cpuinfoapp: Add SST discovery feature

Retrieve Intel Speed Select Technology (SST) configuration values for
all CPUs via PECI (OS-PCode mailbox). Each CPU may have up to three
Performance Profiles (PP), each with accompanying Base Frequency (BF)

Discovery is started immediately, but if no CPUs are found or any
unexpected PECI error is encountered, discovery is aborted and scheduled
for periodic retries until complete.

The profile data is published on D-Bus using two predefined interfaces:
 - xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Processor.CurrentOperationConfig, which
   is implemented on each "cpu" object in the inventory, and contains
   mutable properties for OOB configuration (modifiying properties not
   supported yet).
 - xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Cpu.OperationConfig, which is
   implemented on separate "config" objects and contains the readonly
   properties for each performance profile.

 - Profiled performance of PECI operations via code instrumentation
   (takes ~2 min per CPU on ast2500 during BMC boot, ~2 sec during BMC idle).
 - Validated Redfish output against Linux driver using included python
 - Injected PECI failures in code to test error handling, and tested
   with Linux OS idling on host to make sure WOP is working.

Change-Id: I0d8ae79655dfd2880cf3bae6abe600597740df7c
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Doman <jonathan.doman@intel.com>
diff --git a/tools/sst-compare-redfish-os.py b/tools/sst-compare-redfish-os.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..03fcf20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/sst-compare-redfish-os.py
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This tool runs on the host CPU and gathers all SST related configuration from
+# the BMC (Redfish) and from the linux driver, and compares them to catch any
+# errors or disagreement. Only required arguments are the details to start a
+# Redfish session.
+# This was tested running on a live Arch Linux ISO environment. Any Linux
+# installation should work, but best to get the latest tools and kernel driver.
+# Required dependencies:
+# * DMTF's redfish python library. This is available in pip.
+# * intel-speed-select tool from the kernel source tree
+#   (tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select), and available in the PATH.
+import redfish
+import argparse
+import json
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+linux_cpu_map = dict()
+success = True
+def get_linux_output():
+    cmd = "/usr/bin/env intel-speed-select --debug --format json perf-profile info".split()
+    process = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True)
+    process.check_returncode()
+    result = json.loads(process.stderr)
+    global linux_cpu_map
+    linux_cpu_map = dict()
+    for line in process.stdout.split('\n'):
+        match = re.search("logical_cpu:(\d+).*punit_core:(\d+)", line)
+        if not match:
+            continue
+        logical_thread = int(match.group(1))
+        physical_core = int(match.group(2))
+        linux_cpu_map[logical_thread] = physical_core
+    cmd = "/usr/bin/env intel-speed-select --format json perf-profile get-config-current-level".split()
+    process = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True)
+    current_level = json.loads(process.stderr)
+    for proc, data in current_level.items():
+        result[proc].update(data)
+    return result
+def compare(redfish_val, linux_val, description):
+    err = ""
+    if redfish_val != linux_val:
+        err = "!! MISMATCH !!"
+        global success
+        success = False
+    print(f"{description}: {err}")
+    print(f"  Redfish: {redfish_val}")
+    print(f"  Linux: {linux_val}")
+def get_linux_package(linux_data, redfish_id):
+    match = re.match("cpu(\d+)", redfish_id)
+    if not match:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Redfish CPU name is unexpected: {redfish_id}")
+    num = match.group(1)
+    matching_keys = []
+    for key in linux_data.keys():
