platform-mc: Set the local terminus as event receiver

Send `SetEventReceiver` to the discoveried terminus with the
configurable local EID to set the local terminus as event receiver.
Before send `SetEventReceiver` the local terminus also send
`EventMessageSupported` to get the `synchronyConfigurationSupported`.
The `eventMessageGlobalEnable` and `heartbeatTimer` options in the
`SetEventReceiver` command will depend on the responded

Signed-off-by: Thu Nguyen <>
Signed-off-by: Gilbert Chen <>
Change-Id: Ia798c1cd5d946ac519933bca60620e970fe10b0a
diff --git a/platform-mc/test/mock_terminus_manager.hpp b/platform-mc/test/mock_terminus_manager.hpp
index 4e56a83..94d9c6d 100644
--- a/platform-mc/test/mock_terminus_manager.hpp
+++ b/platform-mc/test/mock_terminus_manager.hpp
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
     MockTerminusManager(sdeventplus::Event& event, RequesterHandler& handler,
                         pldm::InstanceIdDb& instanceIdDb,
                         TerminiMapper& termini, Manager* manager) :
-        TerminusManager(event, handler, instanceIdDb, termini, manager)
+        TerminusManager(event, handler, instanceIdDb, termini, manager,
+                        pldm::BmcMctpEid)
     exec::task<int> sendRecvPldmMsgOverMctp(