Add Key clear page under Operations section
This page will allow privileged user to clear encrypted keys.
- Only admin and CE login user will be able to see the page
- The UI will be different for both, admin and CE login user(service)
- This page is IBM only
Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <>
Change-Id: Ic6fe3454de815629a6b2250daa99ab21f2b316c3
diff --git a/src/locales/en-US.json b/src/locales/en-US.json
index ddc556d..d8df61c 100644
--- a/src/locales/en-US.json
+++ b/src/locales/en-US.json
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
"serverPowerOperations": "@:appPageTitle.serverPowerOperations",
"certificates": "@:appPageTitle.certificates",
"virtualMedia": "@:appPageTitle.virtualMedia",
- "power": "@:appPageTitle.power"
+ "power": "@:appPageTitle.power",
+ "keyClear": "@:appPageTitle.keyClear"
"appPageTitle": {
"changePassword": "Change password",
@@ -154,7 +155,8 @@
"serialOverLan": "Serial over LAN (SOL) console",
"serverPowerOperations": "Server power operations",
"certificates": "Certificates",
- "virtualMedia": "Virtual media"
+ "virtualMedia": "Virtual media",
+ "keyClear": "Key clear"
"pageChangePassword": {
"changePassword": "Change password",
@@ -444,6 +446,39 @@
"errorEnableIdentifyLed": "Error enabling Identify LED."
+ "pageKeyClear": {
+ "description": "Securely clear sensitive data on the system",
+ "alert": {
+ "description": "Due to senstivity of the data that will be cleared, verification through physical presence is required to authorize this operation.",
+ "title": "This operation requires physical presence and system reboot"
+ },
+ "form": {
+ "clearAllSetGenesisIPL": "Clear all and set genesis IPL",
+ "clear": "Clear",
+ "clearAllLabel": "Clear all",
+ "clearAllHeperText":"Clear all the sensitive data that is controlled by the platform firmware",
+ "clearHypervisorSystemKeyLabel":"Clear hypervisor system key",
+ "clearHypervisorSystemKeyHelperText":"This indicates the hypervisor to clear the system key.",
+ "clearOperatingSystemKeysLabel":"Clear operating system keys label",
+ "clearOperatingSystemKeysHelperText":"This indicates OPAL to clear the operating system Secure Boot keys.",
+ "clearSystemSecurityKeyLabel":"Clear system security officer key",
+ "clearSystemSecurityKeyHelperText":"This incicates OPAL/PEF to clear teh system security officer keys.",
+ "keyClearOptionsLabel": "Key clear options",
+ "keyClearNotRequested": "Key clear not requested",
+ "none": "None",
+ "setFactoryDefault": "Set factory default"
+ },
+ "modal":{
+ "clear": "Clear keys",
+ "clearAllMessage": "Any encryption keys contained in the selected data will be lost. System will not be able to decrypt any data that requires these keys.",
+ "clearAllTitle": "Warning: This operation is not reversible"
+ },
+ "toast":{
+ "selectedKeyClearedError": "Error clearing keys",
+ "selectedKeyClearedSuccess": "Keys cleared successfully"
+ }
+ },
"pageKvm": {
"openNewTab": "Open in new tab",
"buttonCtrlAltDelete": "Send Ctrl+Alt+Delete",