+        if re.match(f"^package-{num}:.*", key):
+            matching_keys.append(key)
+    if len(matching_keys) != 1:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected number of matching linux objects for {redfish_id}")
+    return linux_data[matching_keys[0]]
+def compare_config(redfish_config, linux_config):
+    print(f"--Checking {redfish_config['Id']}--")
+    compare(redfish_config["BaseSpeedMHz"], int(linux_config["base-frequency(MHz)"]), "Base Speed")
+    actual_hp_p1 = actual_lp_p1 = 0
+    actual_hp_cores = set()
+    for bf in redfish_config["BaseSpeedPrioritySettings"]:
+        if not actual_hp_p1 or bf["BaseSpeedMHz"] > actual_hp_p1:
+            actual_hp_p1 = bf["BaseSpeedMHz"]
+            actual_hp_cores = set(bf["CoreIDs"])
+        if not actual_lp_p1 or bf["BaseSpeedMHz"] < actual_lp_p1:
+            actual_lp_p1 = bf["BaseSpeedMHz"]
+    exp_hp_p1 = exp_lp_p1 = 0
+    exp_hp_cores = set()
+    if "speed-select-base-freq-properties" in linux_config:
+        exp_bf_props = linux_config["speed-select-base-freq-properties"]
+        exp_hp_p1 = int(exp_bf_props["high-priority-base-frequency(MHz)"])
+        exp_hp_cores = set(map(lambda x: linux_cpu_map[x],
+                              map(int, exp_bf_props["high-priority-cpu-list"].split(","))))
+        exp_lp_p1 = int(exp_bf_props["low-priority-base-frequency(MHz)"])
+    compare(actual_hp_p1, exp_hp_p1, "SST-BF High Priority P1 Freq")
+    compare(actual_hp_cores, exp_hp_cores, "SST-BF High Priority Core List")
+    compare(actual_lp_p1, exp_lp_p1, "SST-BF Low Priority P1 Freq")
+    compare(redfish_config["MaxJunctionTemperatureCelsius"],
+            int(linux_config["tjunction-max(C)"]),
+            "Junction Temperature")
+    compare(redfish_config["MaxSpeedMHz"],
+            int(linux_config["turbo-ratio-limits-sse"]["bucket-0"]["max-turbo-frequency(MHz)"]),
+            "SSE Max Turbo Speed")
+    compare(redfish_config["TDPWatts"],
+            int(linux_config["thermal-design-power(W)"]),
+            "TDP")
+    compare(redfish_config["TotalAvailableCoreCount"],
+            int(linux_config["enable-cpu-count"])//2,
+            "Enabled Core Count")
+    actual_turbo = [(x["ActiveCoreCount"], x["MaxSpeedMHz"]) for x in redfish_config["TurboProfile"]]
+    linux_turbo = linux_config["turbo-ratio-limits-sse"]
+    exp_turbo = []
+    for bucket_key in sorted(linux_turbo.keys()):
+        bucket = linux_turbo[bucket_key]
+        exp_turbo.append((int(bucket["core-count"]), int(bucket["max-turbo-frequency(MHz)"])))
+    compare(actual_turbo, exp_turbo, "SSE Turbo Profile")
+def get_level_from_config_id(config_id):
+    match = re.match("config(\d+)", config_id)
+    if not match:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid config name {config_id}")
+    return match.group(1)
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compare Redfish SST properties against Linux tools")
+    parser.add_argument("hostname")
+    parser.add_argument("--username", "-u", default="root")
+    parser.add_argument("--password", "-p", default="0penBmc")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    linux_data = get_linux_output()
+    bmc = redfish.redfish_client(base_url=f"https://{args.hostname}",
+            username=args.username, password=args.password)
+    bmc.login(auth="session")
+    # Load the ProcessorCollection
+    resp = json.loads(bmc.get("/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Processors").text)
+    for proc_member in resp["Members"]:
+        proc_resp = json.loads(bmc.get(proc_member["@odata.id"]).text)
+        proc_id = proc_resp["Id"]
+        print()
+        print(f"----Checking Processor {proc_id}----")
+        if proc_resp["Status"]["State"] == "Absent":
+            print("Not populated")
+            continue
+        # Get subset of intel-speed-select data which applies to this CPU
+        pkg_data = get_linux_package(linux_data, proc_id)
+        # Check currently applied config
