sdbus++: Avoid using C++ reserved words

Some words are reserved in C++, so they cannot be used as function
or variable names.  If a YAML file specifies these we must come up
with an alternative name for the generated C++ function. Do this
by adding underscore characters to the generated name.

Fixes openbmc/sdbusplus#10.

Change-Id: I992caafb02fe71ea6ac2cf3c555a9956e4ba616a
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
diff --git a/tools/sdbusplus/ b/tools/sdbusplus/
index 438043d..ffc3541 100644
--- a/tools/sdbusplus/
+++ b/tools/sdbusplus/
@@ -14,9 +14,37 @@
         if l:
-            return l()
+            return NamedElement.__fixup_name(l())
             return super(NamedElement, self).__getattr__(name)
             raise AttributeError("Attribute '%s' not found in %s.NamedElement"
                                  % (name, self.__module__))
+    """ Some names are reserved in some languages.  Fixup names to avoid using
+        reserved words.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def __fixup_name(name):
+        # List of reserved words from
+        cppReserved = frozenset({
+            "alignas", "alignof", "and", "and_eq", "asm", "auto",
+            "bitand", "bitor", "bool", "break", "case", "catch", "char",
+            "char16_t", "char32_t", "class", "compl", "const",
+            "constexpr", "const_cast", "continue", "decltype", "default",
+            "delete", "do", "double", "dynamic_cast", "else", "enum",
+            "explicit", "export", "extern", "false", "float", "for",
+            "friend", "goto", "if", "inline", "int", "long", "mutable",
+            "namespace", "new", "noexcept", "not", "not_eq", "nullptr",
+            "operator", "or", "or_eq", "private", "protected", "public",
+            "register", "reinterpret_cast", "return", "short", "signed",
+            "sizeof", "static", "static_assert", "static_cast", "struct",
+            "switch", "template", "this", "thread_local", "throw", "true",
+            "try", "typedef", "typeid", "typename", "union", "unsigned",
+            "using", "virtual", "void", "volatile", "wchar_t", "while",
+            "xor", "xor_eq"})
+        while(name in cppReserved):
+            name = name + "_"
+        return name