host-bmc: Process host TL PDR

Process host TL PDR and build TLPDRMap for easy lookup based on
PLDMTerminusHandle, the parsing of the host state sensors is done
after the TL PDR's are processed.


Tested on Rainier simics and sensor event from host is handled
and the D-Bus object is updated.

Change-Id: I3b5903c4e6a071465ac84cedb9723019dc6d06fa
Signed-off-by: Tom Joseph <>
Signed-off-by: Sampa Misra <>
diff --git a/common/types.hpp b/common/types.hpp
index d701cfc..c2b3510 100644
--- a/common/types.hpp
+++ b/common/types.hpp
@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@
 namespace pdr



+using EID = uint8_t;

 using TerminusHandle = uint16_t;

-using TerminusID = uint16_t;

+using TerminusID = uint8_t;

 using SensorID = uint16_t;

 using EntityType = uint16_t;

 using EntityInstance = uint16_t;