pytools: obmcutil: Drop commandline method support
None of the specified DBus objects have the 'method' property any
longer, so drop the code supporting it and cleanup the resulting cruft.
Change-Id: I9c66226c233e082e9d518310b62b0641ba410532
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <>
diff --git a/pytools/obmcutil b/pytools/obmcutil
index 408bab0..814ff58 100644
--- a/pytools/obmcutil
+++ b/pytools/obmcutil
@@ -5,57 +5,6 @@
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-def fix_byte(it, key, parent):
- if (isinstance(it, dbus.Array)):
- for i in range(0, len(it)):
- fix_byte(it[i], i, it)
- elif (isinstance(it, dict)):
- for key in it.keys():
- fix_byte(it[key], key, it)
- elif (isinstance(it, dbus.Byte)):
- if (key != None):
- parent[key] = int(it)
- elif (isinstance(it, dbus.Double)):
- if (key != None):
- parent[key] = float(it)
- else:
- pass
-def printDict(name, data):
- if (isinstance(data, dict)):
- print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
- print name
- for p in sorted(data.keys()):
- printDict(p, data[p])
- else:
- print name + " = " + str(data)
-def introspect(bus_name, obj_path, intf_name, method_name):
- obj = bus.get_object(bus_name, obj_path)
- introspect_iface = dbus.Interface(obj,
- "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable")
- tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(introspect_iface.Introspect()))
- # print method_name
- # print introspect_iface.Introspect()
- root = tree.getroot()
- found = False
- for node in root.iter('node'):
- for intf in node.iter('interface'):
- if (intf.attrib['name'] == intf_name):
- for method in intf.iter('method'):
- if (method.attrib['name'] == method_name):
- for ar in method.iter('arg'):
- if (ar.attrib['direction'] == "in"):
- print "\t" + ar.attrib['name'] + " (" + \
- ar.attrib['type'] + ")"
- found = True
- return found
dbus_objects = {
'power': {
'bus_name': 'org.openbmc.control.Power',
@@ -124,15 +73,11 @@
if (len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] == "-h" or
(not(dbus_objects.has_key(sys.argv[1])) and
- print "Usage: obmcutil [command] [[method] [*args]]"
- print "\tIf [method] is blank, then all properties are printed\n"
+ print "Usage: obmcutil [command]"
print "Available commands:"
for name in sorted(dbus_objects.keys()):
m = ""
- if (dbus_objects[name].has_key('method') == True):
- m = " (" + dbus_objects[name]['interface_name'] + "->" + \
- dbus_objects[name]['method'] + ")"
- elif (dbus_objects[name].has_key('property') == True):
+ if (dbus_objects[name].has_key('property') == True):
m = " (" + dbus_objects[name]['interface_name'] + "->" + \
dbus_objects[name]['property'] + ")"
@@ -142,7 +87,6 @@
print "\t" + name + " -> " + ",".join(multicmd_objects[name])
-method_name = ""
property_name = ""
@@ -154,37 +98,15 @@
for c in cmd:
objinfo = dbus_objects[c]
- if (objinfo.has_key('method')):
- method_name = objinfo['method']
- elif (objinfo.has_key('property')):
+ if (objinfo.has_key('property')):
property_name = objinfo['property']
- elif (len(sys.argv) > 0):
- ## if command line args left and method not specified
- ## then next arg must be method name
- method_name = sys.argv.pop(0)
bus_name = objinfo['bus_name']
obj_path = objinfo['object_name']
intf_name = objinfo['interface_name']
obj = bus.get_object(bus_name, obj_path)
- if (method_name != ""):
- methd = obj.get_dbus_method(method_name, intf_name)
- try:
- data = methd(*sys.argv)
- fix_byte(data, None, None)
- pydata = json.loads(json.dumps(data))
- if 'transform' in objinfo:
- objinfo['transform'](pydata)
- printDict("", pydata)
- except Exception as e:
- print e
- r = introspect(bus_name, obj_path, intf_name, method_name)
- if (r == False):
- print "ERROR: Invalid method: " + method_name
- else:
- print "ERROR: Incorrect arguments passed to method"
- elif (property_name != ""):
+ if (property_name != ""):
intf = dbus.Interface(obj, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
if (objinfo.has_key('value')):
property_value = objinfo['value']