platform-mc: PDR handling

Get PDRs of new terminus if it supports GetPDR PLDM command. It doesn't
handle the event receiver related initialization steps, and either
doesn't support primary PDR repository to maintain terminus locator PDR
information yet.
Added parse PDR member functions to terminus class for parsing Numeric
sensor PDR and sensor auxiliary names PDR.
Added sensor auxiliary names PDR and numeric sensor PDR struct in

Signed-off-by: Gilbert Chen <>
Signed-off-by: Thu Nguyen <>
Change-Id: I30a0cc594a3c08fc17f2dad861b5c5d41c80ebdd
diff --git a/platform-mc/test/platform_manager_test.cpp b/platform-mc/test/platform_manager_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2df2b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform-mc/test/platform_manager_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+#include "common/instance_id.hpp"
+#include "mock_terminus_manager.hpp"
+#include "platform-mc/platform_manager.hpp"
+#include "test/test_instance_id.hpp"
+#include <sdeventplus/event.hpp>
+#include <bitset>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+class PlatformManagerTest : public testing::Test
+  protected:
+    PlatformManagerTest() :
+        bus(pldm::utils::DBusHandler::getBus()),
+        event(sdeventplus::Event::get_default()), instanceIdDb(),
+        reqHandler(pldmTransport, event, instanceIdDb, false,
+                   std::chrono::seconds(1), 2, std::chrono::milliseconds(100)),
+        mockTerminusManager(event, reqHandler, instanceIdDb, termini, nullptr),
+        platformManager(mockTerminusManager, termini)
+    {}
+    PldmTransport* pldmTransport = nullptr;
+    sdbusplus::bus_t& bus;
+    sdeventplus::Event event;
+    TestInstanceIdDb instanceIdDb;
+    pldm::requester::Handler<pldm::requester::Request> reqHandler;
+    pldm::platform_mc::MockTerminusManager mockTerminusManager;
+    pldm::platform_mc::PlatformManager platformManager;
+    std::map<pldm_tid_t, std::shared_ptr<pldm::platform_mc::Terminus>> termini;
+TEST_F(PlatformManagerTest, initTerminusTest)
+    // Add terminus
+    auto mappedTid = mockTerminusManager.mapTid(pldm::MctpInfo(10, "", "", 1));
+    auto tid = mappedTid.value();
+    termini[tid] = std::make_shared<pldm::platform_mc::Terminus>(
+        tid, 1 << PLDM_BASE | 1 << PLDM_PLATFORM);
+    auto terminus = termini[tid];
+    /* Set supported command by terminus */
+    auto size = PLDM_MAX_TYPES * (PLDM_MAX_CMDS_PER_TYPE / 8);
+    std::vector<uint8_t> pldmCmds(size);
+    uint8_t type = PLDM_PLATFORM;
+    uint8_t cmd = PLDM_GET_PDR;
+    auto idx = type * (PLDM_MAX_CMDS_PER_TYPE / 8) + (cmd / 8);
+    pldmCmds[idx] = pldmCmds[idx] | (1 << (cmd % 8));
+    idx = type * (PLDM_MAX_CMDS_PER_TYPE / 8) + (cmd / 8);
+    pldmCmds[idx] = pldmCmds[idx] | (1 << (cmd % 8));
+    termini[tid]->setSupportedCommands(pldmCmds);
+    // queue getPDRRepositoryInfo response
+    const size_t getPDRRepositoryInfoLen =
+    std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + getPDRRepositoryInfoLen>
+        getPDRRepositoryInfoResp{
+            0x0, 0x02, 0x50, PLDM_SUCCESS,
+            0x0,                                     // repositoryState
+            0x0, 0x0,  0x0,  0x0,          0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
+            0x0, 0x0,  0x0,  0x0,          0x0, 0x0, // updateTime
+            0x0, 0x0,  0x0,  0x0,          0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
+            0x0, 0x0,  0x0,  0x0,          0x0, 0x0, // OEMUpdateTime
+            1,   0x0,  0x0,  0x0,                    // recordCount
+            0x0, 0x1,  0x0,  0x0,                    // repositorySize
+            59,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,                    // largestRecordSize
+            0x0 // dataTransferHandleTimeout
+        };
+    auto rc = mockTerminusManager.enqueueResponse(
+        (pldm_msg*),
+        sizeof(getPDRRepositoryInfoResp));
+    // queue getPDR responses
+    const size_t getPdrRespLen = 81;
+    std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + getPdrRespLen> getPdrResp{
+        0x0, 0x02, 0x51, PLDM_SUCCESS, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, // nextRecordHandle
+        0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, // nextDataTransferHandle
+        0x5,                // transferFlag
+        69, 0x0,            // responseCount
+        // numeric Sensor PDR
+        0x1, 0x0, 0x0,
+        0x0,                     // record handle
+        0x1,                     // PDRHeaderVersion
+        0x0,
+        0x0,                     // recordChangeNumber
+        0,                             // dataLength
+        0,
+        0,                             // PLDMTerminusHandle
+        0x1,
+        0x0,                           // sensorID=1
+        120,
+        0,                             // entityType=Power Supply(120)
+        1,
