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  1. ac79434 meson_options.txt: Support for reading options from meson.options by George Liu · 8 months ago master
  2. 0249f9e clang-format: copy latest and re-format by Patrick Williams · 6 months ago
  3. 25f484b build: upgrade to C++23 by Patrick Williams · 9 months ago
  4. a8c11e3 clang-format: copy latest and re-format by Patrick Williams · 12 months ago
  5. db7e56b clang-ignore: remove unneeded file by Patrick Williams · 1 year, 4 months ago


sdeventplus is a c++ wrapper around the systemd sd_event apis meant to provide c++ ergonomics to their usage.


The sdeventplus library requires a libsystemd development package on the system for sd-event.


For a standard release build, you want something like:

meson setup -Dexamples=false -Dtests=disabled builddir
ninja -C builddir
ninja -C builddir install

For a test / debug build, a typical configuration is

meson setup -Dtests=enabled builddir
meson test -C builddir