Update the default firmware page
- Minor updates made to the general layout and styles
- Changes to some page copy
- Moves update firmware form to bottom of page
- Adds dynamic TFTP upload option
- Adds dynamic card layout for BMC and host firmwre
- 2 cards for combined
- 4 cards for separate
- Removes FirmwareSingleImage components that were used for IBM builds
Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Ib5465ecc30dd1505824bf41c82d33b7655d5e598
diff --git a/src/views/Configuration/Firmware/FirmwareFormUpdate.vue b/src/views/Configuration/Firmware/FirmwareFormUpdate.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f67e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/Configuration/Firmware/FirmwareFormUpdate.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ <div>
+ <div class="form-background p-3">
+ <b-form @submit.prevent="onSubmitUpload">
+ <b-form-group
+ v-if="isTftpUploadAvailable"
+ :label="$t('pageFirmware.form.updateFirmware.fileSource')"
+ :disabled="isPageDisabled"
+ >
+ <b-form-radio v-model="isWorkstationSelected" :value="true">
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.form.updateFirmware.workstation') }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ <b-form-radio v-model="isWorkstationSelected" :value="false">
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.form.updateFirmware.tftpServer') }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ </b-form-group>
+ <!-- Workstation Upload -->
+ <template v-if="isWorkstationSelected">
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="$t('pageFirmware.form.updateFirmware.imageFile')"
+ label-for="image-file"
+ >
+ <b-form-text id="image-file-help-block">
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.form.updateFirmware.imageFileHelperText') }}
+ </b-form-text>
+ <form-file
+ id="image-file"
+ accept=".tar"
+ :disabled="isPageDisabled"
+ :state="getValidationState($v.file)"
+ aria-describedby="image-file-help-block"
+ @input="onFileUpload($event)"
+ >
+ <template #invalid>
+ <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
+ {{ $t('global.form.required') }}
+ </b-form-invalid-feedback>
+ </template>
+ </form-file>
+ </b-form-group>
+ </template>
+ <!-- TFTP Server Upload -->
+ <template v-else>
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="$t('pageFirmware.form.updateFirmware.fileAddress')"
+ label-for="tftp-address"
+ >
+ <b-form-input
+ id="tftp-address"
+ v-model="tftpFileAddress"
+ type="text"
+ :state="getValidationState($v.tftpFileAddress)"
+ :disabled="isPageDisabled"
+ @input="$v.tftpFileAddress.$touch()"
+ />
+ <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
+ {{ $t('global.form.fieldRequired') }}
+ </b-form-invalid-feedback>
+ </b-form-group>
+ </template>
+ <b-btn
+ data-test-id="firmware-button-startUpdate"
+ type="submit"
+ variant="primary"
+ :disabled="isPageDisabled"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.form.updateFirmware.startUpdate') }}
+ </b-btn>
+ <alert
+ v-if="isServerPowerOffRequired && !isHostOff"
+ variant="warning"
+ :small="true"
+ class="mt-4"
+ >
+ <p class="col-form-label">
+ {{
+ $t('pageFirmware.alert.serverMustBePoweredOffToUpdateFirmware')
+ }}
+ </p>
+ </alert>
+ </b-form>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Modals -->
+ <modal-update-firmware @ok="updateFirmware" />
+ </div>
+import { requiredIf } from 'vuelidate/lib/validators';
+import BVToastMixin from '@/components/Mixins/BVToastMixin';
+import LoadingBarMixin, { loading } from '@/components/Mixins/LoadingBarMixin';
+import VuelidateMixin from '@/components/Mixins/VuelidateMixin.js';
+import Alert from '@/components/Global/Alert';
+import FormFile from '@/components/Global/FormFile';
+import ModalUpdateFirmware from './FirmwareModalUpdateFirmware';
+export default {
+ components: { Alert, FormFile, ModalUpdateFirmware },
+ mixins: [BVToastMixin, LoadingBarMixin, VuelidateMixin],
+ props: {
+ isPageDisabled: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Boolean,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ isHostOff: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Boolean,
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ loading,
+ isWorkstationSelected: true,
+ file: null,
+ tftpFileAddress: null,
+ isServerPowerOffRequired:
+ process.env.VUE_APP_SERVER_OFF_REQUIRED === 'true',
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ isTftpUploadAvailable() {
+ return this.$store.getters['firmware/isTftpUploadAvailable'];
+ },
+ },
+ watch: {
+ isWorkstationSelected: function () {
+ this.$v.$reset();
+ this.file = null;
+ this.tftpFileAddress = null;
+ },
+ },
+ validations() {
+ return {
+ file: {
+ required: requiredIf(function () {
+ return this.isWorkstationSelected;
+ }),
+ },
+ tftpFileAddress: {
+ required: requiredIf(function () {
+ return !this.isWorkstationSelected;
+ }),
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.$store.dispatch('firmware/getUpdateServiceSettings');
+ },
+ methods: {
+ updateFirmware() {
+ this.startLoader();
+ const timerId = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.endLoader();
+ this.infoToast(this.$t('pageFirmware.toast.verifyUpdateMessage'), {
+ title: this.$t('pageFirmware.toast.verifyUpdate'),
+ refreshAction: true,
+ });
+ }, 360000);
+ this.infoToast(this.$t('pageFirmware.toast.updateStartedMessage'), {
+ title: this.$t('pageFirmware.toast.updateStarted'),
+ timestamp: true,
+ });
+ if (this.isWorkstationSelected) {
+ this.dispatchWorkstationUpload(timerId);
+ } else {
+ this.dispatchTftpUpload(timerId);
+ }
+ },
+ dispatchWorkstationUpload(timerId) {
+ this.$store
+ .dispatch('firmware/uploadFirmware', this.file)
+ .catch(({ message }) => {
+ this.endLoader();
+ this.errorToast(message);
+ clearTimeout(timerId);
+ });
+ },
+ dispatchTftpUpload(timerId) {
+ this.$store
+ .dispatch('firmware/uploadFirmwareTFTP', this.tftpFileAddress)
+ .catch(({ message }) => {
+ this.endLoader();
+ this.errorToast(message);
+ clearTimeout(timerId);
+ });
+ },
+ onSubmitUpload() {
+ this.$v.$touch();
+ if (this.$v.$invalid) return;
+ this.$bvModal.show('modal-update-firmware');
+ },
+ onFileUpload(file) {
+ this.file = file;
+ this.$v.file.$touch();
+ },
+ },