+        0,                             // entityInstanceNumber
+        0x1,
+        0x0,                           // containerID=1
+        PLDM_NO_INIT,                  // sensorInit
+        false,                         // sensorAuxiliaryNamesPDR
+        PLDM_SENSOR_UNIT_DEGRESS_C,    // baseUint(2)=degrees C
+        1,                             // unitModifier = 1
+        0,                             // rateUnit
+        0,                             // baseOEMUnitHandle
+        0,                             // auxUnit
+        0,                             // auxUnitModifier
+        0,                             // auxRateUnit
+        0,                             // rel
+        0,                             // auxOEMUnitHandle
+        true,                          // isLinear
+        PLDM_SENSOR_DATA_SIZE_UINT8,   // sensorDataSize
+        0, 0, 0xc0,
+        0x3f,                          // resolution=1.5
+        0, 0, 0x80,
+        0x3f,                          // offset=1.0
+        0,
+        0,                             // accuracy
+        0,                             // plusTolerance
+        0,                             // minusTolerance
+        2,                             // hysteresis
+        0,                             // supportedThresholds
+        0,                             // thresholdAndHysteresisVolatility
+        0, 0, 0x80,
+        0x3f,                          // stateTransistionInterval=1.0
+        0, 0, 0x80,
+        0x3f,                          // updateInverval=1.0
+        255,                           // maxReadable
+        0,                             // minReadable
+        PLDM_RANGE_FIELD_FORMAT_UINT8, // rangeFieldFormat
+        0,                             // rangeFieldsupport
+        0,                             // nominalValue
+        0,                             // normalMax
+        0,                             // normalMin
+        0,                             // warningHigh
+        0,                             // warningLow
+        0,                             // criticalHigh
+        0,                             // criticalLow
+        0,                             // fatalHigh
+        0                              // fatalLow
+    };
+    rc = mockTerminusManager.enqueueResponse((pldm_msg*),
+                                             sizeof(getPdrResp));
+    stdexec::sync_wait(platformManager.initTerminus());
+    EXPECT_EQ(true, terminus->initialized);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, terminus->pdrs.size());
+TEST_F(PlatformManagerTest, initTerminusDontSupportGetPDRTest)
+    // Add terminus
+    auto mappedTid = mockTerminusManager.mapTid(pldm::MctpInfo(10, "", "", 1));
+    auto tid = mappedTid.value();
+    termini[tid] = std::make_shared<pldm::platform_mc::Terminus>(
+        tid, 1 << PLDM_BASE | 1 << PLDM_PLATFORM);
+    auto terminus = termini[tid];
+    /* Set supported command by terminus */
+    auto size = PLDM_MAX_TYPES * (PLDM_MAX_CMDS_PER_TYPE / 8);
+    std::vector<uint8_t> pldmCmds(size);
+    uint8_t type = PLDM_PLATFORM;
+    uint8_t cmd = PLDM_GET_PDR_REPOSITORY_INFO;
+    auto idx = type * (PLDM_MAX_CMDS_PER_TYPE / 8) + (cmd / 8);
+    pldmCmds[idx] = pldmCmds[idx] | (1 << (cmd % 8));
+    termini[tid]->setSupportedCommands(pldmCmds);
+    // queue getPDRRepositoryInfo response
+    const size_t getPDRRepositoryInfoLen =
+    std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + getPDRRepositoryInfoLen>
+        getPDRRepositoryInfoResp{
+            0x0, 0x02, 0x50, PLDM_SUCCESS,
+            0x0,                                     // repositoryState
+            0x0, 0x0,  0x0,  0x0,          0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
+            0x0, 0x0,  0x0,  0x0,          0x0, 0x0, // updateTime
+            0x0, 0x0,  0x0,  0x0,          0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
+            0x0, 0x0,  0x0,  0x0,          0x0, 0x0, // OEMUpdateTime
+            1,   0x0,  0x0,  0x0,                    // recordCount
+            0x0, 0x1,  0x0,  0x0,                    // repositorySize
+            59,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,                    // largestRecordSize
+            0x0 // dataTransferHandleTimeout
+        };
+    auto rc = mockTerminusManager.enqueueResponse(
+        (pldm_msg*),
+        sizeof(getPDRRepositoryInfoResp));
+    // queue getPDR responses
+    const size_t getPdrRespLen = 81;
+    std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + getPdrRespLen> getPdrResp{
+        0x0, 0x02, 0x51, PLDM_SUCCESS, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, // nextRecordHandle
+        0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, // nextDataTransferHandle
+        0x5,                // transferFlag
+        69, 0x0,            // responseCount
