tests: Organize the test code to make it modular

The unit test code for libpldmresponder, host-bmc and common is
in a shared test directory. This patch separates the test code
to the respective directory.

Tested: Ran the unit test and tests passed.

Signed-off-by: Tom Joseph <rushtotom@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I31d53681fa6c0d8bc6eb7c4e3341aaff4bc341ee
diff --git a/libpldmresponder/test/libpldmresponder_bios_integer_attribute_test.cpp b/libpldmresponder/test/libpldmresponder_bios_integer_attribute_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe1d6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpldmresponder/test/libpldmresponder_bios_integer_attribute_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#include "common/test/mocked_utils.hpp"
+#include "libpldmresponder/bios_integer_attribute.hpp"
+#include "mocked_bios.hpp"
+#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
+#include <memory>
+#include <gmock/gmock.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+using ::testing::_;
+using ::testing::ElementsAreArray;
+using ::testing::Return;
+using ::testing::StrEq;
+using ::testing::Throw;
+class TestBIOSIntegerAttribute : public ::testing::Test
+  public:
+    const auto& getIntegerInfo(const BIOSIntegerAttribute& attribute)
+    {
+        return attribute.integerInfo;
+    }
+TEST_F(TestBIOSIntegerAttribute, CtorTest)
+    auto jsonIntegerReadOnly = R"({
+         "attribute_name" : "SBE_IMAGE_MINIMUM_VALID_ECS",
+         "lower_bound" : 1,
+         "upper_bound" : 15,
+         "scalar_increment" : 1,
+         "default_value" : 2,
+         "readOnly" : true,
+         "helpText" : "HelpText",
+         "displayName" : "DisplayName"
+      })"_json;
+    BIOSIntegerAttribute integerReadOnly{jsonIntegerReadOnly, nullptr};
+    EXPECT_EQ(integerReadOnly.name, "SBE_IMAGE_MINIMUM_VALID_ECS");
+    EXPECT_TRUE(integerReadOnly.readOnly);
+    auto& integerInfo = getIntegerInfo(integerReadOnly);
+    EXPECT_EQ(integerInfo.lowerBound, 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(integerInfo.upperBound, 15);
+    EXPECT_EQ(integerInfo.scalarIncrement, 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(integerInfo.defaultValue, 2);
+    auto jsonIntegerReadOnlyError = R"({
+         "attribute_name" : "SBE_IMAGE_MINIMUM_VALID_ECS",
+         "lower_bound" : 1,
+         "upper_bound" : 15,
+         "scalar_increment" : 1,
+         "default_valu" : 2,
+         "readOnly" : true,
+         "helpText" : "HelpText",
+         "displayName" : "DisplayName"
+      })"_json; // default_valu -> default_value
+    EXPECT_THROW((BIOSIntegerAttribute{jsonIntegerReadOnlyError, nullptr}),
+                 Json::exception);
+    auto jsonIntegerReadWrite = R"({
+         "attribute_name" : "VDD_AVSBUS_RAIL",
+         "lower_bound" : 0,
+         "upper_bound" : 15,
+         "scalar_increment" : 1,
+         "default_value" : 0,
+         "readOnly" : false,
+         "helpText" : "HelpText",
+         "displayName" : "DisplayName",
+         "dbus":{
+            "object_path" : "/xyz/openbmc_project/avsbus",
+            "interface" : "xyz.openbmc.AvsBus.Manager",
+            "property_type" : "uint8_t",
+            "property_name" : "Rail"
+         }
+      })"_json;
+    BIOSIntegerAttribute integerReadWrite{jsonIntegerReadWrite, nullptr};
+    EXPECT_EQ(integerReadWrite.name, "VDD_AVSBUS_RAIL");
+    EXPECT_TRUE(!integerReadWrite.readOnly);
+TEST_F(TestBIOSIntegerAttribute, ConstructEntry)
+    MockBIOSStringTable biosStringTable;
+    MockdBusHandler dbusHandler;
+    auto jsonIntegerReadOnly = R"({
+         "attribute_name" : "VDD_AVSBUS_RAIL",
+         "lower_bound" : 1,
+         "upper_bound" : 15,
+         "scalar_increment" : 1,
+         "default_value" : 2,
+         "readOnly" : true,
+         "helpText" : "HelpText",
+         "displayName" : "DisplayName"
+      })"_json;
+    std::vector<uint8_t> expectedAttrEntry{
+        0,    0,                   /* attr handle */
+        0x83,                      /* attr type integer read-only*/
+        5,    0,                   /* attr name handle */
