChange_(name);
+ }
+ }
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_resource.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Storage for canned resources.
+ *
+ * These are usually non-JavaScript things that are collected during a build
+ * step and converted into a series of 'lib.resource.add(...)' calls. See
+ * the "@resource" directive from libdot/bin/concat.sh for the canonical use
+ * case.
+ *
+ * This is global storage, so you should prefix your resource names to avoid
+ * collisions.
+ */
+lib.resource = {
+ resources_: {}
+ * Add a resource.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name A name for the resource. You should prefix this to
+ * avoid collisions with resources from a shared library.
+ * @param {string} type A mime type for the resource, or "raw" if not
+ * applicable.
+ * @param {*} data The value of the resource.
+ */
+lib.resource.add = function(name, type, data) {
+ lib.resource.resources_[name] = {
+ type: type,
+ name: name,
+ data: data
+ };
+ * Retrieve a resource record.
+ *
+ * The resource data is stored on the "data" property of the returned object.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name The name of the resource to get.
+ * @param {*} opt_defaultValue The optional value to return if the resource is
+ * not defined.
+ * @return {object} An object with "type", "name", and "data" properties.
+ */
+lib.resource.get = function(name, opt_defaultValue) {
+ if (!(name in lib.resource.resources_)) {
+ if (typeof opt_defaultValue == 'undefined')
+ throw 'Unknown resource: ' + name;
+ return opt_defaultValue;
+ }
+ return lib.resource.resources_[name];
+ * Retrieve resource data.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name The name of the resource to get.
+ * @param {*} opt_defaultValue The optional value to return if the resource is
+ * not defined.
+ * @return {*} The resource data.
+ */
+lib.resource.getData = function(name, opt_defaultValue) {
+ if (!(name in lib.resource.resources_)) {
+ if (typeof opt_defaultValue == 'undefined')
+ throw 'Unknown resource: ' + name;
+ return opt_defaultValue;
+ }
+ return lib.resource.resources_[name].data;
+ * Retrieve resource as a data: url.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name The name of the resource to get.
+ * @param {*} opt_defaultValue The optional value to return if the resource is
+ * not defined.
+ * @return {*} A data: url encoded version of the resource.
+ */
+lib.resource.getDataUrl = function(name, opt_defaultValue) {
+ var resource = lib.resource.get(name, opt_defaultValue);
+ return 'data:' + resource.type + ',' + resource.data;
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_storage.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Namespace for implementations of persistent, possibly cloud-backed
+ * storage.
+ */
+lib.Storage = new Object();
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_storage_chrome.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * chrome.storage based class with an async interface that is interchangeable
+ * with other lib.Storage.* implementations.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome = function(storage) {
+ this.storage_ = storage;
+ this.observers_ = [];
+ chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(this.onChanged_.bind(this));
+ * Called by the storage implementation when the storage is modified.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.onChanged_ = function(changes, areaname) {
+ if (chrome.storage[areaname] != this.storage_)
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
+ this.observers_[i](changes);
+ }
+ * Register a function to observe storage changes.
+ *
+ * @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the storage
+ * changes.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.addObserver = function(callback) {
+ this.observers_.push(callback);
+ * Unregister a change observer.
+ *
+ * @param {function} observer A previously registered callback.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.removeObserver = function(callback) {
+ var i = this.observers_.indexOf(callback);
+ if (i != -1)
+ this.observers_.splice(i, 1);
+ * Delete everything in this storage.
+ *
+ * @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the delete
+ * has completed.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.clear = function(opt_callback) {
+ this.storage_.clear();
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+ * Return the current value of a storage item.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The key to look up.
+ * @param {function(value) callback The function to invoke when the value has
+ * been retrieved.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.getItem = function(key, callback) {
+ this.storage_.get(key, callback);
+ * Fetch the values of multiple storage items.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} keys The keys to look up.
+ * @param {function(map) callback The function to invoke when the values have
+ * been retrieved.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.getItems = function(keys, callback) {
+ this.storage_.get(keys, callback);
+ * Set a value in storage.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The key for the value to be stored.
+ * @param {*} value The value to be stored. Anything that can be serialized
+ * with JSON is acceptable.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
+ * to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.setItem = function(key, value, opt_callback) {
+ var obj = {};
+ obj[key] = value;
+ this.storage_.set(obj, opt_callback);
+ * Set multiple values in storage.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} map A map of key/values to set in storage.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
+ * to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.setItems = function(obj, opt_callback) {
+ this.storage_.set(obj, opt_callback);
+ * Remove an item from storage.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The key to be removed.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
+ * order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.removeItem = function(key, opt_callback) {
+ this.storage_.remove(key, opt_callback);
+ * Remove multiple items from storage.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} keys The keys to be removed.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
+ * order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.removeItems = function(keys, opt_callback) {
+ this.storage_.remove(keys, opt_callback);
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_storage_local.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * window.localStorage based class with an async interface that is
+ * interchangeable with other lib.Storage.* implementations.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local = function() {
+ this.observers_ = [];
+ this.storage_ = window.localStorage;
+ window.addEventListener('storage', this.onStorage_.bind(this));
+ * Called by the storage implementation when the storage is modified.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.onStorage_ = function(e) {
+ if (e.storageArea != this.storage_)
+ return;
+ // IE throws an exception if JSON.parse is given an empty string.
+ var prevValue = e.oldValue ? JSON.parse(e.oldValue) : "";
+ var curValue = e.newValue ? JSON.parse(e.newValue) : "";
+ var o = {};
+ o[e.key] = {
+ oldValue: prevValue,
+ newValue: curValue
+ };
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
+ this.observers_[i](o);
+ }
+ * Register a function to observe storage changes.
+ *
+ * @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the storage
+ * changes.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.addObserver = function(callback) {
+ this.observers_.push(callback);
+ * Unregister a change observer.
+ *
+ * @param {function} observer A previously registered callback.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.removeObserver = function(callback) {
+ var i = this.observers_.indexOf(callback);
+ if (i != -1)
+ this.observers_.splice(i, 1);
+ * Delete everything in this storage.
+ *
+ * @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the delete
+ * has completed.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.clear = function(opt_callback) {
+ this.storage_.clear();
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+ * Return the current value of a storage item.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The key to look up.
+ * @param {function(value) callback The function to invoke when the value has
+ * been retrieved.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.getItem = function(key, callback) {
+ var value = this.storage_.getItem(key);
+ if (typeof value == 'string') {
+ try {
+ value = JSON.parse(value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If we can't parse the value, just return it unparsed.
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(callback.bind(null, value), 0);
+ * Fetch the values of multiple storage items.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} keys The keys to look up.
+ * @param {function(map) callback The function to invoke when the values have
+ * been retrieved.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.getItems = function(keys, callback) {
+ var rv = {};
+ for (var i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var key = keys[i];
+ var value = this.storage_.getItem(key);
+ if (typeof value == 'string') {
+ try {
+ rv[key] = JSON.parse(value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If we can't parse the value, just return it unparsed.
+ rv[key] = value;
+ }
+ } else {
+ keys.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(callback.bind(null, rv), 0);
+ * Set a value in storage.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The key for the value to be stored.
+ * @param {*} value The value to be stored. Anything that can be serialized
+ * with JSON is acceptable.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
+ * to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.setItem = function(key, value, opt_callback) {
+ this.storage_.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+ * Set multiple values in storage.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} map A map of key/values to set in storage.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
+ * to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.setItems = function(obj, opt_callback) {
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ this.storage_.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(obj[key]));
+ }
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+ * Remove an item from storage.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The key to be removed.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
+ * order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.removeItem = function(key, opt_callback) {
+ this.storage_.removeItem(key);
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+ * Remove multiple items from storage.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} keys The keys to be removed.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
+ * order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Local.prototype.removeItems = function(ary, opt_callback) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
+ this.storage_.removeItem(ary[i]);
+ }
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_storage_memory.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * In-memory storage class with an async interface that is interchangeable with
+ * other lib.Storage.* implementations.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory = function() {
+ this.observers_ = [];
+ this.storage_ = {};
+ * Register a function to observe storage changes.
+ *
+ * @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the storage
+ * changes.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.addObserver = function(callback) {
+ this.observers_.push(callback);
+ * Unregister a change observer.
+ *
+ * @param {function} observer A previously registered callback.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.removeObserver = function(callback) {
+ var i = this.observers_.indexOf(callback);
+ if (i != -1)
+ this.observers_.splice(i, 1);
+ * Delete everything in this storage.
+ *
+ * @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the delete
+ * has completed.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.clear = function(opt_callback) {
+ var e = {};
+ for (var key in this.storage_) {
+ e[key] = {oldValue: this.storage_[key], newValue: (void 0)};
+ }
+ this.storage_ = {};
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
+ this.observers_[i](e);
+ }
+ }.bind(this), 0);
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+ * Return the current value of a storage item.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The key to look up.
+ * @param {function(value) callback The function to invoke when the value has
+ * been retrieved.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.getItem = function(key, callback) {
+ var value = this.storage_[key];
+ if (typeof value == 'string') {
+ try {
+ value = JSON.parse(value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If we can't parse the value, just return it unparsed.
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(callback.bind(null, value), 0);
+ * Fetch the values of multiple storage items.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} keys The keys to look up.
+ * @param {function(map) callback The function to invoke when the values have
+ * been retrieved.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.getItems = function(keys, callback) {
+ var rv = {};
+ for (var i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var key = keys[i];
+ var value = this.storage_[key];
+ if (typeof value == 'string') {
+ try {
+ rv[key] = JSON.parse(value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If we can't parse the value, just return it unparsed.
+ rv[key] = value;
+ }
+ } else {
+ keys.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(callback.bind(null, rv), 0);
+ * Set a value in storage.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The key for the value to be stored.
+ * @param {*} value The value to be stored. Anything that can be serialized
+ * with JSON is acceptable.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
+ * to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.setItem = function(key, value, opt_callback) {
+ var oldValue = this.storage_[key];
+ this.storage_[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
+ var e = {};
+ e[key] = {oldValue: oldValue, newValue: value};
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
+ this.observers_[i](e);
+ }
+ }.bind(this), 0);
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+ * Set multiple values in storage.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} map A map of key/values to set in storage.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
+ * to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.setItems = function(obj, opt_callback) {
+ var e = {};
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ e[key] = {oldValue: this.storage_[key], newValue: obj[key]};
+ this.storage_[key] = JSON.stringify(obj[key]);
+ }
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
+ this.observers_[i](e);
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+ * Remove an item from storage.
+ *
+ * @param {string} key The key to be removed.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
+ * order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.removeItem = function(key, opt_callback) {
+ delete this.storage_[key];
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+ * Remove multiple items from storage.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} keys The keys to be removed.
+ * @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
+ * remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
+ * order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
+ */
+lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.removeItems = function(ary, opt_callback) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
+ delete this.storage_[ary[i]];
+ }
+ if (opt_callback)
+ setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_test_manager.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * @fileoverview JavaScript unit testing framework for synchronous and
+ * asynchronous tests.
+ *
+ * This file contains the lib.TestManager and related classes. At the moment
+ * it's all collected in a single file since it's reasonably small
+ * (=~1k lines), and it's a lot easier to include one file into your test
+ * harness than it is to include seven.
+ *
+ * The following classes are defined...
+ *
+ * lib.TestManager - The root class and entrypoint for creating test runs.
+ * lib.TestManager.Log - Logging service.
+ * lib.TestManager.Suite - A collection of tests.
+ * lib.TestManager.Test - A single test.
+ * lib.TestManager.TestRun - Manages the execution of a set of tests.
+ * lib.TestManager.Result - A single test result.
+ */
+ * Root object in the unit test hierarchy, and keeper of the log object.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Log} opt_log Optional lib.TestManager.Log object.
+ * Logs to the JavaScript console if omitted.
+ */
+lib.TestManager = function(opt_log) {
+ this.log = opt_log || new lib.TestManager.Log();
+ * Create a new test run object for this test manager.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} opt_cx An object to be passed to test suite setup(),
+ * preamble(), and test cases during this test run. This object is opaque
+ * to lib.TestManager.* code. It's entirely up to the test suite what it's
+ * used for.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.prototype.createTestRun = function(opt_cx) {
+ return new lib.TestManager.TestRun(this, opt_cx);
+ * Called when a test run associated with this test manager completes.
+ *
+ * Clients may override this to call an appropriate function.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.prototype.onTestRunComplete = function(testRun) {};
+ * Called before a test associated with this test manager is run.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Result} result The result object for the upcoming
+ * test.
+ * @param {Object} cx The context object for a test run.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.prototype.testPreamble = function(result, cx) {};
+ * Called after a test associated with this test manager finishes.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Result} result The result object for the finished
+ * test.
+ * @param {Object} cx The context object for a test run.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.prototype.testPostamble = function(result, cx) {};
+ * Destination for test case output.
+ *
+ * @param {function(string)} opt_logFunction Optional function to call to
+ * write a string to the log. If omitted, console.log is used.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Log = function(opt_logFunction) {
+ this.save = false;
+ this.data = '';
+ this.logFunction_ = opt_logFunction || function(s) {
+ if (this.save)
+ this.data += s + '\n';
+ console.log(s);
+ };
+ this.pending_ = '';
+ this.prefix_ = '';
+ this.prefixStack_ = [];
+ * Add a prefix to log messages.
+ *
+ * This only affects log messages that are added after the prefix is pushed.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str The prefix to prepend to future log messages.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Log.prototype.pushPrefix = function(str) {
+ this.prefixStack_.push(str);
+ this.prefix_ = this.prefixStack_.join('');
+ * Remove the most recently added message prefix.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Log.prototype.popPrefix = function() {
+ this.prefixStack_.pop();
+ this.prefix_ = this.prefixStack_.join('');
+ * Queue up a string to print to the log.
+ *
+ * If a line is already pending, this string is added to it.
+ *
+ * The string is not actually printed to the log until flush() or println()
+ * is called. The following call sequence will result in TWO lines in the
+ * log...
+ *
+ * log.print('hello');
+ * log.print(' ');
+ * log.println('world');
+ *
+ * While a typical stream-like thing would result in 'hello world\n', this one
+ * results in 'hello \nworld\n'.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str The string to add to the log.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Log.prototype.print = function(str) {
+ if (this.pending_) {
+ this.pending_ += str;
+ } else {
+ this.pending_ = this.prefix_ + str;
+ }
+ * Print a line to the log and flush it immediately.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str The string to add to the log.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Log.prototype.println = function(str) {
+ if (this.pending_)
+ this.flush();
+ this.logFunction_(this.prefix_ + str);
+ * Flush any pending log message.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Log.prototype.flush = function() {
+ if (!this.pending_)
+ return;
+ this.logFunction_(this.pending_);
+ this.pending_ = '';
+ * Returns a new constructor function that will inherit from
+ * lib.TestManager.Suite.
+ *
+ * Use this function to create a new test suite subclass. It will return a
+ * properly initialized constructor function for the subclass. You can then
+ * override the setup() and preamble() methods if necessary and add test cases
+ * to the subclass.
+ *
+ * var MyTests = new lib.TestManager.Suite('MyTests');
+ *
+ * MyTests.prototype.setup = function(cx) {
+ * // Sets this.size to cx.size if it exists, or the default value of 10
+ * // if not.
+ * this.setDefault(cx, {size: 10});
+ * };
+ *
+ * MyTests.prototype.preamble = function(result, cx) {
+ * // Some tests (even successful ones) may side-effect this list, so
+ * // recreate it before every test.
+ * this.list = [];
+ * for (var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
+ * this.list[i] = i;
+ * }
+ * };
+ *
+ * // Basic synchronous test case.
+ * MyTests.addTest('pop-length', function(result, cx) {
+ * this.list.pop();
+ *
+ * // If this assertion fails, the testcase will stop here.
+ * result.assertEQ(this.list.length, this.size - 1);
+ *
+ * // A test must indicate it has passed by calling this method.
+ * result.pass();
+ * });
+ *
+ * // Sample asynchronous test case.
+ * MyTests.addTest('async-pop-length', function(result, cx) {
+ * var self = this;
+ *
+ * var callback = function() {
+ * result.assertEQ(self.list.length, self.size - 1);
+ * result.pass();
+ * };
+ *
+ * // Wait 100ms to check the array length for the sake of this example.
+ * setTimeout(callback, 100);
+ *
+ * this.list.pop();
+ *
+ * // Indicate that this test needs another 200ms to complete.
+ * // If the test does not report pass/fail by then, it is considered to
+ * // have timed out.
+ * result.requestTime(200);
+ * });
+ *
+ * ...
+ *
+ * @param {string} suiteName The name of the test suite.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite = function(suiteName) {
+ function ctor(testManager, cx) {
+ this.testManager_ = testManager;
+ this.suiteName = suiteName;
+ this.setup(cx);
+ }
+ ctor.suiteName = suiteName;
+ ctor.addTest = lib.TestManager.Suite.addTest;
+ ctor.disableTest = lib.TestManager.Suite.disableTest;
+ ctor.getTest = lib.TestManager.Suite.getTest;
+ ctor.getTestList = lib.TestManager.Suite.getTestList;
+ ctor.testList_ = [];
+ ctor.testMap_ = {};
+ ctor.prototype = { __proto__: lib.TestManager.Suite.prototype };
+ lib.TestManager.Suite.subclasses.push(ctor);
+ return ctor;
+ * List of lib.TestManager.Suite subclasses, in the order they were defined.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite.subclasses = [];
+ * Add a test to a lib.TestManager.Suite.
+ *
+ * This method is copied to new subclasses when they are created.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite.addTest = function(testName, testFunction) {
+ if (testName in this.testMap_)
+ throw 'Duplicate test name: ' + testName;
+ var test = new lib.TestManager.Test(this, testName, testFunction);
+ this.testMap_[testName] = test;
+ this.testList_.push(test);
+ * Defines a disabled test.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite.disableTest = function(testName, testFunction) {
+ if (testName in this.testMap_)
+ throw 'Duplicate test name: ' + testName;
+ var test = new lib.TestManager.Test(this, testName, testFunction);
+ console.log('Disabled test: ' + test.fullName);
+ * Get a lib.TestManager.Test instance by name.
+ *
+ * This method is copied to new subclasses when they are created.
+ *
+ * @param {string} testName The name of the desired test.
+ * @return {lib.TestManager.Test} The requested test, or undefined if it was not
+ * found.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite.getTest = function(testName) {
+ return this.testMap_[testName];
+ * Get an array of lib.TestManager.Tests associated with this Suite.
+ *
+ * This method is copied to new subclasses when they are created.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite.getTestList = function() {
+ return this.testList_;
+ * Set properties on a test suite instance, pulling the property value from
+ * the context if it exists and from the defaults dictionary if not.
+ *
+ * This is intended to be used in your test suite's setup() method to
+ * define parameters for the test suite which may be overridden through the
+ * context object. For example...
+ *
+ * MySuite.prototype.setup = function(cx) {
+ * this.setDefaults(cx, {size: 10});
+ * };
+ *
+ * If the context object has a 'size' property then this.size will be set to
+ * the value of cx.size, otherwise this.size will get a default value of 10.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} cx The context object for a test run.
+ * @param {Object} defaults An object containing name/value pairs to set on
+ * this test suite instance. The value listed here will be used if the
+ * name is not defined on the context object.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite.prototype.setDefaults = function(cx, defaults) {
+ for (var k in defaults) {
+ this[k] = (k in cx) ? cx[k] : defaults[k];
+ }
+ * Subclassable method called to set up the test suite.
+ *
+ * The default implementation of this method is a no-op. If your test suite
+ * requires some kind of suite-wide setup, this is the place to do it.
+ *
+ * It's fine to store state on the test suite instance, that state will be
+ * accessible to all tests in the suite. If any test case fails, the entire
+ * test suite object will be discarded and a new one will be created for
+ * the remaining tests.
+ *
+ * Any side effects outside of this test suite instance must be idempotent.
+ * For example, if you're adding DOM nodes to a document, make sure to first
+ * test that they're not already there. If they are, remove them rather than
+ * reuse them. You should not count on their state, since they were probably
+ * left behind by a failed testcase.
+ *
+ * Any exception here will abort the remainder of the test run.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} cx The context object for a test run.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite.prototype.setup = function(cx) {};
+ * Subclassable method called to do pre-test set up.
+ *
+ * The default implementation of this method is a no-op. If your test suite
+ * requires some kind of pre-test setup, this is the place to do it.
+ *
+ * This can be used to avoid a bunch of boilerplate setup/teardown code in
+ * this suite's testcases.
+ *
+ * Any exception here will abort the remainder of the test run.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Result} result The result object for the upcoming
+ * test.
+ * @param {Object} cx The context object for a test run.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite.prototype.preamble = function(result, cx) {};
+ * Subclassable method called to do post-test tear-down.
+ *
+ * The default implementation of this method is a no-op. If your test suite
+ * requires some kind of pre-test setup, this is the place to do it.
+ *
+ * This can be used to avoid a bunch of boilerplate setup/teardown code in
+ * this suite's testcases.
+ *
+ * Any exception here will abort the remainder of the test run.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Result} result The result object for the finished
+ * test.
+ * @param {Object} cx The context object for a test run.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Suite.prototype.postamble = function(result, cx) {};
+ * Object representing a single test in a test suite.
+ *
+ * These are created as part of the lib.TestManager.Suite.addTest() method.
+ * You should never have to construct one by hand.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Suite} suiteClass The test suite class containing
+ * this test.
+ * @param {string} testName The local name of this test case, not including the
+ * test suite name.
+ * @param {function(lib.TestManager.Result, Object)} testFunction The function
+ * to invoke for this test case. This is passed a Result instance and the
+ * context object associated with the test run.
+ *
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Test = function(suiteClass, testName, testFunction) {
+ /**
+ * The test suite class containing this function.
+ */
+ this.suiteClass = suiteClass;
+ /**
+ * The local name of this test, not including the test suite name.
+ */
+ this.testName = testName;
+ /**
+ * The global name of this test, including the test suite name.
+ */
+ this.fullName = suiteClass.suiteName + '[' + testName + ']';
+ // The function to call for this test.
+ this.testFunction_ = testFunction;
+ * Execute this test.
+ *
+ * This is called by a lib.TestManager.Result instance, as part of a
+ * lib.TestManager.TestRun. You should not call it by hand.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Result} result The result object for the test.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Test.prototype.run = function(result) {
+ try {
+ // Tests are applied to the parent lib.TestManager.Suite subclass.
+ this.testFunction_.apply(result.suite,
+ [result, result.testRun.cx]);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ if (ex instanceof lib.TestManager.Result.TestComplete)
+ return;
+ result.println('Test raised an exception: ' + ex);
+ if (ex.stack) {
+ if (ex.stack instanceof Array) {
+ result.println(ex.stack.join('\n'));
+ } else {
+ result.println(ex.stack);
+ }
+ }
+ result.completeTest_(result.FAILED, false);
+ }
+ * Used to choose a set of tests and run them.
+ *
+ * It's slightly more convenient to construct one of these from
+ * lib.TestManager.prototype.createTestRun().
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager} testManager The testManager associated with this
+ * TestRun.
+ * @param {Object} cx A context to be passed into the tests. This can be used
+ * to set parameters for the test suite or individual test cases.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun = function(testManager, cx) {
+ /**
+ * The associated lib.TestManager instance.
+ */
+ this.testManager = testManager;
+ /**
+ * Shortcut to the lib.TestManager's log.
+ */
+ this.log = testManager.log;
+ /**
+ * The test run context. It's entirely up to the test suite and test cases
+ * how this is used. It is opaque to lib.TestManager.* classes.
+ */
+ this.cx = cx || {};
+ /**
+ * The list of test cases that encountered failures.
+ */
+ this.failures = [];
+ /**
+ * The list of test cases that passed.
+ */
+ this.passes = [];
+ /**
+ * The time the test run started, or null if it hasn't been started yet.
+ */
+ this.startDate = null;
+ /**
+ * The time in milliseconds that the test run took to complete, or null if
+ * it hasn't completed yet.
+ */
+ this.duration = null;
+ /**
+ * The most recent result object, or null if the test run hasn't started
+ * yet. In order to detect late failures, this is not cleared when the test
+ * completes.
+ */
+ this.currentResult = null;
+ /**
+ * Number of maximum failures. The test run will stop when this number is
+ * reached. If 0 or omitted, the entire set of selected tests is run, even
+ * if some fail.
+ */
+ this.maxFailures = 0;
+ /**
+ * True if this test run ended early because of an unexpected condition.
+ */
+ this.panic = false;
+ // List of pending test cases.
+ this.testQueue_ = [];
+ * This value can be passed to select() to indicate that all tests should
+ * be selected.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.ALL_TESTS = new String('<all-tests>');
+ * Add a single test to the test run.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.selectTest = function(test) {
+ this.testQueue_.push(test);
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.selectSuite = function(
+ suiteClass, opt_pattern) {
+ var pattern = opt_pattern || this.ALL_TESTS;
+ var selectCount = 0;
+ var testList = suiteClass.getTestList();
+ for (var j = 0; j < testList.length; j++) {
+ var test = testList[j];
+ // Note that we're using "!==" rather than "!=" so that we're matching
+ // the ALL_TESTS String object, rather than the contents of the string.
+ if (pattern !== this.ALL_TESTS) {
+ if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
+ if (!pattern.test(test.testName))
+ continue;
+ } else if (test.testName != pattern) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ this.selectTest(test);
+ selectCount++;
+ }
+ return selectCount;
+ * Selects one or more tests to gather results for.
+ *
+ * Selecting the same test more than once is allowed.
+ *
+ * @param {string|RegExp} pattern Pattern used to select tests.
+ * If TestRun.prototype.ALL_TESTS, all tests are selected.
+ * If a string, only the test that exactly matches is selected.
+ * If a RegExp, only tests matching the RegExp are added.
+ *
+ * @return {int} The number of additional tests that have been selected into
+ * this TestRun.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.selectPattern = function(pattern) {
+ var selectCount = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < lib.TestManager.Suite.subclasses.length; i++) {
+ selectCount += this.selectSuite(lib.TestManager.Suite.subclasses[i],
+ pattern);
+ }
+ if (!selectCount) {
+ this.log.println('No tests matched selection criteria: ' + pattern);
+ }
+ return selectCount;
+ * Hooked up to window.onerror during a test run in order to catch exceptions
+ * that would otherwise go uncaught.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.onUncaughtException_ = function(
+ message, file, line) {
+ if (message.indexOf('Uncaught lib.TestManager.Result.TestComplete') == 0 ||
+ message.indexOf('status: passed') != -1) {
+ // This is a result.pass() or result.fail() call from a callback. We're
+ // already going to deal with it as part of the completeTest_() call
+ // that raised it. We can safely squelch this error message.
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!this.currentResult)
+ return;
+ if (message == 'Uncaught ' + this.currentResult.expectedErrorMessage_) {
+ // Test cases may need to raise an unhandled exception as part of the test.
+ return;
+ }
+ var when = 'during';
+ if (this.currentResult.status != this.currentResult.PENDING)
+ when = 'after';
+ this.log.println('Uncaught exception ' + when + ' test case: ' +
+ this.currentResult.test.fullName);
+ this.log.println(message + ', ' + file + ':' + line);
+ this.currentResult.completeTest_(this.currentResult.FAILED, false);
+ return false;
+ * Called to when this test run has completed.
+ *
+ * This method typically re-runs itself asynchronously, in order to let the
+ * DOM stabilize and short-term timeouts to complete before declaring the
+ * test run complete.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} opt_skipTimeout If true, the timeout is skipped and the
+ * test run is completed immediately. This should only be used from within
+ * this function.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.onTestRunComplete_ = function(
+ opt_skipTimeout) {
+ if (!opt_skipTimeout) {
+ // The final test may have left a lingering setTimeout(..., 0), or maybe
+ // poked at the DOM in a way that will trigger a event to fire at the end
+ // of this stack, so we give things a chance to settle down before our
+ // final cleanup...
+ setTimeout(this.onTestRunComplete_.bind(this), 0, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.duration = (new Date()) - this.startDate;
+ this.log.popPrefix();
+ this.log.println('} ' + this.passes.length + ' passed, ' +
+ this.failures.length + ' failed, ' +
+ this.msToSeconds_(this.duration));
+ this.log.println('');
+ this.summarize();
+ window.onerror = null;
+ this.testManager.onTestRunComplete(this);
+ * Called by the lib.TestManager.Result object when a test completes.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Result} result The result object which has just
+ * completed.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.onResultComplete = function(result) {
+ try {
+ this.testManager.testPostamble(result, this.cx);
+ result.suite.postamble(result, this.ctx);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ this.log.println('Unexpected exception in postamble: ' +
+ (ex.stack ? ex.stack : ex));
+ this.panic = true;
+ }
+ this.log.popPrefix();
+ this.log.print('} ' + result.status + ', ' +
+ this.msToSeconds_(result.duration));
+ this.log.flush();
+ if (result.status == result.FAILED) {
+ this.failures.push(result);
+ this.currentSuite = null;
+ } else if (result.status == result.PASSED) {
+ this.passes.push(result);
+ } else {
+ this.log.println('Unknown result status: ' + result.test.fullName + ': ' +
+ result.status);
+ return this.panic = true;
+ }
+ this.runNextTest_();
+ * Called by the lib.TestManager.Result object when a test which has already
+ * completed reports another completion.
+ *
+ * This is usually indicative of a buggy testcase. It is probably reporting a
+ * result on exit and then again from an asynchronous callback.
+ *
+ * It may also be the case that the last act of the testcase causes a DOM change
+ * which triggers some event to run after the test returns. If the event
+ * handler reports a failure or raises an uncaught exception, the test will
+ * fail even though it has already completed.
+ *
+ * In any case, re-completing a test ALWAYS moves it into the failure pile.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Result} result The result object which has just
+ * completed.
+ * @param {string} lateStatus The status that the test attempted to record this
+ * time around.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.onResultReComplete = function(
+ result, lateStatus) {
+ this.log.println('Late complete for test: ' + result.test.fullName + ': ' +
+ lateStatus);
+ // Consider any late completion a failure, even if it's a double-pass, since
+ // it's a misuse of the testing API.
+ var index = this.passes.indexOf(result);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ this.passes.splice(index, 1);
+ this.failures.push(result);
+ }
+ * Run the next test in the queue.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.runNextTest_ = function() {
+ if (this.panic || !this.testQueue_.length)
+ return this.onTestRunComplete_();
+ if (this.maxFailures && this.failures.length >= this.maxFailures) {
+ this.log.println('Maximum failure count reached, aborting test run.');
+ return this.onTestRunComplete_();
+ }
+ // Peek at the top test first. We remove it later just before it's about
+ // to run, so that we don't disturb the incomplete test count in the
+ // event that we fail before running it.
+ var test = this.testQueue_[0];
+ var suite = this.currentResult ? this.currentResult.suite : null;
+ try {
+ if (!suite || !(suite instanceof test.suiteClass)) {
+ this.log.println('Initializing suite: ' + test.suiteClass.suiteName);
+ suite = new test.suiteClass(this.testManager, this.cx);
+ }
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // If test suite setup fails we're not even going to try to run the tests.
+ this.log.println('Exception during setup: ' + (ex.stack ? ex.stack : ex));
+ this.panic = true;
+ this.onTestRunComplete_();
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ this.log.print('Test: ' + test.fullName + ' {');
+ this.log.pushPrefix(' ');
+ this.currentResult = new lib.TestManager.Result(this, suite, test);
+ this.testManager.testPreamble(this.currentResult, this.cx);
+ suite.preamble(this.currentResult, this.cx);
+ this.testQueue_.shift();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ this.log.println('Unexpected exception during test preamble: ' +
+ (ex.stack ? ex.stack : ex));
+ this.log.popPrefix();
+ this.log.println('}');
+ this.panic = true;
+ this.onTestRunComplete_();
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ this.currentResult.run();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // Result.run() should catch test exceptions and turn them into failures.
+ // If we got here, it means there is trouble in the testing framework.
+ this.log.println('Unexpected exception during test run: ' +
+ (ex.stack ? ex.stack : ex));
+ this.panic = true;
+ }
+ * Run the selected list of tests.
+ *
+ * Some tests may need to run asynchronously, so you cannot assume the run is
+ * complete when this function returns. Instead, pass in a function to be
+ * called back when the run has completed.
+ *
+ * This function will log the results of the test run as they happen into the
+ * log defined by the associated lib.TestManager. By default this is
+ * console.log, which can be viewed in the JavaScript console of most browsers.
+ *
+ * The browser state is determined by the last test to run. We intentionally
+ * don't do any cleanup so that you can inspect the state of a failed test, or
+ * leave the browser ready for manual testing.
+ *
+ * Any failures in lib.TestManager.* code or test suite setup or test case
+ * preamble will cause the test run to abort.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.run = function() {
+ this.log.println('Running ' + this.testQueue_.length + ' test(s) {');
+ this.log.pushPrefix(' ');
+ window.onerror = this.onUncaughtException_.bind(this);
+ this.startDate = new Date();
+ this.runNextTest_();
+ * Format milliseconds as fractional seconds.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.msToSeconds_ = function(ms) {
+ var secs = (ms / 1000).toFixed(2);
+ return secs + 's';
+ * Log the current result summary.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.TestRun.prototype.summarize = function() {
+ if (this.failures.length) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.failures.length; i++) {
+ this.log.println('FAILED: ' + this.failures[i].test.fullName);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.testQueue_.length) {
+ this.log.println('Test run incomplete: ' + this.testQueue_.length +
+ ' test(s) were not run.');
+ }
+ * Record of the result of a single test.
+ *
+ * These are constructed during a test run, you shouldn't have to make one
+ * on your own.
+ *
+ * An instance of this class is passed in to each test function. It can be
+ * used to add messages to the test log, to record a test pass/fail state, to
+ * test assertions, or to create exception-proof wrappers for callback
+ * functions.
+ *
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.TestRun} testRun The TestRun instance associated with
+ * this result.
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Suit} suite The Suite containing the test we're
+ * collecting this result for.
+ * @param {lib.TestManager.Test} test The test we're collecting this result for.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result = function(testRun, suite, test) {
+ /**
+ * The TestRun instance associated with this result.
+ */
+ this.testRun = testRun;
+ /**
+ * The Suite containing the test we're collecting this result for.
+ */
+ this.suite = suite;
+ /**
+ * The test we're collecting this result for.
+ */
+ this.test = test;
+ /**
+ * The time we started to collect this result, or null if we haven't started.
+ */
+ this.startDate = null;
+ /**
+ * The time in milliseconds that the test took to complete, or null if
+ * it hasn't completed yet.
+ */
+ this.duration = null;
+ /**
+ * The current status of this test result.
+ */
+ this.status = this.PENDING;
+ // An error message that the test case is expected to generate.
+ this.expectedErrorMessage_ = null;
+ * Possible values for this.status.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.PENDING = 'pending';
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.FAILED = 'FAILED';
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.PASSED = 'passed';
+ * Exception thrown when a test completes (pass or fail), to ensure no more of
+ * the test is run.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.TestComplete = function(result) {
+ this.result = result;
+lib.TestManager.Result.TestComplete.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return 'lib.TestManager.Result.TestComplete: ' + this.result.test.fullName +
+ ', status: ' + this.result.status;
+ * Start the test associated with this result.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.run = function() {
+ var self = this;
+ this.startDate = new Date();
+ this.test.run(this);
+ if (this.status == this.PENDING && !this.timeout_) {
+ this.println('Test did not return a value and did not request more time.');
+ this.completeTest_(this.FAILED, false);
+ }
+ * Unhandled error message this test expects to generate.
+ *
+ * This must be the exact string that would appear in the JavaScript console,
+ * minus the 'Uncaught ' prefix.
+ *
+ * The test case does *not* automatically fail if the error message is not
+ * encountered.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.expectErrorMessage = function(str) {
+ this.expectedErrorMessage_ = str;
+ * Function called when a test times out.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.onTimeout_ = function() {
+ this.timeout_ = null;
+ if (this.status != this.PENDING)
+ return;
+ this.println('Test timed out.');
+ this.completeTest_(this.FAILED, false);
+ * Indicate that a test case needs more time to complete.
+ *
+ * Before a test case returns it must report a pass/fail result, or request more
+ * time to do so.
+ *
+ * If a test does not report pass/fail before the time expires it will
+ * be reported as a timeout failure. Any late pass/fails will be noted in the
+ * test log, but will not affect the final result of the test.
+ *
+ * Test cases may call requestTime more than once. If you have a few layers
+ * of asynchronous API to go through, you should call this once per layer with
+ * an estimate of how long each callback will take to complete.
+ *
+ * @param {int} ms Number of milliseconds requested.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.requestTime = function(ms) {
+ if (this.timeout_)
+ clearTimeout(this.timeout_);
+ this.timeout_ = setTimeout(this.onTimeout_.bind(this), ms);
+ * Report the completion of a test.
+ *
+ * @param {string} status The status of the test case.
+ * @param {boolean} opt_throw Optional boolean indicating whether or not
+ * to throw the TestComplete exception.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.completeTest_ = function(status, opt_throw) {
+ if (this.status == this.PENDING) {
+ this.duration = (new Date()) - this.startDate;
+ this.status = status;
+ this.testRun.onResultComplete(this);
+ } else {
+ this.testRun.onResultReComplete(this, status);
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2 || opt_throw)
+ throw new lib.TestManager.Result.TestComplete(this);
+ * Check that two arrays are equal.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.arrayEQ_ = function(actual, expected) {
+ if (!actual || !expected)
+ return (!actual && !expected);
+ if (actual.length != expected.length)
+ return false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; ++i)
+ if (actual[i] != expected[i])
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ * Assert that an actual value is exactly equal to the expected value.
+ *
+ * This uses the JavaScript '===' operator in order to avoid type coercion.
+ *
+ * If the assertion fails, the test is marked as a failure and a TestCompleted
+ * exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * @param {*} actual The actual measured value.
+ * @param {*} expected The value expected.
+ * @param {string} opt_name An optional name used to identify this
+ * assertion in the test log. If omitted it will be the file:line
+ * of the caller.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.assertEQ = function(
+ actual, expected, opt_name) {
+ // Utility function to pretty up the log.
+ function format(value) {
+ if (typeof value == 'number')
+ return value;
+ var str = String(value);
+ var ary = str.split('\n').map(function (e) { return JSON.stringify(e) });
+ if (ary.length > 1) {
+ // If the string has newlines, start it off on its own line so that
+ // it's easier to compare against another string with newlines.
+ return '\n' + ary.join('\n');
+ } else {
+ return ary.join('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ if (actual === expected)
+ return;
+ // Deal with common object types since JavaScript can't.
+ if (expected instanceof Array)
+ if (this.arrayEQ_(actual, expected))
+ return;
+ var name = opt_name ? '[' + opt_name + ']' : '';
+ this.fail('assertEQ' + name + ': ' + this.getCallerLocation_(1) + ': ' +
+ format(actual) + ' !== ' + format(expected));
+ * Assert that a value is true.
+ *
+ * This uses the JavaScript '===' operator in order to avoid type coercion.
+ * The must be the boolean value `true`, not just some "truish" value.
+ *
+ * If the assertion fails, the test is marked as a failure and a TestCompleted
+ * exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} actual The actual measured value.
+ * @param {string} opt_name An optional name used to identify this
+ * assertion in the test log. If omitted it will be the file:line
+ * of the caller.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.assert = function(actual, opt_name) {
+ if (actual === true)
+ return;
+ var name = opt_name ? '[' + opt_name + ']' : '';
+ this.fail('assert' + name + ': ' + this.getCallerLocation_(1) + ': ' +
+ String(actual));
+ * Return the filename:line of a calling stack frame.
+ *
+ * This uses a dirty hack. It throws an exception, catches it, and examines
+ * the stack property of the caught exception.
+ *
+ * @param {int} frameIndex The stack frame to return. 0 is the frame that
+ * called this method, 1 is its caller, and so on.
+ * @return {string} A string of the format "filename:linenumber".
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.getCallerLocation_ = function(frameIndex) {
+ try {
+ throw new Error();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ var frame = ex.stack.split('\n')[frameIndex + 2];
+ var ary = frame.match(/([^/]+:\d+):\d+\)?$/);
+ return ary ? ary[1] : '???';
+ }
+ * Write a message to the result log.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.println = function(message) {
+ this.testRun.log.println(message);
+ * Mark a failed test and exit out of the rest of the test.
+ *
+ * This will throw a TestCompleted exception, causing the current test to stop.
+ *
+ * @param {string} opt_message Optional message to add to the log.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.fail = function(opt_message) {
+ if (arguments.length)
+ this.println(opt_message);
+ this.completeTest_(this.FAILED, true);
+ * Mark a passed test and exit out of the rest of the test.
+ *
+ * This will throw a TestCompleted exception, causing the current test to stop.
+ */
+lib.TestManager.Result.prototype.pass = function() {
+ this.completeTest_(this.PASSED, true);
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_utf8.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+// TODO(davidben): When the string encoding API is implemented,
+// replace this with the native in-browser implementation.
+// https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/StringEncoding
+// https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/
+ * A stateful UTF-8 decoder.
+ */
+lib.UTF8Decoder = function() {
+ // The number of bytes left in the current sequence.
+ this.bytesLeft = 0;
+ // The in-progress code point being decoded, if bytesLeft > 0.
+ this.codePoint = 0;
+ // The lower bound on the final code point, if bytesLeft > 0.
+ this.lowerBound = 0;
+ * Decodes a some UTF-8 data, taking into account state from previous
+ * data streamed through the encoder.
+ *
+ * @param {String} str data to decode, represented as a JavaScript
+ * String with each code unit representing a byte between 0x00 to
+ * 0xFF.
+ * @return {String} The data decoded into a JavaScript UTF-16 string.
+ */
+lib.UTF8Decoder.prototype.decode = function(str) {
+ var ret = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
+ var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (this.bytesLeft == 0) {
+ if (c <= 0x7F) {
+ ret += str.charAt(i);
+ } else if (0xC0 <= c && c <= 0xDF) {
+ this.codePoint = c - 0xC0;
+ this.bytesLeft = 1;
+ this.lowerBound = 0x80;
+ } else if (0xE0 <= c && c <= 0xEF) {
+ this.codePoint = c - 0xE0;
+ this.bytesLeft = 2;
+ this.lowerBound = 0x800;
+ } else if (0xF0 <= c && c <= 0xF7) {
+ this.codePoint = c - 0xF0;
+ this.bytesLeft = 3;
+ this.lowerBound = 0x10000;
+ } else if (0xF8 <= c && c <= 0xFB) {
+ this.codePoint = c - 0xF8;
+ this.bytesLeft = 4;
+ this.lowerBound = 0x200000;
+ } else if (0xFC <= c && c <= 0xFD) {
+ this.codePoint = c - 0xFC;
+ this.bytesLeft = 5;
+ this.lowerBound = 0x4000000;
+ } else {
+ ret += '\ufffd';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (0x80 <= c && c <= 0xBF) {
+ this.bytesLeft--;
+ this.codePoint = (this.codePoint << 6) + (c - 0x80);
+ if (this.bytesLeft == 0) {
+ // Got a full sequence. Check if it's within bounds and
+ // filter out surrogate pairs.
+ var codePoint = this.codePoint;
+ if (codePoint < this.lowerBound
+ || (0xD800 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xDFFF)
+ || codePoint > 0x10FFFF) {
+ ret += '\ufffd';
+ } else {
+ // Encode as UTF-16 in the output.
+ if (codePoint < 0x10000) {
+ ret += String.fromCharCode(codePoint);
+ } else {
+ // Surrogate pair.
+ codePoint -= 0x10000;
+ ret += String.fromCharCode(
+ 0xD800 + ((codePoint >>> 10) & 0x3FF),
+ 0xDC00 + (codePoint & 0x3FF));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Too few bytes in multi-byte sequence. Rewind stream so we
+ // don't lose the next byte.
+ ret += '\ufffd';
+ this.bytesLeft = 0;
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * Decodes UTF-8 data. This is a convenience function for when all the
+ * data is already known.
+ *
+ * @param {String} str data to decode, represented as a JavaScript
+ * String with each code unit representing a byte between 0x00 to
+ * 0xFF.
+ * @return {String} The data decoded into a JavaScript UTF-16 string.
+ */
+lib.decodeUTF8 = function(utf8) {
+ return (new lib.UTF8Decoder()).decode(utf8);
+ * Encodes a UTF-16 string into UTF-8.
+ *
+ * TODO(davidben): Do we need a stateful version of this that can
+ * handle a surrogate pair split in two calls? What happens if a
+ * keypress event would have contained a character outside the BMP?
+ *
+ * @param {String} str The string to encode.
+ * @return {String} The string encoded as UTF-8, as a JavaScript
+ * string with bytes represented as code units from 0x00 to 0xFF.
+ */
+lib.encodeUTF8 = function(str) {
+ var ret = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
+ // Get a unicode code point out of str.
+ var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (0xDC00 <= c && c <= 0xDFFF) {
+ c = 0xFFFD;
+ } else if (0xD800 <= c && c <= 0xDBFF) {
+ if (i+1 < str.length) {
+ var d = str.charCodeAt(i+1);
+ if (0xDC00 <= d && d <= 0xDFFF) {
+ // Swallow a surrogate pair.
+ c = 0x10000 + ((c & 0x3FF) << 10) + (d & 0x3FF);
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ c = 0xFFFD;
+ }
+ } else {
+ c = 0xFFFD;
+ }
+ }
+ // Encode c in UTF-8.
+ var bytesLeft;
+ if (c <= 0x7F) {
+ ret += str.charAt(i);
+ continue;
+ } else if (c <= 0x7FF) {
+ ret += String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | (c >>> 6));
+ bytesLeft = 1;
+ } else if (c <= 0xFFFF) {
+ ret += String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | (c >>> 12));
+ bytesLeft = 2;
+ } else /* if (c <= 0x10FFFF) */ {
+ ret += String.fromCharCode(0xF0 | (c >>> 18));
+ bytesLeft = 3;
+ }
+ while (bytesLeft > 0) {
+ bytesLeft--;
+ ret += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >>> (6 * bytesLeft)) & 0x3F));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_wc.js
+// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of lib.wc source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * This JavaScript library is ported from the wcwidth.js module of node.js.
+ * The original implementation can be found at:
+ * https://npmjs.org/package/wcwidth.js
+ */
+ * JavaScript porting of Markus Kuhn's wcwidth() implementation
+ *
+ * The following explanation comes from the original C implementation:
+ *
+ * This is an implementation of wcwidth() and wcswidth() (defined in
+ * IEEE Std 1002.1-2001) for Unicode.
+ *
+ * http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/functions/wcwidth.html
+ * http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/functions/wcswidth.html
+ *
+ * In fixed-width output devices, Latin characters all occupy a single
+ * "cell" position of equal width, whereas ideographic CJK characters
+ * occupy two such cells. Interoperability between terminal-line
+ * applications and (teletype-style) character terminals using the
+ * UTF-8 encoding requires agreement on which character should advance
+ * the cursor by how many cell positions. No established formal
+ * standards exist at present on which Unicode character shall occupy
+ * how many cell positions on character terminals. These routines are
+ * a first attempt of defining such behavior based on simple rules
+ * applied to data provided by the Unicode Consortium.
+ *
+ * For some graphical characters, the Unicode standard explicitly
+ * defines a character-cell width via the definition of the East Asian
+ * FullWidth (F), Wide (W), Half-width (H), and Narrow (Na) classes.
+ * In all these cases, there is no ambiguity about which width a
+ * terminal shall use. For characters in the East Asian Ambiguous (A)
+ * class, the width choice depends purely on a preference of backward
+ * compatibility with either historic CJK or Western practice.
+ * Choosing single-width for these characters is easy to justify as
+ * the appropriate long-term solution, as the CJK practice of
+ * displaying these characters as double-width comes from historic
+ * implementation simplicity (8-bit encoded characters were displayed
+ * single-width and 16-bit ones double-width, even for Greek,
+ * Cyrillic, etc.) and not any typographic considerations.
+ *
+ * Much less clear is the choice of width for the Not East Asian
+ * (Neutral) class. Existing practice does not dictate a width for any
+ * of these characters. It would nevertheless make sense
+ * typographically to allocate two character cells to characters such
+ * as for instance EM SPACE or VOLUME INTEGRAL, which cannot be
+ * represented adequately with a single-width glyph. The following
+ * routines at present merely assign a single-cell width to all
+ * neutral characters, in the interest of simplicity. This is not
+ * entirely satisfactory and should be reconsidered before
+ * establishing a formal standard in lib.wc area. At the moment, the
+ * decision which Not East Asian (Neutral) characters should be
+ * represented by double-width glyphs cannot yet be answered by
+ * applying a simple rule from the Unicode database content. Setting
+ * up a proper standard for the behavior of UTF-8 character terminals
+ * will require a careful analysis not only of each Unicode character,
+ * but also of each presentation form, something the author of these
+ * routines has avoided to do so far.
+ *
+ * http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr11/
+ *
+ * Markus Kuhn -- 2007-05-26 (Unicode 5.0)
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute lib.wc software
+ * for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. The author
+ * disclaims all warranties with regard to lib.wc software.
+ *
+ * Latest version: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/wcwidth.c
+ */
+ * The following function defines the column width of an ISO 10646 character
+ * as follows:
+ *
+ * - The null character (U+0000) has a column width of 0.
+ * - Other C0/C1 control characters and DEL will lead to a return value of -1.
+ * - Non-spacing and enclosing combining characters (general category code Mn
+ * or Me in the Unicode database) have a column width of 0.
+ * - SOFT HYPHEN (U+00AD) has a column width of 1.
+ * - Other format characters (general category code Cf in the Unicode database)
+ * and ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B) have a column width of 0.
+ * - Hangul Jamo medial vowels and final consonants (U+1160-U+11FF) have a
+ * column width of 0.
+ * - Spacing characters in the East Asian Wide (W) or East Asian Full-width (F)
+ * category as defined in Unicode Technical Report #11 have a column width of
+ * 2.
+ * - East Asian Ambiguous characters are taken into account if
+ * regardCjkAmbiguous flag is enabled. They have a column width of 2.
+ * - All remaining characters (including all printable ISO 8859-1 and WGL4
+ * characters, Unicode control characters, etc.) have a column width of 1.
+ *
+ * This implementation assumes that characters are encoded in ISO 10646.
+ */
+ * This library relies on the use of codePointAt, which is not supported in
+ * all browsers. Polyfill if not. See
+ * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/codePointAt#Polyfill
+ */
+if (!String.prototype.codePointAt) {
+ (function() {
+ 'use strict'; // needed to support `apply`/`call` with `undefined`/`null`
+ var codePointAt = function(position) {
+ if (this == null) {
+ throw TypeError();
+ }
+ var string = String(this);
+ var size = string.length;
+ // `ToInteger`
+ var index = position ? Number(position) : 0;
+ if (index != index) { // better `isNaN`
+ index = 0;
+ }
+ // Account for out-of-bounds indices:
+ if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // Get the first code unit
+ var first = string.charCodeAt(index);
+ var second;
+ if ( // check if it’s the start of a surrogate pair
+ first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && // high surrogate
+ size > index + 1 // there is a next code unit
+ ) {
+ second = string.charCodeAt(index + 1);
+ if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) { // low surrogate
+ // http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding#surrogate-formulae
+ return (first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;
+ }
+ }
+ return first;
+ };
+ if (Object.defineProperty) {
+ Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'codePointAt', {
+ 'value': codePointAt,
+ 'configurable': true,
+ 'writable': true
+ });
+ } else {
+ String.prototype.codePointAt = codePointAt;
+ }
+ }());
+lib.wc = {};
+// Width of a nul character.
