clang-format: re-format for clang-18

clang-format-18 isn't compatible with the clang-format-17 output, so we
need to reformat the code with the latest version.  The way clang-18
handles lambda formatting also changed, so we have made changes to the
organization default style format to better handle lambda formatting.

See I5e08687e696dd240402a2780158664b7113def0e for updated style.
See Iea0776aaa7edd483fa395e23de25ebf5a6288f71 for clang-18 enablement.

Change-Id: I9ff64598516b419af832abda0fce295f722f6969
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
diff --git a/src/srvcfg_manager.cpp b/src/srvcfg_manager.cpp
index 3a771d9..69f639d 100644
--- a/src/srvcfg_manager.cpp
+++ b/src/srvcfg_manager.cpp
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@
 void ServiceConfig::queryAndUpdateProperties()
-    std::string objectPath = isSocketActivatedService ? socketObjectPath
-                                                      : serviceObjectPath;
+    std::string objectPath =
+        isSocketActivatedService ? socketObjectPath : serviceObjectPath;
     if (objectPath.empty())
@@ -235,60 +235,60 @@
         [this](boost::system::error_code ec,
                const boost::container::flat_map<std::string, VariantType>&
                    propertyMap) {
-        if (ec)
-        {
-            lg2::error(
-                "async_method_call error: Failed to service unit properties: {EC}",
-                "EC", ec.value());
-            return;
-        }
-        try
-        {
-            updateServiceProperties(propertyMap);
-            if (!socketObjectPath.empty())
+            if (ec)
-                conn->async_method_call(
-                    [this](boost::system::error_code ec,
-                           const boost::container::flat_map<
-                               std::string, VariantType>& propertyMap) {
-                    if (ec)
-                    {
-                        lg2::error(
-                            "async_method_call error: Failed to get all property: {EC}",
-                            "EC", ec.value());
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    try
-                    {
-                        updateSocketProperties(propertyMap);
-                        if (!srvCfgIface)
-                        {
-                            registerProperties();
-                        }
-                    }
-                    catch (const std::exception& e)
-                    {
-                        lg2::error(
-                            "Exception in getting socket properties: {ERROR}",
-                            "ERROR", e);
-                        return;
-                    }
-                },
-                    sysdService, socketObjectPath, dBusPropIntf,
-                    dBusGetAllMethod, sysdSocketIntf);
+                lg2::error(
+                    "async_method_call error: Failed to service unit properties: {EC}",
+                    "EC", ec.value());
+                return;
-            else if (!srvCfgIface)
+            try
-                registerProperties();
+                updateServiceProperties(propertyMap);
+                if (!socketObjectPath.empty())
+                {
+                    conn->async_method_call(
+                        [this](boost::system::error_code ec,
+                               const boost::container::flat_map<
+                                   std::string, VariantType>& propertyMap) {
+                            if (ec)
+                            {
+                                lg2::error(
+                                    "async_method_call error: Failed to get all property: {EC}",
+                                    "EC", ec.value());
+                                return;
+                            }
+                            try
+                            {
+                                updateSocketProperties(propertyMap);
+                                if (!srvCfgIface)
+                                {
+                                    registerProperties();
+                                }
+                            }
+                            catch (const std::exception& e)
+                            {
+                                lg2::error(
+                                    "Exception in getting socket properties: {ERROR}",
+                                    "ERROR", e);
+                                return;
+                            }
+                        },
+                        sysdService, socketObjectPath, dBusPropIntf,
+                        dBusGetAllMethod, sysdSocketIntf);
+                }
+                else if (!srvCfgIface)
+                {
+                    registerProperties();
+                }
-        }
-        catch (const std::exception& e)
-        {
-            lg2::error("Exception in getting socket properties: {ERROR}",
-                       "ERROR", e);
-            return;
-        }
-    },
+            catch (const std::exception& e)
+            {
+                lg2::error("Exception in getting socket properties: {ERROR}",
+                           "ERROR", e);
+                return;
+            }
+        },
         sysdService, objectPath, dBusPropIntf, dBusGetAllMethod, sysdUnitIntf);
@@ -322,8 +322,7 @@
     const std::string& objPath_, const std::string& baseUnitName_,
     const std::string& instanceName_, const std::string& serviceObjPath_,
     const std::string& socketObjPath_) :
-    conn(conn_),
-    server(srv_), objPath(objPath_), baseUnitName(baseUnitName_),
+    conn(conn_), server(srv_), objPath(objPath_), baseUnitName(baseUnitName_),
     instanceName(instanceName_), serviceObjectPath(serviceObjPath_),
@@ -504,28 +503,28 @@
         updateInProgress = true;
                            [this](boost::asio::yield_context yield) {
-            // Stop and apply configuration for all objects
-            for (auto& srvMgrObj : srvMgrObjects)
-            {
-                auto& srvObj = srvMgrObj.second;
-                if (srvObj->updatedFlag)
-                {
-                    srvObj->stopAndApplyUnitConfig(yield);
-                }
-            }
-            // Do system reload
-            systemdDaemonReload(conn, yield);
-            // restart unit config.
