Clean up headers

Updates headers to match style guide and makes them consistent
throughout pages in the GUI. Removes instances where a header
element existed and a different header style was being applied.
For example, <h2 class="h4">

Tested: Ran GUI locally and verified that headers look consistent
and have the appropriate sizing while using Chrome, Firefox and

Change-Id: I187136298ed2bfd36c40c2b80d5a4f20947cbe56
Signed-off-by: beccabroek <>
diff --git a/app/server-health/controllers/inventory-overview-controller.html b/app/server-health/controllers/inventory-overview-controller.html
index b9f6f27..c7fa781 100644
--- a/app/server-health/controllers/inventory-overview-controller.html
+++ b/app/server-health/controllers/inventory-overview-controller.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   <div class="row column no-padding">
     <h1>Hardware status</h1>
     <div class="page-header">
-      <h2 class="inline h4">All hardware in the system</h2>
+      <h2 class="inline">All hardware in the system</h2>
       <a ng-href="data:text/json;charset=utf-8,{{originalData}}" class="inline btn-export float-right"  download="export_inventory.json" ng-show="hardwares.length">Export</a>