+lib.wc.nulWidth = 0;
+// Width of a control character.
+lib.wc.controlWidth = 0;
+// Flag whether to consider East Asian Ambiguous characters.
+lib.wc.regardCjkAmbiguous = false;
+// Width of an East Asian Ambiguous character.
+lib.wc.cjkAmbiguousWidth = 2;
+// Sorted list of non-overlapping intervals of non-spacing characters
+// generated by "uniset +cat=Me +cat=Mn +cat=Cf -00AD +1160-11FF +200B c"
+lib.wc.combining = [
+ [ 0x0300, 0x036F ], [ 0x0483, 0x0486 ], [ 0x0488, 0x0489 ],
+ [ 0x0591, 0x05BD ], [ 0x05BF, 0x05BF ], [ 0x05C1, 0x05C2 ],
+ [ 0x05C4, 0x05C5 ], [ 0x05C7, 0x05C7 ], [ 0x0600, 0x0603 ],
+ [ 0x0610, 0x0615 ], [ 0x064B, 0x065E ], [ 0x0670, 0x0670 ],
+ [ 0x06D6, 0x06E4 ], [ 0x06E7, 0x06E8 ], [ 0x06EA, 0x06ED ],
+ [ 0x070F, 0x070F ], [ 0x0711, 0x0711 ], [ 0x0730, 0x074A ],
+ [ 0x07A6, 0x07B0 ], [ 0x07EB, 0x07F3 ], [ 0x0901, 0x0902 ],
+ [ 0x093C, 0x093C ], [ 0x0941, 0x0948 ], [ 0x094D, 0x094D ],
+ [ 0x0951, 0x0954 ], [ 0x0962, 0x0963 ], [ 0x0981, 0x0981 ],
+ [ 0x09BC, 0x09BC ], [ 0x09C1, 0x09C4 ], [ 0x09CD, 0x09CD ],
+ [ 0x09E2, 0x09E3 ], [ 0x0A01, 0x0A02 ], [ 0x0A3C, 0x0A3C ],
+ [ 0x0A41, 0x0A42 ], [ 0x0A47, 0x0A48 ], [ 0x0A4B, 0x0A4D ],
+ [ 0x0A70, 0x0A71 ], [ 0x0A81, 0x0A82 ], [ 0x0ABC, 0x0ABC ],
+ [ 0x0AC1, 0x0AC5 ], [ 0x0AC7, 0x0AC8 ], [ 0x0ACD, 0x0ACD ],
+ [ 0x0AE2, 0x0AE3 ], [ 0x0B01, 0x0B01 ], [ 0x0B3C, 0x0B3C ],
+ [ 0x0B3F, 0x0B3F ], [ 0x0B41, 0x0B43 ], [ 0x0B4D, 0x0B4D ],
+ [ 0x0B56, 0x0B56 ], [ 0x0B82, 0x0B82 ], [ 0x0BC0, 0x0BC0 ],
+ [ 0x0BCD, 0x0BCD ], [ 0x0C3E, 0x0C40 ], [ 0x0C46, 0x0C48 ],
+ [ 0x0C4A, 0x0C4D ], [ 0x0C55, 0x0C56 ], [ 0x0CBC, 0x0CBC ],
+ [ 0x0CBF, 0x0CBF ], [ 0x0CC6, 0x0CC6 ], [ 0x0CCC, 0x0CCD ],
+ [ 0x0CE2, 0x0CE3 ], [ 0x0D41, 0x0D43 ], [ 0x0D4D, 0x0D4D ],
+ [ 0x0DCA, 0x0DCA ], [ 0x0DD2, 0x0DD4 ], [ 0x0DD6, 0x0DD6 ],
+ [ 0x0E31, 0x0E31 ], [ 0x0E34, 0x0E3A ], [ 0x0E47, 0x0E4E ],
+ [ 0x0EB1, 0x0EB1 ], [ 0x0EB4, 0x0EB9 ], [ 0x0EBB, 0x0EBC ],
+ [ 0x0EC8, 0x0ECD ], [ 0x0F18, 0x0F19 ], [ 0x0F35, 0x0F35 ],
+ [ 0x0F37, 0x0F37 ], [ 0x0F39, 0x0F39 ], [ 0x0F71, 0x0F7E ],
+ [ 0x0F80, 0x0F84 ], [ 0x0F86, 0x0F87 ], [ 0x0F90, 0x0F97 ],
+ [ 0x0F99, 0x0FBC ], [ 0x0FC6, 0x0FC6 ], [ 0x102D, 0x1030 ],
+ [ 0x1032, 0x1032 ], [ 0x1036, 0x1037 ], [ 0x1039, 0x1039 ],
+ [ 0x1058, 0x1059 ], [ 0x1160, 0x11FF ], [ 0x135F, 0x135F ],
+ [ 0x1712, 0x1714 ], [ 0x1732, 0x1734 ], [ 0x1752, 0x1753 ],
+ [ 0x1772, 0x1773 ], [ 0x17B4, 0x17B5 ], [ 0x17B7, 0x17BD ],
+ [ 0x17C6, 0x17C6 ], [ 0x17C9, 0x17D3 ], [ 0x17DD, 0x17DD ],
+ [ 0x180B, 0x180D ], [ 0x18A9, 0x18A9 ], [ 0x1920, 0x1922 ],
+ [ 0x1927, 0x1928 ], [ 0x1932, 0x1932 ], [ 0x1939, 0x193B ],
+ [ 0x1A17, 0x1A18 ], [ 0x1B00, 0x1B03 ], [ 0x1B34, 0x1B34 ],
+ [ 0x1B36, 0x1B3A ], [ 0x1B3C, 0x1B3C ], [ 0x1B42, 0x1B42 ],
+ [ 0x1B6B, 0x1B73 ], [ 0x1DC0, 0x1DCA ], [ 0x1DFE, 0x1DFF ],
+ [ 0x200B, 0x200F ], [ 0x202A, 0x202E ], [ 0x2060, 0x2063 ],
+ [ 0x206A, 0x206F ], [ 0x20D0, 0x20EF ], [ 0x302A, 0x302F ],
+ [ 0x3099, 0x309A ], [ 0xA806, 0xA806 ], [ 0xA80B, 0xA80B ],
+ [ 0xA825, 0xA826 ], [ 0xFB1E, 0xFB1E ], [ 0xFE00, 0xFE0F ],
+ [ 0xFE20, 0xFE23 ], [ 0xFEFF, 0xFEFF ], [ 0xFFF9, 0xFFFB ],
+ [ 0x10A01, 0x10A03 ], [ 0x10A05, 0x10A06 ], [ 0x10A0C, 0x10A0F ],
+ [ 0x10A38, 0x10A3A ], [ 0x10A3F, 0x10A3F ], [ 0x1D167, 0x1D169 ],
+ [ 0x1D173, 0x1D182 ], [ 0x1D185, 0x1D18B ], [ 0x1D1AA, 0x1D1AD ],
+ [ 0x1D242, 0x1D244 ], [ 0xE0001, 0xE0001 ], [ 0xE0020, 0xE007F ],
+ [ 0xE0100, 0xE01EF ]
+// Sorted list of non-overlapping intervals of East Asian Ambiguous characters
+// generated by "uniset +WIDTH-A -cat=Me -cat=Mn -cat=Cf c"
+lib.wc.ambiguous = [
+ [ 0x00A1, 0x00A1 ], [ 0x00A4, 0x00A4 ], [ 0x00A7, 0x00A8 ],
+ [ 0x00AA, 0x00AA ], [ 0x00AE, 0x00AE ], [ 0x00B0, 0x00B4 ],
+ [ 0x00B6, 0x00BA ], [ 0x00BC, 0x00BF ], [ 0x00C6, 0x00C6 ],
+ [ 0x00D0, 0x00D0 ], [ 0x00D7, 0x00D8 ], [ 0x00DE, 0x00E1 ],
+ [ 0x00E6, 0x00E6 ], [ 0x00E8, 0x00EA ], [ 0x00EC, 0x00ED ],
+ [ 0x00F0, 0x00F0 ], [ 0x00F2, 0x00F3 ], [ 0x00F7, 0x00FA ],
+ [ 0x00FC, 0x00FC ], [ 0x00FE, 0x00FE ], [ 0x0101, 0x0101 ],
+ [ 0x0111, 0x0111 ], [ 0x0113, 0x0113 ], [ 0x011B, 0x011B ],
+ [ 0x0126, 0x0127 ], [ 0x012B, 0x012B ], [ 0x0131, 0x0133 ],
+ [ 0x0138, 0x0138 ], [ 0x013F, 0x0142 ], [ 0x0144, 0x0144 ],
+ [ 0x0148, 0x014B ], [ 0x014D, 0x014D ], [ 0x0152, 0x0153 ],
+ [ 0x0166, 0x0167 ], [ 0x016B, 0x016B ], [ 0x01CE, 0x01CE ],
+ [ 0x01D0, 0x01D0 ], [ 0x01D2, 0x01D2 ], [ 0x01D4, 0x01D4 ],
+ [ 0x01D6, 0x01D6 ], [ 0x01D8, 0x01D8 ], [ 0x01DA, 0x01DA ],
+ [ 0x01DC, 0x01DC ], [ 0x0251, 0x0251 ], [ 0x0261, 0x0261 ],
+ [ 0x02C4, 0x02C4 ], [ 0x02C7, 0x02C7 ], [ 0x02C9, 0x02CB ],
+ [ 0x02CD, 0x02CD ], [ 0x02D0, 0x02D0 ], [ 0x02D8, 0x02DB ],
+ [ 0x02DD, 0x02DD ], [ 0x02DF, 0x02DF ], [ 0x0391, 0x03A1 ],
+ [ 0x03A3, 0x03A9 ], [ 0x03B1, 0x03C1 ], [ 0x03C3, 0x03C9 ],
+ [ 0x0401, 0x0401 ], [ 0x0410, 0x044F ], [ 0x0451, 0x0451 ],
+ [ 0x2010, 0x2010 ], [ 0x2013, 0x2016 ], [ 0x2018, 0x2019 ],
+ [ 0x201C, 0x201D ], [ 0x2020, 0x2022 ], [ 0x2024, 0x2027 ],
+ [ 0x2030, 0x2030 ], [ 0x2032, 0x2033 ], [ 0x2035, 0x2035 ],
+ [ 0x203B, 0x203B ], [ 0x203E, 0x203E ], [ 0x2074, 0x2074 ],
+ [ 0x207F, 0x207F ], [ 0x2081, 0x2084 ], [ 0x20AC, 0x20AC ],
+ [ 0x2103, 0x2103 ], [ 0x2105, 0x2105 ], [ 0x2109, 0x2109 ],
+ [ 0x2113, 0x2113 ], [ 0x2116, 0x2116 ], [ 0x2121, 0x2122 ],
+ [ 0x2126, 0x2126 ], [ 0x212B, 0x212B ], [ 0x2153, 0x2154 ],
+ [ 0x215B, 0x215E ], [ 0x2160, 0x216B ], [ 0x2170, 0x2179 ],
+ [ 0x2190, 0x2199 ], [ 0x21B8, 0x21B9 ], [ 0x21D2, 0x21D2 ],
+ [ 0x21D4, 0x21D4 ], [ 0x21E7, 0x21E7 ], [ 0x2200, 0x2200 ],
+ [ 0x2202, 0x2203 ], [ 0x2207, 0x2208 ], [ 0x220B, 0x220B ],
+ [ 0x220F, 0x220F ], [ 0x2211, 0x2211 ], [ 0x2215, 0x2215 ],
+ [ 0x221A, 0x221A ], [ 0x221D, 0x2220 ], [ 0x2223, 0x2223 ],
+ [ 0x2225, 0x2225 ], [ 0x2227, 0x222C ], [ 0x222E, 0x222E ],
+ [ 0x2234, 0x2237 ], [ 0x223C, 0x223D ], [ 0x2248, 0x2248 ],
+ [ 0x224C, 0x224C ], [ 0x2252, 0x2252 ], [ 0x2260, 0x2261 ],
+ [ 0x2264, 0x2267 ], [ 0x226A, 0x226B ], [ 0x226E, 0x226F ],
+ [ 0x2282, 0x2283 ], [ 0x2286, 0x2287 ], [ 0x2295, 0x2295 ],
+ [ 0x2299, 0x2299 ], [ 0x22A5, 0x22A5 ], [ 0x22BF, 0x22BF ],
+ [ 0x2312, 0x2312 ], [ 0x2460, 0x24E9 ], [ 0x24EB, 0x254B ],
+ [ 0x2550, 0x2573 ], [ 0x2580, 0x258F ], [ 0x2592, 0x2595 ],
+ [ 0x25A0, 0x25A1 ], [ 0x25A3, 0x25A9 ], [ 0x25B2, 0x25B3 ],
+ [ 0x25B6, 0x25B7 ], [ 0x25BC, 0x25BD ], [ 0x25C0, 0x25C1 ],
+ [ 0x25C6, 0x25C8 ], [ 0x25CB, 0x25CB ], [ 0x25CE, 0x25D1 ],
+ [ 0x25E2, 0x25E5 ], [ 0x25EF, 0x25EF ], [ 0x2605, 0x2606 ],
+ [ 0x2609, 0x2609 ], [ 0x260E, 0x260F ], [ 0x2614, 0x2615 ],
+ [ 0x261C, 0x261C ], [ 0x261E, 0x261E ], [ 0x2640, 0x2640 ],
+ [ 0x2642, 0x2642 ], [ 0x2660, 0x2661 ], [ 0x2663, 0x2665 ],
+ [ 0x2667, 0x266A ], [ 0x266C, 0x266D ], [ 0x266F, 0x266F ],
+ [ 0x273D, 0x273D ], [ 0x2776, 0x277F ], [ 0xE000, 0xF8FF ],
+ [ 0xFFFD, 0xFFFD ], [ 0xF0000, 0xFFFFD ], [ 0x100000, 0x10FFFD ]
+ * Binary search to check if the given unicode character is a space character.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} True if the given character is a space character; false
+ * otherwise.
+ */
+lib.wc.isSpace = function(ucs) {
+ // Auxiliary function for binary search in interval table.
+ var min = 0, max = lib.wc.combining.length - 1;
+ var mid;
+ if (ucs < lib.wc.combining[0][0] || ucs > lib.wc.combining[max][1])
+ return false;
+ while (max >= min) {
+ mid = Math.floor((min + max) / 2);
+ if (ucs > lib.wc.combining[mid][1]) {
+ min = mid + 1;
+ } else if (ucs < lib.wc.combining[mid][0]) {
+ max = mid - 1;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Auxiliary function for checking if the given unicode character is a East
+ * Asian Ambiguous character.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} True if the given character is a East Asian Ambiguous
+ * character.
+ */
+lib.wc.isCjkAmbiguous = function(ucs) {
+ var min = 0, max = lib.wc.ambiguous.length - 1;
+ var mid;
+ if (ucs < lib.wc.ambiguous[0][0] || ucs > lib.wc.ambiguous[max][1])
+ return false;
+ while (max >= min) {
+ mid = Math.floor((min + max) / 2);
+ if (ucs > lib.wc.ambiguous[mid][1]) {
+ min = mid + 1;
+ } else if (ucs < lib.wc.ambiguous[mid][0]) {
+ max = mid - 1;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Determine the column width of the given character.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The column width of the given character.
+ */
+lib.wc.charWidth = function(ucs) {
+ if (lib.wc.regardCjkAmbiguous) {
+ return lib.wc.charWidthRegardAmbiguous(ucs);
+ } else {
+ return lib.wc.charWidthDisregardAmbiguous(ucs);
+ }
+ * Determine the column width of the given character without considering East
+ * Asian Ambiguous characters.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The column width of the given character.
+ */
+lib.wc.charWidthDisregardAmbiguous = function(ucs) {
+ // Test for 8-bit control characters.
+ if (ucs === 0)
+ return lib.wc.nulWidth;
+ if (ucs < 32 || (ucs >= 0x7f && ucs < 0xa0))
+ return lib.wc.controlWidth;
+ // Optimize for ASCII characters.
+ if (ucs < 0x7f)
+ return 1;
+ // Binary search in table of non-spacing characters.
+ if (lib.wc.isSpace(ucs))
+ return 0;
+ // If we arrive here, ucs is not a combining or C0/C1 control character.
+ return 1 +
+ (ucs >= 0x1100 &&
+ (ucs <= 0x115f || // Hangul Jamo init. consonants
+ ucs == 0x2329 || ucs == 0x232a ||
+ (ucs >= 0x2e80 && ucs <= 0xa4cf &&
+ ucs != 0x303f) || // CJK ... Yi
+ (ucs >= 0xac00 && ucs <= 0xd7a3) || // Hangul Syllables
+ (ucs >= 0xf900 && ucs <= 0xfaff) || // CJK Compatibility Ideographs
+ (ucs >= 0xfe10 && ucs <= 0xfe19) || // Vertical forms
+ (ucs >= 0xfe30 && ucs <= 0xfe6f) || // CJK Compatibility Forms
+ (ucs >= 0xff00 && ucs <= 0xff60) || // Fullwidth Forms
+ (ucs >= 0xffe0 && ucs <= 0xffe6) ||
+ (ucs >= 0x20000 && ucs <= 0x2fffd) ||
+ (ucs >= 0x30000 && ucs <= 0x3fffd)));
+ // TODO: emoji characters usually require space for wide characters although
+ // East Asian width spec says nothing. Should we add special cases for them?
+ * Determine the column width of the given character considering East Asian
+ * Ambiguous characters.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The column width of the given character.
+ */
+lib.wc.charWidthRegardAmbiguous = function(ucs) {
+ if (lib.wc.isCjkAmbiguous(ucs))
+ return lib.wc.cjkAmbiguousWidth;
+ return lib.wc.charWidthDisregardAmbiguous(ucs);
+ * Determine the column width of the given string.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str A string.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The column width of the given string.
+ */
+lib.wc.strWidth = function(str) {
+ var width, rv = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < str.length;) {
+ var codePoint = str.codePointAt(i);
+ width = lib.wc.charWidth(codePoint);
+ if (width < 0)
+ return -1;
+ rv += width;
+ i += (codePoint <= 0xffff) ? 1 : 2;
+ }
+ return rv;
+ * Get the substring at the given column offset of the given column width.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str The string to get substring from.
+ * @param {integer} start The starting column offset to get substring.
+ * @param {integer} opt_width The column width of the substring.
+ *
+ * @return {string} The substring.
+ */
+lib.wc.substr = function(str, start, opt_width) {
+ var startIndex, endIndex, width;
+ for (startIndex = 0, width = 0; startIndex < str.length; startIndex++) {
+ width += lib.wc.charWidth(str.charCodeAt(startIndex));
+ if (width > start)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (opt_width != undefined) {
+ for (endIndex = startIndex, width = 0;
+ endIndex < str.length && width < opt_width;
+ width += lib.wc.charWidth(str.charCodeAt(endIndex)), endIndex++);
+ if (width > opt_width)
+ endIndex--;
+ return str.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
+ }
+ return str.substr(startIndex);
+ * Get substring at the given start and end column offset.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str The string to get substring from.
+ * @param {integer} start The starting column offset.
+ * @param {integer} end The ending column offset.
+ *
+ * @return {string} The substring.
+ */
+lib.wc.substring = function(str, start, end) {
+ return lib.wc.substr(str, start, end - start);
+lib.resource.add('libdot/changelog/version', 'text/plain',
+'1.11' +
+lib.resource.add('libdot/changelog/date', 'text/plain',
+'2017-04-17' +
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * @fileoverview Declares the hterm.* namespace and some basic shared utilities
+ * that are too small to deserve dedicated files.
+ */
+var hterm = {};
+ * The type of window hosting hterm.
+ *
+ * This is set as part of hterm.init(). The value is invalid until
+ * initialization completes.
+ */
+hterm.windowType = null;
+ * Warning message to display in the terminal when browser zoom is enabled.
+ *
+ * You can replace it with your own localized message.
+ */
+hterm.zoomWarningMessage = 'ZOOM != 100%';
+ * Brief overlay message displayed when text is copied to the clipboard.
+ *
+ * By default it is the unicode BLACK SCISSORS character, but you can
+ * replace it with your own localized message.
+ *
+ * This is only displayed when the 'enable-clipboard-notice' preference
+ * is enabled.
+ */
+hterm.notifyCopyMessage = '\u2702';
+ * Text shown in a desktop notification for the terminal
+ * bell. \u226a is a unicode EIGHTH NOTE, %(title) will
+ * be replaced by the terminal title.
+ */
+hterm.desktopNotificationTitle = '\u266A %(title) \u266A';
+ * List of known hterm test suites.
+ *
+ * A test harness should ensure that they all exist before running.
+ */
+hterm.testDeps = ['hterm.ScrollPort.Tests', 'hterm.Screen.Tests',
+ 'hterm.Terminal.Tests', 'hterm.VT.Tests',
+ 'hterm.VT.CannedTests'];
+ * The hterm init function, registered with lib.registerInit().
+ *
+ * This is called during lib.init().
+ *
+ * @param {function} onInit The function lib.init() wants us to invoke when
+ * initialization is complete.
+ */
+lib.registerInit('hterm', function(onInit) {
+ function onWindow(window) {
+ hterm.windowType = window.type;
+ setTimeout(onInit, 0);
+ }
+ function onTab(tab) {
+ if (tab && window.chrome) {
+ chrome.windows.get(tab.windowId, null, onWindow);
+ } else {
+ // TODO(rginda): This is where we end up for a v1 app's background page.
+ // Maybe windowType = 'none' would be more appropriate, or something.
+ hterm.windowType = 'normal';
+ setTimeout(onInit, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hterm.defaultStorage) {
+ var ary = navigator.userAgent.match(/\sChrome\/(\d\d)/);
+ var version = ary ? parseInt(ary[1]) : -1;
+ if (window.chrome && chrome.storage && chrome.storage.sync &&
+ version > 21) {
+ hterm.defaultStorage = new lib.Storage.Chrome(chrome.storage.sync);
+ } else {
+ hterm.defaultStorage = new lib.Storage.Local();
+ }
+ }
+ // The chrome.tabs API is not supported in packaged apps, and detecting if
+ // you're a packaged app is a little awkward.
+ var isPackagedApp = false;
+ if (window.chrome && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.getManifest) {
+ var manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest();
+ isPackagedApp = manifest.app && manifest.app.background;
+ }
+ if (isPackagedApp) {
+ // Packaged apps are never displayed in browser tabs.
+ setTimeout(onWindow.bind(null, {type: 'popup'}), 0);
+ } else {
+ if (window.chrome && chrome.tabs) {
+ // The getCurrent method gets the tab that is "currently running", not the
+ // topmost or focused tab.
+ chrome.tabs.getCurrent(onTab);
+ } else {
+ setTimeout(onWindow.bind(null, {type: 'normal'}), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ * Return decimal { width, height } for a given dom node.
+ */
+hterm.getClientSize = function(dom) {
+ return dom.getBoundingClientRect();
+ * Return decimal width for a given dom node.
+ */
+hterm.getClientWidth = function(dom) {
+ return dom.getBoundingClientRect().width;
+ * Return decimal height for a given dom node.
+ */
+hterm.getClientHeight = function(dom) {
+ return dom.getBoundingClientRect().height;
+ * Copy the current selection to the system clipboard.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLDocument} The document with the selection to copy.
+ */
+hterm.copySelectionToClipboard = function(document) {
+ try {
+ document.execCommand('copy');
+ } catch (firefoxException) {
+ // Ignore this. FF throws an exception if there was an error, even though
+ // the spec says just return false.
+ }
+ * Paste the system clipboard into the element with focus.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLDocument} The document to paste into.
+ */
+hterm.pasteFromClipboard = function(document) {
+ try {
+ document.execCommand('paste');
+ } catch (firefoxException) {
+ // Ignore this. FF throws an exception if there was an error, even though
+ // the spec says just return false.
+ }
+ * Constructor for a hterm.Size record.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class have public read/write members for width and height.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} width The width of this record.
+ * @param {integer} height The height of this record.
+ */
+hterm.Size = function(width, height) {
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ * Adjust the width and height of this record.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} width The new width of this record.
+ * @param {integer} height The new height of this record.
+ */
+hterm.Size.prototype.resize = function(width, height) {
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ * Return a copy of this record.
+ *
+ * @return {hterm.Size} A new hterm.Size instance with the same width and
+ * height.
+ */
+hterm.Size.prototype.clone = function() {
+ return new hterm.Size(this.width, this.height);
+ * Set the height and width of this instance based on another hterm.Size.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Size} that The object to copy from.
+ */
+hterm.Size.prototype.setTo = function(that) {
+ this.width = that.width;
+ this.height = that.height;
+ * Test if another hterm.Size instance is equal to this one.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Size} that The other hterm.Size instance.
+ * @return {boolean} True if both instances have the same width/height, false
+ * otherwise.
+ */
+hterm.Size.prototype.equals = function(that) {
+ return this.width == that.width && this.height == that.height;
+ * Return a string representation of this instance.
+ *
+ * @return {string} A string that identifies the width and height of this
+ * instance.
+ */
+hterm.Size.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return '[hterm.Size: ' + this.width + ', ' + this.height + ']';
+ * Constructor for a hterm.RowCol record.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class have public read/write members for row and column.
+ *
+ * This class includes an 'overflow' bit which is use to indicate that an
+ * attempt has been made to move the cursor column passed the end of the
+ * screen. When this happens we leave the cursor column set to the last column
+ * of the screen but set the overflow bit. In this state cursor movement
+ * happens normally, but any attempt to print new characters causes a cr/lf
+ * first.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} row The row of this record.
+ * @param {integer} column The column of this record.
+ * @param {boolean} opt_overflow Optional boolean indicating that the RowCol
+ * has overflowed.
+ */
+hterm.RowCol = function(row, column, opt_overflow) {
+ this.row = row;
+ this.column = column;
+ this.overflow = !!opt_overflow;
+ * Adjust the row and column of this record.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} row The new row of this record.
+ * @param {integer} column The new column of this record.
+ * @param {boolean} opt_overflow Optional boolean indicating that the RowCol
+ * has overflowed.
+ */
+hterm.RowCol.prototype.move = function(row, column, opt_overflow) {
+ this.row = row;
+ this.column = column;
+ this.overflow = !!opt_overflow;
+ * Return a copy of this record.
+ *
+ * @return {hterm.RowCol} A new hterm.RowCol instance with the same row and
+ * column.
+ */
+hterm.RowCol.prototype.clone = function() {
+ return new hterm.RowCol(this.row, this.column, this.overflow);
+ * Set the row and column of this instance based on another hterm.RowCol.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.RowCol} that The object to copy from.
+ */
+hterm.RowCol.prototype.setTo = function(that) {
+ this.row = that.row;
+ this.column = that.column;
+ this.overflow = that.overflow;
+ * Test if another hterm.RowCol instance is equal to this one.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.RowCol} that The other hterm.RowCol instance.
+ * @return {boolean} True if both instances have the same row/column, false
+ * otherwise.
+ */
+hterm.RowCol.prototype.equals = function(that) {
+ return (this.row == that.row && this.column == that.column &&
+ this.overflow == that.overflow);
+ * Return a string representation of this instance.
+ *
+ * @return {string} A string that identifies the row and column of this
+ * instance.
+ */
+hterm.RowCol.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return ('[hterm.RowCol: ' + this.row + ', ' + this.column + ', ' +
+ this.overflow + ']');
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_frame.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * First draft of the interface between the terminal and a third party dialog.
+ *
+ * This is rough. It's just the terminal->dialog layer. To complete things
+ * we'll also need a command->terminal layer. That will have to facilitate
+ * command->terminal->dialog or direct command->dialog communication.
+ *
+ * I imagine this class will change significantly when that happens.
+ */
+ * Construct a new frame for the given terminal.
+ *
+ * @param terminal {hterm.Terminal} The parent terminal object.
+ * @param url {String} The url to load in the frame.
+ * @param opt_options {Object} Optional options for the frame. Not implemented.
+ */
+hterm.Frame = function(terminal, url, opt_options) {
+ this.terminal_ = terminal;
+ this.div_ = terminal.div_;
+ this.url = url;
+ this.options = opt_options || {};
+ this.iframe_ = null;
+ this.container_ = null;
+ this.messageChannel_ = null;
+ * Handle messages from the iframe.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.onMessage_ = function(e) {
+ if (e.data.name != 'ipc-init-ok') {
+ console.log('Unknown message from frame:', e.data);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.sendTerminalInfo_();
+ this.messageChannel_.port1.onmessage = this.onMessage.bind(this);
+ this.onLoad();
+ * Clients could override this, I guess.
+ *
+ * It doesn't support multiple listeners, but I'm not sure that would make sense
+ * here. It's probably better to speak directly to our parents.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.onMessage = function() {};
+ * Handle iframe onLoad event.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.onLoad_ = function() {
+ this.messageChannel_ = new MessageChannel();
+ this.messageChannel_.port1.onmessage = this.onMessage_.bind(this);
+ this.messageChannel_.port1.start();
+ this.iframe_.contentWindow.postMessage(
+ {name: 'ipc-init', argv: [{messagePort: this.messageChannel_.port2}]},
+ this.url, [this.messageChannel_.port2]);
+ * Clients may override this.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.onLoad = function() {};
+ * Sends the terminal-info message to the iframe.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.sendTerminalInfo_ = function() {
+ lib.f.getAcceptLanguages(function(languages) {
+ this.postMessage('terminal-info', [{
+ acceptLanguages: languages,
+ foregroundColor: this.terminal_.getForegroundColor(),
+ backgroundColor: this.terminal_.getBackgroundColor(),
+ cursorColor: this.terminal_.getCursorColor(),
+ fontSize: this.terminal_.getFontSize(),
+ fontFamily: this.terminal_.getFontFamily(),
+ baseURL: lib.f.getURL('/')
+ }]
+ );
+ }.bind(this));
+ * User clicked the close button on the frame decoration.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.onCloseClicked_ = function() {
+ this.close();
+ * Close this frame.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.close = function() {
+ if (!this.container_ || !this.container_.parentNode)
+ return;
+ this.container_.parentNode.removeChild(this.container_);
+ this.onClose();
+ * Clients may override this.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.onClose = function() {};
+ * Send a message to the iframe.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.postMessage = function(name, argv) {
+ if (!this.messageChannel_)
+ throw new Error('Message channel is not set up.');
+ this.messageChannel_.port1.postMessage({name: name, argv: argv});
+ * Show the UI for this frame.
+ *
+ * The iframe src is not loaded until this method is called.
+ */
+hterm.Frame.prototype.show = function() {
+ var self = this;
+ function opt(name, defaultValue) {
+ if (name in self.options)
+ return self.options[name];
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ var self = this;
+ if (this.container_ && this.container_.parentNode) {
+ console.error('Frame already visible');
+ return;
+ }
+ var headerHeight = '16px';
+ var divSize = hterm.getClientSize(this.div_);
+ var width = opt('width', 640);
+ var height = opt('height', 480);
+ var left = (divSize.width - width) / 2;
+ var top = (divSize.height - height) / 2;
+ var document = this.terminal_.document_;
+ var container = this.container_ = document.createElement('div');
+ container.style.cssText = (
+ 'position: absolute;' +
+ 'display: -webkit-flex;' +
+ '-webkit-flex-direction: column;' +
+ 'top: 10%;' +
+ 'left: 4%;' +
+ 'width: 90%;' +
+ 'height: 80%;' +
+ 'box-shadow: 0 0 2px ' + this.terminal_.getForegroundColor() + ';' +
+ 'border: 2px ' + this.terminal_.getForegroundColor() + ' solid;');
+ var header = document.createElement('div');
+ header.style.cssText = (
+ 'display: -webkit-flex;' +
+ '-webkit-justify-content: flex-end;' +
+ 'height: ' + headerHeight + ';' +
+ 'background-color: ' + this.terminal_.getForegroundColor() + ';' +
+ 'color: ' + this.terminal_.getBackgroundColor() + ';' +
+ 'font-size: 16px;' +
+ 'font-family: ' + this.terminal_.getFontFamily());
+ container.appendChild(header);
+ if (false) {
+ // No use for the close button.
+ var button = document.createElement('div');
+ button.setAttribute('role', 'button');
+ button.style.cssText = (
+ 'margin-top: -3px;' +
+ 'margin-right: 3px;' +
+ 'cursor: pointer;');
+ button.textContent = '\u2a2f';
+ button.addEventListener('click', this.onCloseClicked_.bind(this));
+ header.appendChild(button);
+ }
+ var iframe = this.iframe_ = document.createElement('iframe');
+ iframe.onload = this.onLoad_.bind(this);
+ iframe.style.cssText = (
+ 'display: -webkit-flex;' +
+ '-webkit-flex: 1;' +
+ 'width: 100%');
+ iframe.setAttribute('src', this.url);
+ iframe.setAttribute('seamless', true);
+ container.appendChild(iframe);
+ this.div_.appendChild(container);
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_keyboard.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Keyboard handler.
+ *
+ * Consumes onKey* events and invokes onVTKeystroke on the associated
+ * hterm.Terminal object.
+ *
+ * See also: [XTERM] as referenced in vt.js.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Terminal} The Terminal object associated with this keyboard.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard = function(terminal) {
+ // The parent vt interpreter.
+ this.terminal = terminal;
+ // The element we're currently capturing keyboard events for.
+ this.keyboardElement_ = null;
+ // The event handlers we are interested in, and their bound callbacks, saved
+ // so they can be uninstalled with removeEventListener, when required.
+ this.handlers_ = [
+ ['focusout', this.onFocusOut_.bind(this)],
+ ['keydown', this.onKeyDown_.bind(this)],
+ ['keypress', this.onKeyPress_.bind(this)],
+ ['keyup', this.onKeyUp_.bind(this)],
+ ['textInput', this.onTextInput_.bind(this)]
+ ];
+ /**
+ * The current key map.
+ */
+ this.keyMap = new hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap(this);
+ this.bindings = new hterm.Keyboard.Bindings(this);
+ /**
+ * none: Disable any AltGr related munging.
+ * ctrl-alt: Assume Ctrl+Alt means AltGr.
+ * left-alt: Assume left Alt means AltGr.
+ * right-alt: Assume right Alt means AltGr.
+ */
+ this.altGrMode = 'none';
+ /**
+ * If true, Shift-Insert will fall through to the browser as a paste.
+ * If false, the keystroke will be sent to the host.
+ */
+ this.shiftInsertPaste = true;
+ /**
+ * If true, home/end will control the terminal scrollbar and shift home/end
+ * will send the VT keycodes. If false then home/end sends VT codes and
+ * shift home/end scrolls.
+ */
+ this.homeKeysScroll = false;
+ /**
+ * Same as above, except for page up/page down.
+ */
+ this.pageKeysScroll = false;
+ /**
+ * If true, Ctrl-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom.
+ * If false, Ctrl-Shift-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom, Ctrl-Minus sends ^_,
+ * Ctrl-Plus/Zero do nothing.
+ */
+ this.ctrlPlusMinusZeroZoom = true;
+ /**
+ * Ctrl+C copies if true, sends ^C to host if false.
+ * Ctrl+Shift+C sends ^C to host if true, copies if false.
+ */
+ this.ctrlCCopy = false;
+ /**
+ * Ctrl+V pastes if true, sends ^V to host if false.
+ * Ctrl+Shift+V sends ^V to host if true, pastes if false.
+ */
+ this.ctrlVPaste = false;
+ /**
+ * Enable/disable application keypad.
+ *
+ * This changes the way numeric keys are sent from the keyboard.
+ */
+ this.applicationKeypad = false;
+ /**
+ * Enable/disable the application cursor mode.
+ *
+ * This changes the way cursor keys are sent from the keyboard.
+ */
+ this.applicationCursor = false;
+ /**
+ * If true, the backspace should send BS ('\x08', aka ^H). Otherwise
+ * the backspace key should send '\x7f'.
+ */
+ this.backspaceSendsBackspace = false;
+ /**
+ * The encoding method for data sent to the host.
+ */
+ this.characterEncoding = 'utf-8';
+ /**
+ * Set whether the meta key sends a leading escape or not.
+ */
+ this.metaSendsEscape = true;
+ /**
+ * Set whether meta-V gets passed to host.
+ */
+ this.passMetaV = true;
+ /**
+ * Controls how the alt key is handled.
+ *
+ * escape....... Send an ESC prefix.
+ * 8-bit........ Add 128 to the unshifted character as in xterm.
+ * browser-key.. Wait for the keypress event and see what the browser says.
+ * (This won't work well on platforms where the browser
+ * performs a default action for some alt sequences.)
+ *
+ * This setting only matters when alt is distinct from meta (altIsMeta is
+ * false.)
+ */
+ this.altSendsWhat = 'escape';
+ /**
+ * Set whether the alt key acts as a meta key, instead of producing 8-bit
+ * characters.
+ *
+ * True to enable, false to disable, null to autodetect based on platform.
+ */
+ this.altIsMeta = false;
+ /**
+ * If true, tries to detect DEL key events that are from alt-backspace on
+ * Chrome OS vs from a true DEL key press.
+ *
+ * Background: At the time of writing, on Chrome OS, alt-backspace is mapped
+ * to DEL. Some users may be happy with this, but others may be frustrated
+ * that it's impossible to do meta-backspace. If the user enables this pref,
+ * we use a trick to tell a true DEL keypress from alt-backspace: on
+ * alt-backspace, we will see the alt key go down, then get a DEL keystroke
+ * that indicates that alt is not pressed. See https://crbug.com/174410 .
+ */
+ this.altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace = false;
+ /**
+ * Used to keep track of the current alt-key state, which is necessary for
+ * the altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace preference above and for the altGrMode
+ * preference. This is a bitmap with where bit positions correspond to the
+ * "location" property of the key event.
+ */
+ this.altKeyPressed = 0;
+ /**
+ * If true, Chrome OS media keys will be mapped to their F-key equivalent.
+ * E.g. "Back" will be mapped to F1. If false, Chrome will handle the keys.
+ */
+ this.mediaKeysAreFKeys = false;
+ /**
+ * Holds the previous setting of altSendsWhat when DECSET 1039 is used. When
+ * DECRST 1039 is used, altSendsWhat is changed back to this and this is
+ * nulled out.
+ */
+ this.previousAltSendsWhat_ = null;
+ * Special handling for keyCodes in a keyboard layout.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions = {
+ /**
+ * Call preventDefault and stopPropagation for this key event and nothing
+ * else.
+ */
+ CANCEL: new String('CANCEL'),
+ /**
+ * This performs the default terminal action for the key. If used in the
+ * 'normal' action and the the keystroke represents a printable key, the
+ * character will be sent to the host. If used in one of the modifier
+ * actions, the terminal will perform the normal action after (possibly)
+ * altering it.
+ *
+ * - If the normal sequence starts with CSI, the sequence will be adjusted
+ * to include the modifier parameter as described in [XTERM] in the final
+ * table of the "PC-Style Function Keys" section.
+ *
+ * - If the control key is down and the key represents a printable character,
+ * and the uppercase version of the unshifted keycap is between
+ * 64 (ASCII '@') and 95 (ASCII '_'), then the uppercase version of the
+ * unshifted keycap minus 64 is sent. This makes '^@' send '\x00' and
+ * '^_' send '\x1f'. (Note that one higher that 0x1f is 0x20, which is
+ * the first printable ASCII value.)
+ *
+ * - If the alt key is down and the key represents a printable character then
+ * the value of the character is shifted up by 128.
+ *
+ * - If meta is down and configured to send an escape, '\x1b' will be sent
+ * before the normal action is performed.
+ */
+ DEFAULT: new String('DEFAULT'),
+ /**
+ * Causes the terminal to opt out of handling the key event, instead letting
+ * the browser deal with it.
+ */
+ PASS: new String('PASS'),
+ /**
+ * Insert the first or second character of the keyCap, based on e.shiftKey.
+ * The key will be handled in onKeyDown, and e.preventDefault() will be
+ * called.
+ *
+ * It is useful for a modified key action, where it essentially strips the
+ * modifier while preventing the browser from reacting to the key.
+ */
+ STRIP: new String('STRIP')
+ * Encode a string according to the 'send-encoding' preference.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.prototype.encode = function(str) {
+ if (this.characterEncoding == 'utf-8')
+ return this.terminal.vt.encodeUTF8(str);
+ return str;
+ * Capture keyboard events sent to the associated element.
+ *
+ * This enables the keyboard. Captured events are consumed by this class
+ * and will not perform their default action or bubble to other elements.
+ *
+ * Passing a null element will uninstall the keyboard handlers.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element The element whose events should be captured, or
+ * null to disable the keyboard.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.prototype.installKeyboard = function(element) {
+ if (element == this.keyboardElement_)
+ return;
+ if (element && this.keyboardElement_)
+ this.installKeyboard(null);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.handlers_.length; i++) {
+ var handler = this.handlers_[i];
+ if (element) {
+ element.addEventListener(handler[0], handler[1]);
+ } else {
+ this.keyboardElement_.removeEventListener(handler[0], handler[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.keyboardElement_ = element;
+ * Disable keyboard event capture.
+ *
+ * This will allow the browser to process key events normally.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.prototype.uninstallKeyboard = function() {
+ this.installKeyboard(null);
+ * Handle onTextInput events.
+ *
+ * We're not actually supposed to get these, but we do on the Mac in the case
+ * where a third party app sends synthetic keystrokes to Chrome.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onTextInput_ = function(e) {
+ if (!e.data)
+ return;
+ e.data.split('').forEach(this.terminal.onVTKeystroke.bind(this.terminal));
+ * Handle onKeyPress events.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onKeyPress_ = function(e) {
+ var code;
+ var key = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
+ var lowerKey = key.toLowerCase();
+ if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && (lowerKey == 'c' || lowerKey == 'v')) {
+ // On FF the key press (not key down) event gets fired for copy/paste.
+ // Let it fall through for the default browser behavior.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (e.altKey && this.altSendsWhat == 'browser-key' && e.charCode == 0) {
+ // If we got here because we were expecting the browser to handle an
+ // alt sequence but it didn't do it, then we might be on an OS without
+ // an enabled IME system. In that case we fall back to xterm-like
+ // behavior.
+ //
+ // This happens here only as a fallback. Typically these platforms should
+ // set altSendsWhat to either 'escape' or '8-bit'.
+ var ch = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
+ if (!e.shiftKey)
+ ch = ch.toLowerCase();
+ code = ch.charCodeAt(0) + 128;
+ } else if (e.charCode >= 32) {
+ ch = e.charCode;
+ }
+ if (ch)
+ this.terminal.onVTKeystroke(String.fromCharCode(ch));
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ * Prevent default handling for non-ctrl-shifted event.
+ *
+ * When combined with Chrome permission 'app.window.fullscreen.overrideEsc',
+ * and called for both key down and key up events,
+ * the ESC key remains usable within fullscreen Chrome app windows.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.prototype.preventChromeAppNonCtrlShiftDefault_ = function(e) {
+ if (!window.chrome || !window.chrome.app || !window.chrome.app.window)
+ return;
+ if (!e.ctrlKey || !e.shiftKey)
+ e.preventDefault();
+hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onFocusOut_ = function(e) {
+ this.altKeyPressed = 0;
+hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onKeyUp_ = function(e) {
+ if (e.keyCode == 18)
+ this.altKeyPressed = this.altKeyPressed & ~(1 << (e.location - 1));
+ if (e.keyCode == 27)
+ this.preventChromeAppNonCtrlShiftDefault_(e);
+ * Handle onKeyDown events.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onKeyDown_ = function(e) {
+ if (e.keyCode == 18)
+ this.altKeyPressed = this.altKeyPressed | (1 << (e.location - 1));
+ if (e.keyCode == 27)
+ this.preventChromeAppNonCtrlShiftDefault_(e);
+ var keyDef = this.keyMap.keyDefs[e.keyCode];
+ if (!keyDef) {
+ console.warn('No definition for keyCode: ' + e.keyCode);
+ return;
+ }
+ // The type of action we're going to use.
+ var resolvedActionType = null;
+ var self = this;
+ function getAction(name) {
+ // Get the key action for the given action name. If the action is a
+ // function, dispatch it. If the action defers to the normal action,
+ // resolve that instead.
+ resolvedActionType = name;
+ var action = keyDef[name];
+ if (typeof action == 'function')
+ action = action.apply(self.keyMap, [e, keyDef]);
+ if (action === DEFAULT && name != 'normal')
+ action = getAction('normal');
+ return action;
+ }
+ // Note that we use the triple-equals ('===') operator to test equality for
+ // these constants, in order to distinguish usage of the constant from usage
+ // of a literal string that happens to contain the same bytes.
+ var CANCEL = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ var DEFAULT = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
+ var PASS = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ var STRIP = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.STRIP;
+ var control = e.ctrlKey;
+ var alt = this.altIsMeta ? false : e.altKey;
+ var meta = this.altIsMeta ? (e.altKey || e.metaKey) : e.metaKey;
+ // In the key-map, we surround the keyCap for non-printables in "[...]"
+ var isPrintable = !(/^\[\w+\]$/.test(keyDef.keyCap));
+ switch (this.altGrMode) {
+ case 'ctrl-alt':
+ if (isPrintable && control && alt) {
+ // ctrl-alt-printable means altGr. We clear out the control and
+ // alt modifiers and wait to see the charCode in the keydown event.
+ control = false;
+ alt = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'right-alt':
+ if (isPrintable && (this.terminal.keyboard.altKeyPressed & 2)) {
+ control = false;
+ alt = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'left-alt':
+ if (isPrintable && (this.terminal.keyboard.altKeyPressed & 1)) {
+ control = false;
+ alt = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ var action;
+ if (control) {
+ action = getAction('control');
+ } else if (alt) {
+ action = getAction('alt');
+ } else if (meta) {
+ action = getAction('meta');
+ } else {
+ action = getAction('normal');
+ }
+ // If e.maskShiftKey was set (during getAction) it means the shift key is
+ // already accounted for in the action, and we should not act on it any
+ // further. This is currently only used for Ctrl-Shift-Tab, which should send
+ // "CSI Z", not "CSI 1 ; 2 Z".
+ var shift = !e.maskShiftKey && e.shiftKey;
+ var keyDown = {
+ keyCode: e.keyCode,
+ shift: e.shiftKey, // not `var shift` from above.
+ ctrl: control,
+ alt: alt,
+ meta: meta
+ };
+ var binding = this.bindings.getBinding(keyDown);
+ if (binding) {
+ // Clear out the modifier bits so we don't try to munge the sequence
+ // further.
+ shift = control = alt = meta = false;
+ resolvedActionType = 'normal';
+ action = binding.action;
+ if (typeof action == 'function')
+ action = action.call(this, this.terminal, keyDown);
+ }
+ if (alt && this.altSendsWhat == 'browser-key' && action == DEFAULT) {
+ // When altSendsWhat is 'browser-key', we wait for the keypress event.
+ // In keypress, the browser should have set the event.charCode to the
+ // appropriate character.
+ // TODO(rginda): Character compositions will need some black magic.
+ action = PASS;
+ }
+ if (action === PASS || (action === DEFAULT && !(control || alt || meta))) {
+ // If this key is supposed to be handled by the browser, or it is an
+ // unmodified key with the default action, then exit this event handler.
+ // If it's an unmodified key, it'll be handled in onKeyPress where we
+ // can tell for sure which ASCII code to insert.
+ //
+ // This block needs to come before the STRIP test, otherwise we'll strip
+ // the modifier and think it's ok to let the browser handle the keypress.
+ // The browser won't know we're trying to ignore the modifiers and might
+ // perform some default action.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (action === STRIP) {
+ alt = control = false;
+ action = keyDef.normal;
+ if (typeof action == 'function')
+ action = action.apply(this.keyMap, [e, keyDef]);
+ if (action == DEFAULT && keyDef.keyCap.length == 2)
+ action = keyDef.keyCap.substr((shift ? 1 : 0), 1);
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ if (action === CANCEL)
+ return;
+ if (action !== DEFAULT && typeof action != 'string') {
+ console.warn('Invalid action: ' + JSON.stringify(action));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Strip the modifier that is associated with the action, since we assume that
+ // modifier has already been accounted for in the action.
+ if (resolvedActionType == 'control') {
+ control = false;
+ } else if (resolvedActionType == 'alt') {
+ alt = false;
+ } else if (resolvedActionType == 'meta') {
+ meta = false;
+ }
+ if (action.substr(0, 2) == '\x1b[' && (alt || control || shift)) {
+ // The action is an escape sequence that and it was triggered in the
+ // presence of a keyboard modifier, we may need to alter the action to
+ // include the modifier before sending it.
+ var mod;
+ if (shift && !(alt || control)) {
+ mod = ';2';
+ } else if (alt && !(shift || control)) {
+ mod = ';3';
+ } else if (shift && alt && !control) {
+ mod = ';4';
+ } else if (control && !(shift || alt)) {
+ mod = ';5';
+ } else if (shift && control && !alt) {
+ mod = ';6';
+ } else if (alt && control && !shift) {
+ mod = ';7';
+ } else if (shift && alt && control) {
+ mod = ';8';
+ }
+ if (action.length == 3) {
+ // Some of the CSI sequences have zero parameters unless modified.
+ action = '\x1b[1' + mod + action.substr(2, 1);
+ } else {
+ // Others always have at least one parameter.
+ action = action.substr(0, action.length - 1) + mod +
+ action.substr(action.length - 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (action === DEFAULT) {
+ action = keyDef.keyCap.substr((shift ? 1 : 0), 1);
+ if (control) {
+ var unshifted = keyDef.keyCap.substr(0, 1);
+ var code = unshifted.charCodeAt(0);
+ if (code >= 64 && code <= 95) {
+ action = String.fromCharCode(code - 64);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (alt && this.altSendsWhat == '8-bit' && action.length == 1) {
+ var code = action.charCodeAt(0) + 128;
+ action = String.fromCharCode(code);
+ }
+ // We respect alt/metaSendsEscape even if the keymap action was a literal
+ // string. Otherwise, every overridden alt/meta action would have to
+ // check alt/metaSendsEscape.
+ if ((alt && this.altSendsWhat == 'escape') ||
+ (meta && this.metaSendsEscape)) {
+ action = '\x1b' + action;
+ }
+ }
+ this.terminal.onVTKeystroke(action);
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_bindings.js
+// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * A mapping from hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern to an action.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): For now this bindings code is only used for user overrides.
+ * hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap still handles all of the built-in key mappings.
+ * It'd be nice if we migrated that over to be hterm.Keyboard.Bindings based.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.Bindings = function() {
+ this.bindings_ = {};
+ * Remove all bindings.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.clear = function () {
+ this.bindings_ = {};
+ * Add a new binding.
+ *
+ * Internal API that assumes parsed objects as inputs.
+ * See the public addBinding for more details.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern} keyPattern
+ * @param {string|function|hterm.Keyboard.KeyAction} action
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.addBinding_ = function(keyPattern, action) {
+ var binding = null;
+ var list = this.bindings_[keyPattern.keyCode];
+ if (list) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ if (list[i].keyPattern.matchKeyPattern(keyPattern)) {
+ binding = list[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (binding) {
+ binding.action = action;
+ } else {
+ binding = {keyPattern: keyPattern, action: action};
+ if (!list) {
+ this.bindings_[keyPattern.keyCode] = [binding];
+ } else {
+ this.bindings_[keyPattern.keyCode].push(binding);
+ list.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.sortCompare(
+ a.keyPattern, b.keyPattern);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ * Add a new binding.
