Reorganize directory structure

Moving to directory per-application layout.  This facilitates
building single applications which is useful in the Yocto build
environment since different applications satisfy different OpenBMC
build requirements.

A number of issues are also addressed:
 - All applications were pulling in libsystemd and the gdbus libs
    irrespective of whether or not they were needed.
 - gpio.o duplicated in every application - moved to libopenbmc_intf
 - Added install target

Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/pyhwmon/Makefile b/pyhwmon/Makefile
new file mode 120000
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+++ b/pyhwmon/Makefile
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyhwmon/ b/pyhwmon/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f4b1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyhwmon/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -u
+import sys
+import os
+import gobject
+import glob
+import dbus
+import dbus.service
+import dbus.mainloop.glib
+import re
+from obmc.dbuslib.bindings import get_dbus
+from obmc.sensors import SensorValue as SensorValue
+from obmc.sensors import HwmonSensor as HwmonSensor
+from obmc.sensors import SensorThresholds as SensorThresholds
+if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
+	print "Usage: [system name]"
+	exit(1)
+System = __import__(sys.argv[1])
+SENSOR_BUS = 'org.openbmc.Sensors'
+SENSOR_PATH = '/org/openbmc/sensors'
+HWMON_PATH = '/sys/class/hwmon'
+## static define which interface each property is under
+## need a better way that is not slow
+	'units' : SensorValue.IFACE_NAME,
+	'scale' : HwmonSensor.IFACE_NAME,
+	'offset' : HwmonSensor.IFACE_NAME,
+	'critical_upper' : SensorThresholds.IFACE_NAME,
+	'warning_upper' : SensorThresholds.IFACE_NAME,
+	'critical_lower' : SensorThresholds.IFACE_NAME,
+	'warning_lower' : SensorThresholds.IFACE_NAME,
+	'emergency_enabled' : SensorThresholds.IFACE_NAME,
+class Hwmons():
+	def __init__(self,bus):
+		self.sensors = { }
+		self.hwmon_root = { }
+		self.scanDirectory()
+		gobject.timeout_add(DIR_POLL_INTERVAL, self.scanDirectory)   
+		self.cache = {}
+	def readAttribute(self,filename):
+		val = "-1"
+		try:
+		with open(filename, 'r') as f:
+			for line in f:
+				val = line.rstrip('\n')
+		except (OSError, IOError):
+		print "Cannot read attributes:", filename
+		return val
+	def writeAttribute(self,filename,value):
+		with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+			f.write(str(value)+'\n')
+	def should_update(attribute, value):
+		if attribute not in self.cache:
+			self.cache[attribute] = value
+			return True
+		update = (value != self.cache[attribute])
+		self.cache[attribute] = value
+		return update
+	def poll(self,objpath,attribute):
+		try:
+			raw_value = int(self.readAttribute(attribute))
+			if self.should_update(attribute, raw_value):
+				obj = bus.get_object(SENSOR_BUS,objpath,introspect=False)
+				intf = dbus.Interface(obj,HwmonSensor.IFACE_NAME)
+				rtn = intf.setByPoll(raw_value)
+				if (rtn[0] == True):
+					self.writeAttribute(attribute,rtn[1])
+		except:
+			print "HWMON: Attibute no longer exists: "+attribute
+			self.sensors.pop(objpath,None)
+			if attribute in self.cache:
+				del self.cache[attribute]
+			return False
+		return True
+	def addObject(self,dpath,hwmon_path,hwmon):
+		objsuf = hwmon['object_path']
+		objpath = SENSOR_PATH+'/'+objsuf
+		if (self.sensors.has_key(objpath) == False):
+			print "HWMON add: "+objpath+" : "+hwmon_path
+			## register object with sensor manager
+			obj = bus.get_object(SENSOR_BUS,SENSOR_PATH,introspect=False)
+			intf = dbus.Interface(obj,SENSOR_BUS)
+			intf.register("HwmonSensor",objpath)
+			## set some properties in dbus object		
+			obj = bus.get_object(SENSOR_BUS,objpath,introspect=False)
+			intf = dbus.Interface(obj,dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+			intf.Set(HwmonSensor.IFACE_NAME,'filename',hwmon_path)
+			## check if one of thresholds is defined to know
+			## whether to enable thresholds or not
+			if (hwmon.has_key('critical_upper')):
+				intf.Set(SensorThresholds.IFACE_NAME,'thresholds_enabled',True)
+			for prop in hwmon.keys():
+				if (IFACE_LOOKUP.has_key(prop)):
+					intf.Set(IFACE_LOOKUP[prop],prop,hwmon[prop])
+					print "Setting: "+prop+" = "+str(hwmon[prop])
+			self.sensors[objpath]=True
+			self.hwmon_root[dpath].append(objpath)
+			gobject.timeout_add(hwmon['poll_interval'],self.poll,objpath,hwmon_path)
+	def scanDirectory(self):
+	 	devices = os.listdir(HWMON_PATH)
+		found_hwmon = {}
+		regx = re.compile('([a-z]+)\d+\_')
+		for d in devices:
+			dpath = HWMON_PATH+'/'+d+'/'
+			found_hwmon[dpath] = True
+			if (self.hwmon_root.has_key(dpath) == False):
+				self.hwmon_root[dpath] = []
+			## the instance name is a soft link
+			instance_name = os.path.realpath(dpath+'device').split('/').pop()
+			if (System.HWMON_CONFIG.has_key(instance_name)):
+				hwmon = System.HWMON_CONFIG[instance_name]
+				if (hwmon.has_key('labels')):
+					label_files = glob.glob(dpath+'/*_label')
+					for f in label_files:
+						label_key = self.readAttribute(f)
+						if (hwmon['labels'].has_key(label_key)):
+							namef = f.replace('_label','_input')
+							self.addObject(dpath,namef,hwmon['labels'][label_key])
+						else:
+							pass
+							#print "WARNING - hwmon: label ("+label_key+") not found in lookup: "+f
+				if hwmon.has_key('names'):
+					for attribute in hwmon['names'].keys():
+						self.addObject(dpath,dpath+attribute,hwmon['names'][attribute])
+			else:
+				print "WARNING - hwmon: Unhandled hwmon: "+dpath
+		for k in self.hwmon_root.keys():
+			if (found_hwmon.has_key(k) == False):
+				## need to remove all objects associated with this path
+				print "Removing: "+k
+				for objpath in self.hwmon_root[k]:
+					if (self.sensors.has_key(objpath) == True):
+						print "HWMON remove: "+objpath
+						self.sensors.pop(objpath,None)
+						obj = bus.get_object(SENSOR_BUS,SENSOR_PATH,introspect=False)
+						intf = dbus.Interface(obj,SENSOR_BUS)
+						intf.delete(objpath)
+				self.hwmon_root.pop(k,None)
+		return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
+	bus = get_dbus()
+	root_sensor = Hwmons(bus)
+	mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
+	print "Starting HWMON sensors"
diff --git a/pyhwmon/setup.cfg b/pyhwmon/setup.cfg
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..29939b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyhwmon/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41b3b9a
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+from distutils.core import setup
+      version='1.0',
+      scripts=[''],
+      )