Add dictionary export to PathTree

PathTree is a dictionary extension with paths as keys and lets
you do things like iterate on subpaths, etc.  Internally it is
implemented as a nested dictionary but on the outside it acts
like a normal dictionary.

This change enables exporting a PathTree structure as a nested
dictionary, which is useful for python_2_xyz encoders that understand
nested data structures.
diff --git a/obmc/utils/ b/obmc/utils/
index 221495e..a13c6cb 100644
--- a/obmc/utils/
+++ b/obmc/utils/
@@ -181,3 +181,17 @@
         if not self.root:
             return {}.iteritems()
         return PathTreeItemIterator(self, subtree, depth)
+    def dumpd(self, subtree='/'):
+        result = {}
+        d = result
+        for k, v in self.iteritems(subtree):
+            elements = ['/'] + filter(bool, k.split('/'))
+            d = result
+            for k in elements:
+                d = d.setdefault(k, {})
+            if v is not None:
+                d.update(v)
+        return result