+ *
+ * If a binding for the keyPattern already exists it will be overridden.
+ *
+ * More specific keyPatterns take precedence over those with wildcards. Given
+ * bindings for "Ctrl-A" and "Ctrl-*-A", and a "Ctrl-A" keydown, the "Ctrl-A"
+ * binding will match even if "Ctrl-*-A" was created last.
+ *
+ * If action is a string, it will be passed through hterm.Parser.parseKeyAction.
+ *
+ * For example:
+ * // Will replace Ctrl-P keystrokes with the string "hiya!".
+ * addBinding('Ctrl-P', "'hiya!'");
+ * // Will cancel the keystroke entirely (make it do nothing).
+ * addBinding('Alt-D', hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL);
+ * // Will execute the code and return the action.
+ * addBinding('Ctrl-T', function() {
+ * console.log('Got a T!');
+ * return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ * });
+ *
+ * @param {string|hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern} keyPattern
+ * @param {string|function|hterm.Keyboard.KeyAction} action
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.addBinding = function(key, action) {
+ // If we're given a hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern object, pass it down.
+ if (typeof key != 'string') {
+ this.addBinding_(key, action);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Here we treat key as a string.
+ var p = new hterm.Parser();
+ p.reset(key);
+ var sequence;
+ try {
+ sequence = p.parseKeySequence();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.error(ex);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!p.isComplete()) {
+ console.error(p.error('Expected end of sequence: ' + sequence));
+ return;
+ }
+ // If action is a string, parse it. Otherwise assume it's callable.
+ if (typeof action == 'string') {
+ p.reset(action);
+ try {
+ action = p.parseKeyAction();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.error(ex);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!p.isComplete()) {
+ console.error(p.error('Expected end of sequence: ' + sequence));
+ return;
+ }
+ this.addBinding_(new hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern(sequence), action);
+ * Add multiple bindings at a time using a map of {string: string, ...}
+ *
+ * This uses hterm.Parser to parse the maps key into KeyPatterns, and the
+ * map values into {string|function|KeyAction}.
+ *
+ * For example:
+ * {
+ * // Will replace Ctrl-P keystrokes with the string "hiya!".
+ * 'Ctrl-P': "'hiya!'",
+ * // Will cancel the keystroke entirely (make it do nothing).
+ * 'Alt-D': hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL,
+ * }
+ *
+ * @param {Object} map
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.addBindings = function(map) {
+ for (var key in map) {
+ this.addBinding(key, map[key]);
+ }
+ * Return the binding that is the best match for the given keyDown record,
+ * or null if there is no match.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} keyDown An object with a keyCode property and zero or
+ * more boolean properties representing key modifiers. These property names
+ * must match those defined in hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.getBinding = function(keyDown) {
+ var list = this.bindings_[keyDown.keyCode];
+ if (!list)
+ return null;
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ var binding = list[i];
+ if (binding.keyPattern.matchKeyDown(keyDown))
+ return binding;
+ }
+ return null;
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_keymap.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * The default key map for hterm.
+ *
+ * Contains a mapping of keyCodes to keyDefs (aka key definitions). The key
+ * definition tells the hterm.Keyboard class how to handle keycodes.
+ *
+ * This should work for most cases, as the printable characters get handled
+ * in the keypress event. In that case, even if the keycap is wrong in the
+ * key map, the correct character should be sent.
+ *
+ * Different layouts, such as Dvorak should work with this keymap, as those
+ * layouts typically move keycodes around on the keyboard without disturbing
+ * the actual keycaps.
+ *
+ * There may be issues with control keys on non-US keyboards or with keyboards
+ * that very significantly from the expectations here, in which case we may
+ * have to invent new key maps.
+ *
+ * The sequences defined in this key map come from [XTERM] as referenced in
+ * vt.js, starting with the section titled "Alt and Meta Keys".
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap = function(keyboard) {
+ this.keyboard = keyboard;
+ this.keyDefs = {};
+ this.reset();
+ * Add a single key definition.
+ *
+ * The definition is a hash containing the following keys: 'keyCap', 'normal',
+ * 'control', and 'alt'.
+ *
+ * - keyCap is a string identifying the key. For printable
+ * keys, the key cap should be exactly two characters, starting with the
+ * unshifted version. For example, 'aA', 'bB', '1!' and '=+'. For
+ * non-printable the key cap should be surrounded in square braces, as in
+ * '[INS]', '[LEFT]'. By convention, non-printable keycaps are in uppercase
+ * but this is not a strict requirement.
+ *
+ * - Normal is the action that should be performed when they key is pressed
+ * in the absence of any modifier. See below for the supported actions.
+ *
+ * - Control is the action that should be performed when they key is pressed
+ * along with the control modifier. See below for the supported actions.
+ *
+ * - Alt is the action that should be performed when they key is pressed
+ * along with the alt modifier. See below for the supported actions.
+ *
+ * - Meta is the action that should be performed when they key is pressed
+ * along with the meta modifier. See below for the supported actions.
+ *
+ * Actions can be one of the hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions as documented below,
+ * a literal string, or an array. If the action is a literal string then
+ * the string is sent directly to the host. If the action is an array it
+ * is taken to be an escape sequence that may be altered by modifier keys.
+ * The second-to-last element of the array will be overwritten with the
+ * state of the modifier keys, as specified in the final table of "PC-Style
+ * Function Keys" from [XTERM].
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.addKeyDef = function(keyCode, def) {
+ if (keyCode in this.keyDefs)
+ console.warn('Duplicate keyCode: ' + keyCode);
+ this.keyDefs[keyCode] = def;
+ * Add multiple key definitions in a single call.
+ *
+ * This function takes the key definitions as variable argument list. Each
+ * argument is the key definition specified as an array.
+ *
+ * (If the function took everything as one big hash we couldn't detect
+ * duplicates, and there would be a lot more typing involved.)
+ *
+ * Each key definition should have 6 elements: (keyCode, keyCap, normal action,
+ * control action, alt action and meta action). See KeyMap.addKeyDef for the
+ * meaning of these elements.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.addKeyDefs = function(var_args) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ this.addKeyDef(arguments[i][0],
+ { keyCap: arguments[i][1],
+ normal: arguments[i][2],
+ control: arguments[i][3],
+ alt: arguments[i][4],
+ meta: arguments[i][5]
+ });
+ }
+ * Set up the default state for this keymap.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.keyDefs = {};
+ var self = this;
+ // This function is used by the "macro" functions below. It makes it
+ // possible to use the call() macro as an argument to any other macro.
+ function resolve(action, e, k) {
+ if (typeof action == 'function')
+ return action.apply(self, [e, k]);
+ return action;
+ }
+ // If not application keypad a, else b. The keys that care about
+ // application keypad ignore it when the key is modified.
+ function ak(a, b) {
+ return function(e, k) {
+ var action = (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
+ !self.keyboard.applicationKeypad) ? a : b;
+ return resolve(action, e, k);
+ };
+ }
+ // If mod or not application cursor a, else b. The keys that care about
+ // application cursor ignore it when the key is modified.
+ function ac(a, b) {
+ return function(e, k) {
+ var action = (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
+ !self.keyboard.applicationCursor) ? a : b;
+ return resolve(action, e, k);
+ };
+ }
+ // If not backspace-sends-backspace keypad a, else b.
+ function bs(a, b) {
+ return function(e, k) {
+ var action = !self.keyboard.backspaceSendsBackspace ? a : b;
+ return resolve(action, e, k);
+ };
+ }
+ // If not e.shiftKey a, else b.
+ function sh(a, b) {
+ return function(e, k) {
+ var action = !e.shiftKey ? a : b;
+ e.maskShiftKey = true;
+ return resolve(action, e, k);
+ };
+ }
+ // If not e.altKey a, else b.
+ function alt(a, b) {
+ return function(e, k) {
+ var action = !e.altKey ? a : b;
+ return resolve(action, e, k);
+ };
+ }
+ // If no modifiers a, else b.
+ function mod(a, b) {
+ return function(e, k) {
+ var action = !(e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) ? a : b;
+ return resolve(action, e, k);
+ };
+ }
+ // Compute a control character for a given character.
+ function ctl(ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) - 64) }
+ // Call a method on the keymap instance.
+ function c(m) { return function (e, k) { return this[m](e, k) } }
+ // Ignore if not trapping media keys.
+ function med(fn) {
+ return function(e, k) {
+ if (!self.keyboard.mediaKeysAreFKeys) {
+ // Block Back, Forward, and Reload keys to avoid navigating away from
+ // the current page.
+ return (e.keyCode == 166 || e.keyCode == 167 || e.keyCode == 168) ?
+ hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL :
+ hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ }
+ return resolve(fn, e, k);
+ };
+ }
+ var ESC = '\x1b';
+ var CSI = '\x1b[';
+ var SS3 = '\x1bO';
+ var CANCEL = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ var DEFAULT = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
+ var PASS = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ var STRIP = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.STRIP;
+ this.addKeyDefs(
+ // These fields are: [keycode, keycap, normal, control, alt, meta]
+ // The browser sends the keycode 0 for some keys. We'll just assume it's
+ // going to do the right thing by default for those keys.
+ // First row.
+ [112, '[F1]', mod(SS3 + 'P', CSI + 'P'), DEFAULT, CSI + "23~", DEFAULT],
+ [113, '[F2]', mod(SS3 + 'Q', CSI + 'Q'), DEFAULT, CSI + "24~", DEFAULT],
+ [114, '[F3]', mod(SS3 + 'R', CSI + 'R'), DEFAULT, CSI + "25~", DEFAULT],
+ [115, '[F4]', mod(SS3 + 'S', CSI + 'S'), DEFAULT, CSI + "26~", DEFAULT],
+ [116, '[F5]', CSI + '15~', DEFAULT, CSI + "28~", DEFAULT],
+ [117, '[F6]', CSI + '17~', DEFAULT, CSI + "29~", DEFAULT],
+ [118, '[F7]', CSI + '18~', DEFAULT, CSI + "31~", DEFAULT],
+ [119, '[F8]', CSI + '19~', DEFAULT, CSI + "32~", DEFAULT],
+ [120, '[F9]', CSI + '20~', DEFAULT, CSI + "33~", DEFAULT],
+ [121, '[F10]', CSI + '21~', DEFAULT, CSI + "34~", DEFAULT],
+ [122, '[F11]', CSI + '23~', DEFAULT, CSI + "42~", DEFAULT],
+ [123, '[F12]', CSI + '24~', DEFAULT, CSI + "43~", DEFAULT],
+ // Second row.
+ [192, '`~', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('@'), ctl('^')), DEFAULT, PASS],
+ [49, '1!', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
+ [50, '2@', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
+ [51, '3#', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
+ [52, '4$', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
+ [53, '5%', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
+ [54, '6^', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
+ [55, '7&', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
+ [56, '8*', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
+ [57, '9(', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
+ [48, '0)', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'),c('onAltNum_'),c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
+ [189, '-_', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
+ [187, '=+', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
+ // Firefox -_ and =+
+ [173, '-_', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
+ [61, '=+', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
+ // Firefox Italian +*
+ [171, '+*', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
+ [8, '[BKSP]', bs('\x7f', '\b'), bs('\b', '\x7f'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ // Third row.
+ [9, '[TAB]', sh('\t', CSI + 'Z'), STRIP, PASS, DEFAULT],
+ [81, 'qQ', DEFAULT, ctl('Q'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [87, 'wW', DEFAULT, ctl('W'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [69, 'eE', DEFAULT, ctl('E'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [82, 'rR', DEFAULT, ctl('R'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [84, 'tT', DEFAULT, ctl('T'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [89, 'yY', DEFAULT, ctl('Y'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [85, 'uU', DEFAULT, ctl('U'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [73, 'iI', DEFAULT, ctl('I'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [79, 'oO', DEFAULT, ctl('O'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [80, 'pP', DEFAULT, ctl('P'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [219, '[{', DEFAULT, ctl('['), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [221, ']}', DEFAULT, ctl(']'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [220, '\\|', DEFAULT, ctl('\\'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ // Fourth row. (We let Ctrl-Shift-J pass for Chrome DevTools.)
+ [65, 'aA', DEFAULT, ctl('A'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [83, 'sS', DEFAULT, ctl('S'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [68, 'dD', DEFAULT, ctl('D'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [70, 'fF', DEFAULT, ctl('F'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [71, 'gG', DEFAULT, ctl('G'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [72, 'hH', DEFAULT, ctl('H'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [74, 'jJ', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('J'), PASS), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [75, 'kK', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('K'), c('onClear_')), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [76, 'lL', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('L'), PASS), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [13, '[ENTER]', '\r', CANCEL, CANCEL, DEFAULT],
+ // Fifth row. This includes the copy/paste shortcuts. On some
+ // platforms it's Ctrl-C/V, on others it's Meta-C/V. We assume either
+ // Ctrl-C/Meta-C should pass to the browser when there is a selection,
+ // and Ctrl-Shift-V/Meta-*-V should always pass to the browser (since
+ // these seem to be recognized as paste too).
+ [90, 'zZ', DEFAULT, ctl('Z'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [88, 'xX', DEFAULT, ctl('X'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [67, 'cC', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlC_'), DEFAULT, c('onMetaC_')],
+ [86, 'vV', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlV_'), DEFAULT, c('onMetaV_')],
+ [66, 'bB', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('B'), PASS), DEFAULT, sh(DEFAULT, PASS)],
+ [78, 'nN', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlN_'), DEFAULT, c('onMetaN_')],
+ [77, 'mM', DEFAULT, ctl('M'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [191, '/?', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('_'), ctl('?')), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ // Sixth and final row.
+ [17, '[CTRL]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS],
+ [18, '[ALT]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS],
+ [91, '[LAPL]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS],
+ [32, ' ', DEFAULT, ctl('@'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [92, '[RAPL]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS],
+ [93, '[RMENU]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS],
+ // These things.
+ [145, '[SCRLK]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS],
+ [19, '[BREAK]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS],
+ // The block of six keys above the arrows.
+ [45, '[INSERT]', c('onKeyInsert_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [36, '[HOME]', c('onKeyHome_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [33, '[PGUP]', c('onKeyPageUp_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [46, '[DEL]', c('onKeyDel_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [35, '[END]', c('onKeyEnd_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [34, '[PGDOWN]', c('onKeyPageDown_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ // Arrow keys. When unmodified they respect the application cursor state,
+ // otherwise they always send the CSI codes.
+ [38, '[UP]', ac(CSI + 'A', SS3 + 'A'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [40, '[DOWN]', ac(CSI + 'B', SS3 + 'B'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [39, '[RIGHT]', ac(CSI + 'C', SS3 + 'C'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ [37, '[LEFT]', ac(CSI + 'D', SS3 + 'D'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
+ // With numlock off, the keypad generates the same key codes as the arrows
+ // and 'block of six' for some keys, and null key codes for the rest.
+ // Keypad with numlock on generates unique key codes...
+ [107, '[KP+]', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
+ [109, '[KP-]', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
+ // Chrome OS keyboard top row.
+ [166, '[BACK]', med(mod(SS3+'P', CSI+'P')), DEFAULT, CSI+"23~", DEFAULT],
+ [167, '[FWD]', med(mod(SS3+'Q', CSI+'Q')), DEFAULT, CSI+"24~", DEFAULT],
+ [168, '[RELOAD]', med(mod(SS3+'R', CSI+'R')), DEFAULT, CSI+"25~", DEFAULT],
+ [183, '[FSCR]', med(mod(SS3+'S', CSI+'S')), DEFAULT, CSI+"26~", DEFAULT],
+ [182, '[WINS]', med(CSI + '15~'), DEFAULT, CSI+"28~", DEFAULT],
+ [216, '[BRIT-]', med(CSI + '17~'), DEFAULT, CSI+"29~", DEFAULT],
+ [217, '[BRIT+]', med(CSI + '18~'), DEFAULT, CSI+"31~", DEFAULT]
+ // 173 [MUTE], 174 [VOL-] and 175 [VOL+] are trapped by the Chrome OS
+ // window manager, so we'll never see them. Note that 173 is also
+ // Firefox's -_ keycode.
+ );
+ * Either allow the paste or send a key sequence.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyInsert_ = function(e) {
+ if (this.keyboard.shiftInsertPaste && e.shiftKey)
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ return '\x1b[2~';
+ * Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyHome_ = function(e) {
+ if (!this.keyboard.homeKeysScroll ^ e.shiftKey) {
+ if ((e.altey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) ||
+ !this.keyboard.applicationCursor) {
+ return '\x1b[H';
+ }
+ return '\x1bOH';
+ }
+ this.keyboard.terminal.scrollHome();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ * Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyEnd_ = function(e) {
+ if (!this.keyboard.homeKeysScroll ^ e.shiftKey) {
+ if ((e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) ||
+ !this.keyboard.applicationCursor) {
+ return '\x1b[F';
+ }
+ return '\x1bOF';
+ }
+ this.keyboard.terminal.scrollEnd();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ * Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyPageUp_ = function(e) {
+ if (!this.keyboard.pageKeysScroll ^ e.shiftKey)
+ return '\x1b[5~';
+ this.keyboard.terminal.scrollPageUp();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ * Either send a true DEL, or sub in meta-backspace.
+ *
+ * On Chrome OS, if we know the alt key is down, but we get a DEL event that
+ * claims that the alt key is not pressed, we know the DEL was a synthetic
+ * one from a user that hit alt-backspace. Based on a user pref, we can sub
+ * in meta-backspace in this case.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyDel_ = function(e) {
+ if (this.keyboard.altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace &&
+ this.keyboard.altKeyPressed && !e.altKey)
+ return '\x1b\x7f';
+ return '\x1b[3~';
+ * Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyPageDown_ = function(e) {
+ if (!this.keyboard.pageKeysScroll ^ e.shiftKey)
+ return '\x1b[6~';
+ this.keyboard.terminal.scrollPageDown();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ * Clear the primary/alternate screens and the scrollback buffer.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onClear_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ this.keyboard.terminal.wipeContents();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ * Either pass Ctrl-1..9 to the browser or send them to the host.
+ *
+ * Note that Ctrl-1 and Ctrl-9 don't actually have special sequences mapped
+ * to them in xterm or gnome-terminal. The range is really Ctrl-2..8, but
+ * we handle 1..9 since Chrome treats the whole range special.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlNum_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ // Compute a control character for a given character.
+ function ctl(ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) - 64) }
+ if (this.keyboard.terminal.passCtrlNumber && !e.shiftKey)
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ switch (keyDef.keyCap.substr(0, 1)) {
+ case '1': return '1';
+ case '2': return ctl('@');
+ case '3': return ctl('[');
+ case '4': return ctl('\\');
+ case '5': return ctl(']');
+ case '6': return ctl('^');
+ case '7': return ctl('_');
+ case '8': return '\x7f';
+ case '9': return '9';
+ }
+ * Either pass Alt-1..9 to the browser or send them to the host.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onAltNum_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ if (this.keyboard.terminal.passAltNumber && !e.shiftKey)
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
+ * Either pass Meta-1..9 to the browser or send them to the host.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaNum_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ if (this.keyboard.terminal.passMetaNumber && !e.shiftKey)
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
+ * Either send a ^C or interpret the keystroke as a copy command.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlC_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ var selection = this.keyboard.terminal.getDocument().getSelection();
+ if (!selection.isCollapsed) {
+ if (this.keyboard.ctrlCCopy && !e.shiftKey) {
+ // Ctrl-C should copy if there is a selection, send ^C otherwise.
+ // Perform the copy by letting the browser handle Ctrl-C. On most
+ // browsers, this is the *only* way to place text on the clipboard from
+ // the 'drive-by' web.
+ if (this.keyboard.terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy) {
+ setTimeout(selection.collapseToEnd.bind(selection), 50);
+ }
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ }
+ if (!this.keyboard.ctrlCCopy && e.shiftKey) {
+ // Ctrl-Shift-C should copy if there is a selection, send ^C otherwise.
+ // Perform the copy manually. This only works in situations where
+ // document.execCommand('copy') is allowed.
+ if (this.keyboard.terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy) {
+ setTimeout(selection.collapseToEnd.bind(selection), 50);
+ }
+ this.keyboard.terminal.copySelectionToClipboard();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ }
+ }
+ return '\x03';
+ * Either send a ^N or open a new window to the same location.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlN_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ if (e.shiftKey) {
+ window.open(document.location.href, '',
+ 'chrome=no,close=yes,resize=yes,scrollbars=yes,' +
+ 'minimizable=yes,width=' + window.innerWidth +
+ ',height=' + window.innerHeight);
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ }
+ return '\x0e';
+ * Either send a ^V or allow the browser to interpret the keystroke as a paste
+ * command.
+ *
+ * The default behavior is to paste if the user presses Ctrl-Shift-V, and send
+ * a ^V if the user presses Ctrl-V. This can be flipped with the
+ * 'ctrl-v-paste' preference.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlV_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ if ((!e.shiftKey && this.keyboard.ctrlVPaste) ||
+ (e.shiftKey && !this.keyboard.ctrlVPaste)) {
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ }
+ return '\x16';
+ * Either the default action or open a new window to the same location.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaN_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ if (e.shiftKey) {
+ window.open(document.location.href, '',
+ 'chrome=no,close=yes,resize=yes,scrollbars=yes,' +
+ 'minimizable=yes,width=' + window.outerWidth +
+ ',height=' + window.outerHeight);
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ }
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
+ * Either send a Meta-C or allow the browser to interpret the keystroke as a
+ * copy command.
+ *
+ * If there is no selection, or if the user presses Meta-Shift-C, then we'll
+ * transmit an '\x1b' (if metaSendsEscape is on) followed by 'c' or 'C'.
+ *
+ * If there is a selection, we defer to the browser. In this case we clear out
+ * the selection so the user knows we heard them, and also to give them a
+ * chance to send a Meta-C by just hitting the key again.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaC_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ var document = this.keyboard.terminal.getDocument();
+ if (e.shiftKey || document.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
+ // If the shift key is being held, or there is no document selection, send
+ // a Meta-C. The keyboard code will add the ESC if metaSendsEscape is true,
+ // we just have to decide between 'c' and 'C'.
+ return keyDef.keyCap.substr(e.shiftKey ? 1 : 0, 1);
+ }
+ // Otherwise let the browser handle it as a copy command.
+ if (this.keyboard.terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy) {
+ setTimeout(function() { document.getSelection().collapseToEnd() }, 50);
+ }
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ * Either PASS or DEFAULT Meta-V, depending on preference.
+ *
+ * Always PASS Meta-Shift-V to allow browser to interpret the keystroke as
+ * a paste command.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaV_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ if (e.shiftKey)
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ return this.keyboard.passMetaV ?
+ hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS :
+ hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
+ * Handle font zooming.
+ *
+ * The browser's built-in zoom has a bit of an issue at certain zoom levels.
+ * At some magnifications, the measured height of a row of text differs from
+ * the height that was explicitly set.
+ *
+ * We override the browser zoom keys to change the ScrollPort's font size to
+ * avoid the issue.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onPlusMinusZero_ = function(e, keyDef) {
+ if (!(this.keyboard.ctrlPlusMinusZeroZoom ^ e.shiftKey)) {
+ // If ctrl-PMZ controls zoom and the shift key is pressed, or
+ // ctrl-shift-PMZ controls zoom and this shift key is not pressed,
+ // then we want to send the control code instead of affecting zoom.
+ if (keyDef.keyCap == '-_')
+ return '\x1f'; // ^_
+ // Only ^_ is valid, the other sequences have no meaning.
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ }
+ if (this.keyboard.terminal.getZoomFactor() != 1) {
+ // If we're not at 1:1 zoom factor, let the Ctrl +/-/0 keys control the
+ // browser zoom, so it's easier to for the user to get back to 100%.
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
+ }
+ var cap = keyDef.keyCap.substr(0, 1);
+ if (cap == '0') {
+ this.keyboard.terminal.setFontSize(0);
+ } else {
+ var size = this.keyboard.terminal.getFontSize();
+ if (cap == '-' || keyDef.keyCap == '[KP-]') {
+ size -= 1;
+ } else {
+ size += 1;
+ }
+ this.keyboard.terminal.setFontSize(size);
+ }
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_keypattern.js
+// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * A record of modifier bits and keycode used to define a key binding.
+ *
+ * The modifier names are enumerated in the static KeyPattern.modifiers
+ * property below. Each modifier can be true, false, or "*". True means
+ * the modifier key must be present, false means it must not, and "*" means
+ * it doesn't matter.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern = function(spec) {
+ this.wildcardCount = 0;
+ this.keyCode = spec.keyCode;
+ hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers.forEach(function(mod) {
+ this[mod] = spec[mod] || false;
+ if (this[mod] == '*')
+ this.wildcardCount++;
+ }.bind(this));
+ * Valid modifier names.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers = [
+ 'shift', 'ctrl', 'alt', 'meta'
+ * A compare callback for Array.prototype.sort().
+ *
+ * The bindings code wants to be sure to search through the strictest key
+ * patterns first, so that loosely defined patterns have a lower priority than
+ * exact patterns.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern} a
+ * @param {hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern} b
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.sortCompare = function(a, b) {
+ if (a.wildcardCount < b.wildcardCount)
+ return -1;
+ if (a.wildcardCount > b.wildcardCount)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ * Private method used to match this key pattern against other key patterns
+ * or key down events.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} The object to match.
+ * @param {boolean} True if we should ignore wildcards. Useful when you want
+ * to perform and exact match against another key pattern.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.prototype.match_ = function(obj, exactMatch) {
+ if (this.keyCode != obj.keyCode)
+ return false;
+ var rv = true;
+ hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers.forEach(function(mod) {
+ var modValue = (mod in obj) ? obj[mod] : false;
+ if (!rv || (!exactMatch && this[mod] == '*') || this[mod] == modValue)
+ return;
+ rv = false;
+ }.bind(this));
+ return rv;
+ * Return true if the given keyDown object is a match for this key pattern.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} keyDown An object with a keyCode property and zero or
+ * more boolean properties representing key modifiers. These property names
+ * must match those defined in hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers.
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.prototype.matchKeyDown = function(keyDown) {
+ return this.match_(keyDown, false);
+ * Return true if the given hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern is exactly the same as
+ * this one.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern}
+ */
+hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.prototype.matchKeyPattern = function(keyPattern) {
+ return this.match_(keyPattern, true);
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_options.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * @fileoverview This file implements the hterm.Options class,
+ * which stores current operating conditions for the terminal. This object is
+ * used instead of a series of parameters to allow saving/restoring of cursor
+ * conditions easily, and to provide an easy place for common configuration
+ * options.
+ *
+ * Original code by Cory Maccarrone.
+ */
+ * Constructor for the hterm.Options class, optionally acting as a copy
+ * constructor.
+ *
+ * The defaults are as defined in http://www.vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECSTR
+ * except that we enable autowrap (wraparound) by default since that seems to
+ * be what xterm does.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Options=} opt_copy Optional instance to copy.
+ * @constructor
+ */
+hterm.Options = function(opt_copy) {
+ // All attributes in this class are public to allow easy access by the
+ // terminal.
+ this.wraparound = opt_copy ? opt_copy.wraparound : true;
+ this.reverseWraparound = opt_copy ? opt_copy.reverseWraparound : false;
+ this.originMode = opt_copy ? opt_copy.originMode : false;
+ this.autoCarriageReturn = opt_copy ? opt_copy.autoCarriageReturn : false;
+ this.cursorVisible = opt_copy ? opt_copy.cursorVisible : false;
+ this.cursorBlink = opt_copy ? opt_copy.cursorBlink : false;
+ this.insertMode = opt_copy ? opt_copy.insertMode : false;
+ this.reverseVideo = opt_copy ? opt_copy.reverseVideo : false;
+ this.bracketedPaste = opt_copy ? opt_copy.bracketedPaste : false;
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_parser.js
+// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * @constructor
+ * Parses the key definition syntax used for user keyboard customizations.
+ */
+hterm.Parser = function() {
+ /**
+ * @type {string} The source string.
+ */
+ this.source = '';
+ /**
+ * @type {number} The current position.
+ */
+ this.pos = 0;
+ /**
+ * @type {string?} The character at the current position.
+ */
+ this.ch = null;
+hterm.Parser.prototype.error = function(message) {
+ return new Error('Parse error at ' + this.pos + ': ' + message);
+hterm.Parser.prototype.isComplete = function() {
+ return this.pos == this.source.length;
+hterm.Parser.prototype.reset = function(source, opt_pos) {
+ this.source = source;
+ this.pos = opt_pos || 0;
+ this.ch = source.substr(0, 1);
+ * Parse a key sequence.
+ *
+ * A key sequence is zero or more of the key modifiers defined in
+ * hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys followed by a key code. Key
+ * codes can be an integer or an identifier from
+ * hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes. Modifiers and keyCodes should be joined
+ * by the dash character.
+ *
+ * An asterisk "*" can be used to indicate that the unspecified modifiers
+ * are optional.
+ *
+ * For example:
+ * A: Matches only an unmodified "A" character.
+ * 65: Same as above.
+ * 0x41: Same as above.
+ * Ctrl-A: Matches only Ctrl-A.
+ * Ctrl-65: Same as above.
+ * Ctrl-0x41: Same as above.
+ * Ctrl-Shift-A: Matches only Ctrl-Shift-A.
+ * Ctrl-*-A: Matches Ctrl-A, as well as any other key sequence that includes
+ * at least the Ctrl and A keys.
+ *
+ * @return {Object} An object with shift, ctrl, alt, meta, keyCode
+ * properties.
+ */
+hterm.Parser.prototype.parseKeySequence = function() {
+ var rv = {
+ keyCode: null
+ };
+ for (var k in hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys) {
+ rv[hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys[k]] = false;
+ }
+ while (this.pos < this.source.length) {
+ this.skipSpace();
+ var token = this.parseToken();
+ if (token.type == 'integer') {
+ rv.keyCode = token.value;
+ } else if (token.type == 'identifier') {
+ if (token.value in hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys) {
+ var mod = hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys[token.value];
+ if (rv[mod] && rv[mod] != '*')
+ throw this.error('Duplicate modifier: ' + token.value);
+ rv[mod] = true;
+ } else if (token.value in hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes) {
+ rv.keyCode = hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes[token.value];
+ } else {
+ throw this.error('Unknown key: ' + token.value);
+ }
+ } else if (token.type == 'symbol') {
+ if (token.value == '*') {
+ for (var id in hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys) {
+ var p = hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys[id];
+ if (!rv[p])
+ rv[p] = '*';
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw this.error('Unexpected symbol: ' + token.value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw this.error('Expected integer or identifier');
+ }
+ this.skipSpace();
+ if (this.ch != '-')
+ break;
+ if (rv.keyCode != null)
+ throw this.error('Extra definition after target key');
+ this.advance(1);
+ }
+ if (rv.keyCode == null)
+ throw this.error('Missing target key');
+ return rv;
+hterm.Parser.prototype.parseKeyAction = function() {
+ this.skipSpace();
+ var token = this.parseToken();
+ if (token.type == 'string')
+ return token.value;
+ if (token.type == 'identifier') {
+ if (token.value in hterm.Parser.identifiers.actions)
+ return hterm.Parser.identifiers.actions[token.value];
+ throw this.error('Unknown key action: ' + token.value);
+ }
+ throw this.error('Expected string or identifier');
+hterm.Parser.prototype.peekString = function() {
+ return this.ch == '\'' || this.ch == '"';
+hterm.Parser.prototype.peekIdentifier = function() {
+ return this.ch.match(/[a-z_]/i);
+hterm.Parser.prototype.peekInteger = function() {
+ return this.ch.match(/[0-9]/);
+hterm.Parser.prototype.parseToken = function() {
+ if (this.ch == '*') {
+ var rv = {type: 'symbol', value: this.ch};
+ this.advance(1);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (this.peekIdentifier())
+ return {type: 'identifier', value: this.parseIdentifier()};
+ if (this.peekString())
+ return {type: 'string', value: this.parseString()};
+ if (this.peekInteger())
+ return {type: 'integer', value: this.parseInteger()};
+ throw this.error('Unexpected token');
+hterm.Parser.prototype.parseIdentifier = function() {
+ if (!this.peekIdentifier())
+ throw this.error('Expected identifier');
+ return this.parsePattern(/[a-z0-9_]+/ig);
+hterm.Parser.prototype.parseInteger = function() {
+ var base = 10;
+ if (this.ch == '0' && this.pos < this.source.length - 1 &&
+ this.source.substr(this.pos + 1, 1) == 'x') {
+ return parseInt(this.parsePattern(/0x[0-9a-f]+/gi));
+ }
+ return parseInt(this.parsePattern(/\d+/g));
+ * Parse a single or double quoted string.
+ *
+ * The current position should point at the initial quote character. Single
+ * quoted strings will be treated literally, double quoted will process escapes.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): Variable interpolation.
+ *
+ * @param {ParseState} parseState
+ * @param {string} quote A single or double-quote character.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+hterm.Parser.prototype.parseString = function() {
+ var result = '';
+ var quote = this.ch;
+ if (quote != '"' && quote != '\'')
+ throw this.error('String expected');
+ this.advance(1);
+ var re = new RegExp('[\\\\' + quote + ']', 'g');
+ while (this.pos < this.source.length) {
+ re.lastIndex = this.pos;
+ if (!re.exec(this.source))
+ throw this.error('Unterminated string literal');
+ result += this.source.substring(this.pos, re.lastIndex - 1);
+ this.advance(re.lastIndex - this.pos - 1);
+ if (quote == '"' && this.ch == '\\') {
+ this.advance(1);
+ result += this.parseEscape();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (quote == '\'' && this.ch == '\\') {
+ result += this.ch;
+ this.advance(1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (this.ch == quote) {
+ this.advance(1);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ throw this.error('Unterminated string literal');
+ * Parse an escape code from the current position (which should point to
+ * the first character AFTER the leading backslash.)
+ *
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+hterm.Parser.prototype.parseEscape = function() {
+ var map = {
+ '"': '"',
+ '\'': '\'',
+ '\\': '\\',
+ 'a': '\x07',
+ 'b': '\x08',
+ 'e': '\x1b',
+ 'f': '\x0c',
+ 'n': '\x0a',
+ 'r': '\x0d',
+ 't': '\x09',
+ 'v': '\x0b',
+ 'x': function() {
+ var value = this.parsePattern(/[a-z0-9]{2}/ig);
+ return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(value, 16));
+ },
+ 'u': function() {
+ var value = this.parsePattern(/[a-z0-9]{4}/ig);
+ return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(value, 16));
+ }
+ };
+ if (!(this.ch in map))
+ throw this.error('Unknown escape: ' + this.ch);
+ var value = map[this.ch];
+ this.advance(1);
+ if (typeof value == 'function')
+ value = value.call(this);
+ return value;
+ * Parse the given pattern starting from the current position.
+ *
+ * @param {RegExp} pattern A pattern representing the characters to span. MUST
+ * include the "global" RegExp flag.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+hterm.Parser.prototype.parsePattern = function(pattern) {
+ if (!pattern.global)
+ throw this.error('Internal error: Span patterns must be global');
+ pattern.lastIndex = this.pos;
+ var ary = pattern.exec(this.source);
+ if (!ary || pattern.lastIndex - ary[0].length != this.pos)
+ throw this.error('Expected match for: ' + pattern);
+ this.pos = pattern.lastIndex - 1;
+ this.advance(1);
+ return ary[0];
+ * Advance the current position.
+ *
+ * @param {number} count
+ */
+hterm.Parser.prototype.advance = function(count) {
+ this.pos += count;
+ this.ch = this.source.substr(this.pos, 1);
+ * @param {string=} opt_expect A list of valid non-whitespace characters to
+ * terminate on.
+ * @return {void}
+ */
+hterm.Parser.prototype.skipSpace = function(opt_expect) {
+ if (!/\s/.test(this.ch))
+ return;
+ var re = /\s+/gm;
+ re.lastIndex = this.pos;
+ var source = this.source;
+ if (re.exec(source))
+ this.pos = re.lastIndex;
+ this.ch = this.source.substr(this.pos, 1);
+ if (opt_expect) {
+ if (this.ch.indexOf(opt_expect) == -1) {
+ throw this.error('Expected one of ' + opt_expect + ', found: ' +
+ this.ch);
+ }
+ }
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_parser_identifiers.js
+// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Collections of identifier for hterm.Parser.
+ */
+hterm.Parser.identifiers = {};
+hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys = {
+ Shift: 'shift',
+ Ctrl: 'ctrl',
+ Alt: 'alt',
+ Meta: 'meta'
+ * Key codes useful when defining key sequences.
+ *
+ * Punctuation is mostly left out of this list because they can move around
+ * based on keyboard locale and browser.
+ *
+ * In a key sequence like "Ctrl-ESC", the ESC comes from this list of
+ * identifiers. It is equivalent to "Ctrl-27" and "Ctrl-0x1b".
+ */
+hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes = {
+ // Top row.
+ ESC: 27,
+ F1: 112,
+ F2: 113,
+ F3: 114,
+ F4: 115,
+ F5: 116,
+ F6: 117,
+ F7: 118,
+ F8: 119,
+ F9: 120,
+ F10: 121,
+ F11: 122,
+ F12: 123,
+ // Row two.
+ ONE: 49,
+ TWO: 50,
+ THREE: 51,
+ FOUR: 52,
+ FIVE: 53,
+ SIX: 54,
+ SEVEN: 55,
+ EIGHT: 56,
+ NINE: 57,
+ ZERO: 48,
+ // Row three.
+ TAB: 9,
+ Q: 81,
+ W: 87,
+ E: 69,
+ R: 82,
+ T: 84,
+ Y: 89,
+ U: 85,
+ I: 73,
+ O: 79,
+ P: 80,
+ // Row four.
+ A: 65,
+ S: 83,
+ D: 68,
+ F: 70,
+ G: 71,
+ H: 72,
+ J: 74,
+ K: 75,
+ L: 76,
+ ENTER: 13,
+ // Row five.
+ Z: 90,
+ X: 88,
+ C: 67,
+ V: 86,
+ B: 66,
+ N: 78,
+ M: 77,
+ // Etc.
+ SPACE: 32,
+ BREAK: 19,
+ INSERT: 45,
+ HOME: 36,
+ PGUP: 33,
+ DEL: 46,
+ END: 35,
+ PGDOWN: 34,
+ UP: 38,
+ DOWN: 40,
+ RIGHT: 39,
+ LEFT: 37,
+ NUMLOCK: 144,
+ // Keypad
+ KP0: 96,
+ KP1: 97,
+ KP2: 98,
+ KP3: 99,
+ KP4: 100,
+ KP5: 101,
+ KP6: 102,
+ KP7: 103,
+ KP8: 104,
+ KP9: 105,
+ KP_PLUS: 107,
+ KP_MINUS: 109,
+ KP_STAR: 106,
+ KP_DIVIDE: 111,
+ KP_DECIMAL: 110,
+ // Chrome OS media keys
+ RELOAD: 168,
+ * Identifiers for use in key actions.
+ */
+hterm.Parser.identifiers.actions = {
+ /**
+ * Prevent the browser and operating system from handling the event.
+ */
+ CANCEL: hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL,
+ /**
+ * Wait for a "keypress" event, send the keypress charCode to the host.
+ */
+ DEFAULT: hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT,
+ /**
+ * Let the browser or operating system handle the key.
+ */
+ PASS: hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS,
+ /**
+ * Scroll the terminal one page up.
+ */
+ scrollPageUp: function(terminal) {
+ terminal.scrollPageUp();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Scroll the terminal one page down.
+ */
+ scrollPageDown: function(terminal) {
+ terminal.scrollPageDown();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Scroll the terminal to the top.
+ */
+ scrollToTop: function(terminal) {
+ terminal.scrollEnd();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Scroll the terminal to the bottom.
+ */
+ scrollToBottom: function(terminal) {
+ terminal.scrollEnd();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Clear the terminal and scrollback buffer.
+ */
+ clearScrollback: function(terminal) {
+ terminal.wipeContents();
+ return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
+ }
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_preference_manager.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+lib.rtdep('lib.f', 'lib.Storage');
+ * PreferenceManager subclass managing global NaSSH preferences.
+ *
+ * This is currently just an ordered list of known connection profiles.
+ */
+hterm.PreferenceManager = function(profileId) {
+ lib.PreferenceManager.call(this, hterm.defaultStorage,
+ '/hterm/profiles/' + profileId);
+ var defs = hterm.PreferenceManager.defaultPreferences;
+ Object.keys(defs).forEach(function(key) {
+ this.definePreference(key, defs[key][1]);
+ }.bind(this));
+hterm.PreferenceManager.categories = {};
+hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard = 'Keyboard';
+hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance = 'Appearance';
+hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste = 'CopyPaste';
+hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Sounds = 'Sounds';
+hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Scrolling = 'Scrolling';
+hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Encoding = 'Encoding';
+hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Miscellaneous = 'Miscellaneous';
+ * List of categories, ordered by display order (top to bottom)
+ */
+hterm.PreferenceManager.categoryDefinitions = [
+ { id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance,
+ text: 'Appearance (fonts, colors, images)'},
+ { id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste,
+ text: 'Copy & Paste'},
+ { id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Encoding,
+ text: 'Encoding'},
+ { id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard,
+ text: 'Keyboard'},
+ { id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Scrolling,
+ text: 'Scrolling'},
+ { id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Sounds,
+ text: 'Sounds'},
+ { id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Miscellaneous,
+ text: 'Misc.'}
+hterm.PreferenceManager.defaultPreferences = {
+ 'alt-gr-mode':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, null,
+ [null, 'none', 'ctrl-alt', 'left-alt', 'right-alt'],
+ 'Select an AltGr detection hack^Wheuristic.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ '\'null\': Autodetect based on navigator.language:\n' +
+ ' \'en-us\' => \'none\', else => \'right-alt\'\n' +
+ '\'none\': Disable any AltGr related munging.\n' +
+ '\'ctrl-alt\': Assume Ctrl+Alt means AltGr.\n' +
+ '\'left-alt\': Assume left Alt means AltGr.\n' +
+ '\'right-alt\': Assume right Alt means AltGr.\n'],
+ 'alt-backspace-is-meta-backspace':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'If set, undoes the Chrome OS Alt-Backspace->DEL remap, so that ' +
+ 'alt-backspace indeed is alt-backspace.'],
+ 'alt-is-meta':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'Set whether the alt key acts as a meta key or as a distinct alt key.'],
+ 'alt-sends-what':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, 'escape',
+ ['escape', '8-bit', 'browser-key'],
+ 'Controls how the alt key is handled.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ ' escape....... Send an ESC prefix.\n' +
+ ' 8-bit........ Add 128 to the unshifted character as in xterm.\n' +
+ ' browser-key.. Wait for the keypress event and see what the browser \n' +
+ ' says. (This won\'t work well on platforms where the \n' +
+ ' browser performs a default action for some alt sequences.)'
+ ],
+ 'audible-bell-sound':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Sounds, 'lib-resource:hterm/audio/bell',
+ 'url',
+ 'URL of the terminal bell sound. Empty string for no audible bell.'],
+ 'desktop-notification-bell':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Sounds, false, 'bool',
+ 'If true, terminal bells in the background will create a Web ' +
+ 'Notification. https://www.w3.org/TR/notifications/\n' +
+ '\n'+
+ 'Displaying notifications requires permission from the user. When this ' +
+ 'option is set to true, hterm will attempt to ask the user for permission ' +
+ 'if necessary. Note browsers may not show this permission request if it ' +
+ 'did not originate from a user action.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'Chrome extensions with the "notifications" permission have permission to ' +
+ 'display notifications.'],
+ 'background-color':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, 'rgb(16, 16, 16)', 'color',
+ 'The background color for text with no other color attributes.'],
+ 'background-image':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, '', 'string',
+ 'CSS value of the background image. Empty string for no image.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'For example:\n' +
+ ' url(https://goo.gl/anedTK)\n' +
+ ' linear-gradient(top bottom, blue, red)'],
+ 'background-size':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, '', 'string',
+ 'CSS value of the background image size. Defaults to none.'],
+ 'background-position':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, '', 'string',
+ 'CSS value of the background image position.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'For example:\n' +
+ ' 10% 10%\n' +
+ ' center'],
+ 'backspace-sends-backspace':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'If true, the backspace should send BS (\'\\x08\', aka ^H). Otherwise ' +
+ 'the backspace key should send \'\\x7f\'.'],
+ 'character-map-overrides':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, null, 'value',
+ 'This is specified as an object. It is a sparse array, where each ' +
+ 'property is the character set code and the value is an object that is ' +
+ 'a sparse array itself. In that sparse array, each property is the ' +
+ 'received character and the value is the displayed character.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'For example:\n' +
+ ' {"0":{"+":"\\u2192",",":"\\u2190","-":"\\u2191",".":"\\u2193", ' +
+ '"0":"\\u2588"}}'
+ ],
+ 'close-on-exit':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Miscellaneous, true, 'bool',
+ 'Whether or not to close the window when the command exits.'],
+ 'cursor-blink':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, false, 'bool',
+ 'Whether or not to blink the cursor by default.'],
+ 'cursor-blink-cycle':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, [1000, 500], 'value',
+ 'The cursor blink rate in milliseconds.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'A two element array, the first of which is how long the cursor should be ' +
+ 'on, second is how long it should be off.'],
+ 'cursor-color':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)',
+ 'color',
+ 'The color of the visible cursor.'],
+ 'color-palette-overrides':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, null, 'value',
+ 'Override colors in the default palette.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'This can be specified as an array or an object. If specified as an ' +
+ 'object it is assumed to be a sparse array, where each property ' +
+ 'is a numeric index into the color palette.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'Values can be specified as almost any css color value. This ' +
+ 'includes #RGB, #RRGGBB, rgb(...), rgba(...), and any color names ' +
+ 'that are also part of the stock X11 rgb.txt file.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'You can use \'null\' to specify that the default value should be not ' +
+ 'be changed. This is useful for skipping a small number of indices ' +
+ 'when the value is specified as an array.'],
+ 'copy-on-select':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste, true, 'bool',
+ 'Automatically copy mouse selection to the clipboard.'],
+ 'use-default-window-copy':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste, false, 'bool',
+ 'Whether to use the default window copy behavior'],
+ 'clear-selection-after-copy':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste, true, 'bool',
+ 'Whether to clear the selection after copying.'],
+ 'ctrl-plus-minus-zero-zoom':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, true, 'bool',
+ 'If true, Ctrl-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom.\n' +
+ 'If false, Ctrl-Shift-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom, Ctrl-Minus sends ^_, ' +
+ 'Ctrl-Plus/Zero do nothing.'],
+ 'ctrl-c-copy':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'Ctrl+C copies if true, send ^C to host if false.\n' +
+ 'Ctrl+Shift+C sends ^C to host if true, copies if false.'],
+ 'ctrl-v-paste':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'Ctrl+V pastes if true, send ^V to host if false.\n' +
+ 'Ctrl+Shift+V sends ^V to host if true, pastes if false.'],
+ 'east-asian-ambiguous-as-two-column':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'Set whether East Asian Ambiguous characters have two column width.'],
+ 'enable-8-bit-control':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'True to enable 8-bit control characters, false to ignore them.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'We\'ll respect the two-byte versions of these control characters ' +
+ 'regardless of this setting.'],
+ 'enable-bold':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, null, 'tristate',
+ 'True if we should use bold weight font for text with the bold/bright ' +
+ 'attribute. False to use the normal weight font. Null to autodetect.'],
+ 'enable-bold-as-bright':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, true, 'bool',
+ 'True if we should use bright colors (8-15 on a 16 color palette) ' +
+ 'for any text with the bold attribute. False otherwise.'],
+ 'enable-blink':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, true, 'bool',
+ 'True if we should respect the blink attribute. False to ignore it. '],
+ 'enable-clipboard-notice':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste, true, 'bool',
+ 'Show a message in the terminal when the host writes to the clipboard.'],
+ 'enable-clipboard-write':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste, true, 'bool',
+ 'Allow the host to write directly to the system clipboard.'],
+ 'enable-dec12':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Miscellaneous, false, 'bool',
+ 'Respect the host\'s attempt to change the cursor blink status using ' +
+ 'DEC Private Mode 12.'],
+ 'environment':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Miscellaneous, {'TERM': 'xterm-256color'},
+ 'value',
+ 'The default environment variables, as an object.'],
+ 'font-family':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance,
+ '"DejaVu Sans Mono", "Everson Mono", FreeMono, "Menlo", "Terminal", ' +
+ 'monospace', 'string',
+ 'Default font family for the terminal text.'],
+ 'font-size':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, 15, 'int',
+ 'The default font size in pixels.'],
+ 'font-smoothing':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, 'antialiased', 'string',
+ 'CSS font-smoothing property.'],
+ 'foreground-color':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, 'rgb(240, 240, 240)', 'color',
+ 'The foreground color for text with no other color attributes.'],
+ 'home-keys-scroll':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'If true, home/end will control the terminal scrollbar and shift home/end ' +
+ 'will send the VT keycodes. If false then home/end sends VT codes and ' +
+ 'shift home/end scrolls.'],
+ 'keybindings':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, null, 'value',
+ 'A map of key sequence to key actions. Key sequences include zero or ' +
+ 'more modifier keys followed by a key code. Key codes can be decimal or ' +
+ 'hexadecimal numbers, or a key identifier. Key actions can be specified ' +
+ 'a string to send to the host, or an action identifier. For a full ' +
+ 'list of key code and action identifiers, see https://goo.gl/8AoD09.' +
+ '\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'Sample keybindings:\n' +
+ '{ "Ctrl-Alt-K": "clearScrollback",\n' +
+ ' "Ctrl-Shift-L": "PASS",\n' +
+ ' "Ctrl-H": "\'HELLO\\n\'"\n' +
+ '}'],
+ 'max-string-sequence':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Encoding, 100000, 'int',
+ 'Max length of a DCS, OSC, PM, or APS sequence before we give up and ' +
+ 'ignore the code.'],
+ 'media-keys-are-fkeys':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'If true, convert media keys to their Fkey equivalent. If false, let ' +
+ 'the browser handle the keys.'],
+ 'meta-sends-escape':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, true, 'bool',
+ 'Set whether the meta key sends a leading escape or not.'],
+ 'mouse-paste-button':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste, null,
+ [null, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
+ 'Mouse paste button, or null to autodetect.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'For autodetect, we\'ll try to enable middle button paste for non-X11 ' +
+ 'platforms. On X11 we move it to button 3.'],
+ 'page-keys-scroll':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, false, 'bool',
+ 'If true, page up/down will control the terminal scrollbar and shift ' +
+ 'page up/down will send the VT keycodes. If false then page up/down ' +
+ 'sends VT codes and shift page up/down scrolls.'],
+ 'pass-alt-number':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, null, 'tristate',
+ 'Set whether we should pass Alt-1..9 to the browser.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don\'t ' +
+ 'lose Chrome\'s "switch to tab" keyboard accelerators. When not running ' +
+ 'in a tab it\'s better to send these keys to the host so they can be ' +
+ 'used in vim or emacs.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'If true, Alt-1..9 will be handled by the browser. If false, Alt-1..9 ' +
+ 'will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on browser platform ' +
+ 'and window type.'],
+ 'pass-ctrl-number':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, null, 'tristate',
+ 'Set whether we should pass Ctrl-1..9 to the browser.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don\'t ' +
+ 'lose Chrome\'s "switch to tab" keyboard accelerators. When not running ' +
+ 'in a tab it\'s better to send these keys to the host so they can be ' +
+ 'used in vim or emacs.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'If true, Ctrl-1..9 will be handled by the browser. If false, Ctrl-1..9 ' +
+ 'will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on browser platform ' +
+ 'and window type.'],
+ 'pass-meta-number':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, null, 'tristate',
+ 'Set whether we should pass Meta-1..9 to the browser.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don\'t ' +
+ 'lose Chrome\'s "switch to tab" keyboard accelerators. When not running ' +
+ 'in a tab it\'s better to send these keys to the host so they can be ' +
+ 'used in vim or emacs.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'If true, Meta-1..9 will be handled by the browser. If false, Meta-1..9 ' +
+ 'will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on browser platform ' +
+ 'and window type.'],
+ 'pass-meta-v':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, true, 'bool',
+ 'Set whether meta-V gets passed to host.'],
+ 'receive-encoding':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Encoding, 'utf-8', ['utf-8', 'raw'],
+ 'Set the expected encoding for data received from the host.\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ 'Valid values are \'utf-8\' and \'raw\'.'],
+ 'scroll-on-keystroke':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Scrolling, true, 'bool',
+ 'If true, scroll to the bottom on any keystroke.'],
+ 'scroll-on-output':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Scrolling, false, 'bool',
+ 'If true, scroll to the bottom on terminal output.'],
+ 'scrollbar-visible':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Scrolling, true, 'bool',
+ 'The vertical scrollbar mode.'],
+ 'scroll-wheel-move-multiplier':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Scrolling, 1, 'int',
+ 'The multiplier for the pixel delta in mousewheel event caused by the ' +
+ 'scroll wheel. Alters how fast the page scrolls.'],
+ 'send-encoding':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Encoding, 'utf-8', ['utf-8', 'raw'],
+ 'Set the encoding for data sent to host.'],
+ 'shift-insert-paste':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard, true, 'bool',
+ 'Shift + Insert pastes if true, sent to host if false.'],
+ 'user-css':
+ [hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance, '', 'url',
+ 'URL of user stylesheet to include in the terminal document.']
