platform-mc: Terminus: Add getSensorNames function

`addNumericSensor` and `addCompactNumericSensor` functions currently try
to construct the sensor name it self. This causes code duplication.

This commit separates that work into `getSensorNames` function, which
returns a vector of sensor name strings that might enlist Sensor
Auxiliary Names PDRs. Depending on the existence of the mentioned PDR,
and the sensor count that the PDR supports, the size of the returned
vector might vary. At this time, callers only get the first element of
the vector, but this function can cover future implementations of
Compact Numeric Sensor.

Tested: There's no functional change applied, so the behavior is the
same after this commit.

Change-Id: I02844f5d0820b0dea2d16d1695350e92ef0383d2
Signed-off-by: Chau Ly <>
diff --git a/platform-mc/terminus.hpp b/platform-mc/terminus.hpp
index da3d919..6e3f859 100644
--- a/platform-mc/terminus.hpp
+++ b/platform-mc/terminus.hpp
@@ -275,6 +275,15 @@
     bool createInventoryPath(std::string tName);
+    /** @brief Get sensor names from Sensor Auxiliary Names PDRs
+     *
+     *  @param[in] sensorId - Sensor ID
+     *  @param[in] isEffecter - This is an effecter, not a sensor
+     *  @return vector of sensor name strings
+     *
+     */
+    std::vector<std::string> getSensorNames(const SensorId& sensorId);
     /* @brief The terminus's TID */
     pldm_tid_t tid;