-            for (auto& srvMgrObj : srvMgrObjects)
-            {
-                auto& srvObj = srvMgrObj.second;
-                if (srvObj->updatedFlag)
-                {
-                    srvObj->restartUnitConfig(yield);
-                }
-            }
-            updateInProgress = false;
-        });
+                               // Stop and apply configuration for all objects
+                               for (auto& srvMgrObj : srvMgrObjects)
+                               {
+                                   auto& srvObj = srvMgrObj.second;
+                                   if (srvObj->updatedFlag)
+                                   {
+                                       srvObj->stopAndApplyUnitConfig(yield);
+                                   }
+                               }
+                               // Do system reload
+                               systemdDaemonReload(conn, yield);
+                               // restart unit config.
+                               for (auto& srvMgrObj : srvMgrObjects)
+                               {
+                                   auto& srvObj = srvMgrObj.second;
+                                   if (srvObj->updatedFlag)
+                                   {
+                                       srvObj->restartUnitConfig(yield);
+                                   }
+                               }
+                               updateInProgress = false;
+                           });
@@ -539,8 +538,50 @@
             sockAttrPropPort, portNum,
             [this](const uint16_t& req, uint16_t& res) {
+                if (!internalSet)
+                {
+                    if (req == res)
+                    {
+                        return 1;
+                    }
+                    if (updateInProgress)
+                    {
+                        return 0;
+                    }
+                    portNum = req;
+                    updatedFlag |=
+                        (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::port));
+                    startServiceRestartTimer();
+                }
+                res = req;
+                return 1;
+            });
+    }
+    srvCfgIface->register_property(
+        srvCfgPropMasked, unitMaskedState, [this](const bool& req, bool& res) {
             if (!internalSet)
+                if (baseUnitName == usbCodeUpdateUnitName)
+                {
+                    unitMaskedState = req;
+                    unitEnabledState = !unitMaskedState;
+                    unitRunningState = !unitMaskedState;
+                    internalSet = true;
+                    srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled,
+                                              unitEnabledState);
+                    srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning,
+                                              unitRunningState);
+                    srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropMasked,
+                                              unitMaskedState);
+                    internalSet = false;
+                    setUSBCodeUpdateState(unitEnabledState);
+                    saveUSBCodeUpdateStateToFile(unitMaskedState,
+                                                 unitEnabledState);
+                    return 1;
+                }
                 if (req == res)
                     return 1;
@@ -549,151 +590,122 @@
                     return 0;
-                portNum = req;
-                updatedFlag |= (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::port));
+                unitMaskedState = req;
+                unitEnabledState = !unitMaskedState;
+                unitRunningState = !unitMaskedState;
+                updatedFlag |=
+                    (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::maskedState)) |
+                    (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::enabledState)) |
+                    (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::runningState));
+                internalSet = true;
+                srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState);
+                srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState);
+                internalSet = false;
             res = req;
             return 1;
-    }
-    srvCfgIface->register_property(srvCfgPropMasked, unitMaskedState,
-                                   [this](const bool& req, bool& res) {
-        if (!internalSet)
-        {
-            if (baseUnitName == usbCodeUpdateUnitName)
+    srvCfgIface->register_property(
+        srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState,
+        [this](const bool& req, bool& res) {
+            if (!internalSet)
-                unitMaskedState = req;
-                unitEnabledState = !unitMaskedState;
-                unitRunningState = !unitMaskedState;
-                internalSet = true;
-                srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState);
-                srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState);
-                srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropMasked, unitMaskedState);
-                internalSet = false;
-                setUSBCodeUpdateState(unitEnabledState);
-                saveUSBCodeUpdateStateToFile(unitMaskedState, unitEnabledState);
-                return 1;
-            }
+                if (baseUnitName == usbCodeUpdateUnitName)
+                {
+                    if (unitMaskedState)
+                    { // block updating if masked
+                        lg2::error("Invalid value specified");
+                        return -EINVAL;
+                    }
+                    unitEnabledState = req;
+                    unitRunningState = req;
+                    internalSet = true;
+                    srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled,
+                                              unitEnabledState);
+                    srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning,
+                                              unitRunningState);
+                    internalSet = false;
+                    setUSBCodeUpdateState(unitEnabledState);
+                    saveUSBCodeUpdateStateToFile(unitMaskedState,
