treewide: Leverage sdbus++-gen-meson

This makes us more consistent with other projects instead of writing
meson builds for sdbus++ by hand.

Change-Id: I38b69bc67b6a3d80cda1b508a76e106a50d8ab93
Signed-off-by: Willam A. Kennington III <>
diff --git a/tools/sdbus++-gen-meson b/tools/sdbus++-gen-meson
index 7e46f9c..27c0f4e 100755
--- a/tools/sdbus++-gen-meson
+++ b/tools/sdbus++-gen-meson
@@ -252,25 +252,9 @@
 ## Handle command=meson by generating the tree of files.
 function cmd_meson {
-    TLDs="com net org xyz"
-    yamls=""
-    # Find all the YAML files in the TLD subdirectories.
-    for d in ${TLDs}; do
-        dir="${rootdir}/${d}"
-        if [[ ! -d ${dir} ]]; then
-            continue
-        fi
-        yamls="\
-            ${yamls} \
-            $(find "${dir}" -name '*.interface.yaml' -o -name '*.errors.yaml') \
-            "
-    done
-    # Sort YAMLs
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2312
-    yamls="$(echo "${yamls}" | tr " " "\n" | sort)"
+    # Find and sort all the YAML files
+    yamls="$(find "${rootdir}" -name '*.interface.yaml' -o -name '*.errors.yaml')"
+    yamls="$(echo "${yamls}" | sort)"
     # Assign the YAML files into the hash-table by interface name.
     for y in ${yamls}; do