async: add context support

In order to handle async operations, we need some kind of
'run-loop' around the sd_bus_wait/sd_bus_process process.
Define a 'context' to hold the bus and manage the run-loop.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
Change-Id: I16099dd2e15809776827dd85327d950af3f8f5b2
diff --git a/src/async/context.cpp b/src/async/context.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9565025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/async/context.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <systemd/sd-bus.h>
+#include <sdbusplus/async/context.hpp>
+namespace sdbusplus::async
+namespace details
+/* The sd_bus_wait/process completion event.
+ *
+ *  The wait/process handshake is modelled as a Sender with the the worker
+ *  task `co_await`ing Senders over and over.  This class is the completion
+ *  handling for the Sender (to get it back to the Receiver, ie. the worker).
+ */
+struct wait_process_completion : bus::details::bus_friend
+    explicit wait_process_completion(context& ctx) : ctx(ctx) {}
+    virtual ~wait_process_completion() = default;
+    // Called by the `caller` to indicate the Sender is completed.
+    virtual void complete() noexcept = 0;
+    // Arm the completion event.
+    void arm() noexcept;
+    // Data to share with the worker.
+    context& ctx;
+    pollfd fd{};
+    int timeout = 0;
+    static task<> loop(context& ctx);
+    static void wait_once(context& ctx);
+/* The completion template based on receiver type.
+ *
+ * The type of the receivers (typically the co_awaiter) is only known by
+ * a template, so we need a sub-class of completion to hold the receiver.
+ */
+template <execution::receiver R>
+struct wait_process_operation : public wait_process_completion
+    wait_process_operation(context& ctx, R r) :
+        wait_process_completion(ctx), receiver(std::move(r))
+    {}
+    wait_process_operation(wait_process_operation&&) = delete;
+    void complete() noexcept override final
+    {
+        execution::set_value(std::move(this->receiver));
+    }
+    friend void tag_invoke(execution::start_t,
+                           wait_process_operation& self) noexcept
+    {
+        self.arm();
+    }
+    R receiver;
+/* The sender for the wait/process event. */
+struct wait_process_sender
+    explicit wait_process_sender(context& ctx) : ctx(ctx){};
+    friend auto tag_invoke(execution::get_completion_signatures_t,
+                           const wait_process_sender&, auto)
+        -> execution::completion_signatures<execution::set_value_t()>;
+    template <execution::receiver R>
+    friend auto tag_invoke(execution::connect_t, wait_process_sender&& self,
+                           R r) -> wait_process_operation<R>
+    {
+        // Create the completion for the wait.
+        return {self.ctx, std::move(r)};
+    }
+  private:
+    context& ctx;
+task<> wait_process_completion::loop(context& ctx)
+    while (1)
+    {
+        // Handle the next sdbus event.
+        co_await wait_process_sender(ctx);
+        // Completion likely happened on the context 'caller' thread, so
+        // we need to switch to the worker thread.
+        co_await execution::schedule(ctx.loop.get_scheduler());
+    }
+} // namespace details
+context::~context() noexcept(false)
+    if (worker_thread.joinable())
+    {
+        throw std::logic_error(
+            "sdbusplus::async::context destructed without completion.");
+    }
+void context::caller_run(task<> startup)
+    // Start up the worker thread.
+    worker_thread = std::thread{[this, startup = std::move(startup)]() mutable {
+        worker_run(std::move(startup));
+    }};
+    while (1)
+    {
+        // Handle 'sd_bus_wait's.
+        details::wait_process_completion::wait_once(*this);
+    }
+    // TODO: We can't actually get here.  Need to deal with stop conditions and
+    // then we'll need this code.
+    loop.finish();
+    if (worker_thread.joinable())
+    {
+        worker_thread.join();
+    }
+void context::worker_run(task<> startup)
+    // Begin the 'startup' task.
+    // This shouldn't start detached because we want to be able to forward
+    // failures back to the 'run'.  execution::ensure_started isn't
+    // implemented yet, so we don't have a lot of other options.
+    execution::start_detached(std::move(startup));
+    // Also start up the sdbus 'wait/process' loop.
+    execution::start_detached(details::wait_process_completion::loop(*this));
+    // Run the execution::run_loop to handle all the tasks.
+void details::wait_process_completion::arm() noexcept
+    // Call process.  True indicates something was handled and we do not
+    // need to `wait`, because there might be yet another pending operation
+    // to process, so immediately signal the operation as complete.
+    if (ctx.get_bus().process_discard())
+    {
+        this->complete();
+        return;
+    }
+    // We need to call wait now, so formulate all the data that the 'caller'
+    // needs.
+    // Get the bus' pollfd data.
+    auto b = get_busp(ctx.get_bus());
+    fd = pollfd{sd_bus_get_fd(b), static_cast<short>(sd_bus_get_events(b)), 0};
+    // Get the bus' timeout.
+    uint64_t to_nsec = 0;
+    sd_bus_get_timeout(b, &to_nsec);
+    if (to_nsec == UINT64_MAX)
+    {
+        // sd_bus_get_timeout returns UINT64_MAX to indicate 'wait forever'.
+        // Turn this into a negative number for `poll`.
+        timeout = -1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Otherwise, convert usec from sd_bus to msec for poll.
+        // sd_bus manpage suggests you should round-up (ceil).
+        timeout = std::chrono::ceil<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
+                      std::chrono::microseconds(to_nsec))
+                      .count();
+    }
+    // Assign ourselves as the pending completion and release the caller.
+    std::lock_guard lock{ctx.lock};
+    ctx.complete = this;
+    ctx.caller_wait.notify_one();
+void details::wait_process_completion::wait_once(context& ctx)
+    details::wait_process_completion* c = nullptr;
+    // Scope for lock.
+    {
+        std::unique_lock lock{ctx.lock};
+        // If there isn't a completion waiting already, wait on the condition
+        // variable for one to show up (we can't call `poll` yet because we
+        // don't have the required parameters).
+        ctx.caller_wait.wait(lock, [&] { return ctx.complete != nullptr; });
+        // Save the waiter and call `poll`.
+        c = std::exchange(ctx.complete, nullptr);
+        poll(&c->fd, 1, c->timeout);
+    }
+    // Outside the lock complete the operation; this can cause the Receiver
+    // task (the worker) to start executing, hence why we do not want the
+    // lock held.
+    c->complete();
+} // namespace sdbusplus::async