clang-format: update whitespace penalty

clang-format-15 seems to end up with a slightly different whitespace
break than clang-format-14 did.  Tweak the PenaltyBreakAssignment
to favor not breaking as often, which allows the two to be more

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
Change-Id: I49826e2011bce317b6b82dc985ddd35fa6eef2cb
diff --git a/test/unpack_properties.cpp b/test/unpack_properties.cpp
index b4a3e32..1a74c79 100644
--- a/test/unpack_properties.cpp
+++ b/test/unpack_properties.cpp
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@
     std::optional<std::string> val1;
     std::optional<std::string> val2;
-    auto badProperty =
-        this->unpackPropertiesCall(this->data, "Key-1", val1, "Key-2", val2);
+    auto badProperty = this->unpackPropertiesCall(this->data, "Key-1", val1,
+                                                  "Key-2", val2);
     EXPECT_THAT(badProperty->reason, Eq(UnpackErrorReason::wrongType));