Add missing properties to Dimms table

- Added the following properties: Base module type, Bus width bits,
Capacity MiB, Data width bits, Enabled, Operating speed Mhz

- Design has been updated for Dimms table

Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <>
Change-Id: Ifd77071abd9544120c1904065275ccc00dd8d862
diff --git a/src/locales/en-US.json b/src/locales/en-US.json
index 637f052..a66c375 100644
--- a/src/locales/en-US.json
+++ b/src/locales/en-US.json
@@ -382,12 +382,17 @@
     "table": {
       "assetTag": "Asset tag",
+      "baseModuleType": "Base module type",
+      "busWidthBits": "Bus width bits",
       "bmcDateTime": "BMC date and time",
+      "capacityMiB": "Capacity MiB",
       "chassisType": "Chassis type",
       "connectTypesSupported": "Connect types supported",
       "count": "Count",
+      "dataWidthBits": "Data width bits",
       "description": "Description",
       "efficiencyPercent": "Efficiency percent",
+      "enabled": "Enabled",
       "fanSpeed": "Fan speed",
       "firmwareVersion": "Firmware version",
       "graphicalConsole": "Graphical console",
@@ -411,6 +416,7 @@
       "minSpeedMHz": "Min speed MHz",
       "model": "Model",
       "name": "Name",
+      "operatingSpeedMhz": "Operating speed Mhz",
       "partNumber": "Part number",
       "power": "Power",
       "powerInputWatts": "Power input watts",