sdbus++-gendir: remove deprecated script

The sdbus++-gendir script has been deprecated for a while and removed
from all external users in the openbmc org.  The internal usage
was also removed recently, so fully delete this script.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
Change-Id: I6ceb7cceb59b36b6763d19682d09110cb8de386f
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 6f0e444..f260f61 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -27,8 +27,5 @@
 meson.override_find_program('sdbus++', files('sdbus++'))
 sdbusplusplus_prog = find_program('sdbus++', native: true)
-meson.override_find_program('sdbus++-gendir', files('sdbus++-gendir'))
-sdbusgen_prog = find_program('sdbus++-gendir', native: true)
 meson.override_find_program('sdbus++-gen-meson', files('sdbus++-gen-meson'))
 sdbuspp_gen_meson_prog = find_program('sdbus++-gen-meson', native: true)
diff --git a/tools/sdbus++-gendir b/tools/sdbus++-gendir
deleted file mode 100755
index c4f92ee..0000000
--- a/tools/sdbus++-gendir
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
-function show_usage {
-    proc=$(nproc)
-    echo "Usage: $0 [options] <dirs>+"
-    echo
-    echo "Generate the sdbus++ sources from a directory path."
-    echo
-    echo "Options:"
-    echo "    --tool <path>    - path to processing tool (default 'sdbus++')."
-    echo "    --output <path>  - directory to place output files (default '.')."
-    echo "    --list-all       - include all generated files in stdout list."
-    echo "    --jobs <N>       - number to run in parallel (default: ${proc})."
-    echo "    <dirs>+          - any number of subdirectories to generate."
-    echo
-    echo "The output on stdout is a list of generated files, which is intended"
-    echo "to be consumed by build systems, such as Meson."
-    echo
-    echo "This tool, by default, generates all files that are able to be"
-    echo "created by sdbus++.  The output is a list of compilable sources that"
-    echo "were generated by the tool.  The tool may generate outputs which are"
-    echo "not able to be compiled, such as documentation, but it does not put"
-    echo "them into stdout unless --list-all is given."
-parallel=$(nproc || grep -c ^processor < /proc/cpuinfo)
-options="$(getopt -o ho:t:j: --long help,list-all,output:,tool:,jobs: -- "$@")"
-eval set -- "${options}"
-while true; do
-    case "$1" in
-        -h | --help)
-            show_usage
-            exit
-            ;;
-        -j | --jobs)
-            shift
-            parallel="$1"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        --list-all)
-            listall="yes"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -o | --output)
-            shift
-            outputdir="$1"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        -t | --tool)
-            shift
-            sdbuspp="$1"
-            shift
-            ;;
-        --)
-            shift
-            break
-            ;;
-        *)
-            echo "Invalid argument: $1"
-            exit 1
-            ;;
-    esac
-if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
-    show_usage
-    exit 1
-declare -A emitted_file_names
-# generate_single -- make a single call to sdbus++.
-#   $1: sdbus++ TYPE
-#   $2: sdbus++ PROCESS
-#   $3: sdbus++ ITEM
-#   $4: relative output file
-#   $5: 'append-mode' if present.
-function generate_single {
-    if [[ "empty" == "$1" ]]; then
-        echo -n > "${outputdir}/$4"
-    elif [[ "" == "$5" ]]; then
-        ${sdbuspp} "$1" "$2" "$3" > "${outputdir}/$4" &
-        all_jobs="${all_jobs} $!"
-    else
-        ${sdbuspp} "$1" "$2" "$3" >> "${outputdir}/$4" &
-        all_jobs="${all_jobs} $!"
-    fi
-    # Emit filename as needed.
-    filename=${outputdir}/$4
-    if [[ "x1" != "x${emitted_file_names[${filename}]}" ]]; then
-        emitted_file_names[${filename}]="1"
-        # Always emit generated file name for foo-cpp and foo-header.
-        # Conditionally emit for everything else depending on $listall.
-        case "$2" in
-            *-cpp | *-header)
-                echo "${filename}"
-                ;;
-            *)
-                if [[ "yes" == "${listall}" ]]; then
-                    echo "${filename}"
-                fi
-                ;;
-        esac
-    fi
-    # Ensure that no more than ${parallel} jobs are running at a time and if so
-    # wait for them to finish.
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2312
-    if [[ $(echo "${all_jobs}" | wc -w) -ge ${parallel} ]]; then
-        waitall
-    fi
-function waitall {
-    for job in ${all_jobs}; do
-        wait "${job}"
-    done
-    all_jobs=""
-for d in "$@"; do
-    interfaces="$(find "${d}" -name '*.interface.yaml')"
-    errors="$(find "${d}" -name '*.errors.yaml')"
-    # Some files are created from multiple YAML sources, but we don't know
-    # which YAML sources are present.  For these files, we need to first
-    # create an empty file to ensure the file does not carry old data from
-    # a previous run.
-    for y in ${interfaces} ${errors}; do
-        path="${y%.interface.yaml}"
-        path="${path%.errors.yaml}"
-        iface="${path//\//.}"
-        mkdir -p "${outputdir}/${path}"
-        generate_single empty markdown "${iface}" "${path}.md"
-    done
-    for i in ${interfaces}; do
-        path="${i%.interface.yaml}"
-        iface="${path//\//.}"
-        generate_single interface server-header "${iface}" "${path}/server.hpp"
-        generate_single interface server-cpp "${iface}" "${path}/server.cpp"
-        generate_single interface client-header "${iface}" "${path}/client.hpp"
-        generate_single interface markdown "${iface}" "${path}.md" append
-    done
-    waitall # finish all before continuing
-    for e in ${errors}; do
-        path="${e%.errors.yaml}"
-        iface="${path//\//.}"
-        generate_single error exception-header "${iface}" "${path}/error.hpp"
-        generate_single error exception-cpp "${iface}" "${path}/error.cpp"
-        generate_single error markdown "${iface}" "${path}.md" append
-    done
-    waitall # finish all before continuing