+        applied_config = proc_resp["AppliedOperatingConfig"]["@odata.id"].split('/')[-1]
+        current_level = get_level_from_config_id(applied_config)
+        compare(current_level, pkg_data["get-config-current_level"], "Applied Config")
+        exp_cur_level_data = pkg_data[f"perf-profile-level-{current_level}"]
+        # Check whether SST-BF is enabled
+        bf_enabled = proc_resp["BaseSpeedPriorityState"].lower()
+        exp_bf_enabled = exp_cur_level_data["speed-select-base-freq"]
+        if exp_bf_enabled == "unsupported":
+            exp_bf_enabled = "disabled"
+        compare(bf_enabled, exp_bf_enabled, "SST-BF Enabled?")
+        # Check high speed core list
+        hscores = set(proc_resp["HighSpeedCoreIDs"])
+        exp_hscores = set()
+        if "speed-select-base-freq-properties" in exp_cur_level_data:
+            exp_hscores = exp_cur_level_data["speed-select-base-freq-properties"]["high-priority-cpu-list"]
+            exp_hscores = set([linux_cpu_map[int(x)] for x in exp_hscores.split(",")])
+        compare(hscores, exp_hscores, "High Speed Core List")
+        # Load the OperatingConfigCollection
+        resp = json.loads(bmc.get(proc_resp["OperatingConfigs"]["@odata.id"]).text)
+        # Check number of available configs
+        profile_keys = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("perf-profile-level"), pkg_data.keys()))
+        compare(resp["Members@odata.count"], int(len(profile_keys)), "Number of profiles")
+        for config_member in resp["Members"]:
+            # Load each OperatingConfig and compare all its contents
+            config_resp = json.loads(bmc.get(config_member["@odata.id"]).text)
+            level = get_level_from_config_id(config_resp["Id"])
+            exp_level_data = pkg_data[f"perf-profile-level-{level}"]
+            compare_config(config_resp, exp_level_data)
+    print()
+    if success:
+        print("Everything matched! :)")
+        return 0
+    else:
+        print("There were mismatches, please check output :(")
+        return 1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/tools/sst-info.sh b/tools/sst-info.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6005948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/sst-info.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Utility to print all SST data present on D-Bus.
+# Simply searches for all objects implementing known interfaces and prints out
+# the property values on those interfaces.
+OBJECT_MAPPER="$XYZ.ObjectMapper /xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper $XYZ.ObjectMapper"
+trim_quotes() {
+    trim_obj=${1%\"}
+    trim_obj=${trim_obj#\"}
+    echo $trim_obj
+get_sub_tree_paths() {
+    resp=$($BUSCTL call $OBJECT_MAPPER GetSubTreePaths sias "$1" 0 "$2" "$3" \
+           | cut -d' ' -f3-)
+    for obj in $resp
+    do
+        trim_quotes $obj
+    done
+get_service_from_object() {
+    trim_quotes $($BUSCTL call $OBJECT_MAPPER GetObject sas "$1" "$2" "$3" \
+                  | cut -d' ' -f3)
+get_property_names() {
+    service=$1
+    object=$2
+    intf=$3
+    $BUSCTL introspect $service $object $intf \
+        | awk '/property/ {print substr($1, 2)}'
+get_property() {
+    service=$1
+    object=$2
+    intf=$3
+    prop=$4
+    $BUSCTL get-property $service $object $intf $prop
+cpu_paths=$(get_sub_tree_paths "/" 1 "$CPU_INTF")
+for cpu_path in $cpu_paths
+    service=$(get_service_from_object $cpu_path 1 $CPU_INTF)
+    echo "Found SST on $cpu_path on $service"
+    for prop in $(get_property_names $service $cpu_path $CPU_INTF)
+    do
+        echo "  $prop: $(get_property $service $cpu_path $CPU_INTF $prop)"
+    done
+    profiles=$(get_sub_tree_paths "$cpu_path" 1 "$CONFIG_INTF")
+    for profile in $profiles
+    do
+        echo
+        echo "  Found Profile $profile"
+        for prop in $(get_property_names $service $profile $CONFIG_INTF)
+        do
+            echo "    $prop: $(get_property $service $profile $CONFIG_INTF $prop)"
+        done
+    done