+        // numeric Sensor PDR
+        0x1, 0x0, 0x0,
+        0x0,                     // record handle
+        0x1,                     // PDRHeaderVersion
+        0x0,
+        0x0,                     // recordChangeNumber
+        0,                             // dataLength
+        0,
+        0,                             // PLDMTerminusHandle
+        0x1,
+        0x0,                           // sensorID=1
+        120,
+        0,                             // entityType=Power Supply(120)
+        1,
+        0,                             // entityInstanceNumber
+        0x1,
+        0x0,                           // containerID=1
+        PLDM_NO_INIT,                  // sensorInit
+        false,                         // sensorAuxiliaryNamesPDR
+        PLDM_SENSOR_UNIT_DEGRESS_C,    // baseUint(2)=degrees C
+        1,                             // unitModifier = 1
+        0,                             // rateUnit
+        0,                             // baseOEMUnitHandle
+        0,                             // auxUnit
+        0,                             // auxUnitModifier
+        0,                             // auxRateUnit
+        0,                             // rel
+        0,                             // auxOEMUnitHandle
+        true,                          // isLinear
+        PLDM_SENSOR_DATA_SIZE_UINT8,   // sensorDataSize
+        0, 0, 0xc0,
+        0x3f,                          // resolution=1.5
+        0, 0, 0x80,
+        0x3f,                          // offset=1.0
+        0,
+        0,                             // accuracy
+        0,                             // plusTolerance
+        0,                             // minusTolerance
+        2,                             // hysteresis
+        0,                             // supportedThresholds
+        0,                             // thresholdAndHysteresisVolatility
+        0, 0, 0x80,
+        0x3f,                          // stateTransistionInterval=1.0
+        0, 0, 0x80,
+        0x3f,                          // updateInverval=1.0
+        255,                           // maxReadable
+        0,                             // minReadable
+        PLDM_RANGE_FIELD_FORMAT_UINT8, // rangeFieldFormat
+        0,                             // rangeFieldsupport
+        0,                             // nominalValue
+        0,                             // normalMax
+        0,                             // normalMin
+        0,                             // warningHigh
+        0,                             // warningLow
+        0,                             // criticalHigh
+        0,                             // criticalLow
+        0,                             // fatalHigh
+        0                              // fatalLow
+    };
+    rc = mockTerminusManager.enqueueResponse((pldm_msg*),
+                                             sizeof(getPdrResp));
+    stdexec::sync_wait(platformManager.initTerminus());
+    EXPECT_EQ(true, terminus->initialized);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, terminus->pdrs.size());
+TEST_F(PlatformManagerTest, negativeInitTerminusTest1)
+    // terminus doesn't Type2 support
+    auto mappedTid = mockTerminusManager.mapTid(pldm::MctpInfo(10, "", "", 1));
+    auto tid = mappedTid.value();
+    termini[tid] =
+        std::make_shared<pldm::platform_mc::Terminus>(tid, 1 << PLDM_BASE);
+    auto terminus = termini[tid];
+    stdexec::sync_wait(platformManager.initTerminus());
+    EXPECT_EQ(true, terminus->initialized);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, terminus->pdrs.size());
+TEST_F(PlatformManagerTest, negativeInitTerminusTest2)
+    // terminus responses error
+    auto mappedTid = mockTerminusManager.mapTid(pldm::MctpInfo(10, "", "", 1));
+    auto tid = mappedTid.value();
+    termini[tid] = std::make_shared<pldm::platform_mc::Terminus>(
+        tid, 1 << PLDM_BASE | 1 << PLDM_PLATFORM);
+    auto terminus = termini[tid];
+    // queue getPDRRepositoryInfo response cc=PLDM_ERROR
+    const size_t getPDRRepositoryInfoLen = 1;
+    std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + getPDRRepositoryInfoLen>
+        getPDRRepositoryInfoResp{0x0, 0x02, 0x50, PLDM_ERROR};
+    auto rc = mockTerminusManager.enqueueResponse(
+        (pldm_msg*),
+        sizeof(getPDRRepositoryInfoResp));
+    // queue getPDR responses cc=PLDM_ERROR
+    const size_t getPdrRespLen = 1;
+    std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr) + getPdrRespLen> getPdrResp{
+        0x0, 0x02, 0x51, PLDM_ERROR};
+    rc = mockTerminusManager.enqueueResponse((pldm_msg*),
+                                             sizeof(getPdrResp));
+    stdexec::sync_wait(platformManager.initTerminus());
+    EXPECT_EQ(true, terminus->initialized);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, terminus->pdrs.size());