sdbus++: server: fix PropertyVariant order

A type is generated to define a variant of all possible properties of an
dbus object: PropertyVariant.  This C++ type was not stable from
run-to-run because it was generated as 'join(set(...))'.  Insert a
'sorted' to ensure that the set keys are sorted before being inserted
into the generated C++ type definition, ensuring that the type is

Reported-by: Jason Bills <>
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
Change-Id: Icbec8ee24e89bafdbac956e7587c3fdf913b90ba
diff --git a/tools/sdbusplus/templates/interface.server.hpp.mako b/tools/sdbusplus/templates/interface.server.hpp.mako
index ee6a31b..f8817df 100644
--- a/tools/sdbusplus/templates/interface.server.hpp.mako
+++ b/tools/sdbusplus/templates/interface.server.hpp.mako
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
     % if
         using PropertiesVariant = std::variant<
-                ${",\n                ".join(setOfPropertyTypes())}>;
+                ${",\n                ".join(sorted(setOfPropertyTypes()))}>;
         /** @brief Constructor to initialize the object from a map of
          *         properties.