blob: 830bbd190c9a26963bc8a64ce67b3940d233d18e [file] [log] [blame]
Yoshie Muranaka5b8cef82019-09-10 08:09:43 -07001window.angular && (function(angular) {
2 'use strict';
4 /**
5 *
6 * tableToolbar Component
7 *
8 * To use:
9 * The <table-toolbar> component expects an 'actions' attribute
10 * that should be an array of action objects.
11 * Each action object should have 'type', 'label', and 'file'
12 * properties.
13 *
14 * actions: [
15 * {type: 'Edit', label: 'Edit', file: 'icon-edit.svg'},
16 * {type: 'Delete', label: 'Edit', file: 'icon-trashcan.svg'}
17 * ]
18 *
19 * The 'type' property is a string value that will be emitted to the
20 * parent component when clicked.
21 *
22 * The 'label' property is a string value that will render as text in
23 * the button
24 *
25 * The 'file' property is a string value of the filename of the svg icon
26 * to provide <icon> directive.
27 *
28 */
30 const controller = function() {
31 /**
32 * Set defaults if properties undefined
33 * @param {[]} actions
34 */
35 const setActions = (actions = []) => {
36 return actions
37 .map((action) => {
38 if (action.type === undefined) {
39 return;
40 }
41 if (action.file === undefined) {
42 action.file = null;
43 }
44 return action;
45 })
46 .filter((action) => action);
47 };
49 /**
50 * Callback when button action clicked
51 * Emits the action type to the parent component
52 */
53 this.onClick = (action) => {
54 this.emitAction({action});
55 };
57 this.onClickClose = () => {
58 this.emitClose();
59 };
61 /**
62 * onInit Component lifecycle hook
63 */
64 this.$onInit = () => {
65 this.actions = setActions(this.actions);
66 };
67 };
69 /**
70 * Component template
71 */
72 const template = `
73 <div class="bmc-table__toolbar" ng-if="$">
74 <p class="toolbar__selection-count">{{$ctrl.selectionCount}} selected</p>
75 <div class="toolbar__batch-actions" ng-show="$ctrl.actions.length > 0">
76 <button
77 class="btn btn-tertiary"
78 type="button"
79 aria-label="{{action.label}}"
80 ng-repeat="action in $ctrl.actions"
81 ng-click="$ctrl.onClick(action.type)">
82 <icon ng-if="action.file !== null"
83 ng-file="{{action.file}}"
84 aria-hidden="true">
85 </icon>
86 {{action.label || action.type}}
87 </button>
88 <button
89 class="btn btn-tertiary btn-close"
90 type="button"
91 aria-label="Cancel"
92 ng-click="$ctrl.onClickClose()">
93 Cancel
94 </button>
95 </div>
96 </div>`
98 /**
99 * Register tableToolbar component
100 */
101 angular.module('app.common.components').component('tableToolbar', {
102 controller,
103 template,
104 bindings: {
105 actions: '<',
106 selectionCount: '<',
107 active: '<',
108 emitAction: '&',
109 emitClose: '&'
110 }
111 })