+hterm.PreferenceManager.prototype = {
+ __proto__: lib.PreferenceManager.prototype
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_pubsub.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Utility class used to add publish/subscribe/unsubscribe functionality to
+ * an existing object.
+ */
+hterm.PubSub = function() {
+ this.observers_ = {};
+ * Add publish, subscribe, and unsubscribe methods to an existing object.
+ *
+ * No other properties of the object are touched, so there is no need to
+ * worry about clashing private properties.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} obj The object to add this behavior to.
+ */
+hterm.PubSub.addBehavior = function(obj) {
+ var pubsub = new hterm.PubSub();
+ for (var m in hterm.PubSub.prototype) {
+ obj[m] = hterm.PubSub.prototype[m].bind(pubsub);
+ }
+ * Subscribe to be notified of messages about a subject.
+ *
+ * @param {string} subject The subject to subscribe to.
+ * @param {function(Object)} callback The function to invoke for notifications.
+ */
+hterm.PubSub.prototype.subscribe = function(subject, callback) {
+ if (!(subject in this.observers_))
+ this.observers_[subject] = [];
+ this.observers_[subject].push(callback);
+ * Unsubscribe from a subject.
+ *
+ * @param {string} subject The subject to unsubscribe from.
+ * @param {function(Object)} callback A callback previously registered via
+ * subscribe().
+ */
+hterm.PubSub.prototype.unsubscribe = function(subject, callback) {
+ var list = this.observers_[subject];
+ if (!list)
+ throw 'Invalid subject: ' + subject;
+ var i = list.indexOf(callback);
+ if (i < 0)
+ throw 'Not subscribed: ' + subject;
+ list.splice(i, 1);
+ * Publish a message about a subject.
+ *
+ * Subscribers (and the optional final callback) are invoked asynchronously.
+ * This method will return before anyone is actually notified.
+ *
+ * @param {string} subject The subject to publish about.
+ * @param {Object} e An arbitrary object associated with this notification.
+ * @param {function(Object)} opt_lastCallback An optional function to call after
+ * all subscribers have been notified.
+ */
+hterm.PubSub.prototype.publish = function(subject, e, opt_lastCallback) {
+ function notifyList(i) {
+ // Set this timeout before invoking the callback, so we don't have to
+ // concern ourselves with exceptions.
+ if (i < list.length - 1)
+ setTimeout(notifyList, 0, i + 1);
+ list[i](e);
+ }
+ var list = this.observers_[subject];
+ if (list) {
+ // Copy the list, in case it changes while we're notifying.
+ list = [].concat(list);
+ }
+ if (opt_lastCallback) {
+ if (list) {
+ list.push(opt_lastCallback);
+ } else {
+ list = [opt_lastCallback];
+ }
+ }
+ if (list)
+ setTimeout(notifyList, 0, 0);
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_screen.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+lib.rtdep('lib.f', 'lib.wc',
+ 'hterm.RowCol', 'hterm.Size', 'hterm.TextAttributes');
+ * @fileoverview This class represents a single terminal screen full of text.
+ *
+ * It maintains the current cursor position and has basic methods for text
+ * insert and overwrite, and adding or removing rows from the screen.
+ *
+ * This class has no knowledge of the scrollback buffer.
+ *
+ * The number of rows on the screen is determined only by the number of rows
+ * that the caller inserts into the screen. If a caller wants to ensure a
+ * constant number of rows on the screen, it's their responsibility to remove a
+ * row for each row inserted.
+ *
+ * The screen width, in contrast, is enforced locally.
+ *
+ *
+ * In practice...
+ * - The hterm.Terminal class holds two hterm.Screen instances. One for the
+ * primary screen and one for the alternate screen.
+ *
+ * - The html.Screen class only cares that rows are HTMLElements. In the
+ * larger context of hterm, however, the rows happen to be displayed by an
+ * hterm.ScrollPort and have to follow a few rules as a result. Each
+ * row must be rooted by the custom HTML tag 'x-row', and each must have a
+ * rowIndex property that corresponds to the index of the row in the context
+ * of the scrollback buffer. These invariants are enforced by hterm.Terminal
+ * because that is the class using the hterm.Screen in the context of an
+ * hterm.ScrollPort.
+ */
+ * Create a new screen instance.
+ *
+ * The screen initially has no rows and a maximum column count of 0.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} opt_columnCount The maximum number of columns for this
+ * screen. See insertString() and overwriteString() for information about
+ * what happens when too many characters are added too a row. Defaults to
+ * 0 if not provided.
+ */
+hterm.Screen = function(opt_columnCount) {
+ /**
+ * Public, read-only access to the rows in this screen.
+ */
+ this.rowsArray = [];
+ // The max column width for this screen.
+ this.columnCount_ = opt_columnCount || 80;
+ // The current color, bold, underline and blink attributes.
+ this.textAttributes = new hterm.TextAttributes(window.document);
+ // Current zero-based cursor coordinates.
+ this.cursorPosition = new hterm.RowCol(0, 0);
+ // The node containing the row that the cursor is positioned on.
+ this.cursorRowNode_ = null;
+ // The node containing the span of text that the cursor is positioned on.
+ this.cursorNode_ = null;
+ // The offset in column width into cursorNode_ where the cursor is positioned.
+ this.cursorOffset_ = null;
+ * Return the screen size as an hterm.Size object.
+ *
+ * @return {hterm.Size} hterm.Size object representing the current number
+ * of rows and columns in this screen.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getSize = function() {
+ return new hterm.Size(this.columnCount_, this.rowsArray.length);
+ * Return the current number of rows in this screen.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The number of rows in this screen.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getHeight = function() {
+ return this.rowsArray.length;
+ * Return the current number of columns in this screen.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The number of columns in this screen.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getWidth = function() {
+ return this.columnCount_;
+ * Set the maximum number of columns per row.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The maximum number of columns per row.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.setColumnCount = function(count) {
+ this.columnCount_ = count;
+ if (this.cursorPosition.column >= count)
+ this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, count - 1);
+ * Remove the first row from the screen and return it.
+ *
+ * @return {HTMLElement} The first row in this screen.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.shiftRow = function() {
+ return this.shiftRows(1)[0];
+ * Remove rows from the top of the screen and return them as an array.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of rows to remove.
+ * @return {Array.<HTMLElement>} The selected rows.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.shiftRows = function(count) {
+ return this.rowsArray.splice(0, count);
+ * Insert a row at the top of the screen.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} row The row to insert.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.unshiftRow = function(row) {
+ this.rowsArray.splice(0, 0, row);
+ * Insert rows at the top of the screen.
+ *
+ * @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} rows The rows to insert.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.unshiftRows = function(rows) {
+ this.rowsArray.unshift.apply(this.rowsArray, rows);
+ * Remove the last row from the screen and return it.
+ *
+ * @return {HTMLElement} The last row in this screen.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.popRow = function() {
+ return this.popRows(1)[0];
+ * Remove rows from the bottom of the screen and return them as an array.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of rows to remove.
+ * @return {Array.<HTMLElement>} The selected rows.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.popRows = function(count) {
+ return this.rowsArray.splice(this.rowsArray.length - count, count);
+ * Insert a row at the bottom of the screen.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} row The row to insert.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.pushRow = function(row) {
+ this.rowsArray.push(row);
+ * Insert rows at the bottom of the screen.
+ *
+ * @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} rows The rows to insert.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.pushRows = function(rows) {
+ rows.push.apply(this.rowsArray, rows);
+ * Insert a row at the specified row of the screen.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} index The index to insert the row.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} row The row to insert.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.insertRow = function(index, row) {
+ this.rowsArray.splice(index, 0, row);
+ * Insert rows at the specified row of the screen.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} index The index to insert the rows.
+ * @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} rows The rows to insert.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.insertRows = function(index, rows) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
+ this.rowsArray.splice(index + i, 0, rows[i]);
+ }
+ * Remove a row from the screen and return it.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} index The index of the row to remove.
+ * @return {HTMLElement} The selected row.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.removeRow = function(index) {
+ return this.rowsArray.splice(index, 1)[0];
+ * Remove rows from the bottom of the screen and return them as an array.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} index The index to start removing rows.
+ * @param {integer} count The number of rows to remove.
+ * @return {Array.<HTMLElement>} The selected rows.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.removeRows = function(index, count) {
+ return this.rowsArray.splice(index, count);
+ * Invalidate the current cursor position.
+ *
+ * This sets this.cursorPosition to (0, 0) and clears out some internal
+ * data.
+ *
+ * Attempting to insert or overwrite text while the cursor position is invalid
+ * will raise an obscure exception.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.invalidateCursorPosition = function() {
+ this.cursorPosition.move(0, 0);
+ this.cursorRowNode_ = null;
+ this.cursorNode_ = null;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = null;
+ * Clear the contents of the cursor row.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.clearCursorRow = function() {
+ this.cursorRowNode_.innerHTML = '';
+ this.cursorRowNode_.removeAttribute('line-overflow');
+ this.cursorOffset_ = 0;
+ this.cursorPosition.column = 0;
+ this.cursorPosition.overflow = false;
+ var text;
+ if (this.textAttributes.isDefault()) {
+ text = '';
+ } else {
+ text = lib.f.getWhitespace(this.columnCount_);
+ }
+ // We shouldn't honor inverse colors when clearing an area, to match
+ // xterm's back color erase behavior.
+ var inverse = this.textAttributes.inverse;
+ this.textAttributes.inverse = false;
+ this.textAttributes.syncColors();
+ var node = this.textAttributes.createContainer(text);
+ this.cursorRowNode_.appendChild(node);
+ this.cursorNode_ = node;
+ this.textAttributes.inverse = inverse;
+ this.textAttributes.syncColors();
+ * Mark the current row as having overflowed to the next line.
+ *
+ * The line overflow state is used when converting a range of rows into text.
+ * It makes it possible to recombine two or more overflow terminal rows into
+ * a single line.
+ *
+ * This is distinct from the cursor being in the overflow state. Cursor
+ * overflow indicates that printing at the cursor position will commit a
+ * line overflow, unless it is preceded by a repositioning of the cursor
+ * to a non-overflow state.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.commitLineOverflow = function() {
+ this.cursorRowNode_.setAttribute('line-overflow', true);
+ * Relocate the cursor to a give row and column.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} row The zero based row.
+ * @param {integer} column The zero based column.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.setCursorPosition = function(row, column) {
+ if (!this.rowsArray.length) {
+ console.warn('Attempt to set cursor position on empty screen.');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (row >= this.rowsArray.length) {
+ console.error('Row out of bounds: ' + row);
+ row = this.rowsArray.length - 1;
+ } else if (row < 0) {
+ console.error('Row out of bounds: ' + row);
+ row = 0;
+ }
+ if (column >= this.columnCount_) {
+ console.error('Column out of bounds: ' + column);
+ column = this.columnCount_ - 1;
+ } else if (column < 0) {
+ console.error('Column out of bounds: ' + column);
+ column = 0;
+ }
+ this.cursorPosition.overflow = false;
+ var rowNode = this.rowsArray[row];
+ var node = rowNode.firstChild;
+ if (!node) {
+ node = rowNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode('');
+ rowNode.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ var currentColumn = 0;
+ if (rowNode == this.cursorRowNode_) {
+ if (column >= this.cursorPosition.column - this.cursorOffset_) {
+ node = this.cursorNode_;
+ currentColumn = this.cursorPosition.column - this.cursorOffset_;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.cursorRowNode_ = rowNode;
+ }
+ this.cursorPosition.move(row, column);
+ while (node) {
+ var offset = column - currentColumn;
+ var width = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
+ if (!node.nextSibling || width > offset) {
+ this.cursorNode_ = node;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = offset;
+ return;
+ }
+ currentColumn += width;
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ }
+ * Set the provided selection object to be a caret selection at the current
+ * cursor position.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.syncSelectionCaret = function(selection) {
+ try {
+ selection.collapse(this.cursorNode_, this.cursorOffset_);
+ } catch (firefoxIgnoredException) {
+ // FF can throw an exception if the range is off, rather than just not
+ // performing the collapse.
+ }
+ * Split a single node into two nodes at the given offset.
+ *
+ * For example:
+ * Given the DOM fragment '<div><span>Hello World</span></div>', call splitNode_
+ * passing the span and an offset of 6. This would modify the fragment to
+ * become: '<div><span>Hello </span><span>World</span></div>'. If the span
+ * had any attributes they would have been copied to the new span as well.
+ *
+ * The to-be-split node must have a container, so that the new node can be
+ * placed next to it.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLNode} node The node to split.
+ * @param {integer} offset The offset into the node where the split should
+ * occur.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.splitNode_ = function(node, offset) {
+ var afterNode = node.cloneNode(false);
+ var textContent = node.textContent;
+ node.textContent = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(node, 0, offset);
+ afterNode.textContent = lib.wc.substr(textContent, offset);
+ if (afterNode.textContent)
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(afterNode, node.nextSibling);
+ if (!node.textContent)
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+ * Ensure that text is clipped and the cursor is clamped to the column count.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.maybeClipCurrentRow = function() {
+ var width = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(this.cursorRowNode_);
+ if (width <= this.columnCount_) {
+ // Current row does not need clipping, but may need clamping.
+ if (this.cursorPosition.column >= this.columnCount_) {
+ this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, this.columnCount_ - 1);
+ this.cursorPosition.overflow = true;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Save off the current column so we can maybe restore it later.
+ var currentColumn = this.cursorPosition.column;
+ // Move the cursor to the final column.
+ this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, this.columnCount_ - 1);
+ // Remove any text that partially overflows.
+ width = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(this.cursorNode_);
+ if (this.cursorOffset_ < width - 1) {
+ this.cursorNode_.textContent = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(
+ this.cursorNode_, 0, this.cursorOffset_ + 1);
+ }
+ // Remove all nodes after the cursor.
+ var rowNode = this.cursorRowNode_;
+ var node = this.cursorNode_.nextSibling;
+ while (node) {
+ rowNode.removeChild(node);
+ node = this.cursorNode_.nextSibling;
+ }
+ if (currentColumn < this.columnCount_) {
+ // If the cursor was within the screen before we started then restore its
+ // position.
+ this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, currentColumn);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise leave it at the the last column in the overflow state.
+ this.cursorPosition.overflow = true;
+ }
+ * Insert a string at the current character position using the current
+ * text attributes.
+ *
+ * You must call maybeClipCurrentRow() after in order to clip overflowed
+ * text and clamp the cursor.
+ *
+ * It is also up to the caller to properly maintain the line overflow state
+ * using hterm.Screen..commitLineOverflow().
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.insertString = function(str) {
+ var cursorNode = this.cursorNode_;
+ var cursorNodeText = cursorNode.textContent;
+ this.cursorRowNode_.removeAttribute('line-overflow');
+ // We may alter the width of the string by prepending some missing
+ // whitespaces, so we need to record the string width ahead of time.
+ var strWidth = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
+ // No matter what, before this function exits the cursor column will have
+ // moved this much.
+ this.cursorPosition.column += strWidth;
+ // Local cache of the cursor offset.
+ var offset = this.cursorOffset_;
+ // Reverse offset is the offset measured from the end of the string.
+ // Zero implies that the cursor is at the end of the cursor node.
+ var reverseOffset = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(cursorNode) - offset;
+ if (reverseOffset < 0) {
+ // A negative reverse offset means the cursor is positioned past the end
+ // of the characters on this line. We'll need to insert the missing
+ // whitespace.
+ var ws = lib.f.getWhitespace(-reverseOffset);
+ // This whitespace should be completely unstyled. Underline, background
+ // color, and strikethrough would be visible on whitespace, so we can't use
+ // one of those spans to hold the text.
+ if (!(this.textAttributes.underline ||
+ this.textAttributes.strikethrough ||
+ this.textAttributes.background ||
+ this.textAttributes.wcNode ||
+ this.textAttributes.tileData != null)) {
+ // Best case scenario, we can just pretend the spaces were part of the
+ // original string.
+ str = ws + str;
+ } else if (cursorNode.nodeType == 3 ||
+ !(cursorNode.wcNode ||
+ cursorNode.tileNode ||
+ cursorNode.style.textDecoration ||
+ cursorNode.style.backgroundColor)) {
+ // Second best case, the current node is able to hold the whitespace.
+ cursorNode.textContent = (cursorNodeText += ws);
+ } else {
+ // Worst case, we have to create a new node to hold the whitespace.
+ var wsNode = cursorNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(ws);
+ this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(wsNode, cursorNode.nextSibling);
+ this.cursorNode_ = cursorNode = wsNode;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = offset = -reverseOffset;
+ cursorNodeText = ws;
+ }
+ // We now know for sure that we're at the last character of the cursor node.
+ reverseOffset = 0;
+ }
+ if (this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(cursorNode)) {
+ // The new text can be placed directly in the cursor node.
+ if (reverseOffset == 0) {
+ cursorNode.textContent = cursorNodeText + str;
+ } else if (offset == 0) {
+ cursorNode.textContent = str + cursorNodeText;
+ } else {
+ cursorNode.textContent =
+ hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(cursorNode, 0, offset) +
+ str + hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(cursorNode, offset);
+ }
+ this.cursorOffset_ += strWidth;
+ return;
+ }
+ // The cursor node is the wrong style for the new text. If we're at the
+ // beginning or end of the cursor node, then the adjacent node is also a
+ // potential candidate.
+ if (offset == 0) {
+ // At the beginning of the cursor node, the check the previous sibling.
+ var previousSibling = cursorNode.previousSibling;
+ if (previousSibling &&
+ this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(previousSibling)) {
+ previousSibling.textContent += str;
+ this.cursorNode_ = previousSibling;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = lib.wc.strWidth(previousSibling.textContent);
+ return;
+ }
+ var newNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(str);
+ this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(newNode, cursorNode);
+ this.cursorNode_ = newNode;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = strWidth;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (reverseOffset == 0) {
+ // At the end of the cursor node, the check the next sibling.
+ var nextSibling = cursorNode.nextSibling;
+ if (nextSibling &&
+ this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(nextSibling)) {
+ nextSibling.textContent = str + nextSibling.textContent;
+ this.cursorNode_ = nextSibling;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
+ return;
+ }
+ var newNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(str);
+ this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(newNode, nextSibling);
+ this.cursorNode_ = newNode;
+ // We specifically need to include any missing whitespace here, since it's
+ // going in a new node.
+ this.cursorOffset_ = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(newNode);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Worst case, we're somewhere in the middle of the cursor node. We'll
+ // have to split it into two nodes and insert our new container in between.
+ this.splitNode_(cursorNode, offset);
+ var newNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(str);
+ this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(newNode, cursorNode.nextSibling);
+ this.cursorNode_ = newNode;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = strWidth;
+ * Overwrite the text at the current cursor position.
+ *
+ * You must call maybeClipCurrentRow() after in order to clip overflowed
+ * text and clamp the cursor.
+ *
+ * It is also up to the caller to properly maintain the line overflow state
+ * using hterm.Screen..commitLineOverflow().
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.overwriteString = function(str) {
+ var maxLength = this.columnCount_ - this.cursorPosition.column;
+ if (!maxLength)
+ return [str];
+ var width = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
+ if (this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(this.cursorNode_) &&
+ this.cursorNode_.textContent.substr(this.cursorOffset_) == str) {
+ // This overwrite would be a no-op, just move the cursor and return.
+ this.cursorOffset_ += width;
+ this.cursorPosition.column += width;
+ return;
+ }
+ this.deleteChars(Math.min(width, maxLength));
+ this.insertString(str);
+ * Forward-delete one or more characters at the current cursor position.
+ *
+ * Text to the right of the deleted characters is shifted left. Only affects
+ * characters on the same row as the cursor.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The column width of characters to delete. This is
+ * clamped to the column width minus the cursor column.
+ * @return {integer} The column width of the characters actually deleted.
+ */
+hterm.Screen.prototype.deleteChars = function(count) {
+ var node = this.cursorNode_;
+ var offset = this.cursorOffset_;
+ var currentCursorColumn = this.cursorPosition.column;
+ count = Math.min(count, this.columnCount_ - currentCursorColumn);
+ if (!count)
+ return 0;
+ var rv = count;
+ var startLength, endLength;
+ while (node && count) {
+ startLength = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
+ node.textContent = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(node, 0, offset) +
+ hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(node, offset + count);
+ endLength = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
+ count -= startLength - endLength;
+ if (offset < startLength && endLength && startLength == endLength) {
+ // No characters were deleted when there should be. We're probably trying
+ // to delete one column width from a wide character node. We remove the
+ // wide character node here and replace it with a single space.
+ var spaceNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(' ');
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(spaceNode, node.nextSibling);
+ node.textContent = '';
+ endLength = 0;
+ count -= 1;
+ }
+ var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
+ if (endLength == 0 && node != this.cursorNode_) {
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+ }
+ node = nextNode;
+ offset = 0;
+ }
+ // Remove this.cursorNode_ if it is an empty non-text node.
+ if (this.cursorNode_.nodeType != 3 && !this.cursorNode_.textContent) {
+ var cursorNode = this.cursorNode_;
+ if (cursorNode.previousSibling) {
+ this.cursorNode_ = cursorNode.previousSibling;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(
+ cursorNode.previousSibling);
+ } else if (cursorNode.nextSibling) {
+ this.cursorNode_ = cursorNode.nextSibling;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = 0;
+ } else {
+ var emptyNode = this.cursorRowNode_.ownerDocument.createTextNode('');
+ this.cursorRowNode_.appendChild(emptyNode);
+ this.cursorNode_ = emptyNode;
+ this.cursorOffset_ = 0;
+ }
+ this.cursorRowNode_.removeChild(cursorNode);
+ }
+ return rv;
+ * Finds first X-ROW of a line containing specified X-ROW.
+ * Used to support line overflow.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} row X-ROW to begin search for first row of line.
+ * @return {Node} The X-ROW that is at the beginning of the line.
+ **/
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getLineStartRow_ = function(row) {
+ while (row.previousSibling &&
+ row.previousSibling.hasAttribute('line-overflow')) {
+ row = row.previousSibling;
+ }
+ return row;
+ * Gets text of a line beginning with row.
+ * Supports line overflow.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} row First X-ROW of line.
+ * @return {string} Text content of line.
+ **/
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getLineText_ = function(row) {
+ var rowText = "";
+ while (row) {
+ rowText += row.textContent;
+ if (row.hasAttribute('line-overflow')) {
+ row = row.nextSibling;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return rowText;
+ * Returns X-ROW that is ancestor of the node.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} node Node to get X-ROW ancestor for.
+ * @return {Node} X-ROW ancestor of node, or null if not found.
+ **/
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getXRowAncestor_ = function(node) {
+ while (node) {
+ if (node.nodeName === 'X-ROW')
+ break;
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ return node;
+ * Returns position within line of character at offset within node.
+ * Supports line overflow.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} row X-ROW at beginning of line.
+ * @param {Node} node Node to get position of.
+ * @param {integer} offset Offset into node.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} Position within line of character at offset within node.
+ **/
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getPositionWithOverflow_ = function(row, node, offset) {
+ if (!node)
+ return -1;
+ var ancestorRow = this.getXRowAncestor_(node);
+ if (!ancestorRow)
+ return -1;
+ var position = 0;
+ while (ancestorRow != row) {
+ position += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(row);
+ if (row.hasAttribute('line-overflow') && row.nextSibling) {
+ row = row.nextSibling;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return position + this.getPositionWithinRow_(row, node, offset);
+ * Returns position within row of character at offset within node.
+ * Does not support line overflow.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} row X-ROW to get position within.
+ * @param {Node} node Node to get position for.
+ * @param {integer} offset Offset within node to get position for.
+ * @return {integer} Position within row of character at offset within node.
+ **/
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getPositionWithinRow_ = function(row, node, offset) {
+ if (node.parentNode != row) {
+ return this.getPositionWithinRow_(node.parentNode, node, offset) +
+ this.getPositionWithinRow_(row, node.parentNode, 0);
+ }
+ var position = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < row.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ var currentNode = row.childNodes[i];
+ if (currentNode == node)
+ return position + offset;
+ position += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(currentNode);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ * Returns the node and offset corresponding to position within line.
+ * Supports line overflow.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} row X-ROW at beginning of line.
+ * @param {integer} position Position within line to retrieve node and offset.
+ * @return {Array} Two element array containing node and offset respectively.
+ **/
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getNodeAndOffsetWithOverflow_ = function(row, position) {
+ while (row && position > hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(row)) {
+ if (row.hasAttribute('line-overflow') && row.nextSibling) {
+ position -= hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(row);
+ row = row.nextSibling;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return this.getNodeAndOffsetWithinRow_(row, position);
+ * Returns the node and offset corresponding to position within row.
+ * Does not support line overflow.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} row X-ROW to get position within.
+ * @param {integer} position Position within row to retrieve node and offset.
+ * @return {Array} Two element array containing node and offset respectively.
+ **/
+hterm.Screen.prototype.getNodeAndOffsetWithinRow_ = function(row, position) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < row.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ var node = row.childNodes[i];
+ var nodeTextWidth = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
+ if (position <= nodeTextWidth) {
+ if (node.nodeName === 'SPAN') {
+ /** Drill down to node contained by SPAN. **/
+ return this.getNodeAndOffsetWithinRow_(node, position);
+ } else {
+ return [node, position];
+ }
+ }
+ position -= nodeTextWidth;
+ }
+ return null;
+ * Returns the node and offset corresponding to position within line.
+ * Supports line overflow.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} row X-ROW at beginning of line.
+ * @param {integer} start Start position of range within line.
+ * @param {integer} end End position of range within line.
+ * @param {Range} range Range to modify.
+ **/
+hterm.Screen.prototype.setRange_ = function(row, start, end, range) {
+ var startNodeAndOffset = this.getNodeAndOffsetWithOverflow_(row, start);
+ if (startNodeAndOffset == null)
+ return;
+ var endNodeAndOffset = this.getNodeAndOffsetWithOverflow_(row, end);
+ if (endNodeAndOffset == null)
+ return;
+ range.setStart(startNodeAndOffset[0], startNodeAndOffset[1]);
+ range.setEnd(endNodeAndOffset[0], endNodeAndOffset[1]);
+ * Expands selection to surround URLs.
+ *
+ * @param {Selection} selection Selection to expand.
+ **/
+hterm.Screen.prototype.expandSelection = function(selection) {
+ if (!selection)
+ return;
+ var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+ if (!range || range.toString().match(/\s/))
+ return;
+ var row = this.getLineStartRow_(this.getXRowAncestor_(range.startContainer));
+ if (!row)
+ return;
+ var startPosition = this.getPositionWithOverflow_(row,
+ range.startContainer,
+ range.startOffset);
+ if (startPosition == -1)
+ return;
+ var endPosition = this.getPositionWithOverflow_(row,
+ range.endContainer,
+ range.endOffset);
+ if (endPosition == -1)
+ return;
+ // Matches can start with '~' or '.', since paths frequently do.
+ var leftMatch = '[^\\s\\[\\](){}<>"\'\\^!@#$%&*,;:`]';
+ var rightMatch = '[^\\s\\[\\](){}<>"\'\\^!@#$%&*,;:~.`]';
+ var insideMatch = '[^\\s\\[\\](){}<>"\'\\^]*';
+ //Move start to the left.
+ var rowText = this.getLineText_(row);
+ var lineUpToRange = lib.wc.substring(rowText, 0, endPosition);
+ var leftRegularExpression = new RegExp(leftMatch + insideMatch + "$");
+ var expandedStart = lineUpToRange.search(leftRegularExpression);
+ if (expandedStart == -1 || expandedStart > startPosition)
+ return;
+ //Move end to the right.
+ var lineFromRange = lib.wc.substring(rowText, startPosition,
+ lib.wc.strWidth(rowText));
+ var rightRegularExpression = new RegExp("^" + insideMatch + rightMatch);
+ var found = lineFromRange.match(rightRegularExpression);
+ if (!found)
+ return;
+ var expandedEnd = startPosition + lib.wc.strWidth(found[0]);
+ if (expandedEnd == -1 || expandedEnd < endPosition)
+ return;
+ this.setRange_(row, expandedStart, expandedEnd, range);
+ selection.addRange(range);
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_scrollport.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+lib.rtdep('lib.f', 'hterm.PubSub', 'hterm.Size');
+ * A 'viewport' view of fixed-height rows with support for selection and
+ * copy-to-clipboard.
+ *
+ * 'Viewport' in this case means that only the visible rows are in the DOM.
+ * If the rowProvider has 100,000 rows, but the ScrollPort is only 25 rows
+ * tall, then only 25 dom nodes are created. The ScrollPort will ask the
+ * RowProvider to create new visible rows on demand as they are scrolled in
+ * to the visible area.
+ *
+ * This viewport is designed so that select and copy-to-clipboard still works,
+ * even when all or part of the selection is scrolled off screen.
+ *
+ * Note that the X11 mouse clipboard does not work properly when all or part
+ * of the selection is off screen. It would be difficult to fix this without
+ * adding significant overhead to pathologically large selection cases.
+ *
+ * The RowProvider should return rows rooted by the custom tag name 'x-row'.
+ * This ensures that we can quickly assign the correct display height
+ * to the rows with css.
+ *
+ * @param {RowProvider} rowProvider An object capable of providing rows as
+ * raw text or row nodes.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort = function(rowProvider) {
+ hterm.PubSub.addBehavior(this);
+ this.rowProvider_ = rowProvider;
+ // SWAG the character size until we can measure it.
+ this.characterSize = new hterm.Size(10, 10);
+ // DOM node used for character measurement.
+ this.ruler_ = null;
+ this.selection = new hterm.ScrollPort.Selection(this);
+ // A map of rowIndex => rowNode for each row that is drawn as part of a
+ // pending redraw_() call. Null if there is no pending redraw_ call.
+ this.currentRowNodeCache_ = null;
+ // A map of rowIndex => rowNode for each row that was drawn as part of the
+ // previous redraw_() call.
+ this.previousRowNodeCache_ = {};
+ // Used during scroll events to detect when the underlying cause is a resize.
+ this.lastScreenWidth_ = null;
+ this.lastScreenHeight_ = null;
+ // True if the user should be allowed to select text in the terminal.
+ // This is disabled when the host requests mouse drag events so that we don't
+ // end up with two notions of selection.
+ this.selectionEnabled_ = true;
+ // The last row count returned by the row provider, re-populated during
+ // syncScrollHeight().
+ this.lastRowCount_ = 0;
+ // The scroll wheel pixel delta multiplier to increase/decrease
+ // the scroll speed of mouse wheel events. See: https://goo.gl/sXelnq
+ this.scrollWheelMultiplier_ = 1;
+ /**
+ * True if the last scroll caused the scrollport to show the final row.
+ */
+ this.isScrolledEnd = true;
+ // The css rule that we use to control the height of a row.
+ this.xrowCssRule_ = null;
+ /**
+ * A guess at the current scrollbar width, fixed in resize().
+ */
+ this.currentScrollbarWidthPx = 16;
+ /**
+ * Whether the ctrl-v key on the screen should paste.
+ */
+ this.ctrlVPaste = false;
+ this.div_ = null;
+ this.document_ = null;
+ // Collection of active timeout handles.
+ this.timeouts_ = {};
+ this.observers_ = {};
+ this.DEBUG_ = false;
+ * Proxy for the native selection object which understands how to walk up the
+ * DOM to find the containing row node and sort out which comes first.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.ScrollPort} scrollPort The parent hterm.ScrollPort instance.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.Selection = function(scrollPort) {
+ this.scrollPort_ = scrollPort;
+ /**
+ * The row containing the start of the selection.
+ *
+ * This may be partially or fully selected. It may be the selection anchor
+ * or the focus, but its rowIndex is guaranteed to be less-than-or-equal-to
+ * that of the endRow.
+ *
+ * If only one row is selected then startRow == endRow. If there is no
+ * selection or the selection is collapsed then startRow == null.
+ */
+ this.startRow = null;
+ /**
+ * The row containing the end of the selection.
+ *
+ * This may be partially or fully selected. It may be the selection anchor
+ * or the focus, but its rowIndex is guaranteed to be greater-than-or-equal-to
+ * that of the startRow.
+ *
+ * If only one row is selected then startRow == endRow. If there is no
+ * selection or the selection is collapsed then startRow == null.
+ */
+ this.endRow = null;
+ /**
+ * True if startRow != endRow.
+ */
+ this.isMultiline = null;
+ /**
+ * True if the selection is just a point rather than a range.
+ */
+ this.isCollapsed = null;
+ * Given a list of DOM nodes and a container, return the DOM node that
+ * is first according to a depth-first search.
+ *
+ * Returns null if none of the children are found.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.Selection.prototype.findFirstChild = function(
+ parent, childAry) {
+ var node = parent.firstChild;
+ while (node) {
+ if (childAry.indexOf(node) != -1)
+ return node;
+ if (node.childNodes.length) {
+ var rv = this.findFirstChild(node, childAry);
+ if (rv)
+ return rv;
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ }
+ return null;
+ * Synchronize this object with the current DOM selection.
+ *
+ * This is a one-way synchronization, the DOM selection is copied to this
+ * object, not the other way around.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.Selection.prototype.sync = function() {
+ var self = this;
+ // The dom selection object has no way to tell which nodes come first in
+ // the document, so we have to figure that out.
+ //
+ // This function is used when we detect that the "anchor" node is first.
+ function anchorFirst() {
+ self.startRow = anchorRow;
+ self.startNode = selection.anchorNode;
+ self.startOffset = selection.anchorOffset;
+ self.endRow = focusRow;
+ self.endNode = selection.focusNode;
+ self.endOffset = selection.focusOffset;
+ }
+ // This function is used when we detect that the "focus" node is first.
+ function focusFirst() {
+ self.startRow = focusRow;
+ self.startNode = selection.focusNode;
+ self.startOffset = selection.focusOffset;
+ self.endRow = anchorRow;
+ self.endNode = selection.anchorNode;
+ self.endOffset = selection.anchorOffset;
+ }
+ var selection = this.scrollPort_.getDocument().getSelection();
+ this.startRow = null;
+ this.endRow = null;
+ this.isMultiline = null;
+ this.isCollapsed = !selection || selection.isCollapsed;
+ if (this.isCollapsed)
+ return;
+ var anchorRow = selection.anchorNode;
+ while (anchorRow && !('rowIndex' in anchorRow)) {
+ anchorRow = anchorRow.parentNode;
+ }
+ if (!anchorRow) {
+ console.error('Selection anchor is not rooted in a row node: ' +
+ selection.anchorNode.nodeName);
+ return;
+ }
+ var focusRow = selection.focusNode;
+ while (focusRow && !('rowIndex' in focusRow)) {
+ focusRow = focusRow.parentNode;
+ }
+ if (!focusRow) {
+ console.error('Selection focus is not rooted in a row node: ' +
+ selection.focusNode.nodeName);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (anchorRow.rowIndex < focusRow.rowIndex) {
+ anchorFirst();
+ } else if (anchorRow.rowIndex > focusRow.rowIndex) {
+ focusFirst();
+ } else if (selection.focusNode == selection.anchorNode) {
+ if (selection.anchorOffset < selection.focusOffset) {
+ anchorFirst();
+ } else {
+ focusFirst();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The selection starts and ends in the same row, but isn't contained all
+ // in a single node.
+ var firstNode = this.findFirstChild(
+ anchorRow, [selection.anchorNode, selection.focusNode]);
+ if (!firstNode)
+ throw new Error('Unexpected error syncing selection.');
+ if (firstNode == selection.anchorNode) {
+ anchorFirst();
+ } else {
+ focusFirst();
+ }
+ }
+ this.isMultiline = anchorRow.rowIndex != focusRow.rowIndex;
+ * Turn a div into this hterm.ScrollPort.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.decorate = function(div) {
+ this.div_ = div;
+ this.iframe_ = div.ownerDocument.createElement('iframe');
+ this.iframe_.style.cssText = (
+ 'border: 0;' +
+ 'height: 100%;' +
+ 'position: absolute;' +
+ 'width: 100%');
+ // Set the iframe src to # in FF. Otherwise when the frame's
+ // load event fires in FF it clears out the content of the iframe.
+ if ('mozInnerScreenX' in window) // detect a FF only property
+ this.iframe_.src = '#';
+ div.appendChild(this.iframe_);
+ this.iframe_.contentWindow.addEventListener('resize',
+ this.onResize_.bind(this));
+ var doc = this.document_ = this.iframe_.contentDocument;
+ doc.body.style.cssText = (
+ 'margin: 0px;' +
+ 'padding: 0px;' +
+ 'height: 100%;' +
+ 'width: 100%;' +
+ 'overflow: hidden;' +
+ 'cursor: text;' +
+ '-webkit-user-select: none;' +
+ '-moz-user-select: none;');
+ var style = doc.createElement('style');
+ style.textContent = 'x-row {}';
+ doc.head.appendChild(style);
+ this.xrowCssRule_ = doc.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0];
+ this.xrowCssRule_.style.display = 'block';
+ this.userCssLink_ = doc.createElement('link');
+ this.userCssLink_.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
+ // TODO(rginda): Sorry, this 'screen_' isn't the same thing as hterm.Screen
+ // from screen.js. I need to pick a better name for one of them to avoid
+ // the collision.
+ this.screen_ = doc.createElement('x-screen');
+ this.screen_.setAttribute('role', 'textbox');
+ this.screen_.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
+ this.screen_.style.cssText = (
+ 'display: block;' +
+ 'font-family: monospace;' +
+ 'font-size: 15px;' +
+ 'font-variant-ligatures: none;' +
+ 'height: 100%;' +
+ 'overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden;' +
+ 'white-space: pre;' +
+ 'width: 100%;' +
+ 'outline: none !important');
+ doc.body.appendChild(this.screen_);
+ this.screen_.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll_.bind(this));
+ this.screen_.addEventListener('mousewheel', this.onScrollWheel_.bind(this));
+ this.screen_.addEventListener(
+ 'DOMMouseScroll', this.onScrollWheel_.bind(this));
+ this.screen_.addEventListener('copy', this.onCopy_.bind(this));
+ this.screen_.addEventListener('paste', this.onPaste_.bind(this));
+ doc.body.addEventListener('keydown', this.onBodyKeyDown_.bind(this));
+ // This is the main container for the fixed rows.
+ this.rowNodes_ = doc.createElement('div');
+ this.rowNodes_.style.cssText = (
+ 'display: block;' +
+ 'position: fixed;' +
+ 'overflow: hidden;' +
+ '-webkit-user-select: text;' +
+ '-moz-user-select: text;');
+ this.screen_.appendChild(this.rowNodes_);
+ // Two nodes to hold offscreen text during the copy event.
+ this.topSelectBag_ = doc.createElement('x-select-bag');
+ this.topSelectBag_.style.cssText = (
+ 'display: block;' +
+ 'overflow: hidden;' +
+ 'white-space: pre;');
+ this.bottomSelectBag_ = this.topSelectBag_.cloneNode();
+ // Nodes above the top fold and below the bottom fold are hidden. They are
+ // only used to hold rows that are part of the selection but are currently
+ // scrolled off the top or bottom of the visible range.
+ this.topFold_ = doc.createElement('x-fold');
+ this.topFold_.style.cssText = 'display: block;';
+ this.rowNodes_.appendChild(this.topFold_);
+ this.bottomFold_ = this.topFold_.cloneNode();
+ this.rowNodes_.appendChild(this.bottomFold_);
+ // This hidden div accounts for the vertical space that would be consumed by
+ // all the rows in the buffer if they were visible. It's what causes the
+ // scrollbar to appear on the 'x-screen', and it moves within the screen when
+ // the scrollbar is moved.
+ //
+ // It is set 'visibility: hidden' to keep the browser from trying to include
+ // it in the selection when a user 'drag selects' upwards (drag the mouse to
+ // select and scroll at the same time). Without this, the selection gets
+ // out of whack.
+ this.scrollArea_ = doc.createElement('div');
+ this.scrollArea_.style.cssText = 'visibility: hidden';
+ this.screen_.appendChild(this.scrollArea_);
+ // This svg element is used to detect when the browser is zoomed. It must be
+ // placed in the outermost document for currentScale to be correct.
+ // TODO(rginda): This means that hterm nested in an iframe will not correctly
+ // detect browser zoom level. We should come up with a better solution.
+ // Note: This must be http:// else Chrome cannot create the element correctly.
+ var xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
+ this.svg_ = this.div_.ownerDocument.createElementNS(xmlns, 'svg');
+ this.svg_.setAttribute('xmlns', xmlns);
+ this.svg_.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
+ this.svg_.style.cssText = (
+ 'position: absolute;' +
+ 'top: 0;' +
+ 'left: 0;' +
+ 'visibility: hidden');
+ // We send focus to this element just before a paste happens, so we can
+ // capture the pasted text and forward it on to someone who cares.
+ this.pasteTarget_ = doc.createElement('textarea');
+ this.pasteTarget_.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
+ this.pasteTarget_.style.cssText = (
+ 'position: absolute;' +
+ 'height: 1px;' +
+ 'width: 1px;' +
+ 'left: 0px; ' +
+ 'bottom: 0px;' +
+ 'opacity: 0');
+ this.pasteTarget_.contentEditable = true;
+ this.screen_.appendChild(this.pasteTarget_);
+ this.pasteTarget_.addEventListener(
+ 'textInput', this.handlePasteTargetTextInput_.bind(this));
+ this.resize();
+ * Select the font-family and font-smoothing for this scrollport.
+ *
+ * @param {string} fontFamily Value of the CSS 'font-family' to use for this
+ * scrollport. Should be a monospace font.
+ * @param {string} opt_smoothing Optional value for '-webkit-font-smoothing'.
+ * Defaults to an empty string if not specified.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setFontFamily = function(fontFamily, opt_smoothing) {
+ this.screen_.style.fontFamily = fontFamily;
+ if (opt_smoothing) {
+ this.screen_.style.webkitFontSmoothing = opt_smoothing;
+ } else {
+ this.screen_.style.webkitFontSmoothing = '';
+ }
+ this.syncCharacterSize();
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getFontFamily = function() {
+ return this.screen_.style.fontFamily;
+ * Set a custom stylesheet to include in the scrollport.
+ *
+ * Defaults to null, meaning no custom css is loaded. Set it back to null or
+ * the empty string to remove a previously applied custom css.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setUserCss = function(url) {
+ if (url) {
+ this.userCssLink_.setAttribute('href', url);
+ if (!this.userCssLink_.parentNode)
+ this.document_.head.appendChild(this.userCssLink_);
+ } else if (this.userCssLink_.parentNode) {
+ this.document_.head.removeChild(this.userCssLink_);
+ }
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.focus = function() {
+ this.iframe_.focus();
+ this.screen_.focus();
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getForegroundColor = function() {
+ return this.screen_.style.color;
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setForegroundColor = function(color) {
+ this.screen_.style.color = color;
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function() {
+ return this.screen_.style.backgroundColor;
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(color) {
+ this.screen_.style.backgroundColor = color;
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setBackgroundImage = function(image) {
+ this.screen_.style.backgroundImage = image;
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setBackgroundSize = function(size) {
+ this.screen_.style.backgroundSize = size;
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setBackgroundPosition = function(position) {
+ this.screen_.style.backgroundPosition = position;
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setCtrlVPaste = function(ctrlVPaste) {
+ this.ctrlVPaste = ctrlVPaste;
+ * Get the usable size of the scrollport screen.
+ *
+ * The width will not include the scrollbar width.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getScreenSize = function() {
+ var size = hterm.getClientSize(this.screen_);
+ return {
+ height: size.height,
+ width: size.width - this.currentScrollbarWidthPx
+ };
+ * Get the usable width of the scrollport screen.
+ *
+ * This the widget width minus scrollbar width.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getScreenWidth = function() {
+ return this.getScreenSize().width ;
+ * Get the usable height of the scrollport screen.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getScreenHeight = function() {
+ return this.getScreenSize().height;
+ * Return the document that holds the visible rows of this hterm.ScrollPort.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getDocument = function() {
+ return this.document_;
+ * Returns the x-screen element that holds the rows of this hterm.ScrollPort.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getScreenNode = function() {
+ return this.screen_;
+ * Clear out any cached rowNodes.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.resetCache = function() {
+ this.currentRowNodeCache_ = null;
+ this.previousRowNodeCache_ = {};
+ * Change the current rowProvider.
+ *
+ * This will clear the row cache and cause a redraw.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} rowProvider An object capable of providing the rows
+ * in this hterm.ScrollPort.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setRowProvider = function(rowProvider) {
+ this.resetCache();
+ this.rowProvider_ = rowProvider;
+ this.scheduleRedraw();
+ * Inform the ScrollPort that the root DOM nodes for some or all of the visible
+ * rows are no longer valid.
+ *
+ * Specifically, this should be called if this.rowProvider_.getRowNode() now
+ * returns an entirely different node than it did before. It does not
+ * need to be called if the content of a row node is the only thing that
+ * changed.
+ *
+ * This skips some of the overhead of a full redraw, but should not be used
+ * in cases where the scrollport has been scrolled, or when the row count has
+ * changed.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.invalidate = function() {
+ var node = this.topFold_.nextSibling;
+ while (node != this.bottomFold_) {
+ var nextSibling = node.nextSibling;
+ node.parentElement.removeChild(node);
+ node = nextSibling;
+ }
+ this.previousRowNodeCache_ = null;
+ var topRowIndex = this.getTopRowIndex();
+ var bottomRowIndex = this.getBottomRowIndex(topRowIndex);
+ this.drawVisibleRows_(topRowIndex, bottomRowIndex);
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.scheduleInvalidate = function() {
+ if (this.timeouts_.invalidate)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.timeouts_.invalidate = setTimeout(function () {
+ delete self.timeouts_.invalidate;
+ self.invalidate();
+ }, 0);
+ * Set the font size of the ScrollPort.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setFontSize = function(px) {
+ this.screen_.style.fontSize = px + 'px';
+ this.syncCharacterSize();
+ * Return the current font size of the ScrollPort.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getFontSize = function() {
+ return parseInt(this.screen_.style.fontSize);
+ * Measure the size of a single character in pixels.
+ *
+ * @param {string} opt_weight The font weight to measure, or 'normal' if
+ * omitted.
+ * @return {hterm.Size} A new hterm.Size object.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.measureCharacterSize = function(opt_weight) {
+ // Number of lines used to average the height of a single character.
+ var numberOfLines = 100;
+ var rulerSingleLineContents = ('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' +
+ if (!this.ruler_) {
+ this.ruler_ = this.document_.createElement('div');
+ this.ruler_.style.cssText = (
+ 'position: absolute;' +
+ 'top: 0;' +
+ 'left: 0;' +
+ 'visibility: hidden;' +
+ 'height: auto !important;' +
+ 'width: auto !important;');
+ // We need to put the text in a span to make the size calculation
+ // work properly in Firefox
+ this.rulerSpan_ = this.document_.createElement('span');
+ var rulerContents = '' + rulerSingleLineContents;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numberOfLines - 1; ++i)
+ rulerContents += String.fromCharCode(13) + rulerSingleLineContents;
+ this.rulerSpan_.innerHTML = rulerContents;
+ this.ruler_.appendChild(this.rulerSpan_);
+ this.rulerBaseline_ = this.document_.createElement('span');
+ // We want to collapse it on the baseline
+ this.rulerBaseline_.style.fontSize = '0px';
+ this.rulerBaseline_.textContent = 'X';
+ }
+ this.rulerSpan_.style.fontWeight = opt_weight || '';
+ this.rowNodes_.appendChild(this.ruler_);
+ var rulerSize = hterm.getClientSize(this.rulerSpan_);
+ var size = new hterm.Size(rulerSize.width / rulerSingleLineContents.length,
+ rulerSize.height / numberOfLines);
+ this.ruler_.appendChild(this.rulerBaseline_);
+ size.baseline = this.rulerBaseline_.offsetTop;
+ this.ruler_.removeChild(this.rulerBaseline_);
+ this.rowNodes_.removeChild(this.ruler_);
+ this.div_.ownerDocument.body.appendChild(this.svg_);
+ size.zoomFactor = this.svg_.currentScale;
+ this.div_.ownerDocument.body.removeChild(this.svg_);
+ return size;
+ * Synchronize the character size.
+ *
+ * This will re-measure the current character size and adjust the height
+ * of an x-row to match.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.syncCharacterSize = function() {
+ this.characterSize = this.measureCharacterSize();
+ var lineHeight = this.characterSize.height + 'px';
+ this.xrowCssRule_.style.height = lineHeight;
+ this.topSelectBag_.style.height = lineHeight;
+ this.bottomSelectBag_.style.height = lineHeight;
+ this.resize();
+ if (this.DEBUG_) {
+ // When we're debugging we add padding to the body so that the offscreen
+ // elements are visible.
+ this.document_.body.style.paddingTop =
+ this.document_.body.style.paddingBottom =
+ 3 * this.characterSize.height + 'px';
+ }
+ * Reset dimensions and visible row count to account for a change in the
+ * dimensions of the 'x-screen'.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.resize = function() {
+ this.currentScrollbarWidthPx = hterm.getClientWidth(this.screen_) -
+ this.screen_.clientWidth;
+ this.syncScrollHeight();
+ this.syncRowNodesDimensions_();
+ var self = this;
+ this.publish(
+ 'resize', { scrollPort: this },
+ function() {
+ self.scrollRowToBottom(self.rowProvider_.getRowCount());
+ self.scheduleRedraw();
+ });
+ * Set the position and size of the row nodes element.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.syncRowNodesDimensions_ = function() {
+ var screenSize = this.getScreenSize();
+ this.lastScreenWidth_ = screenSize.width;
+ this.lastScreenHeight_ = screenSize.height;
+ // We don't want to show a partial row because it would be distracting
+ // in a terminal, so we floor any fractional row count.
