srvcfg-mgr: Use poll method to trigger init

Latest up-stream sync causes issue, due to which unable to receive
StartupFinished signal from systemd1. Hence triggering the poll
method too, so service will be able to init, once all units are
loaded by systemd1

1. Verified objects are exposed during boot-up and working
as expected

Change-Id: I0757faf50f8d8915d4641d1dbd6e13f85420a913
Signed-off-by: Richard Marian Thomaiyar <>
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index cca4899..9be4581 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -22,16 +22,19 @@
 #include <cereal/types/unordered_map.hpp>

 #include <fstream>


-std::shared_ptr<boost::asio::deadline_timer> timer = nullptr;

+std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::steady_timer> timer = nullptr;

+std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::steady_timer> initTimer = nullptr;

 std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<phosphor::service::ServiceConfig>>


+static bool unitQueryStarted = false;


 static constexpr const char* srvCfgMgrFile = "/etc/srvcfg-mgr.json";


 // Base service name list. All instance of these services and

 // units(service/socket) will be managed by this daemon.

-static std::vector<std::string> serviceNames = {

-    "phosphor-ipmi-net", "bmcweb", "phosphor-ipmi-kcs", "start-ipkvm"};

+static std::array<std::string, 5> serviceNames = {

+    "phosphor-ipmi-net", "bmcweb", "phosphor-ipmi-kcs", "start-ipkvm",

+    "obmc-console"};


 using ListUnitsType =

     std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string,

@@ -258,11 +261,36 @@

             if (std::get<uint64_t>(value))


-                if (!srvMgrObjects.size())

+                if (!unitQueryStarted)


+                    unitQueryStarted = true;

                     init(server, conn);



+            else

+            {

+                // FIX-ME: Latest up-stream sync caused issue in receiving

+                // StartupFinished signal. Unable to get StartupFinished signal

+                // from systemd1 hence using poll method too, to trigger it

+                // properly.

+                constexpr size_t pollTimeout = 10; // seconds

+                initTimer->expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(pollTimeout));

+                initTimer->async_wait([&server, &conn](

+                                          const boost::system::error_code& ec) {

+                    if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)

+                    {

+                        // Timer reset.

+                        return;

+                    }

+                    if (ec)

+                    {

+                        phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(

+                            "service config mgr - init - async wait error.");

+                        return;

+                    }

+                    checkAndInit(server, conn);

+                });

+            }


         sysdService, sysdObjPath, dBusPropIntf, dBusGetMethod, sysdMgrIntf,


@@ -272,7 +300,8 @@

     boost::asio::io_service io;

     auto conn = std::make_shared<sdbusplus::asio::connection>(io);

-    timer = std::make_shared<boost::asio::deadline_timer>(io);

+    timer = std::make_unique<boost::asio::steady_timer>(io);

+    initTimer = std::make_unique<boost::asio::steady_timer>(io);


     auto server = sdbusplus::asio::object_server(conn, true);

     auto mgrInterface =

@@ -286,8 +315,9 @@


         [&server, &conn](sdbusplus::message::message& msg) {

-            if (!srvMgrObjects.size())

+            if (!unitQueryStarted)


+                unitQueryStarted = true;

                 init(server, conn);