+        1,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* lower bound */
+        15,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* upper bound */
+        1,    0, 0, 0,             /* scalar increment */
+        2,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* defaut value */
+    };
+    std::vector<uint8_t> expectedAttrValueEntry{
+        0,    0,                   /* attr handle */
+        0x83,                      /* attr type integer read-only*/
+        2,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* current value */
+    };
+    BIOSIntegerAttribute integerReadOnly{jsonIntegerReadOnly, nullptr};
+    ON_CALL(biosStringTable, findHandle(StrEq("VDD_AVSBUS_RAIL")))
+        .WillByDefault(Return(5));
+    checkConstructEntry(integerReadOnly, biosStringTable, expectedAttrEntry,
+                        expectedAttrValueEntry);
+    auto jsonIntegerReadWrite = R"({
+         "attribute_name" : "VDD_AVSBUS_RAIL",
+         "lower_bound" : 1,
+         "upper_bound" : 15,
+         "scalar_increment" : 1,
+         "default_value" : 2,
+         "readOnly" : false,
+         "helpText" : "HelpText",
+         "displayName" : "DisplayName",
+         "dbus":{
+            "object_path" : "/xyz/openbmc_project/avsbus",
+            "interface" : "xyz.openbmc.AvsBus.Manager",
+            "property_type" : "uint8_t",
+            "property_name" : "Rail"
+         }
+      })"_json;
+    BIOSIntegerAttribute integerReadWrite{jsonIntegerReadWrite, &dbusHandler};
+    EXPECT_CALL(dbusHandler,
+                getDbusPropertyVariant(StrEq("/xyz/openbmc_project/avsbus"),
+                                       StrEq("Rail"),
+                                       StrEq("xyz.openbmc.AvsBus.Manager")))
+        .WillOnce(Throw(std::exception()));
+    /* Set expected attr type to read-write */
+    expectedAttrEntry[2] = PLDM_BIOS_INTEGER;
+    expectedAttrValueEntry[2] = PLDM_BIOS_INTEGER;
+    checkConstructEntry(integerReadWrite, biosStringTable, expectedAttrEntry,
+                        expectedAttrValueEntry);
+    EXPECT_CALL(dbusHandler,
+                getDbusPropertyVariant(StrEq("/xyz/openbmc_project/avsbus"),
+                                       StrEq("Rail"),
+                                       StrEq("xyz.openbmc.AvsBus.Manager")))
+        .WillOnce(Return(PropertyValue(uint8_t(7))));
+    expectedAttrValueEntry = {
+        0, 0,                   /* attr handle */
+        3,                      /* attr type integer read-write*/
+        7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* current value */
+    };
+    checkConstructEntry(integerReadWrite, biosStringTable, expectedAttrEntry,
+                        expectedAttrValueEntry);
+TEST_F(TestBIOSIntegerAttribute, setAttrValueOnDbus)
+    MockdBusHandler dbusHandler;
+    MockBIOSStringTable biosStringTable;
+    auto jsonIntegerReadWrite = R"({
+         "attribute_name" : "VDD_AVSBUS_RAIL",
+         "lower_bound" : 1,
+         "upper_bound" : 15,
+         "scalar_increment" : 1,
+         "default_value" : 2,
+         "readOnly" : false,
+         "helpText" : "HelpText",
+         "displayName" : "DisplayName",
+         "dbus":{
+            "object_path" : "/xyz/openbmc_project/avsbus",
+            "interface" : "xyz.openbmc.AvsBus.Manager",
+            "property_type" : "uint8_t",
+            "property_name" : "Rail"
+         }
+      })"_json;
+    BIOSIntegerAttribute integerReadWrite{jsonIntegerReadWrite, &dbusHandler};
+    DBusMapping dbusMapping{"/xyz/openbmc_project/avsbus",
+                            "xyz.openbmc.AvsBus.Manager", "Rail", "uint8_t"};
+    std::vector<uint8_t> attrValueEntry = {
+        0, 0,                   /* attr handle */
+        3,                      /* attr type integer read-write*/
+        7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* current value */
+    };
+    auto entry = reinterpret_cast<pldm_bios_attr_val_table_entry*>(
+        attrValueEntry.data());
+    EXPECT_CALL(dbusHandler,
+                setDbusProperty(dbusMapping, PropertyValue{uint8_t(7)}))
+        .Times(1);
+    integerReadWrite.setAttrValueOnDbus(entry, nullptr, biosStringTable);