+ this.visibleRowCount = lib.f.smartFloorDivide(
+ screenSize.height, this.characterSize.height);
+ // Then compute the height of our integral number of rows.
+ var visibleRowsHeight = this.visibleRowCount * this.characterSize.height;
+ // Then the difference between the screen height and total row height needs to
+ // be made up for as top margin. We need to record this value so it
+ // can be used later to determine the topRowIndex.
+ this.visibleRowTopMargin = 0;
+ this.visibleRowBottomMargin = screenSize.height - visibleRowsHeight;
+ this.topFold_.style.marginBottom = this.visibleRowTopMargin + 'px';
+ var topFoldOffset = 0;
+ var node = this.topFold_.previousSibling;
+ while (node) {
+ topFoldOffset += hterm.getClientHeight(node);
+ node = node.previousSibling;
+ }
+ // Set the dimensions of the visible rows container.
+ this.rowNodes_.style.width = screenSize.width + 'px';
+ this.rowNodes_.style.height = visibleRowsHeight + topFoldOffset + 'px';
+ this.rowNodes_.style.left = this.screen_.offsetLeft + 'px';
+ this.rowNodes_.style.top = this.screen_.offsetTop - topFoldOffset + 'px';
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.syncScrollHeight = function() {
+ // Resize the scroll area to appear as though it contains every row.
+ this.lastRowCount_ = this.rowProvider_.getRowCount();
+ this.scrollArea_.style.height = (this.characterSize.height *
+ this.lastRowCount_ +
+ this.visibleRowTopMargin +
+ this.visibleRowBottomMargin +
+ 'px');
+ * Schedule a redraw to happen asynchronously.
+ *
+ * If this method is called multiple times before the redraw has a chance to
+ * run only one redraw occurs.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.scheduleRedraw = function() {
+ if (this.timeouts_.redraw)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.timeouts_.redraw = setTimeout(function () {
+ delete self.timeouts_.redraw;
+ self.redraw_();
+ }, 0);
+ * Redraw the current hterm.ScrollPort based on the current scrollbar position.
+ *
+ * When redrawing, we are careful to make sure that the rows that start or end
+ * the current selection are not touched in any way. Doing so would disturb
+ * the selection, and cleaning up after that would cause flashes at best and
+ * incorrect selection at worst. Instead, we modify the DOM around these nodes.
+ * We even stash the selection start/end outside of the visible area if
+ * they are not supposed to be visible in the hterm.ScrollPort.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.redraw_ = function() {
+ this.resetSelectBags_();
+ this.selection.sync();
+ this.syncScrollHeight();
+ this.currentRowNodeCache_ = {};
+ var topRowIndex = this.getTopRowIndex();
+ var bottomRowIndex = this.getBottomRowIndex(topRowIndex);
+ this.drawTopFold_(topRowIndex);
+ this.drawBottomFold_(bottomRowIndex);
+ this.drawVisibleRows_(topRowIndex, bottomRowIndex);
+ this.syncRowNodesDimensions_();
+ this.previousRowNodeCache_ = this.currentRowNodeCache_;
+ this.currentRowNodeCache_ = null;
+ this.isScrolledEnd = (
+ this.getTopRowIndex() + this.visibleRowCount >= this.lastRowCount_);
+ * Ensure that the nodes above the top fold are as they should be.
+ *
+ * If the selection start and/or end nodes are above the visible range
+ * of this hterm.ScrollPort then the dom will be adjusted so that they appear
+ * before the top fold (the first x-fold element, aka this.topFold).
+ *
+ * If not, the top fold will be the first element.
+ *
+ * It is critical that this method does not move the selection nodes. Doing
+ * so would clear the current selection. Instead, the rest of the DOM is
+ * adjusted around them.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.drawTopFold_ = function(topRowIndex) {
+ if (!this.selection.startRow ||
+ this.selection.startRow.rowIndex >= topRowIndex) {
+ // Selection is entirely below the top fold, just make sure the fold is
+ // the first child.
+ if (this.rowNodes_.firstChild != this.topFold_)
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(this.topFold_, this.rowNodes_.firstChild);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this.selection.isMultiline ||
+ this.selection.endRow.rowIndex >= topRowIndex) {
+ // Only the startRow is above the fold.
+ if (this.selection.startRow.nextSibling != this.topFold_)
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(this.topFold_,
+ this.selection.startRow.nextSibling);
+ } else {
+ // Both rows are above the fold.
+ if (this.selection.endRow.nextSibling != this.topFold_) {
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(this.topFold_,
+ this.selection.endRow.nextSibling);
+ }
+ // Trim any intermediate lines.
+ while (this.selection.startRow.nextSibling !=
+ this.selection.endRow) {
+ this.rowNodes_.removeChild(this.selection.startRow.nextSibling);
+ }
+ }
+ while(this.rowNodes_.firstChild != this.selection.startRow) {
+ this.rowNodes_.removeChild(this.rowNodes_.firstChild);
+ }
+ * Ensure that the nodes below the bottom fold are as they should be.
+ *
+ * If the selection start and/or end nodes are below the visible range
+ * of this hterm.ScrollPort then the dom will be adjusted so that they appear
+ * after the bottom fold (the second x-fold element, aka this.bottomFold).
+ *
+ * If not, the bottom fold will be the last element.
+ *
+ * It is critical that this method does not move the selection nodes. Doing
+ * so would clear the current selection. Instead, the rest of the DOM is
+ * adjusted around them.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.drawBottomFold_ = function(bottomRowIndex) {
+ if (!this.selection.endRow ||
+ this.selection.endRow.rowIndex <= bottomRowIndex) {
+ // Selection is entirely above the bottom fold, just make sure the fold is
+ // the last child.
+ if (this.rowNodes_.lastChild != this.bottomFold_)
+ this.rowNodes_.appendChild(this.bottomFold_);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this.selection.isMultiline ||
+ this.selection.startRow.rowIndex <= bottomRowIndex) {
+ // Only the endRow is below the fold.
+ if (this.bottomFold_.nextSibling != this.selection.endRow)
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(this.bottomFold_,
+ this.selection.endRow);
+ } else {
+ // Both rows are below the fold.
+ if (this.bottomFold_.nextSibling != this.selection.startRow) {
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(this.bottomFold_,
+ this.selection.startRow);
+ }
+ // Trim any intermediate lines.
+ while (this.selection.startRow.nextSibling !=
+ this.selection.endRow) {
+ this.rowNodes_.removeChild(this.selection.startRow.nextSibling);
+ }
+ }
+ while(this.rowNodes_.lastChild != this.selection.endRow) {
+ this.rowNodes_.removeChild(this.rowNodes_.lastChild);
+ }
+ * Ensure that the rows between the top and bottom folds are as they should be.
+ *
+ * This method assumes that drawTopFold_() and drawBottomFold_() have already
+ * run, and that they have left any visible selection row (selection start
+ * or selection end) between the folds.
+ *
+ * It recycles DOM nodes from the previous redraw where possible, but will ask
+ * the rowSource to make new nodes if necessary.
+ *
+ * It is critical that this method does not move the selection nodes. Doing
+ * so would clear the current selection. Instead, the rest of the DOM is
+ * adjusted around them.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.drawVisibleRows_ = function(
+ topRowIndex, bottomRowIndex) {
+ var self = this;
+ // Keep removing nodes, starting with currentNode, until we encounter
+ // targetNode. Throws on failure.
+ function removeUntilNode(currentNode, targetNode) {
+ while (currentNode != targetNode) {
+ if (!currentNode)
+ throw 'Did not encounter target node';
+ if (currentNode == self.bottomFold_)
+ throw 'Encountered bottom fold before target node';
+ var deadNode = currentNode;
+ currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling;
+ deadNode.parentNode.removeChild(deadNode);
+ }
+ }
+ // Shorthand for things we're going to use a lot.
+ var selectionStartRow = this.selection.startRow;
+ var selectionEndRow = this.selection.endRow;
+ var bottomFold = this.bottomFold_;
+ // The node we're examining during the current iteration.
+ var node = this.topFold_.nextSibling;
+ var targetDrawCount = Math.min(this.visibleRowCount,
+ this.rowProvider_.getRowCount());
+ for (var drawCount = 0; drawCount < targetDrawCount; drawCount++) {
+ var rowIndex = topRowIndex + drawCount;
+ if (node == bottomFold) {
+ // We've hit the bottom fold, we need to insert a new row.
+ var newNode = this.fetchRowNode_(rowIndex);
+ if (!newNode) {
+ console.log("Couldn't fetch row index: " + rowIndex);
+ break;
+ }
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(newNode, node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (node.rowIndex == rowIndex) {
+ // This node is in the right place, move along.
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (selectionStartRow && selectionStartRow.rowIndex == rowIndex) {
+ // The selection start row is supposed to be here, remove nodes until
+ // we find it.
+ removeUntilNode(node, selectionStartRow);
+ node = selectionStartRow.nextSibling;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (selectionEndRow && selectionEndRow.rowIndex == rowIndex) {
+ // The selection end row is supposed to be here, remove nodes until
+ // we find it.
+ removeUntilNode(node, selectionEndRow);
+ node = selectionEndRow.nextSibling;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (node == selectionStartRow || node == selectionEndRow) {
+ // We encountered the start/end of the selection, but we don't want it
+ // yet. Insert a new row instead.
+ var newNode = this.fetchRowNode_(rowIndex);
+ if (!newNode) {
+ console.log("Couldn't fetch row index: " + rowIndex);
+ break;
+ }
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(newNode, node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // There is nothing special about this node, but it's in our way. Replace
+ // it with the node that should be here.
+ var newNode = this.fetchRowNode_(rowIndex);
+ if (!newNode) {
+ console.log("Couldn't fetch row index: " + rowIndex);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (node == newNode) {
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ continue;
+ }
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(newNode, node);
+ if (!newNode.nextSibling)
+ debugger;
+ this.rowNodes_.removeChild(node);
+ node = newNode.nextSibling;
+ }
+ if (node != this.bottomFold_)
+ removeUntilNode(node, bottomFold);
+ * Empty out both select bags and remove them from the document.
+ *
+ * These nodes hold the text between the start and end of the selection
+ * when that text is otherwise off screen. They are filled out in the
+ * onCopy_ event.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.resetSelectBags_ = function() {
+ if (this.topSelectBag_.parentNode) {
+ this.topSelectBag_.textContent = '';
+ this.topSelectBag_.parentNode.removeChild(this.topSelectBag_);
+ }
+ if (this.bottomSelectBag_.parentNode) {
+ this.bottomSelectBag_.textContent = '';
+ this.bottomSelectBag_.parentNode.removeChild(this.bottomSelectBag_);
+ }
+ * Place a row node in the cache of visible nodes.
+ *
+ * This method may only be used during a redraw_.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.cacheRowNode_ = function(rowNode) {
+ this.currentRowNodeCache_[rowNode.rowIndex] = rowNode;
+ * Fetch the row node for the given index.
+ *
+ * This will return a node from the cache if possible, or will request one
+ * from the RowProvider if not.
+ *
+ * If a redraw_ is in progress the row will be added to the current cache.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.fetchRowNode_ = function(rowIndex) {
+ var node;
+ if (this.previousRowNodeCache_ && rowIndex in this.previousRowNodeCache_) {
+ node = this.previousRowNodeCache_[rowIndex];
+ } else {
+ node = this.rowProvider_.getRowNode(rowIndex);
+ }
+ if (this.currentRowNodeCache_)
+ this.cacheRowNode_(node);
+ return node;
+ * Select all rows in the viewport.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.selectAll = function() {
+ var firstRow;
+ if (this.topFold_.nextSibling.rowIndex != 0) {
+ while (this.topFold_.previousSibling) {
+ this.rowNodes_.removeChild(this.topFold_.previousSibling);
+ }
+ firstRow = this.fetchRowNode_(0);
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(firstRow, this.topFold_);
+ this.syncRowNodesDimensions_();
+ } else {
+ firstRow = this.topFold_.nextSibling;
+ }
+ var lastRowIndex = this.rowProvider_.getRowCount() - 1;
+ var lastRow;
+ if (this.bottomFold_.previousSibling.rowIndex != lastRowIndex) {
+ while (this.bottomFold_.nextSibling) {
+ this.rowNodes_.removeChild(this.bottomFold_.nextSibling);
+ }
+ lastRow = this.fetchRowNode_(lastRowIndex);
+ this.rowNodes_.appendChild(lastRow);
+ } else {
+ lastRow = this.bottomFold_.previousSibling.rowIndex;
+ }
+ var selection = this.document_.getSelection();
+ selection.collapse(firstRow, 0);
+ selection.extend(lastRow, lastRow.childNodes.length);
+ this.selection.sync();
+ * Return the maximum scroll position in pixels.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getScrollMax_ = function(e) {
+ return (hterm.getClientHeight(this.scrollArea_) +
+ this.visibleRowTopMargin + this.visibleRowBottomMargin -
+ hterm.getClientHeight(this.screen_));
+ * Scroll the given rowIndex to the top of the hterm.ScrollPort.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} rowIndex Index of the target row.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.scrollRowToTop = function(rowIndex) {
+ this.syncScrollHeight();
+ this.isScrolledEnd = (
+ rowIndex + this.visibleRowCount >= this.lastRowCount_);
+ var scrollTop = rowIndex * this.characterSize.height +
+ this.visibleRowTopMargin;
+ var scrollMax = this.getScrollMax_();
+ if (scrollTop > scrollMax)
+ scrollTop = scrollMax;
+ if (this.screen_.scrollTop == scrollTop)
+ return;
+ this.screen_.scrollTop = scrollTop;
+ this.scheduleRedraw();
+ * Scroll the given rowIndex to the bottom of the hterm.ScrollPort.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} rowIndex Index of the target row.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.scrollRowToBottom = function(rowIndex) {
+ this.syncScrollHeight();
+ this.isScrolledEnd = (
+ rowIndex + this.visibleRowCount >= this.lastRowCount_);
+ var scrollTop = rowIndex * this.characterSize.height +
+ this.visibleRowTopMargin + this.visibleRowBottomMargin;
+ scrollTop -= this.visibleRowCount * this.characterSize.height;
+ if (scrollTop < 0)
+ scrollTop = 0;
+ if (this.screen_.scrollTop == scrollTop)
+ return;
+ this.screen_.scrollTop = scrollTop;
+ * Return the row index of the first visible row.
+ *
+ * This is based on the scroll position. If a redraw_ is in progress this
+ * returns the row that *should* be at the top.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getTopRowIndex = function() {
+ return Math.round(this.screen_.scrollTop / this.characterSize.height);
+ * Return the row index of the last visible row.
+ *
+ * This is based on the scroll position. If a redraw_ is in progress this
+ * returns the row that *should* be at the bottom.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.getBottomRowIndex = function(topRowIndex) {
+ return topRowIndex + this.visibleRowCount - 1;
+ * Handler for scroll events.
+ *
+ * The onScroll event fires when scrollArea's scrollTop property changes. This
+ * may be due to the user manually move the scrollbar, or a programmatic change.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.onScroll_ = function(e) {
+ var screenSize = this.getScreenSize();
+ if (screenSize.width != this.lastScreenWidth_ ||
+ screenSize.height != this.lastScreenHeight_) {
+ // This event may also fire during a resize (but before the resize event!).
+ // This happens when the browser moves the scrollbar as part of the resize.
+ // In these cases, we want to ignore the scroll event and let onResize
+ // handle things. If we don't, then we end up scrolling to the wrong
+ // position after a resize.
+ this.resize();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.redraw_();
+ this.publish('scroll', { scrollPort: this });
+ * Clients can override this if they want to hear scrollwheel events.
+ *
+ * Clients may call event.preventDefault() if they want to keep the scrollport
+ * from also handling the events.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.onScrollWheel = function(e) {};
+ * Handler for scroll-wheel events.
+ *
+ * The onScrollWheel event fires when the user moves their scrollwheel over this
+ * hterm.ScrollPort. Because the frontmost element in the hterm.ScrollPort is
+ * a fixed position DIV, the scroll wheel does nothing by default. Instead, we
+ * have to handle it manually.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.onScrollWheel_ = function(e) {
+ this.onScrollWheel(e);
+ if (e.defaultPrevented)
+ return;
+ // In FF, the event is DOMMouseScroll and puts the scroll pixel delta in the
+ // 'detail' field of the event. It also flips the mapping of which direction
+ // a negative number means in the scroll.
+ var delta = e.type == 'DOMMouseScroll' ? (-1 * e.detail) : e.wheelDeltaY;
+ delta *= this.scrollWheelMultiplier_;
+ var top = this.screen_.scrollTop - delta;
+ if (top < 0)
+ top = 0;
+ var scrollMax = this.getScrollMax_();
+ if (top > scrollMax)
+ top = scrollMax;
+ if (top != this.screen_.scrollTop) {
+ // Moving scrollTop causes a scroll event, which triggers the redraw.
+ this.screen_.scrollTop = top;
+ // Only preventDefault when we've actually scrolled. If there's nothing
+ // to scroll we want to pass the event through so Chrome can detect the
+ // overscroll.
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ * Handler for resize events.
+ *
+ * The browser will resize us such that the top row stays at the top, but we
+ * prefer to the bottom row to stay at the bottom.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.onResize_ = function(e) {
+ // Re-measure, since onResize also happens for browser zoom changes.
+ this.syncCharacterSize();
+ this.resize();
+ * Clients can override this if they want to hear copy events.
+ *
+ * Clients may call event.preventDefault() if they want to keep the scrollport
+ * from also handling the events.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.onCopy = function(e) { };
+ * Handler for copy-to-clipboard events.
+ *
+ * If some or all of the selected rows are off screen we may need to fill in
+ * the rows between selection start and selection end. This handler determines
+ * if we're missing some of the selected text, and if so populates one or both
+ * of the "select bags" with the missing text.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.onCopy_ = function(e) {
+ this.onCopy(e);
+ if (e.defaultPrevented)
+ return;
+ this.resetSelectBags_();
+ this.selection.sync();
+ if (!this.selection.startRow ||
+ this.selection.endRow.rowIndex - this.selection.startRow.rowIndex < 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var topRowIndex = this.getTopRowIndex();
+ var bottomRowIndex = this.getBottomRowIndex(topRowIndex);
+ if (this.selection.startRow.rowIndex < topRowIndex) {
+ // Start of selection is above the top fold.
+ var endBackfillIndex;
+ if (this.selection.endRow.rowIndex < topRowIndex) {
+ // Entire selection is above the top fold.
+ endBackfillIndex = this.selection.endRow.rowIndex;
+ } else {
+ // Selection extends below the top fold.
+ endBackfillIndex = this.topFold_.nextSibling.rowIndex;
+ }
+ this.topSelectBag_.textContent = this.rowProvider_.getRowsText(
+ this.selection.startRow.rowIndex + 1, endBackfillIndex);
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(this.topSelectBag_,
+ this.selection.startRow.nextSibling);
+ this.syncRowNodesDimensions_();
+ }
+ if (this.selection.endRow.rowIndex > bottomRowIndex) {
+ // Selection ends below the bottom fold.
+ var startBackfillIndex;
+ if (this.selection.startRow.rowIndex > bottomRowIndex) {
+ // Entire selection is below the bottom fold.
+ startBackfillIndex = this.selection.startRow.rowIndex + 1;
+ } else {
+ // Selection starts above the bottom fold.
+ startBackfillIndex = this.bottomFold_.previousSibling.rowIndex + 1;
+ }
+ this.bottomSelectBag_.textContent = this.rowProvider_.getRowsText(
+ startBackfillIndex, this.selection.endRow.rowIndex);
+ this.rowNodes_.insertBefore(this.bottomSelectBag_, this.selection.endRow);
+ }
+ * Focuses on the paste target on a ctrl-v keydown event, as in
+ * FF a content editable element must be focused before the paste event.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.onBodyKeyDown_ = function(e) {
+ if (!this.ctrlVPaste)
+ return;
+ var key = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
+ var lowerKey = key.toLowerCase();
+ if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && lowerKey == "v")
+ this.pasteTarget_.focus();
+ * Handle a paste event on the the ScrollPort's screen element.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.onPaste_ = function(e) {
+ this.pasteTarget_.focus();
+ var self = this;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ self.publish('paste', { text: self.pasteTarget_.value });
+ self.pasteTarget_.value = '';
+ self.screen_.focus();
+ }, 0);
+ * Handles a textInput event on the paste target. Stops this from
+ * propagating as we want this to be handled in the onPaste_ method.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.handlePasteTargetTextInput_ = function(e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ * Set the vertical scrollbar mode of the ScrollPort.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setScrollbarVisible = function(state) {
+ this.screen_.style.overflowY = state ? 'scroll' : 'hidden';
+ * Set scroll wheel multiplier. This alters how much the screen scrolls on
+ * mouse wheel events.
+ */
+hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.setScrollWheelMoveMultipler = function(multiplier) {
+ this.scrollWheelMultiplier_ = multiplier;
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_terminal.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+lib.rtdep('lib.colors', 'lib.PreferenceManager', 'lib.resource', 'lib.wc',
+ 'lib.f', 'hterm.Keyboard', 'hterm.Options', 'hterm.PreferenceManager',
+ 'hterm.Screen', 'hterm.ScrollPort', 'hterm.Size',
+ 'hterm.TextAttributes', 'hterm.VT');
+ * Constructor for the Terminal class.
+ *
+ * A Terminal pulls together the hterm.ScrollPort, hterm.Screen and hterm.VT100
+ * classes to provide the complete terminal functionality.
+ *
+ * There are a number of lower-level Terminal methods that can be called
+ * directly to manipulate the cursor, text, scroll region, and other terminal
+ * attributes. However, the primary method is interpret(), which parses VT
+ * escape sequences and invokes the appropriate Terminal methods.
+ *
+ * This class was heavily influenced by Cory Maccarrone's Framebuffer class.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): Eventually we're going to need to support characters which are
+ * displayed twice as wide as standard latin characters. This is to support
+ * CJK (and possibly other character sets).
+ *
+ * @param {string} opt_profileId Optional preference profile name. If not
+ * provided, defaults to 'default'.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal = function(opt_profileId) {
+ this.profileId_ = null;
+ // Two screen instances.
+ this.primaryScreen_ = new hterm.Screen();
+ this.alternateScreen_ = new hterm.Screen();
+ // The "current" screen.
+ this.screen_ = this.primaryScreen_;
+ // The local notion of the screen size. ScreenBuffers also have a size which
+ // indicates their present size. During size changes, the two may disagree.
+ // Also, the inactive screen's size is not altered until it is made the active
+ // screen.
+ this.screenSize = new hterm.Size(0, 0);
+ // The scroll port we'll be using to display the visible rows.
+ this.scrollPort_ = new hterm.ScrollPort(this);
+ this.scrollPort_.subscribe('resize', this.onResize_.bind(this));
+ this.scrollPort_.subscribe('scroll', this.onScroll_.bind(this));
+ this.scrollPort_.subscribe('paste', this.onPaste_.bind(this));
+ this.scrollPort_.onCopy = this.onCopy_.bind(this);
+ // The div that contains this terminal.
+ this.div_ = null;
+ // The document that contains the scrollPort. Defaulted to the global
+ // document here so that the terminal is functional even if it hasn't been
+ // inserted into a document yet, but re-set in decorate().
+ this.document_ = window.document;
+ // The rows that have scrolled off screen and are no longer addressable.
+ this.scrollbackRows_ = [];
+ // Saved tab stops.
+ this.tabStops_ = [];
+ // Keep track of whether default tab stops have been erased; after a TBC
+ // clears all tab stops, defaults aren't restored on resize until a reset.
+ this.defaultTabStops = true;
+ // The VT's notion of the top and bottom rows. Used during some VT
+ // cursor positioning and scrolling commands.
+ this.vtScrollTop_ = null;
+ this.vtScrollBottom_ = null;
+ // The DIV element for the visible cursor.
+ this.cursorNode_ = null;
+ // The current cursor shape of the terminal.
+ this.cursorShape_ = hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BLOCK;
+ // The current color of the cursor.
+ this.cursorColor_ = null;
+ // Cursor blink on/off cycle in ms, overwritten by prefs once they're loaded.
+ this.cursorBlinkCycle_ = [100, 100];
+ // Pre-bound onCursorBlink_ handler, so we don't have to do this for each
+ // cursor on/off servicing.
+ this.myOnCursorBlink_ = this.onCursorBlink_.bind(this);
+ // These prefs are cached so we don't have to read from local storage with
+ // each output and keystroke. They are initialized by the preference manager.
+ this.backgroundColor_ = null;
+ this.foregroundColor_ = null;
+ this.scrollOnOutput_ = null;
+ this.scrollOnKeystroke_ = null;
+ // True if we should override mouse event reporting to allow local selection.
+ this.defeatMouseReports_ = false;
+ // Terminal bell sound.
+ this.bellAudio_ = this.document_.createElement('audio');
+ this.bellAudio_.setAttribute('preload', 'auto');
+ // All terminal bell notifications that have been generated (not necessarily
+ // shown).
+ this.bellNotificationList_ = [];
+ // Whether we have permission to display notifications.
+ this.desktopNotificationBell_ = false;
+ // Cursor position and attributes saved with DECSC.
+ this.savedOptions_ = {};
+ // The current mode bits for the terminal.
+ this.options_ = new hterm.Options();
+ // Timeouts we might need to clear.
+ this.timeouts_ = {};
+ // The VT escape sequence interpreter.
+ this.vt = new hterm.VT(this);
+ // The keyboard handler.
+ this.keyboard = new hterm.Keyboard(this);
+ // General IO interface that can be given to third parties without exposing
+ // the entire terminal object.
+ this.io = new hterm.Terminal.IO(this);
+ // True if mouse-click-drag should scroll the terminal.
+ this.enableMouseDragScroll = true;
+ this.copyOnSelect = null;
+ this.mousePasteButton = null;
+ // Whether to use the default window copy behavior.
+ this.useDefaultWindowCopy = false;
+ this.clearSelectionAfterCopy = true;
+ this.realizeSize_(80, 24);
+ this.setDefaultTabStops();
+ this.setProfile(opt_profileId || 'default',
+ function() { this.onTerminalReady(); }.bind(this));
+ * Possible cursor shapes.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.cursorShape = {
+ * Clients should override this to be notified when the terminal is ready
+ * for use.
+ *
+ * The terminal initialization is asynchronous, and shouldn't be used before
+ * this method is called.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onTerminalReady = function() { };
+ * Default tab with of 8 to match xterm.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.tabWidth = 8;
+ * Select a preference profile.
+ *
+ * This will load the terminal preferences for the given profile name and
+ * associate subsequent preference changes with the new preference profile.
+ *
+ * @param {string} profileId The name of the preference profile. Forward slash
+ * characters will be removed from the name.
+ * @param {function} opt_callback Optional callback to invoke when the profile
+ * transition is complete.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setProfile = function(profileId, opt_callback) {
+ this.profileId_ = profileId.replace(/\//g, '');
+ var terminal = this;
+ if (this.prefs_)
+ this.prefs_.deactivate();
+ this.prefs_ = new hterm.PreferenceManager(this.profileId_);
+ this.prefs_.addObservers(null, {
+ 'alt-gr-mode': function(v) {
+ if (v == null) {
+ if (navigator.language.toLowerCase() == 'en-us') {
+ v = 'none';
+ } else {
+ v = 'right-alt';
+ }
+ } else if (typeof v == 'string') {
+ v = v.toLowerCase();
+ } else {
+ v = 'none';
+ }
+ if (!/^(none|ctrl-alt|left-alt|right-alt)$/.test(v))
+ v = 'none';
+ terminal.keyboard.altGrMode = v;
+ },
+ 'alt-backspace-is-meta-backspace': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace = v;
+ },
+ 'alt-is-meta': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.altIsMeta = v;
+ },
+ 'alt-sends-what': function(v) {
+ if (!/^(escape|8-bit|browser-key)$/.test(v))
+ v = 'escape';
+ terminal.keyboard.altSendsWhat = v;
+ },
+ 'audible-bell-sound': function(v) {
+ var ary = v.match(/^lib-resource:(\S+)/);
+ if (ary) {
+ terminal.bellAudio_.setAttribute('src',
+ lib.resource.getDataUrl(ary[1]));
+ } else {
+ terminal.bellAudio_.setAttribute('src', v);
+ }
+ },
+ 'desktop-notification-bell': function(v) {
+ if (v && Notification) {
+ terminal.desktopNotificationBell_ =
+ Notification.permission === 'granted';
+ if (!terminal.desktopNotificationBell_) {
+ // Note: We don't call Notification.requestPermission here because
+ // Chrome requires the call be the result of a user action (such as an
+ // onclick handler), and pref listeners are run asynchronously.
+ //
+ // A way of working around this would be to display a dialog in the
+ // terminal with a "click-to-request-permission" button.
+ console.warn('desktop-notification-bell is true but we do not have ' +
+ 'permission to display notifications.');
+ }
+ } else {
+ terminal.desktopNotificationBell_ = false;
+ }
+ },
+ 'background-color': function(v) {
+ terminal.setBackgroundColor(v);
+ },
+ 'background-image': function(v) {
+ terminal.scrollPort_.setBackgroundImage(v);
+ },
+ 'background-size': function(v) {
+ terminal.scrollPort_.setBackgroundSize(v);
+ },
+ 'background-position': function(v) {
+ terminal.scrollPort_.setBackgroundPosition(v);
+ },
+ 'backspace-sends-backspace': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.backspaceSendsBackspace = v;
+ },
+ 'character-map-overrides': function(v) {
+ if (!(v == null || v instanceof Object)) {
+ console.warn('Preference character-map-modifications is not an ' +
+ 'object: ' + v);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var code in v) {
+ var glmap = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps[code].glmap;
+ for (var received in v[code]) {
+ glmap[received] = v[code][received];
+ }
+ hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps[code].reset(glmap);
+ }
+ },
+ 'cursor-blink': function(v) {
+ terminal.setCursorBlink(!!v);
+ },
+ 'cursor-blink-cycle': function(v) {
+ if (v instanceof Array &&
+ typeof v[0] == 'number' &&
+ typeof v[1] == 'number') {
+ terminal.cursorBlinkCycle_ = v;
+ } else if (typeof v == 'number') {
+ terminal.cursorBlinkCycle_ = [v, v];
+ } else {
+ // Fast blink indicates an error.
+ terminal.cursorBlinkCycle_ = [100, 100];
+ }
+ },
+ 'cursor-color': function(v) {
+ terminal.setCursorColor(v);
+ },
+ 'color-palette-overrides': function(v) {
+ if (!(v == null || v instanceof Object || v instanceof Array)) {
+ console.warn('Preference color-palette-overrides is not an array or ' +
+ 'object: ' + v);
+ return;
+ }
+ lib.colors.colorPalette = lib.colors.stockColorPalette.concat();
+ if (v) {
+ for (var key in v) {
+ var i = parseInt(key);
+ if (isNaN(i) || i < 0 || i > 255) {
+ console.log('Invalid value in palette: ' + key + ': ' + v[key]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (v[i]) {
+ var rgb = lib.colors.normalizeCSS(v[i]);
+ if (rgb)
+ lib.colors.colorPalette[i] = rgb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ terminal.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.resetColorPalette();
+ terminal.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.resetColorPalette();
+ },
+ 'copy-on-select': function(v) {
+ terminal.copyOnSelect = !!v;
+ },
+ 'use-default-window-copy': function(v) {
+ terminal.useDefaultWindowCopy = !!v;
+ },
+ 'clear-selection-after-copy': function(v) {
+ terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy = !!v;
+ },
+ 'ctrl-plus-minus-zero-zoom': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.ctrlPlusMinusZeroZoom = v;
+ },
+ 'ctrl-c-copy': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.ctrlCCopy = v;
+ },
+ 'ctrl-v-paste': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.ctrlVPaste = v;
+ terminal.scrollPort_.setCtrlVPaste(v);
+ },
+ 'east-asian-ambiguous-as-two-column': function(v) {
+ lib.wc.regardCjkAmbiguous = v;
+ },
+ 'enable-8-bit-control': function(v) {
+ terminal.vt.enable8BitControl = !!v;
+ },
+ 'enable-bold': function(v) {
+ terminal.syncBoldSafeState();
+ },
+ 'enable-bold-as-bright': function(v) {
+ terminal.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.enableBoldAsBright = !!v;
+ terminal.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.enableBoldAsBright = !!v;
+ },
+ 'enable-blink': function(v) {
+ terminal.syncBlinkState();
+ },
+ 'enable-clipboard-write': function(v) {
+ terminal.vt.enableClipboardWrite = !!v;
+ },
+ 'enable-dec12': function(v) {
+ terminal.vt.enableDec12 = !!v;
+ },
+ 'font-family': function(v) {
+ terminal.syncFontFamily();
+ },
+ 'font-size': function(v) {
+ terminal.setFontSize(v);
+ },
+ 'font-smoothing': function(v) {
+ terminal.syncFontFamily();
+ },
+ 'foreground-color': function(v) {
+ terminal.setForegroundColor(v);
+ },
+ 'home-keys-scroll': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.homeKeysScroll = v;
+ },
+ 'keybindings': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.bindings.clear();
+ if (!v)
+ return;
+ if (!(v instanceof Object)) {
+ console.error('Error in keybindings preference: Expected object');
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ terminal.keyboard.bindings.addBindings(v);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.error('Error in keybindings preference: ' + ex);
+ }
+ },
+ 'max-string-sequence': function(v) {
+ terminal.vt.maxStringSequence = v;
+ },
+ 'media-keys-are-fkeys': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.mediaKeysAreFKeys = v;
+ },
+ 'meta-sends-escape': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.metaSendsEscape = v;
+ },
+ 'mouse-paste-button': function(v) {
+ terminal.syncMousePasteButton();
+ },
+ 'page-keys-scroll': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.pageKeysScroll = v;
+ },
+ 'pass-alt-number': function(v) {
+ if (v == null) {
+ var osx = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Mac OS X/);
+ // Let Alt-1..9 pass to the browser (to control tab switching) on
+ // non-OS X systems, or if hterm is not opened in an app window.
+ v = (!osx && hterm.windowType != 'popup');
+ }
+ terminal.passAltNumber = v;
+ },
+ 'pass-ctrl-number': function(v) {
+ if (v == null) {
+ var osx = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Mac OS X/);
+ // Let Ctrl-1..9 pass to the browser (to control tab switching) on
+ // non-OS X systems, or if hterm is not opened in an app window.
+ v = (!osx && hterm.windowType != 'popup');
+ }
+ terminal.passCtrlNumber = v;
+ },
+ 'pass-meta-number': function(v) {
+ if (v == null) {
+ var osx = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Mac OS X/);
+ // Let Meta-1..9 pass to the browser (to control tab switching) on
+ // OS X systems, or if hterm is not opened in an app window.
+ v = (osx && hterm.windowType != 'popup');
+ }
+ terminal.passMetaNumber = v;
+ },
+ 'pass-meta-v': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.passMetaV = v;
+ },
+ 'receive-encoding': function(v) {
+ if (!(/^(utf-8|raw)$/).test(v)) {
+ console.warn('Invalid value for "receive-encoding": ' + v);
+ v = 'utf-8';
+ }
+ terminal.vt.characterEncoding = v;
+ },
+ 'scroll-on-keystroke': function(v) {
+ terminal.scrollOnKeystroke_ = v;
+ },
+ 'scroll-on-output': function(v) {
+ terminal.scrollOnOutput_ = v;
+ },
+ 'scrollbar-visible': function(v) {
+ terminal.setScrollbarVisible(v);
+ },
+ 'scroll-wheel-move-multiplier': function(v) {
+ terminal.setScrollWheelMoveMultipler(v);
+ },
+ 'send-encoding': function(v) {
+ if (!(/^(utf-8|raw)$/).test(v)) {
+ console.warn('Invalid value for "send-encoding": ' + v);
+ v = 'utf-8';
+ }
+ terminal.keyboard.characterEncoding = v;
+ },
+ 'shift-insert-paste': function(v) {
+ terminal.keyboard.shiftInsertPaste = v;
+ },
+ 'user-css': function(v) {
+ terminal.scrollPort_.setUserCss(v);
+ }
+ });
+ this.prefs_.readStorage(function() {
+ this.prefs_.notifyAll();
+ if (opt_callback)
+ opt_callback();
+ }.bind(this));
+ * Returns the preferences manager used for configuring this terminal.
+ *
+ * @return {hterm.PreferenceManager}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getPrefs = function() {
+ return this.prefs_;
+ * Enable or disable bracketed paste mode.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state The value to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setBracketedPaste = function(state) {
+ this.options_.bracketedPaste = state;
+ * Set the color for the cursor.
+ *
+ * If you want this setting to persist, set it through prefs_, rather than
+ * with this method.
+ *
+ * @param {string} color The color to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorColor = function(color) {
+ this.cursorColor_ = color;
+ this.cursorNode_.style.backgroundColor = color;
+ this.cursorNode_.style.borderColor = color;
+ * Return the current cursor color as a string.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getCursorColor = function() {
+ return this.cursorColor_;
+ * Enable or disable mouse based text selection in the terminal.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state The value to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setSelectionEnabled = function(state) {
+ this.enableMouseDragScroll = state;
+ * Set the background color.
+ *
+ * If you want this setting to persist, set it through prefs_, rather than
+ * with this method.
+ *
+ * @param {string} color The color to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(color) {
+ this.backgroundColor_ = lib.colors.normalizeCSS(color);
+ this.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.setDefaults(
+ this.foregroundColor_, this.backgroundColor_);
+ this.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.setDefaults(
+ this.foregroundColor_, this.backgroundColor_);
+ this.scrollPort_.setBackgroundColor(color);
+ * Return the current terminal background color.
+ *
+ * Intended for use by other classes, so we don't have to expose the entire
+ * prefs_ object.
+ *
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function() {
+ return this.backgroundColor_;
+ * Set the foreground color.
+ *
+ * If you want this setting to persist, set it through prefs_, rather than
+ * with this method.
+ *
+ * @param {string} color The color to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setForegroundColor = function(color) {
+ this.foregroundColor_ = lib.colors.normalizeCSS(color);
+ this.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.setDefaults(
+ this.foregroundColor_, this.backgroundColor_);
+ this.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.setDefaults(
+ this.foregroundColor_, this.backgroundColor_);
+ this.scrollPort_.setForegroundColor(color);
+ * Return the current terminal foreground color.
+ *
+ * Intended for use by other classes, so we don't have to expose the entire
+ * prefs_ object.
+ *
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getForegroundColor = function() {
+ return this.foregroundColor_;
+ * Create a new instance of a terminal command and run it with a given
+ * argument string.
+ *
+ * @param {function} commandClass The constructor for a terminal command.
+ * @param {string} argString The argument string to pass to the command.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.runCommandClass = function(commandClass, argString) {
+ var environment = this.prefs_.get('environment');
+ if (typeof environment != 'object' || environment == null)
+ environment = {};
+ var self = this;
+ this.command = new commandClass(
+ { argString: argString || '',
+ io: this.io.push(),
+ environment: environment,
+ onExit: function(code) {
+ self.io.pop();
+ self.uninstallKeyboard();
+ if (self.prefs_.get('close-on-exit'))
+ window.close();
+ }
+ });
+ this.installKeyboard();
+ this.command.run();
+ * Returns true if the current screen is the primary screen, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.isPrimaryScreen = function() {
+ return this.screen_ == this.primaryScreen_;
+ * Install the keyboard handler for this terminal.
+ *
+ * This will prevent the browser from seeing any keystrokes sent to the
+ * terminal.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.installKeyboard = function() {
+ this.keyboard.installKeyboard(this.scrollPort_.getDocument().body);
+ * Uninstall the keyboard handler for this terminal.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.uninstallKeyboard = function() {
+ this.keyboard.installKeyboard(null);
+ * Set the font size for this terminal.
+ *
+ * Call setFontSize(0) to reset to the default font size.
+ *
+ * This function does not modify the font-size preference.
+ *
+ * @param {number} px The desired font size, in pixels.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setFontSize = function(px) {
+ if (px === 0)
+ px = this.prefs_.get('font-size');
+ this.scrollPort_.setFontSize(px);
+ if (this.wcCssRule_) {
+ this.wcCssRule_.style.width = this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width * 2 +
+ 'px';
+ }
+ * Get the current font size.
+ *
+ * @return {number}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getFontSize = function() {
+ return this.scrollPort_.getFontSize();
+ * Get the current font family.
+ *
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getFontFamily = function() {
+ return this.scrollPort_.getFontFamily();
+ * Set the CSS "font-family" for this terminal.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncFontFamily = function() {
+ this.scrollPort_.setFontFamily(this.prefs_.get('font-family'),
+ this.prefs_.get('font-smoothing'));
+ this.syncBoldSafeState();
+ * Set this.mousePasteButton based on the mouse-paste-button pref,
+ * autodetecting if necessary.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncMousePasteButton = function() {
+ var button = this.prefs_.get('mouse-paste-button');
+ if (typeof button == 'number') {
+ this.mousePasteButton = button;
+ return;
+ }
+ var ary = navigator.userAgent.match(/\(X11;\s+(\S+)/);
+ if (!ary || ary[2] == 'CrOS') {
+ this.mousePasteButton = 2;
+ } else {
+ this.mousePasteButton = 3;
+ }
+ * Enable or disable bold based on the enable-bold pref, autodetecting if
+ * necessary.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncBoldSafeState = function() {
+ var enableBold = this.prefs_.get('enable-bold');
+ if (enableBold !== null) {
+ this.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.enableBold = enableBold;
+ this.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.enableBold = enableBold;
+ return;
+ }
+ var normalSize = this.scrollPort_.measureCharacterSize();
+ var boldSize = this.scrollPort_.measureCharacterSize('bold');
+ var isBoldSafe = normalSize.equals(boldSize);
+ if (!isBoldSafe) {
+ console.warn('Bold characters disabled: Size of bold weight differs ' +
+ 'from normal. Font family is: ' +
+ this.scrollPort_.getFontFamily());
+ }
+ this.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.enableBold = isBoldSafe;
+ this.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.enableBold = isBoldSafe;
+ * Enable or disable blink based on the enable-blink pref.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncBlinkState = function() {
+ this.document_.documentElement.style.setProperty(
+ '--hterm-blink-node-duration',
+ this.prefs_.get('enable-blink') ? '0.7s' : '0');
+ * Return a copy of the current cursor position.
+ *
+ * @return {hterm.RowCol} The RowCol object representing the current position.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.saveCursor = function() {
+ return this.screen_.cursorPosition.clone();
+ * Return the current text attributes.
+ *
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getTextAttributes = function() {
+ return this.screen_.textAttributes;
+ * Set the text attributes.
+ *
+ * @param {string} textAttributes The attributes to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setTextAttributes = function(textAttributes) {
+ this.screen_.textAttributes = textAttributes;
+ * Return the current browser zoom factor applied to the terminal.
+ *
+ * @return {number} The current browser zoom factor.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getZoomFactor = function() {
+ return this.scrollPort_.characterSize.zoomFactor;
+ * Change the title of this terminal's window.
+ *
+ * @param {string} title The title to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setWindowTitle = function(title) {
+ window.document.title = title;
+ * Restore a previously saved cursor position.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.RowCol} cursor The position to restore.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.restoreCursor = function(cursor) {
+ var row = lib.f.clamp(cursor.row, 0, this.screenSize.height - 1);
+ var column = lib.f.clamp(cursor.column, 0, this.screenSize.width - 1);
+ this.screen_.setCursorPosition(row, column);
+ if (cursor.column > column ||
+ cursor.column == column && cursor.overflow) {
+ this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow = true;
+ }
+ * Clear the cursor's overflow flag.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.clearCursorOverflow = function() {
+ this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow = false;
+ * Sets the cursor shape
+ *
+ * @param {string} shape The shape to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorShape = function(shape) {
+ this.cursorShape_ = shape;
+ this.restyleCursor_();
+ * Get the cursor shape
+ *
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getCursorShape = function() {
+ return this.cursorShape_;
+ * Set the width of the terminal, resizing the UI to match.
+ *
+ * @param {number} columnCount
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setWidth = function(columnCount) {
+ if (columnCount == null) {
+ this.div_.style.width = '100%';
+ return;
+ }
+ this.div_.style.width = Math.ceil(
+ this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width *
+ columnCount + this.scrollPort_.currentScrollbarWidthPx) + 'px';
+ this.realizeSize_(columnCount, this.screenSize.height);
+ this.scheduleSyncCursorPosition_();
+ * Set the height of the terminal, resizing the UI to match.
+ *
+ * @param {number} rowCount The height in rows.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setHeight = function(rowCount) {
+ if (rowCount == null) {
+ this.div_.style.height = '100%';
+ return;
+ }
+ this.div_.style.height =
+ this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height * rowCount + 'px';
+ this.realizeSize_(this.screenSize.width, rowCount);
+ this.scheduleSyncCursorPosition_();
+ * Deal with terminal size changes.
+ *
+ * @param {number} columnCount The number of columns.
+ * @param {number} rowCount The number of rows.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.realizeSize_ = function(columnCount, rowCount) {
+ if (columnCount != this.screenSize.width)
+ this.realizeWidth_(columnCount);
+ if (rowCount != this.screenSize.height)
+ this.realizeHeight_(rowCount);
+ // Send new terminal size to plugin.
+ this.io.onTerminalResize_(columnCount, rowCount);
+ * Deal with terminal width changes.
+ *
+ * This function does what needs to be done when the terminal width changes
+ * out from under us. It happens here rather than in onResize_() because this
+ * code may need to run synchronously to handle programmatic changes of
+ * terminal width.
+ *
+ * Relying on the browser to send us an async resize event means we may not be
+ * in the correct state yet when the next escape sequence hits.
+ *
+ * @param {number} columnCount The number of columns.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.realizeWidth_ = function(columnCount) {
+ if (columnCount <= 0)
+ throw new Error('Attempt to realize bad width: ' + columnCount);
+ var deltaColumns = columnCount - this.screen_.getWidth();
+ this.screenSize.width = columnCount;
+ this.screen_.setColumnCount(columnCount);
+ if (deltaColumns > 0) {
+ if (this.defaultTabStops)
+ this.setDefaultTabStops(this.screenSize.width - deltaColumns);
+ } else {
+ for (var i = this.tabStops_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (this.tabStops_[i] < columnCount)
+ break;
+ this.tabStops_.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ this.screen_.setColumnCount(this.screenSize.width);
+ * Deal with terminal height changes.
+ *
+ * This function does what needs to be done when the terminal height changes
+ * out from under us. It happens here rather than in onResize_() because this
+ * code may need to run synchronously to handle programmatic changes of
+ * terminal height.
+ *
+ * Relying on the browser to send us an async resize event means we may not be
+ * in the correct state yet when the next escape sequence hits.
+ *
+ * @param {number} rowCount The number of rows.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.realizeHeight_ = function(rowCount) {
+ if (rowCount <= 0)
+ throw new Error('Attempt to realize bad height: ' + rowCount);
+ var deltaRows = rowCount - this.screen_.getHeight();
+ this.screenSize.height = rowCount;
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ if (deltaRows < 0) {
+ // Screen got smaller.
+ deltaRows *= -1;
+ while (deltaRows) {
+ var lastRow = this.getRowCount() - 1;
+ if (lastRow - this.scrollbackRows_.length == cursor.row)
+ break;
+ if (this.getRowText(lastRow))
+ break;
+ this.screen_.popRow();
+ deltaRows--;
+ }
+ var ary = this.screen_.shiftRows(deltaRows);
+ this.scrollbackRows_.push.apply(this.scrollbackRows_, ary);
+ // We just removed rows from the top of the screen, we need to update
+ // the cursor to match.
+ cursor.row = Math.max(cursor.row - deltaRows, 0);
+ } else if (deltaRows > 0) {
+ // Screen got larger.
+ if (deltaRows <= this.scrollbackRows_.length) {
+ var scrollbackCount = Math.min(deltaRows, this.scrollbackRows_.length);
+ var rows = this.scrollbackRows_.splice(
+ this.scrollbackRows_.length - scrollbackCount, scrollbackCount);
+ this.screen_.unshiftRows(rows);
+ deltaRows -= scrollbackCount;
+ cursor.row += scrollbackCount;
+ }
+ if (deltaRows)
+ this.appendRows_(deltaRows);
+ }
+ this.setVTScrollRegion(null, null);
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ * Scroll the terminal to the top of the scrollback buffer.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollHome = function() {
+ this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToTop(0);
+ * Scroll the terminal to the end.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollEnd = function() {
+ this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToBottom(this.getRowCount());
+ * Scroll the terminal one page up (minus one line) relative to the current
+ * position.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollPageUp = function() {
+ var i = this.scrollPort_.getTopRowIndex();
+ this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToTop(i - this.screenSize.height + 1);
+ * Scroll the terminal one page down (minus one line) relative to the current
+ * position.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.scrollPageDown = function() {
+ var i = this.scrollPort_.getTopRowIndex();
+ this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToTop(i + this.screenSize.height - 1);
+ * Clear primary screen, secondary screen, and the scrollback buffer.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.wipeContents = function() {
+ this.scrollbackRows_.length = 0;
+ this.scrollPort_.resetCache();
+ [this.primaryScreen_, this.alternateScreen_].forEach(function(screen) {
+ var bottom = screen.getHeight();
+ if (bottom > 0) {
+ this.renumberRows_(0, bottom);
+ this.clearHome(screen);
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.syncCursorPosition_();
+ this.scrollPort_.invalidate();
+ * Full terminal reset.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.clearAllTabStops();
+ this.setDefaultTabStops();
+ this.clearHome(this.primaryScreen_);
+ this.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.reset();
+ this.clearHome(this.alternateScreen_);
+ this.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.reset();
+ this.setCursorBlink(!!this.prefs_.get('cursor-blink'));
+ this.vt.reset();
+ this.softReset();
+ * Soft terminal reset.
+ *
+ * Perform a soft reset to the default values listed in
+ * http://www.vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECSTR#T5-9
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.softReset = function() {
+ // Reset terminal options to their default values.
+ this.options_ = new hterm.Options();
+ // We show the cursor on soft reset but do not alter the blink state.
+ this.options_.cursorBlink = !!this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
+ // Xterm also resets the color palette on soft reset, even though it doesn't
+ // seem to be documented anywhere.
+ this.primaryScreen_.textAttributes.resetColorPalette();
+ this.alternateScreen_.textAttributes.resetColorPalette();
+ // The xterm man page explicitly says this will happen on soft reset.
+ this.setVTScrollRegion(null, null);
+ // Xterm also shows the cursor on soft reset, but does not alter the blink
+ // state.
+ this.setCursorVisible(true);
+ * Move the cursor forward to the next tab stop, or to the last column
+ * if no more tab stops are set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.forwardTabStop = function() {
+ var column = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.tabStops_.length; i++) {
+ if (this.tabStops_[i] > column) {
+ this.setCursorColumn(this.tabStops_[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // xterm does not clear the overflow flag on HT or CHT.
