callback-manager: match thersholdAsserted signal for updateLedStatus

Issue: For ADC sensors, LED state did not change after de-assert.

Fix: Added a match for thresholdAsserted signal to capture the de-assert
event for powerDelayed threshold sensors and update the LED state


ipmitool sdr elist | grep P3VBAT
P3VBAT           | 47h | ok  |  0.1 | 3.14 Volts

Initial state:
ipmitool raw 0x4 0x27 0x47
 1b 7b 6b 00 a4 a6 00

Initial LED state:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb0
 20 --> Solid Green

Assert events:

1. Change the Lower Non-Critical threshold
ipmitool raw 0x04 0x26 0x47 0x1b 0xa1 0x6b 0x00 0xa4 0xa6 0x00

ipmitool raw 0x4 0x27 0x47
 1b a1 6b 00 a4 a6 00

ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb0
 10 --> Blinking Green.

2. Change the Lower critical threshold
ipmitool raw 0x04 0x26 0x47 0x1b 0xa1 0xa1 0x00 0xa4 0xa6 0x00

ipmitool raw 0x4 0x27 0x47
 1b a1 a1 00 a4 a6 00

ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb0
 04 --> Blinking Amber

De-assert events:

1. Restore Lower critical threshold.
ipmitool raw 0x04 0x26 0x47 0x1b 0xa1 0x6b 0x00 0xa4 0xa6 0x00

ipmitool raw 0x4 0x27 0x47
 1b a1 6b 00 a4 a6 00

ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb0
 10 --> Blinking Green

2. Restore Lower Non-Critical Threshold.
ipmitool raw 0x04 0x26 0x47 0x1b 0x7b 0x6b 0x00 0xa4 0xa6 0x00

ipmitool raw 0x4 0x27 0x47
 1b 7b 6b 00 a4 a6 00

ipmitool raw 0x30 0xb0
 20 --> Solid Green

ipmitool sel list
1 |  Pre-Init  |0000006680| Voltage #0x47 | Lower Non-critical going
low  | Asserted
2 |  Pre-Init  |0000006944| Voltage #0x47 | Lower Critical going low
  | Asserted
3 |  Pre-Init  |0000007218| Voltage #0x47 | Lower Critical going low
  | Deasserted
4 |  Pre-Init  |0000007345| Voltage #0x47 | Lower Non-critical going
low  | Deasserted

Signed-off-by: Chalapathi Venkataramashetty <>
Change-Id: I505871913bbbcfc7ba174d9243c736561818ee0f
diff --git a/callback-manager/src/callback_manager.cpp b/callback-manager/src/callback_manager.cpp
index fbac190..aff8996 100644
--- a/callback-manager/src/callback_manager.cpp
+++ b/callback-manager/src/callback_manager.cpp
@@ -211,17 +211,18 @@
     static sdbusplus::bus::match::match match(
-        "type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties',"
-        "path_"
-        "namespace='/xyz/openbmc_project/"
-        "sensors',arg0namespace='xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold'",
+        "type='signal',member='ThresholdAsserted'",
         [&conn](sdbusplus::message::message& message) {
-            std::string objectName;
-            boost::container::flat_map<std::string, std::variant<bool>> values;
+            std::string sensorName;
+            std::string thresholdInterface;
+            std::string event;
+            bool assert;
+            double assertValue;
-      , values);
+      , thresholdInterface, event, assert,
+                             assertValue);
             catch (sdbusplus::exception_t&)
@@ -229,35 +230,26 @@
             if constexpr (debug)
-                std::cerr << "Threshold callback " << message.get_path()
+                std::cerr << "Threshold callback: SensorName = " << sensorName
+                          << ", Event = " << event << ", Asserted = " << assert
                           << "\n";
-            auto findCriticalLow = values.find("CriticalAlarmLow");
-            auto findCriticalHigh = values.find("CriticalAlarmHigh");
-            auto findWarnLow = values.find("WarningAlarmLow");
-            auto findWarnHigh = values.find("WarningAlarmHigh");
-            if (findCriticalLow != values.end())
+            if (event == "CriticalAlarmLow")
-                criticalAssertMap[message.get_path()]["Low"] =
-                    std::get<bool>(findCriticalLow->second);
+                criticalAssertMap[message.get_path()]["low"] = assert;
-            if (findCriticalHigh != values.end())
+            else if (event == "CriticAlalarmHigh")
-                criticalAssertMap[message.get_path()]["High"] =
-                    std::get<bool>(findCriticalHigh->second);
+                criticalAssertMap[message.get_path()]["high"] = assert;
-            if (findWarnLow != values.end())
+            else if (event == "WarningAlarmLow")
-                warningAssertMap[message.get_path()]["Low"] =
-                    std::get<bool>(findWarnLow->second);
+                warningAssertMap[message.get_path()]["low"] = assert;
-            if (findWarnHigh != values.end())
+            else if (event == "WarningAlarmHigh")
-                warningAssertMap[message.get_path()]["High"] =
-                    std::get<bool>(findWarnHigh->second);
+                warningAssertMap[message.get_path()]["high"] = assert;