Fix "Boot priority" down arrow

The way free priority works is if an image is set to a
priority another image has, that other image's priority
is increased by 1.

Let's say there are 2 images, x and y. x has a priority of
2, and y has a priority of 3.
x gets set to priority 3 (this is how the down arrow works,
it sets the priority to the current priority + 1) now x
has a priority of 3 and y gets increased to a priority of 4.
x and y in this case never switched priority order (i.e. x
still boots first).

To get the down arrow to work currently, set the priority
to + 2 on the down arrow. In the case above this would make
x and y 4 and 3, respectfully, therefore, changing their
priority order (i.e. y boots first now).

This change is not needed for the up arrow, can you figure
out why?

Tested: Down arrow works now.
Change-Id: Ia01dba6694b8c3b68f43fab78d8f0ae022ccb82c
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <>
diff --git a/app/common/directives/firmware-list.html b/app/common/directives/firmware-list.html
index 40fd1ac..2856eaa 100644
--- a/app/common/directives/firmware-list.html
+++ b/app/common/directives/firmware-list.html
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 					     ng-show="firmware.activationStatus == 'Functional' || firmware.activationStatus == 'Active'">
 						<span class="accessible-text">firmware up in priority</span></div>
 					<div class="icon icon__down-arrow" aria-hidden="true" ng-class="{'icon-as-spacer':$last}"
-					    ng-click="!$last && changePriority(firmware.imageId, firmware.Version, firmware.Priority, firmware.Priority + 1)"
+					    ng-click="!$last && changePriority(firmware.imageId, firmware.Version, firmware.Priority, firmware.Priority + 2)"
 					    ng-show="firmware.activationStatus == 'Functional' || firmware.activationStatus == 'Active'">
 						<span class="accessible-text">firmware down in priority</span></div>