+ var overflow = this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow;
+ this.setCursorColumn(this.screenSize.width - 1);
+ this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow = overflow;
+ * Move the cursor backward to the previous tab stop, or to the first column
+ * if no previous tab stops are set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.backwardTabStop = function() {
+ var column = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
+ for (var i = this.tabStops_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (this.tabStops_[i] < column) {
+ this.setCursorColumn(this.tabStops_[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this.setCursorColumn(1);
+ * Set a tab stop at the given column.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} column Zero based column.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setTabStop = function(column) {
+ for (var i = this.tabStops_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (this.tabStops_[i] == column)
+ return;
+ if (this.tabStops_[i] < column) {
+ this.tabStops_.splice(i + 1, 0, column);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this.tabStops_.splice(0, 0, column);
+ * Clear the tab stop at the current cursor position.
+ *
+ * No effect if there is no tab stop at the current cursor position.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.clearTabStopAtCursor = function() {
+ var column = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
+ var i = this.tabStops_.indexOf(column);
+ if (i == -1)
+ return;
+ this.tabStops_.splice(i, 1);
+ * Clear all tab stops.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.clearAllTabStops = function() {
+ this.tabStops_.length = 0;
+ this.defaultTabStops = false;
+ * Set up the default tab stops, starting from a given column.
+ *
+ * This sets a tabstop every (column % this.tabWidth) column, starting
+ * from the specified column, or 0 if no column is provided. It also flags
+ * future resizes to set them up.
+ *
+ * This does not clear the existing tab stops first, use clearAllTabStops
+ * for that.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} opt_start Optional starting zero based starting column, useful
+ * for filling out missing tab stops when the terminal is resized.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setDefaultTabStops = function(opt_start) {
+ var start = opt_start || 0;
+ var w = this.tabWidth;
+ // Round start up to a default tab stop.
+ start = start - 1 - ((start - 1) % w) + w;
+ for (var i = start; i < this.screenSize.width; i += w) {
+ this.setTabStop(i);
+ }
+ this.defaultTabStops = true;
+ * Interpret a sequence of characters.
+ *
+ * Incomplete escape sequences are buffered until the next call.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str Sequence of characters to interpret or pass through.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.interpret = function(str) {
+ this.vt.interpret(str);
+ this.scheduleSyncCursorPosition_();
+ * Take over the given DIV for use as the terminal display.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLDivElement} div The div to use as the terminal display.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.decorate = function(div) {
+ this.div_ = div;
+ this.scrollPort_.decorate(div);
+ this.scrollPort_.setBackgroundImage(this.prefs_.get('background-image'));
+ this.scrollPort_.setBackgroundSize(this.prefs_.get('background-size'));
+ this.scrollPort_.setBackgroundPosition(
+ this.prefs_.get('background-position'));
+ this.scrollPort_.setUserCss(this.prefs_.get('user-css'));
+ this.div_.focus = this.focus.bind(this);
+ this.setFontSize(this.prefs_.get('font-size'));
+ this.syncFontFamily();
+ this.setScrollbarVisible(this.prefs_.get('scrollbar-visible'));
+ this.setScrollWheelMoveMultipler(
+ this.prefs_.get('scroll-wheel-move-multiplier'));
+ this.document_ = this.scrollPort_.getDocument();
+ this.document_.body.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; };
+ var onMouse = this.onMouse_.bind(this);
+ var screenNode = this.scrollPort_.getScreenNode();
+ screenNode.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouse);
+ screenNode.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouse);
+ screenNode.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouse);
+ this.scrollPort_.onScrollWheel = onMouse;
+ screenNode.addEventListener(
+ 'focus', this.onFocusChange_.bind(this, true));
+ // Listen for mousedown events on the screenNode as in FF the focus
+ // events don't bubble.
+ screenNode.addEventListener('mousedown', function() {
+ setTimeout(this.onFocusChange_.bind(this, true));
+ }.bind(this));
+ screenNode.addEventListener(
+ 'blur', this.onFocusChange_.bind(this, false));
+ var style = this.document_.createElement('style');
+ style.textContent =
+ ('.cursor-node[focus="false"] {' +
+ ' box-sizing: border-box;' +
+ ' background-color: transparent !important;' +
+ ' border-width: 2px;' +
+ ' border-style: solid;' +
+ '}' +
+ '.wc-node {' +
+ ' display: inline-block;' +
+ ' text-align: center;' +
+ ' width: ' + this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width * 2 + 'px;' +
+ '}' +
+ ':root {' +
+ ' --hterm-blink-node-duration: 0.7s;' +
+ '}' +
+ '@keyframes blink {' +
+ ' from { opacity: 1.0; }' +
+ ' to { opacity: 0.0; }' +
+ '}' +
+ '.blink-node {' +
+ ' animation-name: blink;' +
+ ' animation-duration: var(--hterm-blink-node-duration);' +
+ ' animation-iteration-count: infinite;' +
+ ' animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;' +
+ ' animation-direction: alternate;' +
+ '}');
+ this.document_.head.appendChild(style);
+ var styleSheets = this.document_.styleSheets;
+ var cssRules = styleSheets[styleSheets.length - 1].cssRules;
+ this.wcCssRule_ = cssRules[cssRules.length - 1];
+ this.cursorNode_ = this.document_.createElement('div');
+ this.cursorNode_.className = 'cursor-node';
+ this.cursorNode_.style.cssText =
+ ('position: absolute;' +
+ 'top: -99px;' +
+ 'display: block;' +
+ 'width: ' + this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width + 'px;' +
+ 'height: ' + this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height + 'px;' +
+ '-webkit-transition: opacity, background-color 100ms linear;' +
+ '-moz-transition: opacity, background-color 100ms linear;');
+ this.setCursorColor(this.prefs_.get('cursor-color'));
+ this.setCursorBlink(!!this.prefs_.get('cursor-blink'));
+ this.restyleCursor_();
+ this.document_.body.appendChild(this.cursorNode_);
+ // When 'enableMouseDragScroll' is off we reposition this element directly
+ // under the mouse cursor after a click. This makes Chrome associate
+ // subsequent mousemove events with the scroll-blocker. Since the
+ // scroll-blocker is a peer (not a child) of the scrollport, the mousemove
+ // events do not cause the scrollport to scroll.
+ //
+ // It's a hack, but it's the cleanest way I could find.
+ this.scrollBlockerNode_ = this.document_.createElement('div');
+ this.scrollBlockerNode_.style.cssText =
+ ('position: absolute;' +
+ 'top: -99px;' +
+ 'display: block;' +
+ 'width: 10px;' +
+ 'height: 10px;');
+ this.document_.body.appendChild(this.scrollBlockerNode_);
+ this.scrollPort_.onScrollWheel = onMouse;
+ ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove', 'click', 'dblclick',
+ ].forEach(function(event) {
+ this.scrollBlockerNode_.addEventListener(event, onMouse);
+ this.cursorNode_.addEventListener(event, onMouse);
+ this.document_.addEventListener(event, onMouse);
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.cursorNode_.addEventListener('mousedown', function() {
+ setTimeout(this.focus.bind(this));
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.setReverseVideo(false);
+ this.scrollPort_.focus();
+ this.scrollPort_.scheduleRedraw();
+ * Return the HTML document that contains the terminal DOM nodes.
+ *
+ * @return {HTMLDocument}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getDocument = function() {
+ return this.document_;
+ * Focus the terminal.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.focus = function() {
+ this.scrollPort_.focus();
+ * Return the HTML Element for a given row index.
+ *
+ * This is a method from the RowProvider interface. The ScrollPort uses
+ * it to fetch rows on demand as they are scrolled into view.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): Consider saving scrollback rows as (HTML source, text content)
+ * pairs to conserve memory.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} index The zero-based row index, measured relative to the
+ * start of the scrollback buffer. On-screen rows will always have the
+ * largest indices.
+ * @return {HTMLElement} The 'x-row' element containing for the requested row.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getRowNode = function(index) {
+ if (index < this.scrollbackRows_.length)
+ return this.scrollbackRows_[index];
+ var screenIndex = index - this.scrollbackRows_.length;
+ return this.screen_.rowsArray[screenIndex];
+ * Return the text content for a given range of rows.
+ *
+ * This is a method from the RowProvider interface. The ScrollPort uses
+ * it to fetch text content on demand when the user attempts to copy their
+ * selection to the clipboard.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} start The zero-based row index to start from, measured
+ * relative to the start of the scrollback buffer. On-screen rows will
+ * always have the largest indices.
+ * @param {integer} end The zero-based row index to end on, measured
+ * relative to the start of the scrollback buffer.
+ * @return {string} A single string containing the text value of the range of
+ * rows. Lines will be newline delimited, with no trailing newline.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getRowsText = function(start, end) {
+ var ary = [];
+ for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ var node = this.getRowNode(i);
+ ary.push(node.textContent);
+ if (i < end - 1 && !node.getAttribute('line-overflow'))
+ ary.push('\n');
+ }
+ return ary.join('');
+ * Return the text content for a given row.
+ *
+ * This is a method from the RowProvider interface. The ScrollPort uses
+ * it to fetch text content on demand when the user attempts to copy their
+ * selection to the clipboard.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} index The zero-based row index to return, measured
+ * relative to the start of the scrollback buffer. On-screen rows will
+ * always have the largest indices.
+ * @return {string} A string containing the text value of the selected row.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getRowText = function(index) {
+ var node = this.getRowNode(index);
+ return node.textContent;
+ * Return the total number of rows in the addressable screen and in the
+ * scrollback buffer of this terminal.
+ *
+ * This is a method from the RowProvider interface. The ScrollPort uses
+ * it to compute the size of the scrollbar.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The number of rows in this terminal.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getRowCount = function() {
+ return this.scrollbackRows_.length + this.screen_.rowsArray.length;
+ * Create DOM nodes for new rows and append them to the end of the terminal.
+ *
+ * This is the only correct way to add a new DOM node for a row. Notice that
+ * the new row is appended to the bottom of the list of rows, and does not
+ * require renumbering (of the rowIndex property) of previous rows.
+ *
+ * If you think you want a new blank row somewhere in the middle of the
+ * terminal, look into moveRows_().
+ *
+ * This method does not pay attention to vtScrollTop/Bottom, since you should
+ * be using moveRows() in cases where they would matter.
+ *
+ * The cursor will be positioned at column 0 of the first inserted line.
+ *
+ * @param {number} count The number of rows to created.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.appendRows_ = function(count) {
+ var cursorRow = this.screen_.rowsArray.length;
+ var offset = this.scrollbackRows_.length + cursorRow;
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ var row = this.document_.createElement('x-row');
+ row.appendChild(this.document_.createTextNode(''));
+ row.rowIndex = offset + i;
+ this.screen_.pushRow(row);
+ }
+ var extraRows = this.screen_.rowsArray.length - this.screenSize.height;
+ if (extraRows > 0) {
+ var ary = this.screen_.shiftRows(extraRows);
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(this.scrollbackRows_, ary);
+ if (this.scrollPort_.isScrolledEnd)
+ this.scheduleScrollDown_();
+ }
+ if (cursorRow >= this.screen_.rowsArray.length)
+ cursorRow = this.screen_.rowsArray.length - 1;
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(cursorRow, 0);
+ * Relocate rows from one part of the addressable screen to another.
+ *
+ * This is used to recycle rows during VT scrolls (those which are driven
+ * by VT commands, rather than by the user manipulating the scrollbar.)
+ *
+ * In this case, the blank lines scrolled into the scroll region are made of
+ * the nodes we scrolled off. These have their rowIndex properties carefully
+ * renumbered so as not to confuse the ScrollPort.
+ *
+ * @param {number} fromIndex The start index.
+ * @param {number} count The number of rows to move.
+ * @param {number} toIndex The destination index.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.moveRows_ = function(fromIndex, count, toIndex) {
+ var ary = this.screen_.removeRows(fromIndex, count);
+ this.screen_.insertRows(toIndex, ary);
+ var start, end;
+ if (fromIndex < toIndex) {
+ start = fromIndex;
+ end = toIndex + count;
+ } else {
+ start = toIndex;
+ end = fromIndex + count;
+ }
+ this.renumberRows_(start, end);
+ this.scrollPort_.scheduleInvalidate();
+ * Renumber the rowIndex property of the given range of rows.
+ *
+ * The start and end indices are relative to the screen, not the scrollback.
+ * Rows in the scrollback buffer cannot be renumbered. Since they are not
+ * addressable (you can't delete them, scroll them, etc), you should have
+ * no need to renumber scrollback rows.
+ *
+ * @param {number} start The start index.
+ * @param {number} end The end index.
+ * @param {hterm.Screen} opt_screen The screen to renumber.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.renumberRows_ = function(start, end, opt_screen) {
+ var screen = opt_screen || this.screen_;
+ var offset = this.scrollbackRows_.length;
+ for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ screen.rowsArray[i].rowIndex = offset + i;
+ }
+ * Print a string to the terminal.
+ *
+ * This respects the current insert and wraparound modes. It will add new lines
+ * to the end of the terminal, scrolling off the top into the scrollback buffer
+ * if necessary.
+ *
+ * The string is *not* parsed for escape codes. Use the interpret() method if
+ * that's what you're after.
+ *
+ * @param{string} str The string to print.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.print = function(str) {
+ var startOffset = 0;
+ var strWidth = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
+ while (startOffset < strWidth) {
+ if (this.options_.wraparound && this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow) {
+ this.screen_.commitLineOverflow();
+ this.newLine();
+ }
+ var count = strWidth - startOffset;
+ var didOverflow = false;
+ var substr;
+ if (this.screen_.cursorPosition.column + count >= this.screenSize.width) {
+ didOverflow = true;
+ count = this.screenSize.width - this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
+ }
+ if (didOverflow && !this.options_.wraparound) {
+ // If the string overflowed the line but wraparound is off, then the
+ // last printed character should be the last of the string.
+ // TODO: This will add to our problems with multibyte UTF-16 characters.
+ substr = lib.wc.substr(str, startOffset, count - 1) +
+ lib.wc.substr(str, strWidth - 1);
+ count = strWidth;
+ } else {
+ substr = lib.wc.substr(str, startOffset, count);
+ }
+ var tokens = hterm.TextAttributes.splitWidecharString(substr);
+ for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
+ if (tokens[i].wcNode)
+ this.screen_.textAttributes.wcNode = true;
+ if (this.options_.insertMode) {
+ this.screen_.insertString(tokens[i].str);
+ } else {
+ this.screen_.overwriteString(tokens[i].str);
+ }
+ this.screen_.textAttributes.wcNode = false;
+ }
+ this.screen_.maybeClipCurrentRow();
+ startOffset += count;
+ }
+ this.scheduleSyncCursorPosition_();
+ if (this.scrollOnOutput_)
+ this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToBottom(this.getRowCount());
+ * Set the VT scroll region.
+ *
+ * This also resets the cursor position to the absolute (0, 0) position, since
+ * that's what xterm appears to do.
+ *
+ * Setting the scroll region to the full height of the terminal will clear
+ * the scroll region. This is *NOT* what most terminals do. We're explicitly
+ * going "off-spec" here because it makes `screen` and `tmux` overflow into the
+ * local scrollback buffer, which means the scrollbars and shift-pgup/pgdn
+ * continue to work as most users would expect.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} scrollTop The zero-based top of the scroll region.
+ * @param {integer} scrollBottom The zero-based bottom of the scroll region,
+ * inclusive.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setVTScrollRegion = function(scrollTop, scrollBottom) {
+ if (scrollTop == 0 && scrollBottom == this.screenSize.height - 1) {
+ this.vtScrollTop_ = null;
+ this.vtScrollBottom_ = null;
+ } else {
+ this.vtScrollTop_ = scrollTop;
+ this.vtScrollBottom_ = scrollBottom;
+ }
+ * Return the top row index according to the VT.
+ *
+ * This will return 0 unless the terminal has been told to restrict scrolling
+ * to some lower row. It is used for some VT cursor positioning and scrolling
+ * commands.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The topmost row in the terminal's scroll region.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getVTScrollTop = function() {
+ if (this.vtScrollTop_ != null)
+ return this.vtScrollTop_;
+ return 0;
+ * Return the bottom row index according to the VT.
+ *
+ * This will return the height of the terminal unless the it has been told to
+ * restrict scrolling to some higher row. It is used for some VT cursor
+ * positioning and scrolling commands.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The bottom most row in the terminal's scroll region.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getVTScrollBottom = function() {
+ if (this.vtScrollBottom_ != null)
+ return this.vtScrollBottom_;
+ return this.screenSize.height - 1;
+ * Process a '\n' character.
+ *
+ * If the cursor is on the final row of the terminal this will append a new
+ * blank row to the screen and scroll the topmost row into the scrollback
+ * buffer.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, this moves the cursor to column zero of the next row.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.newLine = function() {
+ var cursorAtEndOfScreen = (this.screen_.cursorPosition.row ==
+ this.screen_.rowsArray.length - 1);
+ if (this.vtScrollBottom_ != null) {
+ // A VT Scroll region is active, we never append new rows.
+ if (this.screen_.cursorPosition.row == this.vtScrollBottom_) {
+ // We're at the end of the VT Scroll Region, perform a VT scroll.
+ this.vtScrollUp(1);
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row, 0);
+ } else if (cursorAtEndOfScreen) {
+ // We're at the end of the screen, the only thing to do is put the
+ // cursor to column 0.
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row, 0);
+ } else {
+ // Anywhere else, advance the cursor row, and reset the column.
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row + 1, 0);
+ }
+ } else if (cursorAtEndOfScreen) {
+ // We're at the end of the screen. Append a new row to the terminal,
+ // shifting the top row into the scrollback.
+ this.appendRows_(1);
+ } else {
+ // Anywhere else in the screen just moves the cursor.
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row + 1, 0);
+ }
+ * Like newLine(), except maintain the cursor column.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.lineFeed = function() {
+ var column = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
+ this.newLine();
+ this.setCursorColumn(column);
+ * If autoCarriageReturn is set then newLine(), else lineFeed().
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.formFeed = function() {
+ if (this.options_.autoCarriageReturn) {
+ this.newLine();
+ } else {
+ this.lineFeed();
+ }
+ * Move the cursor up one row, possibly inserting a blank line.
+ *
+ * The cursor column is not changed.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.reverseLineFeed = function() {
+ var scrollTop = this.getVTScrollTop();
+ var currentRow = this.screen_.cursorPosition.row;
+ if (currentRow == scrollTop) {
+ this.insertLines(1);
+ } else {
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorRow(currentRow - 1);
+ }
+ * Replace all characters to the left of the current cursor with the space
+ * character.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): This should probably *remove* the characters (not just replace
+ * with a space) if there are no characters at or beyond the current cursor
+ * position.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseToLeft = function() {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.setCursorColumn(0);
+ this.screen_.overwriteString(lib.f.getWhitespace(cursor.column + 1));
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ * Erase a given number of characters to the right of the cursor.
+ *
+ * The cursor position is unchanged.
+ *
+ * If the current background color is not the default background color this
+ * will insert spaces rather than delete. This is unfortunate because the
+ * trailing space will affect text selection, but it's difficult to come up
+ * with a way to style empty space that wouldn't trip up the hterm.Screen
+ * code.
+ *
+ * eraseToRight is ignored in the presence of a cursor overflow. This deviates
+ * from xterm, but agrees with gnome-terminal and konsole, xfce4-terminal. See
+ * crbug.com/232390 for details.
+ *
+ * @param {number} opt_count The number of characters to erase.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseToRight = function(opt_count) {
+ if (this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow)
+ return;
+ var maxCount = this.screenSize.width - this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
+ var count = opt_count ? Math.min(opt_count, maxCount) : maxCount;
+ if (this.screen_.textAttributes.background ===
+ this.screen_.textAttributes.DEFAULT_COLOR) {
+ var cursorRow = this.screen_.rowsArray[this.screen_.cursorPosition.row];
+ if (hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(cursorRow) <=
+ this.screen_.cursorPosition.column + count) {
+ this.screen_.deleteChars(count);
+ this.clearCursorOverflow();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.screen_.overwriteString(lib.f.getWhitespace(count));
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ this.clearCursorOverflow();
+ * Erase the current line.
+ *
+ * The cursor position is unchanged.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseLine = function() {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.screen_.clearCursorRow();
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ this.clearCursorOverflow();
+ * Erase all characters from the start of the screen to the current cursor
+ * position, regardless of scroll region.
+ *
+ * The cursor position is unchanged.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseAbove = function() {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.eraseToLeft();
+ for (var i = 0; i < cursor.row; i++) {
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(i, 0);
+ this.screen_.clearCursorRow();
+ }
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ this.clearCursorOverflow();
+ * Erase all characters from the current cursor position to the end of the
+ * screen, regardless of scroll region.
+ *
+ * The cursor position is unchanged.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.eraseBelow = function() {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.eraseToRight();
+ var bottom = this.screenSize.height - 1;
+ for (var i = cursor.row + 1; i <= bottom; i++) {
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(i, 0);
+ this.screen_.clearCursorRow();
+ }
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ this.clearCursorOverflow();
+ * Fill the terminal with a given character.
+ *
+ * This methods does not respect the VT scroll region.
+ *
+ * @param {string} ch The character to use for the fill.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.fill = function(ch) {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(0, 0);
+ for (var row = 0; row < this.screenSize.height; row++) {
+ for (var col = 0; col < this.screenSize.width; col++) {
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(row, col);
+ this.screen_.overwriteString(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ * Erase the entire display and leave the cursor at (0, 0).
+ *
+ * This does not respect the scroll region.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Screen} opt_screen Optional screen to operate on. Defaults
+ * to the current screen.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.clearHome = function(opt_screen) {
+ var screen = opt_screen || this.screen_;
+ var bottom = screen.getHeight();
+ if (bottom == 0) {
+ // Empty screen, nothing to do.
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < bottom; i++) {
+ screen.setCursorPosition(i, 0);
+ screen.clearCursorRow();
+ }
+ screen.setCursorPosition(0, 0);
+ * Erase the entire display without changing the cursor position.
+ *
+ * The cursor position is unchanged. This does not respect the scroll
+ * region.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Screen} opt_screen Optional screen to operate on. Defaults
+ * to the current screen.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.clear = function(opt_screen) {
+ var screen = opt_screen || this.screen_;
+ var cursor = screen.cursorPosition.clone();
+ this.clearHome(screen);
+ screen.setCursorPosition(cursor.row, cursor.column);
+ * VT command to insert lines at the current cursor row.
+ *
+ * This respects the current scroll region. Rows pushed off the bottom are
+ * lost (they won't show up in the scrollback buffer).
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of lines to insert.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.insertLines = function(count) {
+ var cursorRow = this.screen_.cursorPosition.row;
+ var bottom = this.getVTScrollBottom();
+ count = Math.min(count, bottom - cursorRow);
+ // The moveCount is the number of rows we need to relocate to make room for
+ // the new row(s). The count is the distance to move them.
+ var moveCount = bottom - cursorRow - count + 1;
+ if (moveCount)
+ this.moveRows_(cursorRow, moveCount, cursorRow + count);
+ for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(cursorRow + i, 0);
+ this.screen_.clearCursorRow();
+ }
+ * VT command to delete lines at the current cursor row.
+ *
+ * New rows are added to the bottom of scroll region to take their place. New
+ * rows are strictly there to take up space and have no content or style.
+ *
+ * @param {number} count The number of lines to delete.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.deleteLines = function(count) {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ var top = cursor.row;
+ var bottom = this.getVTScrollBottom();
+ var maxCount = bottom - top + 1;
+ count = Math.min(count, maxCount);
+ var moveStart = bottom - count + 1;
+ if (count != maxCount)
+ this.moveRows_(top, count, moveStart);
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(moveStart + i, 0);
+ this.screen_.clearCursorRow();
+ }
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ this.clearCursorOverflow();
+ * Inserts the given number of spaces at the current cursor position.
+ *
+ * The cursor position is not changed.
+ *
+ * @param {number} count The number of spaces to insert.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.insertSpace = function(count) {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ var ws = lib.f.getWhitespace(count || 1);
+ this.screen_.insertString(ws);
+ this.screen_.maybeClipCurrentRow();
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ this.clearCursorOverflow();
+ * Forward-delete the specified number of characters starting at the cursor
+ * position.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of characters to delete.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.deleteChars = function(count) {
+ var deleted = this.screen_.deleteChars(count);
+ if (deleted && !this.screen_.textAttributes.isDefault()) {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.setCursorColumn(this.screenSize.width - deleted);
+ this.screen_.insertString(lib.f.getWhitespace(deleted));
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ }
+ this.clearCursorOverflow();
+ * Shift rows in the scroll region upwards by a given number of lines.
+ *
+ * New rows are inserted at the bottom of the scroll region to fill the
+ * vacated rows. The new rows not filled out with the current text attributes.
+ *
+ * This function does not affect the scrollback rows at all. Rows shifted
+ * off the top are lost.
+ *
+ * The cursor position is not altered.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of rows to scroll.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.vtScrollUp = function(count) {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorRow(this.getVTScrollTop());
+ this.deleteLines(count);
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ * Shift rows below the cursor down by a given number of lines.
+ *
+ * This function respects the current scroll region.
+ *
+ * New rows are inserted at the top of the scroll region to fill the
+ * vacated rows. The new rows not filled out with the current text attributes.
+ *
+ * This function does not affect the scrollback rows at all. Rows shifted
+ * off the bottom are lost.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of rows to scroll.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.vtScrollDown = function(opt_count) {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.getVTScrollTop(), 0);
+ this.insertLines(opt_count);
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ * Set the cursor position.
+ *
+ * The cursor row is relative to the scroll region if the terminal has
+ * 'origin mode' enabled, or relative to the addressable screen otherwise.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} row The new zero-based cursor row.
+ * @param {integer} row The new zero-based cursor column.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorPosition = function(row, column) {
+ if (this.options_.originMode) {
+ this.setRelativeCursorPosition(row, column);
+ } else {
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(row, column);
+ }
+ * Move the cursor relative to its current position.
+ *
+ * @param {number} row
+ * @param {number} column
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setRelativeCursorPosition = function(row, column) {
+ var scrollTop = this.getVTScrollTop();
+ row = lib.f.clamp(row + scrollTop, scrollTop, this.getVTScrollBottom());
+ column = lib.f.clamp(column, 0, this.screenSize.width - 1);
+ this.screen_.setCursorPosition(row, column);
+ * Move the cursor to the specified position.
+ *
+ * @param {number} row
+ * @param {number} column
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setAbsoluteCursorPosition = function(row, column) {
+ row = lib.f.clamp(row, 0, this.screenSize.height - 1);
+ column = lib.f.clamp(column, 0, this.screenSize.width - 1);
+ this.screen_.setCursorPosition(row, column);
+ * Set the cursor column.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} column The new zero-based cursor column.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorColumn = function(column) {
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row, column);
+ * Return the cursor column.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The zero-based cursor column.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getCursorColumn = function() {
+ return this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
+ * Set the cursor row.
+ *
+ * The cursor row is relative to the scroll region if the terminal has
+ * 'origin mode' enabled, or relative to the addressable screen otherwise.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} row The new cursor row.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setAbsoluteCursorRow = function(row) {
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorPosition(row, this.screen_.cursorPosition.column);
+ * Return the cursor row.
+ *
+ * @return {integer} The zero-based cursor row.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getCursorRow = function() {
+ return this.screen_.cursorPosition.row;
+ * Request that the ScrollPort redraw itself soon.
+ *
+ * The redraw will happen asynchronously, soon after the call stack winds down.
+ * Multiple calls will be coalesced into a single redraw.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.scheduleRedraw_ = function() {
+ if (this.timeouts_.redraw)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.timeouts_.redraw = setTimeout(function() {
+ delete self.timeouts_.redraw;
+ self.scrollPort_.redraw_();
+ }, 0);
+ * Request that the ScrollPort be scrolled to the bottom.
+ *
+ * The scroll will happen asynchronously, soon after the call stack winds down.
+ * Multiple calls will be coalesced into a single scroll.
+ *
+ * This affects the scrollbar position of the ScrollPort, and has nothing to
+ * do with the VT scroll commands.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.scheduleScrollDown_ = function() {
+ if (this.timeouts_.scrollDown)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.timeouts_.scrollDown = setTimeout(function() {
+ delete self.timeouts_.scrollDown;
+ self.scrollPort_.scrollRowToBottom(self.getRowCount());
+ }, 10);
+ * Move the cursor up a specified number of rows.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of rows to move the cursor.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.cursorUp = function(count) {
+ return this.cursorDown(-(count || 1));
+ * Move the cursor down a specified number of rows.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of rows to move the cursor.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.cursorDown = function(count) {
+ count = count || 1;
+ var minHeight = (this.options_.originMode ? this.getVTScrollTop() : 0);
+ var maxHeight = (this.options_.originMode ? this.getVTScrollBottom() :
+ this.screenSize.height - 1);
+ var row = lib.f.clamp(this.screen_.cursorPosition.row + count,
+ minHeight, maxHeight);
+ this.setAbsoluteCursorRow(row);
+ * Move the cursor left a specified number of columns.
+ *
+ * If reverse wraparound mode is enabled and the previous row wrapped into
+ * the current row then we back up through the wraparound as well.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of columns to move the cursor.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.cursorLeft = function(count) {
+ count = count || 1;
+ if (count < 1)
+ return;
+ var currentColumn = this.screen_.cursorPosition.column;
+ if (this.options_.reverseWraparound) {
+ if (this.screen_.cursorPosition.overflow) {
+ // If this cursor is in the right margin, consume one count to get it
+ // back to the last column. This only applies when we're in reverse
+ // wraparound mode.
+ count--;
+ this.clearCursorOverflow();
+ if (!count)
+ return;
+ }
+ var newRow = this.screen_.cursorPosition.row;
+ var newColumn = currentColumn - count;
+ if (newColumn < 0) {
+ newRow = newRow - Math.floor(count / this.screenSize.width) - 1;
+ if (newRow < 0) {
+ // xterm also wraps from row 0 to the last row.
+ newRow = this.screenSize.height + newRow % this.screenSize.height;
+ }
+ newColumn = this.screenSize.width + newColumn % this.screenSize.width;
+ }
+ this.setCursorPosition(Math.max(newRow, 0), newColumn);
+ } else {
+ var newColumn = Math.max(currentColumn - count, 0);
+ this.setCursorColumn(newColumn);
+ }
+ * Move the cursor right a specified number of columns.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of columns to move the cursor.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.cursorRight = function(count) {
+ count = count || 1;
+ if (count < 1)
+ return;
+ var column = lib.f.clamp(this.screen_.cursorPosition.column + count,
+ 0, this.screenSize.width - 1);
+ this.setCursorColumn(column);
+ * Reverse the foreground and background colors of the terminal.
+ *
+ * This only affects text that was drawn with no attributes.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): Test xterm to see if reverse is respected for text that has
+ * been drawn with attributes that happen to coincide with the default
+ * 'no-attribute' colors. My guess is probably not.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state The state to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setReverseVideo = function(state) {
+ this.options_.reverseVideo = state;
+ if (state) {
+ this.scrollPort_.setForegroundColor(this.prefs_.get('background-color'));
+ this.scrollPort_.setBackgroundColor(this.prefs_.get('foreground-color'));
+ } else {
+ this.scrollPort_.setForegroundColor(this.prefs_.get('foreground-color'));
+ this.scrollPort_.setBackgroundColor(this.prefs_.get('background-color'));
+ }
+ * Ring the terminal bell.
+ *
+ * This will not play the bell audio more than once per second.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.ringBell = function() {
+ this.cursorNode_.style.backgroundColor =
+ this.scrollPort_.getForegroundColor();
+ var self = this;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ self.cursorNode_.style.backgroundColor = self.prefs_.get('cursor-color');
+ }, 200);
+ // bellSquelchTimeout_ affects both audio and notification bells.
+ if (this.bellSquelchTimeout_)
+ return;
+ if (this.bellAudio_.getAttribute('src')) {
+ this.bellAudio_.play();
+ this.bellSequelchTimeout_ = setTimeout(function() {
+ delete this.bellSquelchTimeout_;
+ }.bind(this), 500);
+ } else {
+ delete this.bellSquelchTimeout_;
+ }
+ if (this.desktopNotificationBell_ && !this.document_.hasFocus()) {
+ var n = new Notification(
+ lib.f.replaceVars(hterm.desktopNotificationTitle,
+ {'title': window.document.title || 'hterm'}));
+ this.bellNotificationList_.push(n);
+ // TODO: Should we try to raise the window here?
+ n.onclick = function() { self.closeBellNotifications_(); };
+ }
+ * Set the origin mode bit.
+ *
+ * If origin mode is on, certain VT cursor and scrolling commands measure their
+ * row parameter relative to the VT scroll region. Otherwise, row 0 corresponds
+ * to the top of the addressable screen.
+ *
+ * Defaults to off.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state True to set origin mode, false to unset.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setOriginMode = function(state) {
+ this.options_.originMode = state;
+ this.setCursorPosition(0, 0);
+ * Set the insert mode bit.
+ *
+ * If insert mode is on, existing text beyond the cursor position will be
+ * shifted right to make room for new text. Otherwise, new text overwrites
+ * any existing text.
+ *
+ * Defaults to off.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state True to set insert mode, false to unset.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setInsertMode = function(state) {
+ this.options_.insertMode = state;
+ * Set the auto carriage return bit.
+ *
+ * If auto carriage return is on then a formfeed character is interpreted
+ * as a newline, otherwise it's the same as a linefeed. The difference boils
+ * down to whether or not the cursor column is reset.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state The state to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setAutoCarriageReturn = function(state) {
+ this.options_.autoCarriageReturn = state;
+ * Set the wraparound mode bit.
+ *
+ * If wraparound mode is on, certain VT commands will allow the cursor to wrap
+ * to the start of the following row. Otherwise, the cursor is clamped to the
+ * end of the screen and attempts to write past it are ignored.
+ *
+ * Defaults to on.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state True to set wraparound mode, false to unset.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setWraparound = function(state) {
+ this.options_.wraparound = state;
+ * Set the reverse-wraparound mode bit.
+ *
+ * If wraparound mode is off, certain VT commands will allow the cursor to wrap
+ * to the end of the previous row. Otherwise, the cursor is clamped to column
+ * 0.
+ *
+ * Defaults to off.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state True to set reverse-wraparound mode, false to unset.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setReverseWraparound = function(state) {
+ this.options_.reverseWraparound = state;
+ * Selects between the primary and alternate screens.
+ *
+ * If alternate mode is on, the alternate screen is active. Otherwise the
+ * primary screen is active.
+ *
+ * Swapping screens has no effect on the scrollback buffer.
+ *
+ * Each screen maintains its own cursor position.
+ *
+ * Defaults to off.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state True to set alternate mode, false to unset.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setAlternateMode = function(state) {
+ var cursor = this.saveCursor();
+ this.screen_ = state ? this.alternateScreen_ : this.primaryScreen_;
+ if (this.screen_.rowsArray.length &&
+ this.screen_.rowsArray[0].rowIndex != this.scrollbackRows_.length) {
+ // If the screen changed sizes while we were away, our rowIndexes may
+ // be incorrect.
+ var offset = this.scrollbackRows_.length;
+ var ary = this.screen_.rowsArray;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
+ ary[i].rowIndex = offset + i;
+ }
+ }
+ this.realizeWidth_(this.screenSize.width);
+ this.realizeHeight_(this.screenSize.height);
+ this.scrollPort_.syncScrollHeight();
+ this.scrollPort_.invalidate();
+ this.restoreCursor(cursor);
+ this.scrollPort_.resize();
+ * Set the cursor-blink mode bit.
+ *
+ * If cursor-blink is on, the cursor will blink when it is visible. Otherwise
+ * a visible cursor does not blink.
+ *
+ * You should make sure to turn blinking off if you're going to dispose of a
+ * terminal, otherwise you'll leak a timeout.
+ *
+ * Defaults to on.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state True to set cursor-blink mode, false to unset.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorBlink = function(state) {
+ this.options_.cursorBlink = state;
+ if (!state && this.timeouts_.cursorBlink) {
+ clearTimeout(this.timeouts_.cursorBlink);
+ delete this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
+ }
+ if (this.options_.cursorVisible)
+ this.setCursorVisible(true);
+ * Set the cursor-visible mode bit.
+ *
+ * If cursor-visible is on, the cursor will be visible. Otherwise it will not.
+ *
+ * Defaults to on.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state True to set cursor-visible mode, false to unset.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setCursorVisible = function(state) {
+ this.options_.cursorVisible = state;
+ if (!state) {
+ if (this.timeouts_.cursorBlink) {
+ clearTimeout(this.timeouts_.cursorBlink);
+ delete this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
+ }
+ this.cursorNode_.style.opacity = '0';
+ return;
+ }
+ this.syncCursorPosition_();
+ this.cursorNode_.style.opacity = '1';
+ if (this.options_.cursorBlink) {
+ if (this.timeouts_.cursorBlink)
+ return;
+ this.onCursorBlink_();
+ } else {
+ if (this.timeouts_.cursorBlink) {
+ clearTimeout(this.timeouts_.cursorBlink);
+ delete this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
+ }
+ }
+ * Synchronizes the visible cursor and document selection with the current
+ * cursor coordinates.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.syncCursorPosition_ = function() {
+ var topRowIndex = this.scrollPort_.getTopRowIndex();
+ var bottomRowIndex = this.scrollPort_.getBottomRowIndex(topRowIndex);
+ var cursorRowIndex = this.scrollbackRows_.length +
+ this.screen_.cursorPosition.row;
+ if (cursorRowIndex > bottomRowIndex) {
+ // Cursor is scrolled off screen, move it outside of the visible area.
+ this.cursorNode_.style.top = -this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height + 'px';
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.options_.cursorVisible &&
+ this.cursorNode_.style.display == 'none') {
+ // Re-display the terminal cursor if it was hidden by the mouse cursor.
+ this.cursorNode_.style.display = '';
+ }
+ this.cursorNode_.style.top = this.scrollPort_.visibleRowTopMargin +
+ this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height * (cursorRowIndex - topRowIndex) +
+ 'px';
+ this.cursorNode_.style.left = this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width *
+ this.screen_.cursorPosition.column + 'px';
+ this.cursorNode_.setAttribute('title',
+ '(' + this.screen_.cursorPosition.row +
+ ', ' + this.screen_.cursorPosition.column +
+ ')');
+ // Update the caret for a11y purposes.
+ var selection = this.document_.getSelection();
+ if (selection && selection.isCollapsed)
+ this.screen_.syncSelectionCaret(selection);
+ * Adjusts the style of this.cursorNode_ according to the current cursor shape
+ * and character cell dimensions.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.restyleCursor_ = function() {
+ var shape = this.cursorShape_;
+ if (this.cursorNode_.getAttribute('focus') == 'false') {
+ // Always show a block cursor when unfocused.
+ shape = hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BLOCK;
+ }
+ var style = this.cursorNode_.style;
+ style.width = this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width + 'px';
+ switch (shape) {
+ case hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BEAM:
+ style.height = this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height + 'px';
+ style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
+ style.borderBottomStyle = null;
+ style.borderLeftStyle = 'solid';
+ break;
+ case hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.UNDERLINE:
+ style.height = this.scrollPort_.characterSize.baseline + 'px';
+ style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
+ style.borderBottomStyle = 'solid';
+ // correct the size to put it exactly at the baseline
+ style.borderLeftStyle = null;
+ break;
+ default:
+ style.height = this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height + 'px';
+ style.backgroundColor = this.cursorColor_;
+ style.borderBottomStyle = null;
+ style.borderLeftStyle = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Synchronizes the visible cursor with the current cursor coordinates.
+ *
+ * The sync will happen asynchronously, soon after the call stack winds down.
+ * Multiple calls will be coalesced into a single sync.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.scheduleSyncCursorPosition_ = function() {
+ if (this.timeouts_.syncCursor)
+ return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.timeouts_.syncCursor = setTimeout(function() {
+ self.syncCursorPosition_();
+ delete self.timeouts_.syncCursor;
+ }, 0);
+ * Show or hide the zoom warning.
+ *
+ * The zoom warning is a message warning the user that their browser zoom must
+ * be set to 100% in order for hterm to function properly.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state True to show the message, false to hide it.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.showZoomWarning_ = function(state) {
+ if (!this.zoomWarningNode_) {
+ if (!state)
+ return;
+ this.zoomWarningNode_ = this.document_.createElement('div');
+ this.zoomWarningNode_.style.cssText = (
+ 'color: black;' +
+ 'background-color: #ff2222;' +
+ 'font-size: large;' +
+ 'border-radius: 8px;' +
+ 'opacity: 0.75;' +
+ 'padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;' +
+ 'top: 0.5em;' +
+ 'right: 1.2em;' +
+ 'position: absolute;' +
+ '-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;' +
+ '-webkit-user-select: none;' +
+ '-moz-text-size-adjust: none;' +
+ '-moz-user-select: none;');
+ this.zoomWarningNode_.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+ this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
+ });
+ }
+ this.zoomWarningNode_.textContent = lib.MessageManager.replaceReferences(
+ hterm.zoomWarningMessage,
+ [parseInt(this.scrollPort_.characterSize.zoomFactor * 100)]);
+ this.zoomWarningNode_.style.fontFamily = this.prefs_.get('font-family');
+ if (state) {
+ if (!this.zoomWarningNode_.parentNode)
+ this.div_.parentNode.appendChild(this.zoomWarningNode_);
+ } else if (this.zoomWarningNode_.parentNode) {
+ this.zoomWarningNode_.parentNode.removeChild(this.zoomWarningNode_);
+ }
+ * Show the terminal overlay for a given amount of time.
+ *
+ * The terminal overlay appears in inverse video in a large font, centered
+ * over the terminal. You should probably keep the overlay message brief,
+ * since it's in a large font and you probably aren't going to check the size
+ * of the terminal first.
+ *
+ * @param {string} msg The text (not HTML) message to display in the overlay.
+ * @param {number} opt_timeout The amount of time to wait before fading out
+ * the overlay. Defaults to 1.5 seconds. Pass null to have the overlay
+ * stay up forever (or until the next overlay).
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.showOverlay = function(msg, opt_timeout) {
+ if (!this.overlayNode_) {
+ if (!this.div_)
+ return;
+ this.overlayNode_ = this.document_.createElement('div');
+ this.overlayNode_.style.cssText = (
+ 'border-radius: 15px;' +
+ 'font-size: xx-large;' +
+ 'opacity: 0.75;' +
+ 'padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;' +
+ 'position: absolute;' +
+ '-webkit-user-select: none;' +
+ '-webkit-transition: opacity 180ms ease-in;' +
+ '-moz-user-select: none;' +
+ '-moz-transition: opacity 180ms ease-in;');
+ this.overlayNode_.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }, true);
+ }
+ this.overlayNode_.style.color = this.prefs_.get('background-color');
+ this.overlayNode_.style.backgroundColor = this.prefs_.get('foreground-color');
+ this.overlayNode_.style.fontFamily = this.prefs_.get('font-family');
+ this.overlayNode_.textContent = msg;
+ this.overlayNode_.style.opacity = '0.75';
+ if (!this.overlayNode_.parentNode)
+ this.div_.appendChild(this.overlayNode_);
+ var divSize = hterm.getClientSize(this.div_);
+ var overlaySize = hterm.getClientSize(this.overlayNode_);
+ this.overlayNode_.style.top =
+ (divSize.height - overlaySize.height) / 2 + 'px';
+ this.overlayNode_.style.left = (divSize.width - overlaySize.width -
+ this.scrollPort_.currentScrollbarWidthPx) / 2 + 'px';
+ var self = this;
+ if (this.overlayTimeout_)
+ clearTimeout(this.overlayTimeout_);
+ if (opt_timeout === null)
+ return;
+ this.overlayTimeout_ = setTimeout(function() {
+ self.overlayNode_.style.opacity = '0';
+ self.overlayTimeout_ = setTimeout(function() {
+ if (self.overlayNode_.parentNode)
+ self.overlayNode_.parentNode.removeChild(self.overlayNode_);
+ self.overlayTimeout_ = null;
+ self.overlayNode_.style.opacity = '0.75';
+ }, 200);
+ }, opt_timeout || 1500);
+ * Paste from the system clipboard to the terminal.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.paste = function() {
+ hterm.pasteFromClipboard(this.document_);
+ * Copy a string to the system clipboard.
+ *
+ * Note: If there is a selected range in the terminal, it'll be cleared.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str The string to copy.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.copyStringToClipboard = function(str) {
+ if (this.prefs_.get('enable-clipboard-notice'))
+ setTimeout(this.showOverlay.bind(this, hterm.notifyCopyMessage, 500), 200);
+ var copySource = this.document_.createElement('pre');
+ copySource.textContent = str;
+ copySource.style.cssText = (
+ '-webkit-user-select: text;' +
+ '-moz-user-select: text;' +
+ 'position: absolute;' +
+ 'top: -99px');
+ this.document_.body.appendChild(copySource);
+ var selection = this.document_.getSelection();
+ var anchorNode = selection.anchorNode;
+ var anchorOffset = selection.anchorOffset;
+ var focusNode = selection.focusNode;
+ var focusOffset = selection.focusOffset;
+ selection.selectAllChildren(copySource);
+ hterm.copySelectionToClipboard(this.document_);
+ // IE doesn't support selection.extend. This means that the selection
+ // won't return on IE.
+ if (selection.extend) {
+ selection.collapse(anchorNode, anchorOffset);
+ selection.extend(focusNode, focusOffset);
+ }
+ copySource.parentNode.removeChild(copySource);
+ * Returns the selected text, or null if no text is selected.
+ *
+ * @return {string|null}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.getSelectionText = function() {
+ var selection = this.scrollPort_.selection;
+ selection.sync();
+ if (selection.isCollapsed)
+ return null;
+ // Start offset measures from the beginning of the line.
+ var startOffset = selection.startOffset;
+ var node = selection.startNode;
+ if (node.nodeName != 'X-ROW') {
+ // If the selection doesn't start on an x-row node, then it must be
+ // somewhere inside the x-row. Add any characters from previous siblings
+ // into the start offset.
+ if (node.nodeName == '#text' && node.parentNode.nodeName == 'SPAN') {
+ // If node is the text node in a styled span, move up to the span node.
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ while (node.previousSibling) {
+ node = node.previousSibling;
+ startOffset += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
+ }
+ }
+ // End offset measures from the end of the line.
+ var endOffset = (hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(selection.endNode) -
+ selection.endOffset);
+ node = selection.endNode;
+ if (node.nodeName != 'X-ROW') {
+ // If the selection doesn't end on an x-row node, then it must be
+ // somewhere inside the x-row. Add any characters from following siblings
+ // into the end offset.
+ if (node.nodeName == '#text' && node.parentNode.nodeName == 'SPAN') {
+ // If node is the text node in a styled span, move up to the span node.
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ while (node.nextSibling) {
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ endOffset += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
+ }
+ }
+ var rv = this.getRowsText(selection.startRow.rowIndex,
+ selection.endRow.rowIndex + 1);
+ return lib.wc.substring(rv, startOffset, lib.wc.strWidth(rv) - endOffset);
+ * Copy the current selection to the system clipboard, then clear it after a
+ * short delay.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.copySelectionToClipboard = function() {
+ var text = this.getSelectionText();
+ if (text != null)
+ this.copyStringToClipboard(text);
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.overlaySize = function() {
+ this.showOverlay(this.screenSize.width + 'x' + this.screenSize.height);
+ * Invoked by hterm.Terminal.Keyboard when a VT keystroke is detected.
+ *
+ * @param {string} string The VT string representing the keystroke, in UTF-16.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onVTKeystroke = function(string) {
+ if (this.scrollOnKeystroke_)
+ this.scrollPort_.scrollRowToBottom(this.getRowCount());
+ this.io.onVTKeystroke(this.keyboard.encode(string));
+ * Launches url in a new tab.
+ *
+ * @param {string} url URL to launch in a new tab.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.openUrl = function(url) {
+ var win = window.open(url, '_blank');
+ win.focus();
+ * Open the selected url.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.openSelectedUrl_ = function() {
+ var str = this.getSelectionText();
+ // If there is no selection, try and expand wherever they clicked.
+ if (str == null) {
+ this.screen_.expandSelection(this.document_.getSelection());
+ str = this.getSelectionText();
+ }
+ // Make sure URL is valid before opening.
+ if (str.length > 2048 || str.search(/[\s\[\](){}<>"'\\^`]/) >= 0)
+ return;
+ // If the URL isn't anchored, it'll open relative to the extension.
+ // We have no way of knowing the correct schema, so assume http.
+ if (str.search('^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]*://') < 0)
+ str = 'http://' + str;
+ this.openUrl(str);
+ * Add the terminalRow and terminalColumn properties to mouse events and
+ * then forward on to onMouse().
+ *
+ * The terminalRow and terminalColumn properties contain the (row, column)
+ * coordinates for the mouse event.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} e The mouse event to handle.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onMouse_ = function(e) {
+ if (e.processedByTerminalHandler_) {
+ // We register our event handlers on the document, as well as the cursor
+ // and the scroll blocker. Mouse events that occur on the cursor or
+ // scroll blocker will also appear on the document, but we don't want to
+ // process them twice.
+ //
+ // We can't just prevent bubbling because that has other side effects, so
+ // we decorate the event object with this property instead.
+ return;
+ }
+ var reportMouseEvents = (!this.defeatMouseReports_ &&
+ this.vt.mouseReport != this.vt.MOUSE_REPORT_DISABLED);
+ e.processedByTerminalHandler_ = true;
+ // One based row/column stored on the mouse event.
+ e.terminalRow = parseInt((e.clientY - this.scrollPort_.visibleRowTopMargin) /
+ this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height) + 1;
+ e.terminalColumn = parseInt(e.clientX /
+ this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width) + 1;
+ if (e.type == 'mousedown' && e.terminalColumn > this.screenSize.width) {
+ // Mousedown in the scrollbar area.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.options_.cursorVisible && !reportMouseEvents) {
+ // If the cursor is visible and we're not sending mouse events to the
+ // host app, then we want to hide the terminal cursor when the mouse
+ // cursor is over top. This keeps the terminal cursor from interfering
+ // with local text selection.
+ if (e.terminalRow - 1 == this.screen_.cursorPosition.row &&
+ e.terminalColumn - 1 == this.screen_.cursorPosition.column) {
+ this.cursorNode_.style.display = 'none';
+ } else if (this.cursorNode_.style.display == 'none') {
+ this.cursorNode_.style.display = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (e.type == 'mousedown') {
+ if (e.altKey || !reportMouseEvents) {
+ // If VT mouse reporting is disabled, or has been defeated with
+ // alt-mousedown, then the mouse will act on the local selection.
+ this.defeatMouseReports_ = true;
+ this.setSelectionEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise we defer ownership of the mouse to the VT.
+ this.defeatMouseReports_ = false;
+ this.document_.getSelection().collapseToEnd();
+ this.setSelectionEnabled(false);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!reportMouseEvents) {
+ if (e.type == 'dblclick' && this.copyOnSelect) {
+ this.screen_.expandSelection(this.document_.getSelection());
+ this.copySelectionToClipboard(this.document_);
+ }
+ if (e.type == 'click' && !e.shiftKey && e.ctrlKey) {
+ // Debounce this event with the dblclick event. If you try to doubleclick
+ // a URL to open it, Chrome will fire click then dblclick, but we won't
+ // have expanded the selection text at the first click event.