+                                                 unitEnabledState);
+                    res = req;
+                    return 1;
+                }
-            if (req == res)
-            {
-                return 1;
-            }
-            if (updateInProgress)
-            {
-                return 0;
-            }
-            unitMaskedState = req;
-            unitEnabledState = !unitMaskedState;
-            unitRunningState = !unitMaskedState;
-            updatedFlag |=
-                (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::maskedState)) |
-                (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::enabledState)) |
-                (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::runningState));
-            internalSet = true;
-            srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState);
-            srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState);
-            internalSet = false;
-            startServiceRestartTimer();
-        }
-        res = req;
-        return 1;
-    });
-    srvCfgIface->register_property(srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState,
-                                   [this](const bool& req, bool& res) {
-        if (!internalSet)
-        {
-            if (baseUnitName == usbCodeUpdateUnitName)
-            {
+                if (req == res)
+                {
+                    return 1;
+                }
+                if (updateInProgress)
+                {
+                    return 0;
+                }
                 if (unitMaskedState)
                 { // block updating if masked
                     lg2::error("Invalid value specified");
                     return -EINVAL;
                 unitEnabledState = req;
-                unitRunningState = req;
-                internalSet = true;
-                srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState);
-                srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState);
-                internalSet = false;
-                setUSBCodeUpdateState(unitEnabledState);
-                saveUSBCodeUpdateStateToFile(unitMaskedState, unitEnabledState);
-                res = req;
-                return 1;
+                updatedFlag |=
+                    (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::enabledState));
+                startServiceRestartTimer();
-            if (req == res)
-            {
-                return 1;
-            }
-            if (updateInProgress)
-            {
-                return 0;
-            }
-            if (unitMaskedState)
-            { // block updating if masked
-                lg2::error("Invalid value specified");
-                return -EINVAL;
-            }
-            unitEnabledState = req;
-            updatedFlag |= (1
-                            << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::enabledState));
-            startServiceRestartTimer();
-        }
-        res = req;
-        return 1;
-    });
+            res = req;
+            return 1;
+        });
-    srvCfgIface->register_property(srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState,
-                                   [this](const bool& req, bool& res) {
-        if (!internalSet)
-        {
-            if (baseUnitName == usbCodeUpdateUnitName)
+    srvCfgIface->register_property(
+        srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState,
+        [this](const bool& req, bool& res) {
+            if (!internalSet)
+                if (baseUnitName == usbCodeUpdateUnitName)
+                {
+                    if (unitMaskedState)
+                    { // block updating if masked
+                        lg2::error("Invalid value specified");
+                        return -EINVAL;
+                    }
+                    unitEnabledState = req;
+                    unitRunningState = req;
+                    internalSet = true;
+                    srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled,
+                                              unitEnabledState);
+                    srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning,
+                                              unitRunningState);
+                    internalSet = false;
+                    setUSBCodeUpdateState(unitEnabledState);
+                    saveUSBCodeUpdateStateToFile(unitMaskedState,
+                                                 unitEnabledState);
+                    res = req;
+                    return 1;
+                }
+                if (req == res)
+                {
+                    return 1;
+                }
+                if (updateInProgress)
+                {
+                    return 0;
+                }
                 if (unitMaskedState)
                 { // block updating if masked
                     lg2::error("Invalid value specified");
                     return -EINVAL;
-                unitEnabledState = req;
                 unitRunningState = req;
-                internalSet = true;
-                srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState);
-                srvCfgIface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState);
-                internalSet = false;
-                setUSBCodeUpdateState(unitEnabledState);
-                saveUSBCodeUpdateStateToFile(unitMaskedState, unitEnabledState);
-                res = req;
-                return 1;
+                updatedFlag |=
+                    (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::runningState));
+                startServiceRestartTimer();
-            if (req == res)
-            {
-                return 1;
-            }
-            if (updateInProgress)
-            {
-                return 0;
-            }
-            if (unitMaskedState)
-            { // block updating if masked
-                lg2::error("Invalid value specified");
-                return -EINVAL;
-            }
-            unitRunningState = req;
-            updatedFlag |= (1
-                            << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::runningState));
-            startServiceRestartTimer();
-        }
-        res = req;
-        return 1;
-    });
+            res = req;
+            return 1;
+        });
     if (!socketObjectPath.empty())