blob: f5218954f2c79976ed7864305a2ca2a2e64c93a2 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <sdbusplus/sdbus.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/server.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/utility/dedup_variant.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <systemd/sd-bus.h>
#include <tuple>
% for m in interface.methods + + interface.signals:
${ m.cpp_prototype(loader, interface=interface, ptype='callback-hpp-includes') }
% endfor
namespaces = interface.namespaces
classname = interface.classname
def setOfPropertyTypes():
return set(p.cppTypeParam( for p in;
namespace sdbusplus
% for s in namespaces:
namespace ${s}
% endfor
namespace server
class ${classname}
/* Define all of the basic class operations:
* Not allowed:
* - Default constructor to avoid nullptrs.
* - Copy operations due to internal unique_ptr.
* - Move operations due to 'this' being registered as the
* 'context' with sdbus.
* Allowed:
* - Destructor.
${classname}() = delete;
${classname}(const ${classname}&) = delete;
${classname}& operator=(const ${classname}&) = delete;
${classname}(${classname}&&) = delete;
${classname}& operator=(${classname}&&) = delete;
virtual ~${classname}() = default;
/** @brief Constructor to put object onto bus at a dbus path.
* @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to.
* @param[in] path - Path to attach at.
${classname}(bus_t& bus, const char* path);
% for e in interface.enums:
enum class ${}
% for v in e.values:
% endfor
% endfor
% if
using PropertiesVariant = sdbusplus::utility::dedup_variant_t<
${",\n ".join(sorted(setOfPropertyTypes()))}>;
/** @brief Constructor to initialize the object from a map of
* properties.
* @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to.
* @param[in] path - Path to attach at.
* @param[in] vals - Map of property name to value for initialization.
${classname}(bus_t& bus, const char* path,
const std::map<std::string, PropertiesVariant>& vals,
bool skipSignal = false);
% endif
% for m in interface.methods:
${ m.cpp_prototype(loader, interface=interface, ptype='header') }
% endfor
% for s in interface.signals:
${ s.cpp_prototype(loader, interface=interface, ptype='header') }
% endfor
% for p in
/** Get value of ${} */
virtual ${p.cppTypeParam(} ${p.camelCase}() const;
/** Set value of ${} with option to skip sending signal */
virtual ${p.cppTypeParam(} \
${p.camelCase}(${p.cppTypeParam(} value,
bool skipSignal);
/** Set value of ${} */
virtual ${p.cppTypeParam(} \
${p.camelCase}(${p.cppTypeParam(} value);
% endfor
% if
/** @brief Sets a property by name.
* @param[in] _name - A string representation of the property name.
* @param[in] val - A variant containing the value to set.
void setPropertyByName(const std::string& _name,
const PropertiesVariant& val,
bool skipSignal = false);
/** @brief Gets a property by name.
* @param[in] _name - A string representation of the property name.
* @return - A variant containing the value of the property.
PropertiesVariant getPropertyByName(const std::string& _name);
% endif
% for e in interface.enums:
/** @brief Convert a string to an appropriate enum value.
* @param[in] s - The string to convert in the form of
* "${}.<value name>"
* @return - The enum value.
* @note Throws if string is not a valid mapping.
static ${} convert${}FromString(const std::string& s);
/** @brief Convert a string to an appropriate enum value.
* @param[in] s - The string to convert in the form of
* "${}.<value name>"
* @return - The enum value or std::nullopt
static std::optional<${}> convertStringTo${}(
const std::string& s) noexcept;
/** @brief Convert an enum value to a string.
* @param[in] e - The enum to convert to a string.
* @return - The string conversion in the form of
* "${}.<value name>"
static std::string convert${}ToString(${} e);
% endfor
/** @brief Emit interface added */
void emit_added()
/** @brief Emit interface removed */
void emit_removed()
static constexpr auto interface = "${}";
% for m in interface.methods:
${ m.cpp_prototype(loader, interface=interface, ptype='callback-header') }
% endfor
% for p in
/** @brief sd-bus callback for get-property '${}' */
static int _callback_get_${}(
sd_bus*, const char*, const char*, const char*,
sd_bus_message*, void*, sd_bus_error*);
% if 'const' not in p.flags and 'readonly' not in p.flags:
/** @brief sd-bus callback for set-property '${}' */
static int _callback_set_${}(
sd_bus*, const char*, const char*, const char*,
sd_bus_message*, void*, sd_bus_error*);
% endif
% endfor
static const vtable::vtable_t _vtable[];
sdbusplus::SdBusInterface *_intf;
% for p in
% if p.defaultValue is not None:
${p.cppTypeParam(} _${p.camelCase} = \
% if p.is_enum():
% endif
% else:
${p.cppTypeParam(} _${p.camelCase}{};
% endif
% endfor
% for e in interface.enums:
/* Specialization of sdbusplus::server::convertForMessage
* for enum-type ${classname}::${}.
* This converts from the enum to a constant c-string representing the enum.
* @param[in] e - Enum value to convert.
* @return C-string representing the name for the enum value.
inline std::string convertForMessage(${classname}::${} e)
return ${classname}::convert${}ToString(e);
% endfor
} // namespace server
% for s in reversed(namespaces):
} // namespace ${s}
% endfor
namespace message::details
% for e in interface.enums:
template <>
struct convert_from_string<${interface.cppNamespace()}::${}>
static auto op(const std::string& value) noexcept
return ${interface.cppNamespace()}::convertStringTo${}(value);
template <>
struct convert_to_string<${interface.cppNamespace()}::${}>
static std::string op(${interface.cppNamespace()}::${} value)
return ${interface.cppNamespace()}::convert${}ToString(value);
% endfor
} // namespace message::details
} // namespace sdbusplus