+ clearTimeout(this.timeouts_.openUrl);
+ this.timeouts_.openUrl = setTimeout(this.openSelectedUrl_.bind(this),
+ 500);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (e.type == 'mousedown' && e.which == this.mousePasteButton)
+ this.paste();
+ if (e.type == 'mouseup' && e.which == 1 && this.copyOnSelect &&
+ !this.document_.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
+ this.copySelectionToClipboard(this.document_);
+ }
+ if ((e.type == 'mousemove' || e.type == 'mouseup') &&
+ this.scrollBlockerNode_.engaged) {
+ // Disengage the scroll-blocker after one of these events.
+ this.scrollBlockerNode_.engaged = false;
+ this.scrollBlockerNode_.style.top = '-99px';
+ }
+ } else /* if (this.reportMouseEvents) */ {
+ if (!this.scrollBlockerNode_.engaged) {
+ if (e.type == 'mousedown') {
+ // Move the scroll-blocker into place if we want to keep the scrollport
+ // from scrolling.
+ this.scrollBlockerNode_.engaged = true;
+ this.scrollBlockerNode_.style.top = (e.clientY - 5) + 'px';
+ this.scrollBlockerNode_.style.left = (e.clientX - 5) + 'px';
+ } else if (e.type == 'mousemove') {
+ // Oh. This means that drag-scroll was disabled AFTER the mouse down,
+ // in which case it's too late to engage the scroll-blocker.
+ this.document_.getSelection().collapseToEnd();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ this.onMouse(e);
+ }
+ if (e.type == 'mouseup' && this.document_.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
+ // Restore this on mouseup in case it was temporarily defeated with a
+ // alt-mousedown. Only do this when the selection is empty so that
+ // we don't immediately kill the users selection.
+ this.defeatMouseReports_ = false;
+ }
+ * Clients should override this if they care to know about mouse events.
+ *
+ * The event parameter will be a normal DOM mouse click event with additional
+ * 'terminalRow' and 'terminalColumn' properties.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} e The mouse event to handle.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onMouse = function(e) { };
+ * React when focus changes.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} focused True if focused, false otherwise.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onFocusChange_ = function(focused) {
+ this.cursorNode_.setAttribute('focus', focused);
+ this.restyleCursor_();
+ if (focused === true)
+ this.closeBellNotifications_();
+ * React when the ScrollPort is scrolled.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onScroll_ = function() {
+ this.scheduleSyncCursorPosition_();
+ * React when text is pasted into the scrollPort.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} e The DOM paste event to handle.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onPaste_ = function(e) {
+ var data = e.text.replace(/\n/mg, '\r');
+ data = this.keyboard.encode(data);
+ if (this.options_.bracketedPaste)
+ data = '\x1b[200~' + data + '\x1b[201~';
+ this.io.sendString(data);
+ * React when the user tries to copy from the scrollPort.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} e The DOM copy event.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onCopy_ = function(e) {
+ if (!this.useDefaultWindowCopy) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ setTimeout(this.copySelectionToClipboard.bind(this), 0);
+ }
+ * React when the ScrollPort is resized.
+ *
+ * Note: This function should not directly contain code that alters the internal
+ * state of the terminal. That kind of code belongs in realizeWidth or
+ * realizeHeight, so that it can be executed synchronously in the case of a
+ * programmatic width change.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onResize_ = function() {
+ var columnCount = Math.floor(this.scrollPort_.getScreenWidth() /
+ this.scrollPort_.characterSize.width) || 0;
+ var rowCount = lib.f.smartFloorDivide(this.scrollPort_.getScreenHeight(),
+ this.scrollPort_.characterSize.height) || 0;
+ if (columnCount <= 0 || rowCount <= 0) {
+ // We avoid these situations since they happen sometimes when the terminal
+ // gets removed from the document or during the initial load, and we can't
+ // deal with that.
+ // This can also happen if called before the scrollPort calculates the
+ // character size, meaning we dived by 0 above and default to 0 values.
+ return;
+ }
+ var isNewSize = (columnCount != this.screenSize.width ||
+ rowCount != this.screenSize.height);
+ // We do this even if the size didn't change, just to be sure everything is
+ // in sync.
+ this.realizeSize_(columnCount, rowCount);
+ this.showZoomWarning_(this.scrollPort_.characterSize.zoomFactor != 1);
+ if (isNewSize)
+ this.overlaySize();
+ this.restyleCursor_();
+ this.scheduleSyncCursorPosition_();
+ * Service the cursor blink timeout.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.onCursorBlink_ = function() {
+ if (!this.options_.cursorBlink) {
+ delete this.timeouts_.cursorBlink;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.cursorNode_.getAttribute('focus') == 'false' ||
+ this.cursorNode_.style.opacity == '0') {
+ this.cursorNode_.style.opacity = '1';
+ this.timeouts_.cursorBlink = setTimeout(this.myOnCursorBlink_,
+ this.cursorBlinkCycle_[0]);
+ } else {
+ this.cursorNode_.style.opacity = '0';
+ this.timeouts_.cursorBlink = setTimeout(this.myOnCursorBlink_,
+ this.cursorBlinkCycle_[1]);
+ }
+ * Set the scrollbar-visible mode bit.
+ *
+ * If scrollbar-visible is on, the vertical scrollbar will be visible.
+ * Otherwise it will not.
+ *
+ * Defaults to on.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} state True to set scrollbar-visible mode, false to unset.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setScrollbarVisible = function(state) {
+ this.scrollPort_.setScrollbarVisible(state);
+ * Set the scroll wheel move multiplier. This will affect how fast the page
+ * scrolls on mousewheel events.
+ *
+ * Defaults to 1.
+ *
+ * @param {number} multiplier The multiplier to set.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.setScrollWheelMoveMultipler = function(multiplier) {
+ this.scrollPort_.setScrollWheelMoveMultipler(multiplier);
+ * Close all web notifications created by terminal bells.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.prototype.closeBellNotifications_ = function() {
+ this.bellNotificationList_.forEach(function(n) {
+ n.close();
+ });
+ this.bellNotificationList_.length = 0;
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_terminal_io.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Input/Output interface used by commands to communicate with the terminal.
+ *
+ * Commands like `nassh` and `crosh` receive an instance of this class as
+ * part of their argv object. This allows them to write to and read from the
+ * terminal without exposing them to an entire hterm.Terminal instance.
+ *
+ * The active command must override the onVTKeystroke() and sendString() methods
+ * of this class in order to receive keystrokes and send output to the correct
+ * destination.
+ *
+ * Isolating commands from the terminal provides the following benefits:
+ * - Provides a mechanism to save and restore onVTKeystroke and sendString
+ * handlers when invoking subcommands (see the push() and pop() methods).
+ * - The isolation makes it easier to make changes in Terminal and supporting
+ * classes without affecting commands.
+ * - In The Future commands may run in web workers where they would only be able
+ * to talk to a Terminal instance through an IPC mechanism.
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Terminal}
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO = function(terminal) {
+ this.terminal_ = terminal;
+ // The IO object to restore on IO.pop().
+ this.previousIO_ = null;
+ * Show the terminal overlay for a given amount of time.
+ *
+ * The terminal overlay appears in inverse video in a large font, centered
+ * over the terminal. You should probably keep the overlay message brief,
+ * since it's in a large font and you probably aren't going to check the size
+ * of the terminal first.
+ *
+ * @param {string} msg The text (not HTML) message to display in the overlay.
+ * @param {number} opt_timeout The amount of time to wait before fading out
+ * the overlay. Defaults to 1.5 seconds. Pass null to have the overlay
+ * stay up forever (or until the next overlay).
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.showOverlay = function(message, opt_timeout) {
+ this.terminal_.showOverlay(message, opt_timeout);
+ * Open an frame in the current terminal window, pointed to the specified
+ * url.
+ *
+ * Eventually we'll probably need size/position/decoration options.
+ * The user should also be able to move/resize the frame.
+ *
+ * @param {string} url The URL to load in the frame.
+ * @param {Object} opt_options Optional frame options. Not implemented.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.createFrame = function(url, opt_options) {
+ return new hterm.Frame(this.terminal_, url, opt_options);
+ * Change the preference profile for the terminal.
+ *
+ * @param profileName {string} The name of the preference profile to activate.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.setTerminalProfile = function(profileName) {
+ this.terminal_.setProfile(profileName);
+ * Create a new hterm.Terminal.IO instance and make it active on the Terminal
+ * object associated with this instance.
+ *
+ * This is used to pass control of the terminal IO off to a subcommand. The
+ * IO.pop() method can be used to restore control when the subcommand completes.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.push = function() {
+ var io = new hterm.Terminal.IO(this.terminal_);
+ io.keyboardCaptured_ = this.keyboardCaptured_;
+ io.columnCount = this.columnCount;
+ io.rowCount = this.rowCount;
+ io.previousIO_ = this.terminal_.io;
+ this.terminal_.io = io;
+ return io;
+ * Restore the Terminal's previous IO object.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.pop = function() {
+ this.terminal_.io = this.previousIO_;
+ * Called when data needs to be sent to the current command.
+ *
+ * Clients should override this to receive notification of pending data.
+ *
+ * @param {string} string The data to send.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.sendString = function(string) {
+ // Override this.
+ console.log('Unhandled sendString: ' + string);
+ * Called when a terminal keystroke is detected.
+ *
+ * Clients should override this to receive notification of keystrokes.
+ *
+ * The keystroke data will be encoded according to the 'send-encoding'
+ * preference.
+ *
+ * @param {string} string The VT key sequence.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.onVTKeystroke = function(string) {
+ // Override this.
+ console.log('Unobserverd VT keystroke: ' + JSON.stringify(string));
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.onTerminalResize_ = function(width, height) {
+ var obj = this;
+ while (obj) {
+ obj.columnCount = width;
+ obj.rowCount = height;
+ obj = obj.previousIO_;
+ }
+ this.onTerminalResize(width, height);
+ * Called when terminal size is changed.
+ *
+ * Clients should override this to receive notification of resize.
+ *
+ * @param {string|integer} terminal width.
+ * @param {string|integer} terminal height.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.onTerminalResize = function(width, height) {
+ // Override this.
+ * Write a UTF-8 encoded byte string to the terminal.
+ *
+ * @param {string} string The UTF-8 encoded string to print.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.writeUTF8 = function(string) {
+ if (this.terminal_.io != this)
+ throw 'Attempt to print from inactive IO object.';
+ this.terminal_.interpret(string);
+ * Write a UTF-8 encoded byte string to the terminal followed by crlf.
+ *
+ * @param {string} string The UTF-8 encoded string to print.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.writelnUTF8 = function(string) {
+ if (this.terminal_.io != this)
+ throw 'Attempt to print from inactive IO object.';
+ this.terminal_.interpret(string + '\r\n');
+ * Write a UTF-16 JavaScript string to the terminal.
+ *
+ * @param {string} string The string to print.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.print =
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.writeUTF16 = function(string) {
+ this.writeUTF8(lib.encodeUTF8(string));
+ * Print a UTF-16 JavaScript string to the terminal followed by a newline.
+ *
+ * @param {string} string The string to print.
+ */
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.println =
+hterm.Terminal.IO.prototype.writelnUTF16 = function(string) {
+ this.writelnUTF8(lib.encodeUTF8(string));
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_text_attributes.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Constructor for TextAttribute objects.
+ *
+ * These objects manage a set of text attributes such as foreground/
+ * background color, bold, faint, italic, blink, underline, and strikethrough.
+ *
+ * TextAttribute instances can be used to construct a DOM container implementing
+ * the current attributes, or to test an existing DOM container for
+ * compatibility with the current attributes.
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {HTMLDocument} document The parent document to use when creating
+ * new DOM containers.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes = function(document) {
+ this.document_ = document;
+ // These variables contain the source of the color as either:
+ // SRC_DEFAULT (use context default)
+ // SRC_RGB (specified in 'rgb( r, g, b)' form)
+ // number (representing the index from color palette to use)
+ this.foregroundSource = this.SRC_DEFAULT;
+ this.backgroundSource = this.SRC_DEFAULT;
+ // These properties cache the value in the color table, but foregroundSource
+ // and backgroundSource contain the canonical values.
+ this.foreground = this.DEFAULT_COLOR;
+ this.background = this.DEFAULT_COLOR;
+ this.defaultForeground = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)';
+ this.defaultBackground = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)';
+ this.bold = false;
+ this.faint = false;
+ this.italic = false;
+ this.blink = false;
+ this.underline = false;
+ this.strikethrough = false;
+ this.inverse = false;
+ this.invisible = false;
+ this.wcNode = false;
+ this.tileData = null;
+ this.colorPalette = null;
+ this.resetColorPalette();
+ * If false, we ignore the bold attribute.
+ *
+ * This is used for fonts that have a bold version that is a different size
+ * than the normal weight version.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.enableBold = true;
+ * If true, use bright colors (if available) for bold text.
+ *
+ * This setting is independent of the enableBold setting.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.enableBoldAsBright = true;
+ * A sentinel constant meaning "whatever the default color is in this context".
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.DEFAULT_COLOR = new String('');
+ * A constant string used to specify that source color is context default.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.SRC_DEFAULT = 'default';
+ * A constant string used to specify that the source of a color is a valid
+ * rgb( r, g, b) specifier.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.SRC_RGB = 'rgb';
+ * The document object which should own the DOM nodes created by this instance.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLDocument} document The parent document.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.setDocument = function(document) {
+ this.document_ = document;
+ * Create a deep copy of this object.
+ *
+ * @return {hterm.TextAttributes} A deep copy of this object.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.clone = function() {
+ var rv = new hterm.TextAttributes(null);
+ for (var key in this) {
+ rv[key] = this[key];
+ }
+ rv.colorPalette = this.colorPalette.concat();
+ return rv;
+ * Reset the current set of attributes.
+ *
+ * This does not affect the palette. Use resetColorPalette() for that.
+ * It also doesn't affect the tile data, it's not meant to.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.foregroundSource = this.SRC_DEFAULT;
+ this.backgroundSource = this.SRC_DEFAULT;
+ this.foreground = this.DEFAULT_COLOR;
+ this.background = this.DEFAULT_COLOR;
+ this.bold = false;
+ this.faint = false;
+ this.italic = false;
+ this.blink = false;
+ this.underline = false;
+ this.strikethrough = false;
+ this.inverse = false;
+ this.invisible = false;
+ this.wcNode = false;
+ * Reset the color palette to the default state.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.resetColorPalette = function() {
+ this.colorPalette = lib.colors.colorPalette.concat();
+ this.syncColors();
+ * Test if the current attributes describe unstyled text.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} True if the current attributes describe unstyled text.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.isDefault = function() {
+ return (this.foregroundSource == this.SRC_DEFAULT &&
+ this.backgroundSource == this.SRC_DEFAULT &&
+ !this.bold &&
+ !this.faint &&
+ !this.italic &&
+ !this.blink &&
+ !this.underline &&
+ !this.strikethrough &&
+ !this.inverse &&
+ !this.invisible &&
+ !this.wcNode &&
+ this.tileData == null);
+ * Create a DOM container (a span or a text node) with a style to match the
+ * current set of attributes.
+ *
+ * This method will create a plain text node if the text is unstyled, or
+ * an HTML span if the text is styled. Due to lack of monospace wide character
+ * fonts on certain systems (e.g. Chrome OS), we need to put each wide character
+ * in a span of CSS class '.wc-node' which has double column width.
+ * Each vt_tiledata tile is also represented by a span with a single
+ * character, with CSS classes '.tile' and '.tile_<glyph number>'.
+ *
+ * @param {string} opt_textContent Optional text content for the new container.
+ * @return {HTMLNode} An HTML span or text nodes styled to match the current
+ * attributes.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.createContainer = function(opt_textContent) {
+ if (this.isDefault())
+ return this.document_.createTextNode(opt_textContent);
+ var span = this.document_.createElement('span');
+ var style = span.style;
+ var classes = [];
+ if (this.foreground != this.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ style.color = this.foreground;
+ if (this.background != this.DEFAULT_COLOR)
+ style.backgroundColor = this.background;
+ if (this.enableBold && this.bold)
+ style.fontWeight = 'bold';
+ if (this.faint)
+ span.faint = true;
+ if (this.italic)
+ style.fontStyle = 'italic';
+ if (this.blink) {
+ classes.push('blink-node');
+ span.blinkNode = true;
+ }
+ var textDecoration = '';
+ if (this.underline) {
+ textDecoration += ' underline';
+ span.underline = true;
+ }
+ if (this.strikethrough) {
+ textDecoration += ' line-through';
+ span.strikethrough = true;
+ }
+ if (textDecoration) {
+ style.textDecoration = textDecoration;
+ }
+ if (this.wcNode) {
+ classes.push('wc-node');
+ span.wcNode = true;
+ }
+ if (this.tileData != null) {
+ classes.push('tile');
+ classes.push('tile_' + this.tileData);
+ span.tileNode = true;
+ }
+ if (opt_textContent)
+ span.textContent = opt_textContent;
+ if (classes.length)
+ span.className = classes.join(' ');
+ return span;
+ * Tests if the provided object (string, span or text node) has the same
+ * style as this TextAttributes instance.
+ *
+ * This indicates that text with these attributes could be inserted directly
+ * into the target DOM node.
+ *
+ * For the purposes of this method, a string is considered a text node.
+ *
+ * @param {string|HTMLNode} obj The object to test.
+ * @return {boolean} True if the provided container has the same style as
+ * this attributes instance.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.matchesContainer = function(obj) {
+ if (typeof obj == 'string' || obj.nodeType == 3)
+ return this.isDefault();
+ var style = obj.style;
+ // We don't want to put multiple characters in a wcNode or a tile.
+ // See the comments in createContainer.
+ return (!(this.wcNode || obj.wcNode) &&
+ !(this.tileData != null || obj.tileNode) &&
+ this.foreground == style.color &&
+ this.background == style.backgroundColor &&
+ (this.enableBold && this.bold) == !!style.fontWeight &&
+ this.blink == obj.blinkNode &&
+ this.italic == !!style.fontStyle &&
+ !!this.underline == !!obj.underline &&
+ !!this.strikethrough == !!obj.strikethrough);
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.setDefaults = function(foreground, background) {
+ this.defaultForeground = foreground;
+ this.defaultBackground = background;
+ this.syncColors();
+ * Updates foreground and background properties based on current indices and
+ * other state.
+ *
+ * @param {string} terminalForeground The terminal foreground color for use as
+ * inverse text background.
+ * @param {string} terminalBackground The terminal background color for use as
+ * inverse text foreground.
+ *
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.prototype.syncColors = function() {
+ function getBrightIndex(i) {
+ if (i < 8) {
+ // If the color is from the lower half of the ANSI 16, add 8.
+ return i + 8;
+ }
+ // If it's not from the 16 color palette, ignore bold requests. This
+ // matches the behavior of gnome-terminal.
+ return i;
+ }
+ var foregroundSource = this.foregroundSource;
+ var backgroundSource = this.backgroundSource;
+ var defaultForeground = this.DEFAULT_COLOR;
+ var defaultBackground = this.DEFAULT_COLOR;
+ if (this.inverse) {
+ foregroundSource = this.backgroundSource;
+ backgroundSource = this.foregroundSource;
+ // We can't inherit the container's color anymore.
+ defaultForeground = this.defaultBackground;
+ defaultBackground = this.defaultForeground;
+ }
+ if (this.enableBoldAsBright && this.bold) {
+ if (foregroundSource != this.SRC_DEFAULT &&
+ foregroundSource != this.SRC_RGB) {
+ foregroundSource = getBrightIndex(foregroundSource);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.invisible) {
+ foregroundSource = backgroundSource;
+ defaultForeground = this.defaultBackground;
+ }
+ // Set fore/background colors unless already specified in rgb(r, g, b) form.
+ if (foregroundSource != this.SRC_RGB) {
+ this.foreground = ((foregroundSource == this.SRC_DEFAULT) ?
+ defaultForeground : this.colorPalette[foregroundSource]);
+ }
+ if (this.faint && !this.invisible) {
+ var colorToMakeFaint = ((this.foreground == this.DEFAULT_COLOR) ?
+ this.defaultForeground : this.foreground);
+ this.foreground = lib.colors.mix(colorToMakeFaint, 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', 0.3333);
+ }
+ if (backgroundSource != this.SRC_RGB) {
+ this.background = ((backgroundSource == this.SRC_DEFAULT) ?
+ defaultBackground : this.colorPalette[backgroundSource]);
+ }
+ * Static method used to test if the provided objects (strings, spans or
+ * text nodes) have the same style.
+ *
+ * For the purposes of this method, a string is considered a text node.
+ *
+ * @param {string|HTMLNode} obj1 An object to test.
+ * @param {string|HTMLNode} obj2 Another object to test.
+ * @return {boolean} True if the containers have the same style.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.containersMatch = function(obj1, obj2) {
+ if (typeof obj1 == 'string')
+ return hterm.TextAttributes.containerIsDefault(obj2);
+ if (obj1.nodeType != obj2.nodeType)
+ return false;
+ if (obj1.nodeType == 3)
+ return true;
+ var style1 = obj1.style;
+ var style2 = obj2.style;
+ return (style1.color == style2.color &&
+ style1.backgroundColor == style2.backgroundColor &&
+ style1.fontWeight == style2.fontWeight &&
+ style1.fontStyle == style2.fontStyle &&
+ style1.textDecoration == style2.textDecoration);
+ * Static method to test if a given DOM container represents unstyled text.
+ *
+ * For the purposes of this method, a string is considered a text node.
+ *
+ * @param {string|HTMLNode} obj1 An object to test.
+ * @return {boolean} True if the object is unstyled.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.containerIsDefault = function(obj) {
+ return typeof obj == 'string' || obj.nodeType == 3;
+ * Static method to get the column width of a node's textContent.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTML element to get the width of textContent
+ * from.
+ * @return {integer} The column width of the node's textContent.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth = function(node) {
+ if (node.wcNode) {
+ return lib.wc.strWidth(node.textContent);
+ } else {
+ return node.textContent.length;
+ }
+ * Static method to get the substr of a node's textContent. The start index
+ * and substr width are computed in column width.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTML element to get the substr of textContent
+ * from.
+ * @param {integer} start The starting offset in column width.
+ * @param {integer} width The width to capture in column width.
+ * @return {integer} The extracted substr of the node's textContent.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr = function(node, start, width) {
+ if (node.wcNode) {
+ return lib.wc.substr(node.textContent, start, width);
+ } else {
+ return node.textContent.substr(start, width);
+ }
+ * Static method to get the substring based of a node's textContent. The
+ * start index of end index are computed in column width.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTML element to get the substr of textContent
+ * from.
+ * @param {integer} start The starting offset in column width.
+ * @param {integer} end The ending offset in column width.
+ * @return {integer} The extracted substring of the node's textContent.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstring = function(node, start, end) {
+ if (node.wcNode) {
+ return lib.wc.substring(node.textContent, start, end);
+ } else {
+ return node.textContent.substring(start, end);
+ }
+ * Static method to split a string into contiguous runs of single-width
+ * characters and runs of double-width characters.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str The string to split.
+ * @return {Array} An array of objects that contain substrings of str, where
+ * each substring is either a contiguous runs of single-width characters
+ * or a double-width character. For object that contains a double-width
+ * character, its wcNode property is set to true.
+ */
+hterm.TextAttributes.splitWidecharString = function(str) {
+ var rv = [];
+ var base = 0, length = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < str.length;) {
+ var c = str.codePointAt(i);
+ var increment = (c <= 0xffff) ? 1 : 2;
+ if (c < 128 || lib.wc.charWidth(c) == 1) {
+ length += increment;
+ } else {
+ if (length) {
+ rv.push({str: str.substr(base, length)});
+ }
+ rv.push({str: str.substr(i, increment), wcNode: true});
+ base = i + increment;
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ i += increment;
+ }
+ if (length)
+ rv.push({str: str.substr(base, length)});
+ return rv;
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_vt.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+lib.rtdep('lib.colors', 'lib.f', 'lib.UTF8Decoder',
+ 'hterm.VT.CharacterMap');
+ * Constructor for the VT escape sequence interpreter.
+ *
+ * The interpreter operates on a terminal object capable of performing cursor
+ * move operations, painting characters, etc.
+ *
+ * This interpreter is intended to be compatible with xterm, though it
+ * ignores some of the more esoteric escape sequences.
+ *
+ * Some sequences are marked "Will not implement", meaning that they aren't
+ * considered relevant to hterm and will probably never be implemented.
+ *
+ * Others are marked "Not currently implemented", meaning that they are lower
+ * priority items that may be useful to implement at some point.
+ *
+ * See also:
+ * [VT100] VT100 User Guide
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html
+ * [VT510] VT510 Video Terminal Programmer Information
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/contents
+ * [XTERM] Xterm Control Sequences
+ * http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html
+ * [CTRL] Wikipedia: C0 and C1 Control Codes
+ * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C0_and_C1_control_codes
+ * [CSI] Wikipedia: ANSI Escape Code
+ * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_Sequence_Introducer
+ * man 5 terminfo, man infocmp, infocmp -L xterm-new
+ *
+ * @param {hterm.Terminal} terminal Terminal to use with the interpreter.
+ */
+hterm.VT = function(terminal) {
+ /**
+ * The display terminal object associated with this virtual terminal.
+ */
+ this.terminal = terminal;
+ terminal.onMouse = this.onTerminalMouse_.bind(this);
+ this.mouseReport = this.MOUSE_REPORT_DISABLED;
+ // Parse state left over from the last parse. You should use the parseState
+ // instance passed into your parse routine, rather than reading
+ // this.parseState_ directly.
+ this.parseState_ = new hterm.VT.ParseState(this.parseUnknown_);
+ // Any "leading modifiers" for the escape sequence, such as '?', ' ', or the
+ // other modifiers handled in this.parseCSI_.
+ this.leadingModifier_ = '';
+ // Any "trailing modifiers". Same character set as a leading modifier,
+ // except these are found after the numeric arguments.
+ this.trailingModifier_ = '';
+ // Whether or not to respect the escape codes for setting terminal width.
+ this.allowColumnWidthChanges_ = false;
+ // The amount of time we're willing to wait for the end of an OSC sequence.
+ this.oscTimeLimit_ = 20000;
+ // Construct a regular expression to match the known one-byte control chars.
+ // This is used in parseUnknown_ to quickly scan a string for the next
+ // control character.
+ var cc1 = Object.keys(hterm.VT.CC1).map(
+ function(e) {
+ return '\\x' + lib.f.zpad(e.charCodeAt().toString(16), 2)
+ }).join('');
+ this.cc1Pattern_ = new RegExp('[' + cc1 + ']');
+ // Decoder to maintain UTF-8 decode state.
+ this.utf8Decoder_ = new lib.UTF8Decoder();
+ /**
+ * Whether to accept the 8-bit control characters.
+ *
+ * An 8-bit control character is one with the eighth bit set. These
+ * didn't work on 7-bit terminals so they all have two byte equivalents.
+ * Most hosts still only use the two-byte versions.
+ *
+ * We ignore 8-bit control codes by default. This is in order to avoid
+ * issues with "accidental" usage of codes that need to be terminated.
+ * The "accident" usually involves cat'ing binary data.
+ */
+ this.enable8BitControl = false;
+ /**
+ * Whether to allow the OSC 52 sequence to write to the system clipboard.
+ */
+ this.enableClipboardWrite = true;
+ /**
+ * Respect the host's attempt to change the cursor blink status using
+ * the DEC Private mode 12.
+ */
+ this.enableDec12 = false;
+ /**
+ * The expected encoding method for data received from the host.
+ */
+ this.characterEncoding = 'utf-8';
+ /**
+ * Max length of an unterminated DCS, OSC, PM or APC sequence before we give
+ * up and ignore the code.
+ *
+ * These all end with a String Terminator (ST, '\x9c', ESC '\\') or
+ * (BEL, '\x07') character, hence the "string sequence" moniker.
+ */
+ this.maxStringSequence = 1024;
+ /**
+ * If true, emit warnings when we encounter a control character or escape
+ * sequence that we don't recognize or explicitly ignore.
+ */
+ this.warnUnimplemented = true;
+ /**
+ * The default G0...G3 character maps.
+ */
+ this.G0 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['B'];
+ this.G1 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['0'];
+ this.G2 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['B'];
+ this.G3 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['B'];
+ /**
+ * The 7-bit visible character set.
+ *
+ * This is a mapping from inbound data to display glyph. The GL set
+ * contains the 94 bytes from 0x21 to 0x7e.
+ *
+ * The default GL set is 'B', US ASCII.
+ */
+ this.GL = 'G0';
+ /**
+ * The 8-bit visible character set.
+ *
+ * This is a mapping from inbound data to display glyph. The GR set
+ * contains the 94 bytes from 0xa1 to 0xfe.
+ */
+ this.GR = 'G0';
+ // Saved state used in DECSC.
+ //
+ // This is a place to store a copy VT state, it is *not* the active state.
+ this.savedState_ = new hterm.VT.CursorState(this);
+ * No mouse events.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.MOUSE_REPORT_DISABLED = 0;
+ * DECSET mode 1000.
+ *
+ * Report mouse down/up events only.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.MOUSE_REPORT_CLICK = 1;
+ * DECSET mode 1002.
+ *
+ * Report mouse down/up and movement while a button is down.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.MOUSE_REPORT_DRAG = 3;
+ * ParseState constructor.
+ *
+ * This object tracks the current state of the parse. It has fields for the
+ * current buffer, position in the buffer, and the parse function.
+ *
+ * @param {function} defaultFunc The default parser function.
+ * @param {string} opt_buf Optional string to use as the current buffer.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState = function(defaultFunction, opt_buf) {
+ this.defaultFunction = defaultFunction;
+ this.buf = opt_buf || null;
+ this.pos = 0;
+ this.func = defaultFunction;
+ this.args = [];
+ * Reset the parser function, buffer, and position.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.reset = function(opt_buf) {
+ this.resetParseFunction();
+ this.resetBuf(opt_buf || '');
+ this.resetArguments();
+ * Reset the parser function only.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.resetParseFunction = function() {
+ this.func = this.defaultFunction;
+ * Reset the buffer and position only.
+ *
+ * @param {string} buf Optional new value for buf, defaults to null.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.resetBuf = function(opt_buf) {
+ this.buf = (typeof opt_buf == 'string') ? opt_buf : null;
+ this.pos = 0;
+ * Reset the arguments list only.
+ *
+ * @param {string} opt_arg_zero Optional initial value for args[0].
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.resetArguments = function(opt_arg_zero) {
+ this.args.length = 0;
+ if (typeof opt_arg_zero != 'undefined')
+ this.args[0] = opt_arg_zero;
+ * Get an argument as an integer.
+ *
+ * @param {number} argnum The argument number to retrieve.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.iarg = function(argnum, defaultValue) {
+ var str = this.args[argnum];
+ if (str) {
+ var ret = parseInt(str, 10);
+ // An argument of zero is treated as the default value.
+ if (ret == 0)
+ ret = defaultValue;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return defaultValue;
+ * Advance the parse position.
+ *
+ * @param {integer} count The number of bytes to advance.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.advance = function(count) {
+ this.pos += count;
+ * Return the remaining portion of the buffer without affecting the parse
+ * position.
+ *
+ * @return {string} The remaining portion of the buffer.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.peekRemainingBuf = function() {
+ return this.buf.substr(this.pos);
+ * Return the next single character in the buffer without affecting the parse
+ * position.
+ *
+ * @return {string} The next character in the buffer.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.peekChar = function() {
+ return this.buf.substr(this.pos, 1);
+ * Return the next single character in the buffer and advance the parse
+ * position one byte.
+ *
+ * @return {string} The next character in the buffer.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.consumeChar = function() {
+ return this.buf.substr(this.pos++, 1);
+ * Return true if the buffer is empty, or the position is past the end.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ParseState.prototype.isComplete = function() {
+ return this.buf == null || this.buf.length <= this.pos;
+hterm.VT.CursorState = function(vt) {
+ this.vt_ = vt;
+ this.save();
+hterm.VT.CursorState.prototype.save = function() {
+ this.cursor = this.vt_.terminal.saveCursor();
+ this.textAttributes = this.vt_.terminal.getTextAttributes().clone();
+ this.GL = this.vt_.GL;
+ this.GR = this.vt_.GR;
+ this.G0 = this.vt_.G0;
+ this.G1 = this.vt_.G1;
+ this.G2 = this.vt_.G2;
+ this.G3 = this.vt_.G3;
+hterm.VT.CursorState.prototype.restore = function() {
+ this.vt_.terminal.restoreCursor(this.cursor);
+ this.vt_.terminal.setTextAttributes(this.textAttributes.clone());
+ this.vt_.GL = this.GL;
+ this.vt_.GR = this.GR;
+ this.vt_.G0 = this.G0;
+ this.vt_.G1 = this.G1;
+ this.vt_.G2 = this.G2;
+ this.vt_.G3 = this.G3;
+hterm.VT.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.G0 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['B'];
+ this.G1 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['0'];
+ this.G2 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['B'];
+ this.G3 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['B'];
+ this.GL = 'G0';
+ this.GR = 'G0';
+ this.savedState_ = new hterm.VT.CursorState(this);
+ this.mouseReport = this.MOUSE_REPORT_DISABLED;
+ * Handle terminal mouse events.
+ *
+ * See the "Mouse Tracking" section of [xterm].
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.onTerminalMouse_ = function(e) {
+ if (this.mouseReport == this.MOUSE_REPORT_DISABLED)
+ return;
+ // Temporary storage for our response.
+ var response;
+ // Modifier key state.
+ var mod = 0;
+ if (e.shiftKey)
+ mod |= 4;
+ if (e.metaKey || (this.terminal.keyboard.altIsMeta && e.altKey))
+ mod |= 8;
+ if (e.ctrlKey)
+ mod |= 16;
+ // TODO(rginda): We should also support mode 1005 and/or 1006 to extend the
+ // coordinate space. Though, after poking around just a little, I wasn't
+ // able to get vi or emacs to use either of these modes.
+ var x = String.fromCharCode(lib.f.clamp(e.terminalColumn + 32, 32, 255));
+ var y = String.fromCharCode(lib.f.clamp(e.terminalRow + 32, 32, 255));
+ switch (e.type) {
+ case 'mousewheel':
+ // Mouse wheel is treated as button 1 or 2 plus an additional 64.
+ b = ((e.wheelDeltaY > 0) ? 0 : 1) + 96;
+ b |= mod;
+ response = '\x1b[M' + String.fromCharCode(b) + x + y;
+ // Keep the terminal from scrolling.
+ e.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ case 'mousedown':
+ // Buttons are encoded as button number plus 32.
+ var b = Math.min(e.which - 1, 2) + 32;
+ // And mix in the modifier keys.
+ b |= mod;
+ response = '\x1b[M' + String.fromCharCode(b) + x + y;
+ break;
+ case 'mouseup':
+ // Mouse up has no indication of which button was released.
+ response = '\x1b[M\x23' + x + y;
+ break;
+ case 'mousemove':
+ if (this.mouseReport == this.MOUSE_REPORT_DRAG && e.which) {
+ // Standard button bits.
+ b = 32 + Math.min(e.which - 1, 2);
+ // Add 32 to indicate mouse motion.
+ b += 32;
+ // And mix in the modifier keys.
+ b |= mod;
+ response = '\x1b[M' + String.fromCharCode(b) + x + y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'click':
+ case 'dblclick':
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.error('Unknown mouse event: ' + e.type, e);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (response)
+ this.terminal.io.sendString(response);
+ * Interpret a string of characters, displaying the results on the associated
+ * terminal object.
+ *
+ * The buffer will be decoded according to the 'receive-encoding' preference.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.interpret = function(buf) {
+ this.parseState_.resetBuf(this.decode(buf));
+ while (!this.parseState_.isComplete()) {
+ var func = this.parseState_.func;
+ var pos = this.parseState_.pos;
+ var buf = this.parseState_.buf;
+ this.parseState_.func.call(this, this.parseState_);
+ if (this.parseState_.func == func && this.parseState_.pos == pos &&
+ this.parseState_.buf == buf) {
+ throw 'Parser did not alter the state!';
+ }
+ }
+ * Decode a string according to the 'receive-encoding' preference.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.decode = function(str) {
+ if (this.characterEncoding == 'utf-8')
+ return this.decodeUTF8(str);
+ return str;
+ * Encode a UTF-16 string as UTF-8.
+ *
+ * See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.encodeUTF8 = function(str) {
+ return lib.encodeUTF8(str);
+ * Decode a UTF-8 string into UTF-16.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.decodeUTF8 = function(str) {
+ return this.utf8Decoder_.decode(str);
+ * The default parse function.
+ *
+ * This will scan the string for the first 1-byte control character (C0/C1
+ * characters from [CTRL]). Any plain text coming before the code will be
+ * printed to the terminal, then the control character will be dispatched.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.parseUnknown_ = function(parseState) {
+ var self = this;
+ function print(str) {
+ if (self[self.GL].GL)
+ str = self[self.GL].GL(str);
+ if (self[self.GR].GR)
+ str = self[self.GR].GR(str);
+ self.terminal.print(str);
+ };
+ // Search for the next contiguous block of plain text.
+ var buf = parseState.peekRemainingBuf();
+ var nextControl = buf.search(this.cc1Pattern_);
+ if (nextControl == 0) {
+ // We've stumbled right into a control character.
+ this.dispatch('CC1', buf.substr(0, 1), parseState);
+ parseState.advance(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (nextControl == -1) {
+ // There are no control characters in this string.
+ print(buf);
+ parseState.reset();
+ return;
+ }
+ print(buf.substr(0, nextControl));
+ this.dispatch('CC1', buf.substr(nextControl, 1), parseState);
+ parseState.advance(nextControl + 1);
+ * Parse a Control Sequence Introducer code and dispatch it.
+ *
+ * See [CSI] for some useful information about these codes.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.parseCSI_ = function(parseState) {
+ var ch = parseState.peekChar();
+ var args = parseState.args;
+ if (ch >= '@' && ch <= '~') {
+ // This is the final character.
+ this.dispatch('CSI', this.leadingModifier_ + this.trailingModifier_ + ch,
+ parseState);
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ } else if (ch == ';') {
+ // Parameter delimiter.
+ if (this.trailingModifier_) {
+ // Parameter delimiter after the trailing modifier. That's a paddlin'.
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ } else {
+ if (!args.length) {
+ // They omitted the first param, we need to supply it.
+ args.push('');
+ }
+ args.push('');
+ }
+ } else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
+ // Next byte in the current parameter.
+ if (this.trailingModifier_) {
+ // Numeric parameter after the trailing modifier. That's a paddlin'.
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ } else {
+ if (!args.length) {
+ args[0] = ch;
+ } else {
+ args[args.length - 1] += ch;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ch >= ' ' && ch <= '?' && ch != ':') {
+ // Modifier character.
+ if (!args.length) {
+ this.leadingModifier_ += ch;
+ } else {
+ this.trailingModifier_ += ch;
+ }
+ } else if (this.cc1Pattern_.test(ch)) {
+ // Control character.
+ this.dispatch('CC1', ch, parseState);
+ } else {
+ // Unexpected character in sequence, bail out.
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ }
+ parseState.advance(1);
+ * Skip over the string until the next String Terminator (ST, 'ESC \') or
+ * Bell (BEL, '\x07').
+ *
+ * The string is accumulated in parseState.args[0]. Make sure to reset the
+ * arguments (with parseState.resetArguments) before starting the parse.
+ *
+ * You can detect that parsing in complete by checking that the parse
+ * function has changed back to the default parse function.
+ *
+ * If we encounter more than maxStringSequence characters, we send back
+ * the unterminated sequence to be re-parsed with the default parser function.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} If true, parsing is ongoing or complete. If false, we've
+ * exceeded the max string sequence.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.parseUntilStringTerminator_ = function(parseState) {
+ var buf = parseState.peekRemainingBuf();
+ var nextTerminator = buf.search(/(\x1b\\|\x07)/);
+ var args = parseState.args;
+ if (!args.length) {
+ args[0] = '';
+ args[1] = new Date();
+ }
+ if (nextTerminator == -1) {
+ // No terminator here, have to wait for the next string.
+ args[0] += buf;
+ var abortReason;
+ if (args[0].length > this.maxStringSequence)
+ abortReason = 'too long: ' + args[0].length;
+ if (args[0].indexOf('\x1b') != -1)
+ abortReason = 'embedded escape: ' + args[0].indexOf('\x1b');
+ if (new Date() - args[1] > this.oscTimeLimit_)
+ abortReason = 'timeout expired: ' + new Date() - args[1];
+ if (abortReason) {
+ console.log('parseUntilStringTerminator_: aborting: ' + abortReason,
+ args[0]);
+ parseState.reset(args[0]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ parseState.advance(buf.length);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (args[0].length + nextTerminator > this.maxStringSequence) {
+ // We found the end of the sequence, but we still think it's too long.
+ parseState.reset(args[0] + buf);
+ return false;
+ }
+ args[0] += buf.substr(0, nextTerminator);
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ parseState.advance(nextTerminator +
+ (buf.substr(nextTerminator, 1) == '\x1b' ? 2 : 1));
+ return true;
+ * Dispatch to the function that handles a given CC1, ESC, or CSI or VT52 code.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.dispatch = function(type, code, parseState) {
+ var handler = hterm.VT[type][code];
+ if (!handler) {
+ if (this.warnUnimplemented)
+ console.warn('Unknown ' + type + ' code: ' + JSON.stringify(code));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (handler == hterm.VT.ignore) {
+ if (this.warnUnimplemented)
+ console.warn('Ignored ' + type + ' code: ' + JSON.stringify(code));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type == 'CC1' && code > '\x7f' && !this.enable8BitControl) {
+ // It's kind of a hack to put this here, but...
+ //
+ // If we're dispatching a 'CC1' code, and it's got the eighth bit set,
+ // but we're not supposed to handle 8-bit codes? Just ignore it.
+ //
+ // This prevents an errant (DCS, '\x90'), (OSC, '\x9d'), (PM, '\x9e') or
+ // (APC, '\x9f') from locking up the terminal waiting for its expected
+ // (ST, '\x9c') or (BEL, '\x07').
+ console.warn('Ignoring 8-bit control code: 0x' +
+ code.charCodeAt(0).toString(16));
+ return;
+ }
+ handler.apply(this, [parseState, code]);
+ * Set one of the ANSI defined terminal mode bits.
+ *
+ * Invoked in response to SM/RM.
+ *
+ * Expected values for code:
+ * 2 - Keyboard Action Mode (AM). Will not implement.
+ * 4 - Insert Mode (IRM).
+ * 12 - Send/receive (SRM). Will not implement.
+ * 20 - Automatic Newline (LNM).
+ *
+ * Unexpected and unimplemented values are silently ignored.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.setANSIMode = function(code, state) {
+ if (code == '4') {
+ this.terminal.setInsertMode(state);
+ } else if (code == '20') {
+ this.terminal.setAutoCarriageReturn(state);
+ } else if (this.warnUnimplemented) {
+ console.warn('Unimplemented ANSI Mode: ' + code);
+ }
+ * Set or reset one of the DEC Private modes.
+ *
+ * Invoked in response to DECSET/DECRST.
+ *
+ * Expected values for code:
+ * 1 - Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM).
+ * 2 - [!] Designate USASCII for character sets G0-G3 (DECANM), and set
+ * VT100 mode.
+ * 3 - 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM).
+ * 4 - [x] Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM).
+ * 5 - Reverse Video (DECSCNM).
+ * 6 - Origin Mode (DECOM).
+ * 7 - Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).
+ * 8 - [x] Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM).
+ * 9 - [!] Send Mouse X & Y on button press.
+ * 10 - [x] Show toolbar (rxvt).
+ * 12 - Start Blinking Cursor (att610).
+ * 18 - [!] Print form feed (DECPFF).
+ * 19 - [x] Set print extent to full screen (DECPEX).
+ * 25 - Show Cursor (DECTCEM).
+ * 30 - [!] Show scrollbar (rxvt).
+ * 35 - [x] Enable font-shifting functions (rxvt).
+ * 38 - [x] Enter Tektronix Mode (DECTEK).
+ * 40 - Allow 80 - 132 Mode.
+ * 41 - [!] more(1) fix (see curses resource).
+ * 42 - [!] Enable Nation Replacement Character sets (DECNRCM).
+ * 44 - [!] Turn On Margin Bell.
+ * 45 - Reverse-wraparound Mode.
+ * 46 - [x] Start Logging.
+ * 47 - [!] Use Alternate Screen Buffer.
+ * 66 - [!] Application keypad (DECNKM).
+ * 67 - Backarrow key sends backspace (DECBKM).
+ * 1000 - Send Mouse X & Y on button press and release. (MOUSE_REPORT_CLICK)
+ * 1001 - [!] Use Hilite Mouse Tracking.
+ * 1002 - Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. (MOUSE_REPORT_DRAG)
+ * 1003 - [!] Use All Motion Mouse Tracking.
+ * 1004 - [!] Send FocusIn/FocusOut events.
+ * 1005 - [!] Enable Extended Mouse Mode.
+ * 1010 - Scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt).
+ * 1011 - Scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt).
+ * 1034 - [x] Interpret "meta" key, sets eighth bit.
+ * 1035 - [x] Enable special modifiers for Alt and NumLock keys.
+ * 1036 - Send ESC when Meta modifies a key.
+ * 1037 - [!] Send DEL from the editing-keypad Delete key.
+ * 1039 - Send ESC when Alt modifies a key.
+ * 1040 - [x] Keep selection even if not highlighted.
+ * 1041 - [x] Use the CLIPBOARD selection.
+ * 1042 - [!] Enable Urgency window manager hint when Control-G is received.
+ * 1043 - [!] Enable raising of the window when Control-G is received.
+ * 1047 - [!] Use Alternate Screen Buffer.
+ * 1048 - Save cursor as in DECSC.
+ * 1049 - Save cursor as in DECSC and use Alternate Screen Buffer, clearing
+ * it first. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit resource). This
+ * combines the effects of the 1047 and 1048 modes. Use this with
+ * terminfo-based applications rather than the 47 mode.
+ * 1050 - [!] Set terminfo/termcap function-key mode.
+ * 1051 - [x] Set Sun function-key mode.
+ * 1052 - [x] Set HP function-key mode.
+ * 1053 - [x] Set SCO function-key mode.
+ * 1060 - [x] Set legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6).
+ * 1061 - [!] Set VT220 keyboard emulation.
+ * 2004 - Set bracketed paste mode.
+ *
+ * [!] - Not currently implemented, may be in the future.
+ * [x] - Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.prototype.setDECMode = function(code, state) {
+ switch (code) {
+ case '1': // DECCKM
+ this.terminal.keyboard.applicationCursor = state;
+ break;
+ case '3': // DECCOLM
+ if (this.allowColumnWidthChanges_) {
+ this.terminal.setWidth(state ? 132 : 80);
+ this.terminal.clearHome();
+ this.terminal.setVTScrollRegion(null, null);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '5': // DECSCNM
+ this.terminal.setReverseVideo(state);
+ break;
+ case '6': // DECOM
+ this.terminal.setOriginMode(state);
+ break;
+ case '7': // DECAWM
+ this.terminal.setWraparound(state);
+ break;
+ case '12': // att610
+ if (this.enableDec12)
+ this.terminal.setCursorBlink(state);
+ break;
+ case '25': // DECTCEM
+ this.terminal.setCursorVisible(state);
+ break;
+ case '40': // no-spec
+ this.terminal.allowColumnWidthChanges_ = state;
+ break;
+ case '45': // no-spec
+ this.terminal.setReverseWraparound(state);
+ break;
+ case '67': // DECBKM
+ this.terminal.keyboard.backspaceSendsBackspace = state;
+ break;
+ case '1000': // Report on mouse clicks only.
+ this.mouseReport = (
+ break;
+ case '1002': // Report on mouse clicks and drags
+ this.mouseReport = (
+ break;
+ case '1010': // rxvt
+ this.terminal.scrollOnOutput = state;
+ break;
+ case '1011': // rxvt
+ this.terminal.scrollOnKeystroke = state;
+ break;
+ case '1036': // no-spec
+ this.terminal.keyboard.metaSendsEscape = state;
+ break;
+ case '1039': // no-spec
+ if (state) {
+ if (!this.terminal.keyboard.previousAltSendsWhat_) {
+ this.terminal.keyboard.previousAltSendsWhat_ =
+ this.terminal.keyboard.altSendsWhat;
+ this.terminal.keyboard.altSendsWhat = 'escape';
+ }
+ } else if (this.terminal.keyboard.previousAltSendsWhat_) {
+ this.terminal.keyboard.altSendsWhat =
+ this.terminal.keyboard.previousAltSendsWhat_;
+ this.terminal.keyboard.previousAltSendsWhat_ = null;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '47':
+ case '1047': // no-spec
+ this.terminal.setAlternateMode(state);
+ break;
+ case '1048': // Save cursor as in DECSC.
+ this.savedState_.save();
+ case '1049': // 1047 + 1048 + clear.
+ if (state) {
+ this.savedState_.save();
+ this.terminal.setAlternateMode(state);
+ this.terminal.clear();
+ } else {
+ this.terminal.setAlternateMode(state);
+ this.savedState_.restore();
+ }
+ break;
+ case '2004': // Bracketed paste mode.
+ this.terminal.setBracketedPaste(state);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (this.warnUnimplemented)
+ console.warn('Unimplemented DEC Private Mode: ' + code);
+ break;
+ }
+ * Function shared by control characters and escape sequences that are
+ * ignored.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ignore = function() {};
+ * Collection of control characters expressed in a single byte.
+ *
+ * This includes the characters from the C0 and C1 sets (see [CTRL]) that we
+ * care about. Two byte versions of the C1 codes are defined in the
+ * hterm.VT.ESC collection.
+ *
+ * The 'CC1' mnemonic here refers to the fact that these are one-byte Control
+ * Codes. It's only used in this source file and not defined in any of the
+ * referenced documents.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1 = {};
+ * Collection of two-byte and three-byte sequences starting with ESC.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC = {};
+ * Collection of CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) sequences.
+ *
+ * These sequences begin with 'ESC [', and may take zero or more arguments.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI = {};
+ * Collection of OSC (Operating System Control) sequences.
+ *
+ * These sequences begin with 'ESC ]', followed by a function number and a
+ * string terminated by either ST or BEL.
+ */
+hterm.VT.OSC = {};
+ * Collection of VT52 sequences.
+ *
+ * When in VT52 mode, other sequences are disabled.
+ */
+hterm.VT.VT52 = {};
+ * Null (NUL).
+ *
+ * Silently ignored.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x00'] = function () {};
+ * Enquiry (ENQ).
+ *
+ * Transmit answerback message.
+ *
+ * The default answerback message in xterm is an empty string, so we just
+ * ignore this.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x05'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Ring Bell (BEL).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x07'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.ringBell();
+ * Backspace (BS).
+ *
+ * Move the cursor to the left one character position, unless it is at the
+ * left margin, in which case no action occurs.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x08'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.cursorLeft(1);
+ * Horizontal Tab (HT).
+ *
+ * Move the cursor to the next tab stop, or to the right margin if no further
+ * tab stops are present on the line.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x09'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.forwardTabStop();
+ * Line Feed (LF).
+ *
+ * This code causes a line feed or a new line operation. See Automatic
+ * Newline (LNM).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x0a'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.formFeed();
+ * Vertical Tab (VT).
+ *
+ * Interpreted as LF.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x0b'] = hterm.VT.CC1['\x0a'];
+ * Form Feed (FF).
+ *
+ * Interpreted as LF.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x0c'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.formFeed();
+ * Carriage Return (CR).
