make use of --all

pldmtool platform getpdr has a new --all option that dumps all the PDRS.
Probe pldmtool to see if it supports the --all option and if it does,
use it, as it is at least an order of magnitude faster than invoking
pldmtool once for each PDR.

The pldmtool error handling code is complicated significantly, because
with the much larger json documents being printed by --all, it becomes
important that the json decoder be able to start decoding the document
before pldmtool has sent all the pdrs.

get_pdrs is restructured as a generator selection method, given that
different versions of pldmtool have different capabilities.

Change-Id: I01a3dccad3a85d701cd86ab35d8908ef7fc772ac
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/tools/visualize-pdr/ b/tools/visualize-pdr/
index a7baa03..95a72aa 100755
--- a/tools/visualize-pdr/
+++ b/tools/visualize-pdr/
@@ -136,26 +136,57 @@
         msg = "pldmtool failed with exit status {}.\n".format(status)
         msg += "stderr: \n\n{}".format(stderr)
         super(PLDMToolError, self).__init__(msg)
+        self.status = status
+    def get_status(self):
+        return self.status
 def process_pldmtool_output(stdout_channel, stderr_channel):
     """ Ensure pldmtool runs without error and if it does fail, detect that and
         show the pldmtool exit status and it's stderr.
+        A simpler implementation would just wait for the pldmtool exit status
+        prior to attempting to decode it's stdout.  Instead, optimize for the
+        no error case and allow the json decoder to consume pldmtool stdout as
+        soon as it is available (in parallel).  This results in the following
+        error scenarios:
+            - pldmtool fails and the decoder fails
+              Ignore the decoder fail and throw PLDMToolError.
+            - pldmtool fails and the decoder doesn't fail
+              Throw PLDMToolError.
+            - pldmtool doesn't fail and the decoder does fail
+              This is a pldmtool bug - re-throw the decoder error.
             stdout_channel: file-like stdout channel
             stderr_channel: file-like stderr channel
-    status =
-    if status == 0:
-        return json.load(stdout_channel)
+    status = 0
+    try:
+        data = json.load(stdout_channel)
+        # it's unlikely, but possible, that pldmtool failed but still wrote a
+        # valid json document - so check for that.
+        status =
+        if status == 0:
+            return data
+    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+        # pldmtool wrote an invalid json document.  Check to see if it had
+        # non-zero exit status.
+        status =
+        if status == 0:
+            # pldmtool didn't have non zero exit status, so it wrote an invalid
+            # json document and the JSONDecodeError is the correct error.
+            raise
+    # pldmtool had a non-zero exit status, so throw an error for that, possibly
+    # discarding a spurious JSONDecodeError exception.
     raise PLDMToolError(status, "".join(stderr_channel))
-def get_pdrs(client):
+def get_pdrs_one_at_a_time(client):
     """ Using pldmtool over SSH, generate (record handle, PDR) tuples for each
         record in the PDR repository.
@@ -176,6 +207,61 @@
+def get_all_pdrs_at_once(client):
+    """ Using pldmtool over SSH, generate (record handle, PDR) tuples for each
+        record in the PDR repository.  Use pldmtool platform getpdr --all.
+        Parameters:
+            client: paramiko ssh client object
+    """
+    _, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('pldmtool platform getpdr -a')
+    all_pdrs = process_pldmtool_output(stdout, stderr)
+    # Explicitly request record 0 to find out what the real first record is.
+    _, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('pldmtool platform getpdr -d 0')
+    pdr_0 = process_pldmtool_output(stdout, stderr)
+    record_handle = pdr_0["recordHandle"]
+    while True:
+        for pdr in all_pdrs:
+            if pdr["recordHandle"] == record_handle:
+                yield record_handle, pdr
+                record_handle = pdr["nextRecordHandle"]
+                if record_handle == 0:
+                    return
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            "Dangling reference to record {}".format(record_handle))
+def get_pdrs(client):
+    """ Using pldmtool over SSH, generate (record handle, PDR) tuples for each
+        record in the PDR repository.  Use pldmtool platform getpdr --all or
+        fallback on getting them one at a time if pldmtool doesn't support the
+        --all option.
+        Parameters:
+            client: paramiko ssh client object
+    """
+    try:
+        for record_handle, pdr in get_all_pdrs_at_once(client):
+            yield record_handle, pdr
+        return
+    except PLDMToolError as e:
+        # No support for the -a option
+        if e.get_status() != 106:
+            raise
+    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
+        # Some versions of pldmtool don't print valid json documents with -a
+        if e.msg != "Extra data":
+            raise
+    for record_handle, pdr in get_pdrs_one_at_a_time(client):
+        yield record_handle, pdr
 def fetch_pdrs_from_bmc(client):
     """ This is the core function that would use the existing ssh connection