+ *
+ * Move cursor to the left margin on the current line.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x0d'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.setCursorColumn(0);
+ * Shift Out (SO), aka Lock Shift 0 (LS1).
+ *
+ * Invoke G1 character set in GL.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x0e'] = function() {
+ this.GL = 'G1';
+ * Shift In (SI), aka Lock Shift 0 (LS0).
+ *
+ * Invoke G0 character set in GL.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x0f'] = function() {
+ this.GL = 'G0';
+ * Transmit On (XON).
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): Implement?
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x11'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Transmit Off (XOFF).
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): Implement?
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x13'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Cancel (CAN).
+ *
+ * If sent during a control sequence, the sequence is immediately terminated
+ * and not executed.
+ *
+ * It also causes the error character to be displayed.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x18'] = function(parseState) {
+ // If we've shifted in the G1 character set, shift it back out to
+ // the default character set.
+ if (this.GL == 'G1') {
+ this.GL = 'G0';
+ }
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ this.terminal.print('?');
+ * Substitute (SUB).
+ *
+ * Interpreted as CAN.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x1a'] = hterm.VT.CC1['\x18'];
+ * Escape (ESC).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x1b'] = function(parseState) {
+ function parseESC(parseState) {
+ var ch = parseState.consumeChar();
+ if (ch == '\x1b')
+ return;
+ this.dispatch('ESC', ch, parseState);
+ if (parseState.func == parseESC)
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ };
+ parseState.func = parseESC;
+ * Delete (DEL).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x7f'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+// 8 bit control characters and their two byte equivalents, below...
+ * Index (IND).
+ *
+ * Like newline, only keep the X position
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x84'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['D'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.lineFeed();
+ * Next Line (NEL).
+ *
+ * Like newline, but doesn't add lines.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x85'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['E'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.setCursorColumn(0);
+ this.terminal.cursorDown(1);
+ * Horizontal Tabulation Set (HTS).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x88'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['H'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.setTabStop(this.terminal.getCursorColumn());
+ * Reverse Index (RI).
+ *
+ * Move up one line.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x8d'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['M'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.reverseLineFeed();
+ * Single Shift 2 (SS2).
+ *
+ * Select of G2 Character Set for the next character only.
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x8e'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['N'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Single Shift 3 (SS3).
+ *
+ * Select of G3 Character Set for the next character only.
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x8f'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['O'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Device Control String (DCS).
+ *
+ * Indicate a DCS sequence. See Device-Control functions in [XTERM].
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): Consider implementing DECRQSS, the rest don't seem applicable.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x90'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['P'] = function(parseState) {
+ parseState.resetArguments();
+ parseState.func = this.parseUntilStringTerminator_;
+ * Start of Protected Area (SPA).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x96'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['V'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * End of Protected Area (EPA).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x97'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['W'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Start of String (SOS).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x98'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['X'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Single Character Introducer (SCI, also DECID).
+ *
+ * Return Terminal ID. Obsolete form of 'ESC [ c' (DA).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x9a'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['Z'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b[?1;2c');
+ * Control Sequence Introducer (CSI).
+ *
+ * The lead into most escape sequences. See [CSI].
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x9b'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['['] = function(parseState) {
+ parseState.resetArguments();
+ this.leadingModifier_ = '';
+ this.trailingModifier_ = '';
+ parseState.func = this.parseCSI_;
+ * String Terminator (ST).
+ *
+ * Used to terminate DCS/OSC/PM/APC commands which may take string arguments.
+ *
+ * We don't directly handle it here, as it's only used to terminate other
+ * sequences. See the 'parseUntilStringTerminator_' method.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x9c'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['\\'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Operating System Command (OSC).
+ *
+ * Commands relating to the operating system.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x9d'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC[']'] = function(parseState) {
+ parseState.resetArguments();
+ function parseOSC(parseState) {
+ if (!this.parseUntilStringTerminator_(parseState)) {
+ // The string sequence was too long.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (parseState.func == parseOSC) {
+ // We're not done parsing the string yet.
+ return;
+ }
+ // We're done.
+ var ary = parseState.args[0].match(/^(\d+);(.*)$/);
+ if (ary) {
+ parseState.args[0] = ary[2];
+ this.dispatch('OSC', ary[1], parseState);
+ } else {
+ console.warn('Invalid OSC: ' + JSON.stringify(parseState.args[0]));
+ }
+ };
+ parseState.func = parseOSC;
+ * Privacy Message (PM).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x9e'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['^'] = function(parseState) {
+ parseState.resetArguments();
+ parseState.func = this.parseUntilStringTerminator_;
+ * Application Program Control (APC).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CC1['\x9f'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['_'] = function(parseState) {
+ parseState.resetArguments();
+ parseState.func = this.parseUntilStringTerminator_;
+ * ESC \x20 - Unclear to me where these originated, possibly in xterm.
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented:
+ * ESC \x20 F - Select 7 bit escape codes in responses (S7C1T).
+ * ESC \x20 G - Select 8 bit escape codes in responses (S8C1T).
+ * NB: We currently assume S7C1T always.
+ *
+ * Will not implement:
+ * ESC \x20 L - Set ANSI conformance level 1.
+ * ESC \x20 M - Set ANSI conformance level 2.
+ * ESC \x20 N - Set ANSI conformance level 3.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['\x20'] = function(parseState) {
+ parseState.func = function(parseState) {
+ var ch = parseState.consumeChar();
+ if (this.warnUnimplemented)
+ console.warn('Unimplemented sequence: ESC 0x20 ' + ch);
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ };
+ * DEC 'ESC #' sequences.
+ *
+ * Handled:
+ * ESC # 8 - DEC Screen Alignment Test (DECALN).
+ * Fills the terminal with 'E's. Used liberally by vttest.
+ *
+ * Ignored:
+ * ESC # 3 - DEC double-height line, top half (DECDHL).
+ * ESC # 4 - DEC double-height line, bottom half (DECDHL).
+ * ESC # 5 - DEC single-width line (DECSWL).
+ * ESC # 6 - DEC double-width line (DECDWL).
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['#'] = function(parseState) {
+ parseState.func = function(parseState) {
+ var ch = parseState.consumeChar();
+ if (ch == '8')
+ this.terminal.fill('E');
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ };
+ * 'ESC %' sequences, character set control. Not currently implemented.
+ *
+ * To be implemented (currently ignored):
+ * ESC % @ - Set ISO 8859-1 character set.
+ * ESC % G - Set UTF-8 character set.
+ *
+ * All other ESC # sequences are echoed to the terminal.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): Implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['%'] = function(parseState) {
+ parseState.func = function(parseState) {
+ var ch = parseState.consumeChar();
+ if (ch != '@' && ch != 'G' && this.warnUnimplemented)
+ console.warn('Unknown ESC % argument: ' + JSON.stringify(ch));
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ };
+ * Character Set Selection (SCS).
+ *
+ * ESC ( Ps - Set G0 character set (VT100).
+ * ESC ) Ps - Set G1 character set (VT220).
+ * ESC * Ps - Set G2 character set (VT220).
+ * ESC + Ps - Set G3 character set (VT220).
+ * ESC - Ps - Set G1 character set (VT300).
+ * ESC . Ps - Set G2 character set (VT300).
+ * ESC / Ps - Set G3 character set (VT300).
+ *
+ * Values for Ps are:
+ * 0 - DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set.
+ * A - United Kingdom (UK).
+ * B - United States (USASCII).
+ * 4 - Dutch.
+ * C or 5 - Finnish.
+ * R - French.
+ * Q - French Canadian.
+ * K - German.
+ * Y - Italian.
+ * E or 6 - Norwegian/Danish.
+ * Z - Spanish.
+ * H or 7 - Swedish.
+ * = - Swiss.
+ *
+ * All other sequences are echoed to the terminal.
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): Implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['('] =
+hterm.VT.ESC[')'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['*'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['+'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['-'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['.'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['/'] = function(parseState, code) {
+ parseState.func = function(parseState) {
+ var ch = parseState.consumeChar();
+ if (ch == '\x1b') {
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ parseState.func();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ch in hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps) {
+ if (code == '(') {
+ this.G0 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps[ch];
+ } else if (code == ')' || code == '-') {
+ this.G1 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps[ch];
+ } else if (code == '*' || code == '.') {
+ this.G2 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps[ch];
+ } else if (code == '+' || code == '/') {
+ this.G3 = hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps[ch];
+ }
+ } else if (this.warnUnimplemented) {
+ console.log('Invalid character set for "' + code + '": ' + ch);
+ }
+ parseState.resetParseFunction();
+ };
+ * Back Index (DECBI).
+ *
+ * VT420 and up. Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['6'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Save Cursor (DECSC).
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['7'] = function() {
+ this.savedState_.save();
+ * Restore Cursor (DECSC).
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['8'] = function() {
+ this.savedState_.restore();
+ * Forward Index (DECFI).
+ *
+ * VT210 and up. Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['9'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Application keypad (DECPAM).
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['='] = function() {
+ this.terminal.keyboard.applicationKeypad = true;
+ * Normal keypad (DECPNM).
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['>'] = function() {
+ this.terminal.keyboard.applicationKeypad = false;
+ * Cursor to lower left corner of screen.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ *
+ * This is only recognized by xterm when the hpLowerleftBugCompat resource is
+ * set.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['F'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Full Reset (RIS).
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['c'] = function() {
+ this.reset();
+ this.terminal.reset();
+ * Memory lock/unlock.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['l'] =
+hterm.VT.ESC['m'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Lock Shift 2 (LS2)
+ *
+ * Invoke the G2 Character Set as GL.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['n'] = function() {
+ this.GL = 'G2';
+ * Lock Shift 3 (LS3)
+ *
+ * Invoke the G3 Character Set as GL.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['o'] = function() {
+ this.GL = 'G3';
+ * Lock Shift 2, Right (LS3R)
+ *
+ * Invoke the G3 Character Set as GR.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['|'] = function() {
+ this.GR = 'G3';
+ * Lock Shift 2, Right (LS2R)
+ *
+ * Invoke the G2 Character Set as GR.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['}'] = function() {
+ this.GR = 'G2';
+ * Lock Shift 1, Right (LS1R)
+ *
+ * Invoke the G1 Character Set as GR.
+ */
+hterm.VT.ESC['~'] = function() {
+ this.GR = 'G1';
+ * Change icon name and window title.
+ *
+ * We only change the window title.
+ */
+hterm.VT.OSC['0'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.setWindowTitle(parseState.args[0]);
+ * Change window title.
+ */
+hterm.VT.OSC['2'] = hterm.VT.OSC['0'];
+ * Set/read color palette.
+ */
+hterm.VT.OSC['4'] = function(parseState) {
+ // Args come in as a single 'index1;rgb1 ... ;indexN;rgbN' string.
+ // We split on the semicolon and iterate through the pairs.
+ var args = parseState.args[0].split(';');
+ var pairCount = parseInt(args.length / 2);
+ var colorPalette = this.terminal.getTextAttributes().colorPalette;
+ var responseArray = [];
+ for (var pairNumber = 0; pairNumber < pairCount; ++pairNumber) {
+ var colorIndex = parseInt(args[pairNumber * 2]);
+ var colorValue = args[pairNumber * 2 + 1];
+ if (colorIndex >= colorPalette.length)
+ continue;
+ if (colorValue == '?') {
+ // '?' means we should report back the current color value.
+ colorValue = lib.colors.rgbToX11(colorPalette[colorIndex]);
+ if (colorValue)
+ responseArray.push(colorIndex + ';' + colorValue);
+ continue;
+ }
+ colorValue = lib.colors.x11ToCSS(colorValue);
+ if (colorValue)
+ colorPalette[colorIndex] = colorValue;
+ }
+ if (responseArray.length)
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b]4;' + responseArray.join(';') + '\x07');
+ * Set the cursor shape.
+ *
+ * Parameter is expected to be in the form "CursorShape=number", where number is
+ * one of:
+ *
+ * 0 - Block
+ * 1 - I-Beam
+ * 2 - Underline
+ *
+ * This is a bit of a de-facto standard supported by iTerm 2 and Konsole. See
+ * also: DECSCUSR.
+ *
+ * Invalid numbers will restore the cursor to the block shape.
+ */
+hterm.VT.OSC['50'] = function(parseState) {
+ var args = parseState.args[0].match(/CursorShape=(.)/i);
+ if (!args) {
+ console.warn('Could not parse OSC 50 args: ' + parseState.args[0]);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (args[1]) {
+ case '1':
+ this.terminal.setCursorShape(hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BEAM);
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ this.terminal.setCursorShape(hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.UNDERLINE);
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.terminal.setCursorShape(hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BLOCK);
+ }
+ * Set/read system clipboard.
+ *
+ * Read is not implemented due to security considerations. A remote app
+ * that is able to both write and read to the clipboard could essentially
+ * take over your session.
+ *
+ * The clipboard data will be decoded according to the 'receive-encoding'
+ * preference.
+ */
+hterm.VT.OSC['52'] = function(parseState) {
+ // Args come in as a single 'clipboard;b64-data' string. The clipboard
+ // parameter is used to select which of the X clipboards to address. Since
+ // we're not integrating with X, we treat them all the same.
+ var args = parseState.args[0].match(/^[cps01234567]*;(.*)/);
+ if (!args)
+ return;
+ var data = window.atob(args[1]);
+ if (data)
+ this.terminal.copyStringToClipboard(this.decode(data));
+ * Insert (blank) characters (ICH).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['@'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.insertSpace(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Cursor Up (CUU).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['A'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.cursorUp(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Cursor Down (CUD).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['B'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.cursorDown(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Cursor Forward (CUF).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['C'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.cursorRight(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Cursor Backward (CUB).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['D'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.cursorLeft(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Cursor Next Line (CNL).
+ *
+ * This is like Cursor Down, except the cursor moves to the beginning of the
+ * line as well.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['E'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.cursorDown(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ this.terminal.setCursorColumn(0);
+ * Cursor Preceding Line (CPL).
+ *
+ * This is like Cursor Up, except the cursor moves to the beginning of the
+ * line as well.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['F'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.cursorUp(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ this.terminal.setCursorColumn(0);
+ * Cursor Character Absolute (CHA).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['G'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.setCursorColumn(parseState.iarg(0, 1) - 1);
+ * Cursor Position (CUP).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['H'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.setCursorPosition(parseState.iarg(0, 1) - 1,
+ parseState.iarg(1, 1) - 1);
+ * Cursor Forward Tabulation (CHT).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['I'] = function(parseState) {
+ var count = parseState.iarg(0, 1);
+ count = lib.f.clamp(count, 1, this.terminal.screenSize.width);
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ this.terminal.forwardTabStop();
+ }
+ * Erase in Display (ED, DECSED).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['J'] =
+hterm.VT.CSI['?J'] = function(parseState, code) {
+ var arg = parseState.args[0];
+ if (!arg || arg == '0') {
+ this.terminal.eraseBelow();
+ } else if (arg == '1') {
+ this.terminal.eraseAbove();
+ } else if (arg == '2') {
+ this.terminal.clear();
+ } else if (arg == '3') {
+ // The xterm docs say this means "Erase saved lines", but we'll just clear
+ // the display since killing the scrollback seems rude.
+ this.terminal.clear();
+ }
+ * Erase in line (EL, DECSEL).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['K'] =
+hterm.VT.CSI['?K'] = function(parseState, code) {
+ var arg = parseState.args[0];
+ if (!arg || arg == '0') {
+ this.terminal.eraseToRight();
+ } else if (arg == '1'){
+ this.terminal.eraseToLeft();
+ } else if (arg == '2') {
+ this.terminal.eraseLine();
+ }
+ * Insert Lines (IL).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['L'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.insertLines(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Delete Lines (DL).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['M'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.deleteLines(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Delete Characters (DCH).
+ *
+ * This command shifts the line contents left, starting at the cursor position.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['P'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.deleteChars(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Scroll Up (SU).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['S'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.vtScrollUp(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Scroll Down (SD).
+ * Also 'Initiate highlight mouse tracking'. Will not implement this part.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['T'] = function(parseState) {
+ if (parseState.args.length <= 1)
+ this.terminal.vtScrollDown(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Reset one or more features of the title modes to the default value.
+ *
+ * ESC [ > Ps T
+ *
+ * Normally, "reset" disables the feature. It is possible to disable the
+ * ability to reset features by compiling a different default for the title
+ * modes into xterm.
+ *
+ * Ps values:
+ * 0 - Do not set window/icon labels using hexadecimal.
+ * 1 - Do not query window/icon labels using hexadecimal.
+ * 2 - Do not set window/icon labels using UTF-8.
+ * 3 - Do not query window/icon labels using UTF-8.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['>T'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Erase Characters (ECH).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['X'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.eraseToRight(parseState.iarg(0, 1));
+ * Cursor Backward Tabulation (CBT).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['Z'] = function(parseState) {
+ var count = parseState.iarg(0, 1);
+ count = lib.f.clamp(count, 1, this.terminal.screenSize.width);
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ this.terminal.backwardTabStop();
+ }
+ * Character Position Absolute (HPA).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['`'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.setCursorColumn(parseState.iarg(0, 1) - 1);
+ * Repeat the preceding graphic character.
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['b'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Send Device Attributes (Primary DA).
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): This is hardcoded to send back 'VT100 with Advanced Video
+ * Option', but it may be more correct to send a VT220 response once
+ * we fill out the 'Not currently implemented' parts.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['c'] = function(parseState) {
+ if (!parseState.args[0] || parseState.args[0] == '0') {
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b[?1;2c');
+ }
+ * Send Device Attributes (Secondary DA).
+ *
+ * TODO(rginda): This is hardcoded to send back 'VT100' but it may be more
+ * correct to send a VT220 response once we fill out more 'Not currently
+ * implemented' parts.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['>c'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b[>0;256;0c');
+ * Line Position Absolute (VPA).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['d'] = function(parseState) {
+ this.terminal.setAbsoluteCursorRow(parseState.iarg(0, 1) - 1);
+ * Horizontal and Vertical Position (HVP).
+ *
+ * Same as Cursor Position (CUP).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['f'] = hterm.VT.CSI['H'];
+ * Tab Clear (TBC).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['g'] = function(parseState) {
+ if (!parseState.args[0] || parseState.args[0] == '0') {
+ // Clear tab stop at cursor.
+ this.terminal.clearTabStopAtCursor(false);
+ } else if (parseState.args[0] == '3') {
+ // Clear all tab stops.
+ this.terminal.clearAllTabStops();
+ }
+ * Set Mode (SM).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['h'] = function(parseState) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < parseState.args.length; i++) {
+ this.setANSIMode(parseState.args[i], true);
+ }
+ * DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['?h'] = function(parseState) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < parseState.args.length; i++) {
+ this.setDECMode(parseState.args[i], true);
+ }
+ * Media Copy (MC).
+ * Media Copy (MC, DEC Specific).
+ *
+ * These commands control the printer. Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['i'] =
+hterm.VT.CSI['?i'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Reset Mode (RM).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['l'] = function(parseState) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < parseState.args.length; i++) {
+ this.setANSIMode(parseState.args[i], false);
+ }
+ * DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRST).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['?l'] = function(parseState) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < parseState.args.length; i++) {
+ this.setDECMode(parseState.args[i], false);
+ }
+ * Character Attributes (SGR).
+ *
+ * Iterate through the list of arguments, applying the following attribute
+ * changes based on the argument value...
+ *
+ * 0 Normal (default).
+ * 1 Bold.
+ * 2 Faint.
+ * 3 Italic (non-xterm).
+ * 4 Underlined.
+ * 5 Blink (appears as Bold).
+ * 7 Inverse.
+ * 8 Invisible, i.e., hidden (VT300).
+ * 9 Crossed out (ECMA-48).
+ * 22 Normal (neither bold nor faint).
+ * 23 Not italic (non-xterm).
+ * 24 Not underlined.
+ * 25 Steady (not blinking).
+ * 27 Positive (not inverse).
+ * 28 Visible, i.e., not hidden (VT300).
+ * 29 Not crossed out (ECMA-48).
+ * 30 Set foreground color to Black.
+ * 31 Set foreground color to Red.
+ * 32 Set foreground color to Green.
+ * 33 Set foreground color to Yellow.
+ * 34 Set foreground color to Blue.
+ * 35 Set foreground color to Magenta.
+ * 36 Set foreground color to Cyan.
+ * 37 Set foreground color to White.
+ * 39 Set foreground color to default (original).
+ * 40 Set background color to Black.
+ * 41 Set background color to Red.
+ * 42 Set background color to Green.
+ * 43 Set background color to Yellow.
+ * 44 Set background color to Blue.
+ * 45 Set background color to Magenta.
+ * 46 Set background color to Cyan.
+ * 47 Set background color to White.
+ * 49 Set background color to default (original)
+ *
+ * Non-xterm (italic) codes have mixed support, but are supported by both
+ * gnome-terminal and rxvt and are recognized as CSI codes on Wikipedia
+ * (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code).
+ *
+ * For 16-color support, the following apply.
+ *
+ * 90 Set foreground color to Bright Black.
+ * 91 Set foreground color to Bright Red.
+ * 92 Set foreground color to Bright Green.
+ * 93 Set foreground color to Bright Yellow.
+ * 94 Set foreground color to Bright Blue.
+ * 95 Set foreground color to Bright Magenta.
+ * 96 Set foreground color to Bright Cyan.
+ * 97 Set foreground color to Bright White.
+ * 100 Set background color to Bright Black.
+ * 101 Set background color to Bright Red.
+ * 102 Set background color to Bright Green.
+ * 103 Set background color to Bright Yellow.
+ * 104 Set background color to Bright Blue.
+ * 105 Set background color to Bright Magenta.
+ * 106 Set background color to Bright Cyan.
+ * 107 Set background color to Bright White.
+ *
+ * For 88- or 256-color support, the following apply.
+ * 38 ; 5 ; P Set foreground color to P.
+ * 48 ; 5 ; P Set background color to P.
+ *
+ * For true color (24-bit) support, the following apply.
+ * 38 ; 2 ; R ; G ; B Set foreground color to rgb(R, G, B)
+ * 48 ; 2 ; R ; G ; B Set background color to rgb(R, G, B)
+ *
+ * Note that most terminals consider "bold" to be "bold and bright". In
+ * some documents the bold state is even referred to as bright. We interpret
+ * bold as bold-bright here too, but only when the "bold" setting comes before
+ * the color selection.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['m'] = function(parseState) {
+ function get256(i) {
+ if (parseState.args.length < i + 2 || parseState.args[i + 1] != '5')
+ return null;
+ return parseState.iarg(i + 2, 0);
+ }
+ function getTrueColor(i) {
+ if (parseState.args.length < i + 5 || parseState.args[i + 1] != '2')
+ return null;
+ var r = parseState.iarg(i + 2, 0);
+ var g = parseState.iarg(i + 3, 0);
+ var b = parseState.iarg(i + 4, 0);
+ return 'rgb(' + r + ' ,' + g + ' ,' + b + ')';
+ }
+ var attrs = this.terminal.getTextAttributes();
+ if (!parseState.args.length) {
+ attrs.reset();
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < parseState.args.length; i++) {
+ var arg = parseState.iarg(i, 0);
+ if (arg < 30) {
+ if (arg == 0) {
+ attrs.reset();
+ } else if (arg == 1) {
+ attrs.bold = true;
+ } else if (arg == 2) {
+ attrs.faint = true;
+ } else if (arg == 3) {
+ attrs.italic = true;
+ } else if (arg == 4) {
+ attrs.underline = true;
+ } else if (arg == 5) {
+ attrs.blink = true;
+ } else if (arg == 7) { // Inverse.
+ attrs.inverse = true;
+ } else if (arg == 8) { // Invisible.
+ attrs.invisible = true;
+ } else if (arg == 9) {
+ attrs.strikethrough = true;
+ } else if (arg == 22) {
+ attrs.bold = false;
+ attrs.faint = false;
+ } else if (arg == 23) {
+ attrs.italic = false;
+ } else if (arg == 24) {
+ attrs.underline = false;
+ } else if (arg == 25) {
+ attrs.blink = false;
+ } else if (arg == 27) {
+ attrs.inverse = false;
+ } else if (arg == 28) {
+ attrs.invisible = false;
+ } else if (arg == 29) {
+ attrs.strikethrough = false;
+ }
+ } else if (arg < 50) {
+ // Select fore/background color from bottom half of 16 color palette
+ // or from the 256 color palette or alternative specify color in fully
+ // qualified rgb(r, g, b) form.
+ if (arg < 38) {
+ attrs.foregroundSource = arg - 30;
+ } else if (arg == 38) {
+ // First check for true color definition
+ var trueColor = getTrueColor(i);
+ if (trueColor != null) {
+ attrs.foregroundSource = attrs.SRC_RGB;
+ attrs.foreground = trueColor;
+ i += 5;
+ } else {
+ // Check for 256 color
+ var c = get256(i);
+ if (c == null)
+ break;
+ i += 2;
+ if (c >= attrs.colorPalette.length)
+ continue;
+ attrs.foregroundSource = c;
+ }
+ } else if (arg == 39) {
+ attrs.foregroundSource = attrs.SRC_DEFAULT;
+ } else if (arg < 48) {
+ attrs.backgroundSource = arg - 40;
+ } else if (arg == 48) {
+ // First check for true color definition
+ var trueColor = getTrueColor(i);
+ if (trueColor != null) {
+ attrs.backgroundSource = attrs.SRC_RGB;
+ attrs.background = trueColor;
+ i += 5;
+ } else {
+ // Check for 256 color
+ var c = get256(i);
+ if (c == null)
+ break;
+ i += 2;
+ if (c >= attrs.colorPalette.length)
+ continue;
+ attrs.backgroundSource = c;
+ }
+ } else {
+ attrs.backgroundSource = attrs.SRC_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ } else if (arg >= 90 && arg <= 97) {
+ attrs.foregroundSource = arg - 90 + 8;
+ } else if (arg >= 100 && arg <= 107) {
+ attrs.backgroundSource = arg - 100 + 8;
+ }
+ }
+ attrs.setDefaults(this.terminal.getForegroundColor(),
+ this.terminal.getBackgroundColor());
+ * Set xterm-specific keyboard modes.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['>m'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Device Status Report (DSR, DEC Specific).
+ *
+ * 5 - Status Report. Result (OK) is CSI 0 n
+ * 6 - Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column]. Result is CSI r ; c R
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['n'] = function(parseState) {
+ if (parseState.args[0] == '5') {
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b0n');
+ } else if (parseState.args[0] == '6') {
+ var row = this.terminal.getCursorRow() + 1;
+ var col = this.terminal.getCursorColumn() + 1;
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b[' + row + ';' + col + 'R');
+ }
+ * Disable modifiers which may be enabled via CSI['>m'].
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['>n'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Device Status Report (DSR, DEC Specific).
+ *
+ * 6 - Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column] as CSI ? r ; c R
+ * 15 - Report Printer status as CSI ? 1 0 n (ready) or
+ * CSI ? 1 1 n (not ready).
+ * 25 - Report UDK status as CSI ? 2 0 n (unlocked) or CSI ? 2 1 n (locked).
+ * 26 - Report Keyboard status as CSI ? 2 7 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 n (North American).
+ * The last two parameters apply to VT400 & up, and denote keyboard ready
+ * and LK01 respectively.
+ * 53 - Report Locator status as CSI ? 5 3 n Locator available, if compiled-in,
+ * or CSI ? 5 0 n No Locator, if not.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['?n'] = function(parseState) {
+ if (parseState.args[0] == '6') {
+ var row = this.terminal.getCursorRow() + 1;
+ var col = this.terminal.getCursorColumn() + 1;
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b[' + row + ';' + col + 'R');
+ } else if (parseState.args[0] == '15') {
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b[?11n');
+ } else if (parseState.args[0] == '25') {
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b[?21n');
+ } else if (parseState.args[0] == '26') {
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b[?12;1;0;0n');
+ } else if (parseState.args[0] == '53') {
+ this.terminal.io.sendString('\x1b[?50n');
+ }
+ * This is used by xterm to decide whether to hide the pointer cursor as the
+ * user types.
+ *
+ * Valid values for the parameter:
+ * 0 - Never hide the pointer.
+ * 1 - Hide if the mouse tracking mode is not enabled.
+ * 2 - Always hide the pointer.
+ *
+ * If no parameter is given, xterm uses the default, which is 1.
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['>p'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Soft terminal reset (DECSTR).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['!p'] = function() {
+ this.reset();
+ this.terminal.softReset();
+ * Request ANSI Mode (DECRQM).
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['$p'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+hterm.VT.CSI['?$p'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Set conformance level (DECSCL).
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['"p'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Load LEDs (DECLL).
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented. Could be implemented as virtual LEDs overlaying
+ * the terminal if anyone cares.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['q'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Set cursor style (DECSCUSR, VT520).
+ *
+ * 0 - Blinking block.
+ * 1 - Blinking block (default).
+ * 2 - Steady block.
+ * 3 - Blinking underline.
+ * 4 - Steady underline.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI[' q'] = function(parseState) {
+ var arg = parseState.args[0];
+ if (arg == '0' || arg == '1') {
+ this.terminal.setCursorShape(hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BLOCK);
+ this.terminal.setCursorBlink(true);
+ } else if (arg == '2') {
+ this.terminal.setCursorShape(hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.BLOCK);
+ this.terminal.setCursorBlink(false);
+ } else if (arg == '3') {
+ this.terminal.setCursorShape(hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.UNDERLINE);
+ this.terminal.setCursorBlink(true);
+ } else if (arg == '4') {
+ this.terminal.setCursorShape(hterm.Terminal.cursorShape.UNDERLINE);
+ this.terminal.setCursorBlink(false);
+ } else {
+ console.warn('Unknown cursor style: ' + arg);
+ }
+ * Select character protection attribute (DECSCA).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['"q'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Set Scrolling Region (DECSTBM).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['r'] = function(parseState) {
+ var args = parseState.args;
+ var scrollTop = args[0] ? parseInt(args[0], 10) -1 : null;
+ var scrollBottom = args[1] ? parseInt(args[1], 10) - 1 : null;
+ this.terminal.setVTScrollRegion(scrollTop, scrollBottom);
+ this.terminal.setCursorPosition(0, 0);
+ * Restore DEC Private Mode Values.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['?r'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Change Attributes in Rectangular Area (DECCARA)
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['$r'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Save cursor (ANSI.SYS)
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['s'] = function() {
+ this.savedState_.save();
+ * Save DEC Private Mode Values.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['?s'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Window manipulation (from dtterm, as well as extensions).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['t'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Reverse Attributes in Rectangular Area (DECRARA).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['$t'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Set one or more features of the title modes.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['>t'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Set warning-bell volume (DECSWBV, VT520).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI[' t'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Restore cursor (ANSI.SYS).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['u'] = function() {
+ this.savedState_.restore();
+ * Set margin-bell volume (DECSMBV, VT520).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI[' u'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Copy Rectangular Area (DECCRA, VT400 and up).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['$v'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Enable Filter Rectangle (DECEFR).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['\'w'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Request Terminal Parameters (DECREQTPARM).
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['x'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Select Attribute Change Extent (DECSACE).
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['*x'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Fill Rectangular Area (DECFRA), VT420 and up.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['$x'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * vt_tiledata (as used by NAOhack and UnNetHack)
+ * (see https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Vt_tiledata for more info)
+ *
+ * Implemented as far as we care (start a glyph and end a glyph).
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['z'] = function(parseState) {
+ if (parseState.args.length < 1)
+ return;
+ var arg = parseState.args[0];
+ if (arg == '0') {
+ // Start a glyph (one parameter, the glyph number).
+ if (parseState.args.length < 2)
+ return;
+ this.terminal.getTextAttributes().tileData = parseState.args[1];
+ } else if (arg == '1') {
+ // End a glyph.
+ this.terminal.getTextAttributes().tileData = null;
+ }
+ * Enable Locator Reporting (DECELR).
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['\'z'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Erase Rectangular Area (DECERA), VT400 and up.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['$z'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Select Locator Events (DECSLE).
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['\'{'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Request Locator Position (DECRQLP).
+ *
+ * Not currently implemented.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI['\'|'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Insert Columns (DECIC), VT420 and up.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI[' }'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+ * Delete P s Columns (DECDC), VT420 and up.
+ *
+ * Will not implement.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CSI[' ~'] = hterm.VT.ignore;
+// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_vt_character_map.js
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+'use strict';
+ * Character map object.
+ *
+ * @param {object} The GL mapping from input characters to output characters.
+ * The GR mapping will be automatically created.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap = function(name, glmap) {
+ /**
+ * Short name for this character set, useful for debugging.
+ */
+ this.name = name;
+ /**
+ * The function to call to when this map is installed in GL.
+ */
+ this.GL = null;
+ /**
+ * The function to call to when this map is installed in GR.
+ */
+ this.GR = null;
+ if (glmap)
+ this.reset(glmap);
+ * @param {object} The GL mapping from input characters to output characters.
+ * The GR mapping will be automatically created.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.prototype.reset = function(glmap) {
+ // Set the the GL mapping.
+ this.glmap = glmap;
+ var glkeys = Object.keys(this.glmap).map(function(key) {
+ return '\\x' + lib.f.zpad(key.charCodeAt(0).toString(16));
+ });
+ this.glre = new RegExp('[' + glkeys.join('') + ']', 'g');
+ // Compute the GR mapping.
+ // This is the same as GL except all keys have their MSB set.
+ this.grmap = {};
+ glkeys.forEach(function(glkey) {
+ var grkey = String.fromCharCode(glkey.charCodeAt(0) & 0x80);
+ this.grmap[grkey] = this.glmap[glkey];
+ }.bind(this));
+ var grkeys = Object.keys(this.grmap).map(function(key) {
+ return '\\x' + lib.f.zpad(key.charCodeAt(0).toString(16), 2);
+ });
+ this.grre = new RegExp('[' + grkeys.join('') + ']', 'g');
+ this.GL = function(str) {
+ return str.replace(this.glre,
+ function(ch) { return this.glmap[ch] }.bind(this));
+ }.bind(this);
+ this.GR = function(str) {
+ return str.replace(this.grre,
+ function(ch) { return this.grmap[ch] }.bind(this));
+ }.bind(this);
+ * Mapping from received to display character, used depending on the active
+ * VT character set.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps = {};
+ * VT100 Graphic character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-4.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['0'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'graphic', {
+ '\x60':'\u25c6', // ` -> diamond
+ '\x61':'\u2592', // a -> grey-box
+ '\x62':'\u2409', // b -> h/t
+ '\x63':'\u240c', // c -> f/f
+ '\x64':'\u240d', // d -> c/r
+ '\x65':'\u240a', // e -> l/f
+ '\x66':'\u00b0', // f -> degree
+ '\x67':'\u00b1', // g -> +/-
+ '\x68':'\u2424', // h -> n/l
+ '\x69':'\u240b', // i -> v/t
+ '\x6a':'\u2518', // j -> bottom-right
+ '\x6b':'\u2510', // k -> top-right
+ '\x6c':'\u250c', // l -> top-left
+ '\x6d':'\u2514', // m -> bottom-left
+ '\x6e':'\u253c', // n -> line-cross
+ '\x6f':'\u23ba', // o -> scan1
+ '\x70':'\u23bb', // p -> scan3
+ '\x71':'\u2500', // q -> scan5
+ '\x72':'\u23bc', // r -> scan7
+ '\x73':'\u23bd', // s -> scan9
+ '\x74':'\u251c', // t -> left-tee
+ '\x75':'\u2524', // u -> right-tee
+ '\x76':'\u2534', // v -> bottom-tee
+ '\x77':'\u252c', // w -> top-tee
+ '\x78':'\u2502', // x -> vertical-line
+ '\x79':'\u2264', // y -> less-equal
+ '\x7a':'\u2265', // z -> greater-equal
+ '\x7b':'\u03c0', // { -> pi
+ '\x7c':'\u2260', // | -> not-equal
+ '\x7d':'\u00a3', // } -> british-pound
+ '\x7e':'\u00b7', // ~ -> dot
+ });
+ * British character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-5.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['A'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'british', {
+ '\x23': '\u00a3', // # -> british-pound
+ });
+ * US ASCII map, no changes.
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['B'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'us', null);
+ * Dutch character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-6.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['4'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'dutch', {
+ '\x23': '\u00a3', // # -> british-pound
+ '\x40': '\u00be', // @ -> 3/4
+ '\x5b': '\u0132', // [ -> 'ij' ligature (xterm goes with \u00ff?)
+ '\x5c': '\u00bd', // \ -> 1/2
+ '\x5d': '\u007c', // ] -> vertical bar
+ '\x7b': '\u00a8', // { -> two dots
+ '\x7c': '\u0066', // | -> f
+ '\x7d': '\u00bc', // } -> 1/4
+ '\x7e': '\u00b4', // ~ -> acute
+ });
+ * Finnish character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-7.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['C'] =
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['5'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'finnish', {
+ '\x5b': '\u00c4', // [ -> 'A' umlaut
+ '\x5c': '\u00d6', // \ -> 'O' umlaut
+ '\x5d': '\u00c5', // ] -> 'A' ring
+ '\x5e': '\u00dc', // ~ -> 'u' umlaut
+ '\x60': '\u00e9', // ` -> 'e' acute
+ '\x7b': '\u00e4', // { -> 'a' umlaut
+ '\x7c': '\u00f6', // | -> 'o' umlaut
+ '\x7d': '\u00e5', // } -> 'a' ring
+ '\x7e': '\u00fc', // ~ -> 'u' umlaut
+ });
+ * French character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-8.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['R'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'french', {
+ '\x23': '\u00a3', // # -> british-pound
+ '\x40': '\u00e0', // @ -> 'a' grave
+ '\x5b': '\u00b0', // [ -> ring
+ '\x5c': '\u00e7', // \ -> 'c' cedilla
+ '\x5d': '\u00a7', // ] -> section symbol (double s)
+ '\x7b': '\u00e9', // { -> 'e' acute
+ '\x7c': '\u00f9', // | -> 'u' grave
+ '\x7d': '\u00e8', // } -> 'e' grave
+ '\x7e': '\u00a8', // ~ -> umlaut
+ });
+ * French Canadian character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-9.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['Q'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'french canadian', {
+ '\x40': '\u00e0', // @ -> 'a' grave
+ '\x5b': '\u00e2', // [ -> 'a' circumflex
+ '\x5c': '\u00e7', // \ -> 'c' cedilla
+ '\x5d': '\u00ea', // ] -> 'e' circumflex
+ '\x5e': '\u00ee', // ^ -> 'i' circumflex
+ '\x60': '\u00f4', // ` -> 'o' circumflex
+ '\x7b': '\u00e9', // { -> 'e' acute
+ '\x7c': '\u00f9', // | -> 'u' grave
+ '\x7d': '\u00e8', // } -> 'e' grave
+ '\x7e': '\u00fb', // ~ -> 'u' circumflex
+ });
+ * German character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-10.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['K'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'german', {
+ '\x40': '\u00a7', // @ -> section symbol (double s)
+ '\x5b': '\u00c4', // [ -> 'A' umlaut
+ '\x5c': '\u00d6', // \ -> 'O' umlaut
+ '\x5d': '\u00dc', // ] -> 'U' umlaut
+ '\x7b': '\u00e4', // { -> 'a' umlaut
+ '\x7c': '\u00f6', // | -> 'o' umlaut
+ '\x7d': '\u00fc', // } -> 'u' umlaut
+ '\x7e': '\u00df', // ~ -> eszett
+ });
+ * Italian character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-11.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['Y'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'italian', {
+ '\x23': '\u00a3', // # -> british-pound
+ '\x40': '\u00a7', // @ -> section symbol (double s)
+ '\x5b': '\u00b0', // [ -> ring
+ '\x5c': '\u00e7', // \ -> 'c' cedilla
+ '\x5d': '\u00e9', // ] -> 'e' acute
+ '\x60': '\u00f9', // ` -> 'u' grave
+ '\x7b': '\u00e0', // { -> 'a' grave
+ '\x7c': '\u00f2', // | -> 'o' grave
+ '\x7d': '\u00e8', // } -> 'e' grave
+ '\x7e': '\u00ec', // ~ -> 'i' grave
+ });
+ * Norwegian/Danish character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-12.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['E'] =
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['6'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'norwegian/danish', {
+ '\x40': '\u00c4', // @ -> 'A' umlaut
+ '\x5b': '\u00c6', // [ -> 'AE' ligature
+ '\x5c': '\u00d8', // \ -> 'O' stroke
+ '\x5d': '\u00c5', // ] -> 'A' ring
+ '\x5e': '\u00dc', // ^ -> 'U' umlaut
+ '\x60': '\u00e4', // ` -> 'a' umlaut
+ '\x7b': '\u00e6', // { -> 'ae' ligature
+ '\x7c': '\u00f8', // | -> 'o' stroke
+ '\x7d': '\u00e5', // } -> 'a' ring
+ '\x7e': '\u00fc', // ~ -> 'u' umlaut
+ });
+ * Spanish character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-13.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['Z'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'spanish', {
+ '\x23': '\u00a3', // # -> british-pound
+ '\x40': '\u00a7', // @ -> section symbol (double s)
+ '\x5b': '\u00a1', // [ -> '!' inverted
+ '\x5c': '\u00d1', // \ -> 'N' tilde
+ '\x5d': '\u00bf', // ] -> '?' inverted
+ '\x7b': '\u00b0', // { -> ring
+ '\x7c': '\u00f1', // | -> 'n' tilde
+ '\x7d': '\u00e7', // } -> 'c' cedilla
+ });
+ * Swedish character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-14.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['7'] =
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['H'] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'swedish', {
+ '\x40': '\u00c9', // @ -> 'E' acute
+ '\x5b': '\u00c4', // [ -> 'A' umlaut
+ '\x5c': '\u00d6', // \ -> 'O' umlaut
+ '\x5d': '\u00c5', // ] -> 'A' ring
+ '\x5e': '\u00dc', // ^ -> 'U' umlaut
+ '\x60': '\u00e9', // ` -> 'e' acute
+ '\x7b': '\u00e4', // { -> 'a' umlaut
+ '\x7c': '\u00f6', // | -> 'o' umlaut
+ '\x7d': '\u00e5', // } -> 'a' ring
+ '\x7e': '\u00fc', // ~ -> 'u' umlaut
+ });
+ * Swiss character map.
+ * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-15.html
+ */
+hterm.VT.CharacterMap.maps['='] = new hterm.VT.CharacterMap(
+ 'swiss', {
+ '\x23': '\u00f9', // # -> 'u' grave
+ '\x40': '\u00e0', // @ -> 'a' grave
+ '\x5b': '\u00e9', // [ -> 'e' acute
+ '\x5c': '\u00e7', // \ -> 'c' cedilla
+ '\x5d': '\u00ea', // ] -> 'e' circumflex
+ '\x5e': '\u00ee', // ^ -> 'i' circumflex
+ '\x5f': '\u00e8', // _ -> 'e' grave
+ '\x60': '\u00f4', // ` -> 'o' circumflex
+ '\x7b': '\u00e4', // { -> 'a' umlaut
+ '\x7c': '\u00f6', // | -> 'o' umlaut
+ '\x7d': '\u00fc', // } -> 'u' umlaut
+ '\x7e': '\u00fb', // ~ -> 'u' circumflex
+ });
+lib.resource.add('hterm/audio/bell', 'audio/ogg;base64',
+'AU9nZ1MAAAAAAAAAAAAA4aluSgEAAAAAesI3EC3//////////////////8kDdm9yYmlzHQAAAFhp' +
+'IYYYYoghhxxyyCGnnHIKKqigggoyyCCDTDLppJNOOumoo4466ii00EILLbTSSkwx1VZjrr0GXXxz' +
+'GIZh+H3f933f930gNGQVACABAKAjOZbjKaIiGqLiOaIDhIasAgBkAAAEACAJkiIpkqNJpmZqrmmb' +
+'tmirtm3LsizLsgyEhqwCAAABAAQAAAAAAKBpmqZpmqZpmqZpmqZpmqZpmqZpmmZZlmVZlmVZlmVZ' +
+'OeecbM4Z45xzzinKmcWgmdCac85JDJqloJnQmnPOeRKbB62p0ppzzhnnnA7GGWGcc85p0poHqdlY' +
+'m3POWdCa5qi5FJtzzomUmye1uVSbc84555xzzjnnnHPOqV6czsE54Zxzzonam2u5CV2cc875ZJzu' +
+'zQnhnHPOOeecc84555xzzglCQ1YBAEAAAARh2BjGnYIgfY4GYhQhpiGTHnSPDpOgMcgppB6NjkZK' +
+'0xZlUzZd0zVl01Vl1XZl2bZlW7d9WbZ93/d93/d93/d93/d939d1IDRkFQAgAQCgIzmSIimSIjmO' +
+'mIqniIrniI4oiZZpiZqquaJsyq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7ruq7rukBo' +
+'4RhV1dZN19V1VZZ9YdZlYbd13yhpmmlqoqiqmiiqqqmqtm2qrq1bouiqoqrKsmeqrqzKsq+rrmzr' +
+'miiqrqiqsiyqqiyrsqz7qizrtqiquq3KsrCbrqvrtu8LwyzrunCqrq6rsuz7qizruq3rxnHrujB8' +
+'pinLpqvquqm6um7runHMtm0co6rqvirLwrDKsu/rui+0dSFRVXXdlF3jV2VZ921fd55b94WybTu/' +
+'rfvKceu60vg5z28cubZtHLNuG7+t+8bzKz9hOI6lZ5q2baqqrZuqq+uybivDrOtCUVV9XZVl3zdd' +
+'WRdu3zeOW9eNoqrquirLvrDKsjHcxm8cuzAcXds2jlvXnbKtC31jyPcJz2vbxnH7OuP2daOvDAnH' +
+'yJyTEkpoKZTSUgehpVBKa6GU1lJrsabUYu0gpBZKaS2U0lpqqcbUWowRYxAy56RkzkkJpbQWSmkt' +
+'c05K56CkDkJKpaQUS0otVsxJyaCj0kFIqaQSU0mptVBKa6WkFktKMbYUW24x1hxKaS2kEltJKcYU' +
+'U20txpojxiBkzknJnJMSSmktlNJa5ZiUDkJKmYOSSkqtlZJSzJyT0kFIqYOOSkkptpJKTKGU1kpK' +
+'sYVSWmwx1pxSbDWU0lpJKcaSSmwtxlpbTLV1EFoLpbQWSmmttVZraq3GUEprJaUYS0qxtRZrbjHm' +
+'GkppraQSW0mpxRZbji3GmlNrNabWam4x5hpbbT3WmnNKrdbUUo0txppjbb3VmnvvIKQWSmktlNJi' +
+'ai3G1mKtoZTWSiqxlZJabDHm2lqMOZTSYkmpxZJSjC3GmltsuaaWamwx5ppSi7Xm2nNsNfbUWqwt' +
+'pdZirDXX1FqMteaaa0otxlprzbkAANwFBwCwAxtFNicYCSo0ZCUAkAcAgCCkFGOMMYYUYoox55xD' +
+'CCnFmHPOKaYYc84555RijDnnnHOMMeecc845xphzzjnnHHPOOeecc44555xzzjnnnHPOOeecc845' +
+'McaYYowxxhhjjDHGGGOMMcYYY4wxxhhjjDHGGGOMMcYYY4wxxhhjjDHGGGOMMcYYY4wxxhhjjDHG' +
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+'aqzv/xTgOoTFG+x7SNqQ4N+oAABSxuVXw77Jd5bmmTmuJakX7509HH0kGYKvARPpwfOSAPySPAc2' +
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+'jl2j+vTdU7Vpk21LiU0QajPkywAAHqbUC0/YsYOdb4e6BOp7E0cCi04Ao/TgD8ZVAMid6h/A8IeB' +
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+'xFOr8leZcBq1Kx3ZvCq9Bga639AxuHuPNL/71YCF4EywJpqHFAX6XF0sjVbuANnvvdLcrufYwOM/' +
+'iDa6iA468AYAAB6mNBMXcgTD8HSRqJ4vw8CjAlCEPACASlX/APwPOJKl9xQAAAPmnev2eWp33Xgy' +
+'w3Dvfz6myGk3oyP8YTKsCOvzAgALQi0o1c6Nzs2O2Pg2h4ACIJAgAGP0aNn5x0BDgVfH7u2TtyfD' +
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+'4CnY1tBLAkZCOABAhbk/AM+/AwSCCdlWAAAMcFjS7owb8GVDzveDiZvznbt2tF4bL5odN1YKl88T' +
+'QEF6+oOb2+PAI8ciPQcXg7pOY+LjxQSv2fjmFuj34gGwz310/bGK6z3xgT887eomWULEaDd04wHe' +
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+'PvYEG8ClvrQRJgBephwnNWJjtGqmp6VEPSvBe7EBiU3qgJbQAwD4Le8LAMDMhHbNAAAlgK+tFs5O' +
+'+YyJc9yCnJa3rxLPulGnxwsXV9Fsk2k4PisCAHC8FkwbGE9gJQAAoMnyksj0CdFMZLLgoz8M+Fxz' +
+'iwYBgIx+zHiCBAKAlBKNpF1sO9JpVcyEi9ar15YlHgrut5fPJnkdJ6vEwZPyAHQBIEDUrlMcBAAd' +
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+'Ce9g6iEdiYXgVmQAI4+4wskEBEiBloNQ6Ki0/KTQ0QjWfjxzi+AeuXKoMjEVfQOZzr0y941qLgM2' +
+'AExvbZOqcxZ6J6krlrj4y2j9AdgKDx6GnJsVLhbc42uq584+ouSdNBpoCiCVHrz+WzUA/DDtD8AT' +
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+'UAAAAHCKsp80xhp91UjqQBw3x45cetqkjQEyu3G9B6N+R650Uq8OVig7wOm6Wun0ea4lKDPoabJs' +
+'6aLqgbhPzpv4KR4iODilw88ZpY7q1IOMcbASAOAVtmcCnobcrkG4KGS7/ZnskVWRNF9J0RUHKOnB' +
+'yy9WA8Dv6L4AAARMCQUA4GritfVM2lcZfH3Q3T/vZ47J2YHhcmBazjfdyuV25gLAzrc0cwAAAAAY' +
+'Ch6PdwAAAGyWjFW4yScjaWa2mGcofHxWxewKALglWBpLUvwwk+UOh5eNGyUOs1/EF+pZr+ud5Ozo' +
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+'bwDAA56FHAuXflHo3fe2ttG9XUDeA9YmYCBQ0oPr/1QC8IvuCwAAApbUAQCK22MmE3O78VAbHQT9' +
+'VZnTZXbWz3BwWpjUaMZKRj7dZ0J//gUeTdpVEwAAZOFsNxKAjQSgA+ABPoY8Jj5y2wje81jsXc/1' +
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+'v9+movui1wUNPAj059N3OVxzk4gV73PmE8FIA2F5mRq37Evc76vLXfF4rD5UJJAw46hW6LZCb5sN' +
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+'m2L/kruPM6Q7oz4tvDQy+bZ3HzOi+gNHA4DZEgA=' +
+lib.resource.add('hterm/concat/date', 'text/plain',
+'Tue, 25 Apr 2017 15:12:45 +0000' +
+lib.resource.add('hterm/changelog/version', 'text/plain',
+'1.62' +
+lib.resource.add('hterm/changelog/date', 'text/plain',
+'2017-04-17' +
+lib.resource.add('hterm/git/HEAD', 'text/plain',
+'git rev-parse HEAD' +