Update single file firmware card layout
Updates will enable a more dynamic firmware page layout
by inspecting all firmware images for host images.
GETs all firmware inventory at Redfish endpoint
then checks if any image includes RelatedItem
'/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Bios' to determine whether
the UI should show combined or separate firmware cards
for BMC and Host.
This is part of an effort to make the firmware page more dynamic.
These changes are only visisble with ibm dotenv variables.
Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I8542a27c6ff421bcb24c8b2570dbe150d5c1ce6c
diff --git a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareAlertServerPower.vue b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareAlertServerPower.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7ac0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareAlertServerPower.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ <b-row>
+ <b-col xl="10">
+ <!-- Operation in progress alert -->
+ <alert v-if="isOperationInProgress" variant="info" class="mb-5">
+ <p>
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.operationInProgress') }}
+ </p>
+ </alert>
+ <!-- Power off server warning alert -->
+ <alert v-else-if="!isHostOff" variant="warning" class="mb-5">
+ <p class="mb-0">
+ {{
+ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.serverMustBePoweredOffTo')
+ }}
+ </p>
+ <ul class="m-0">
+ <li>
+ {{
+ $t(
+ 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.switchRunningAndBackupImages'
+ )
+ }}
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.updateFirmware') }}
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <template #action>
+ <b-link to="/control/server-power-operations">
+ {{
+ $t(
+ 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.viewServerPowerOperations'
+ )
+ }}
+ </b-link>
+ </template>
+ </alert>
+ </b-col>
+ </b-row>
+import Alert from '@/components/Global/Alert';
+export default {
+ components: { Alert },
+ props: {
+ isHostOff: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Boolean,
+ },
+ },
+ computed: {
+ isOperationInProgress() {
+ return this.$store.getters['controls/isOperationInProgress'];
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareCardsBmc.vue b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareCardsBmc.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857adf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareCardsBmc.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ <div>
+ <page-section :section-title="sectionTitle">
+ <b-card-group deck>
+ <!-- Running image -->
+ <b-card>
+ <template #header>
+ <p class="font-weight-bold m-0">
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.cardTitleRunning') }}
+ </p>
+ </template>
+ <dl class="mb-0">
+ <dt>{{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.cardBodyVersion') }}</dt>
+ <dd class="mb-0">{{ runningVersion }}</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </b-card>
+ <!-- Backup image -->
+ <b-card>
+ <template #header>
+ <p class="font-weight-bold m-0">
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.cardTitleBackup') }}
+ </p>
+ </template>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>{{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.cardBodyVersion') }}</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <status-icon v-if="showBackupImageStatus" status="danger" />
+ <span v-if="showBackupImageStatus" class="sr-only">
+ {{ backupStatus }}
+ </span>
+ {{ backupVersion }}
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <b-btn
+ v-b-modal.modal-switch-to-running
+ data-test-id="firmware-button-switchToRunning"
+ variant="link"
+ size="sm"
+ class="py-0 px-1 mt-2"
+ :disabled="isPageDisabled || !backup"
+ >
+ <icon-switch class="d-none d-sm-inline-block" />
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.cardActionSwitchToRunning') }}
+ </b-btn>
+ </b-card>
+ </b-card-group>
+ </page-section>
+ <modal-switch-to-running :backup="backupVersion" @ok="switchToRunning" />
+ </div>
+import IconSwitch from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/arrows--horizontal/20';
+import PageSection from '@/components/Global/PageSection';
+import LoadingBarMixin, { loading } from '@/components/Mixins/LoadingBarMixin';
+import BVToastMixin from '@/components/Mixins/BVToastMixin';
+import ModalSwitchToRunning from './FirmwareModalSwitchToRunning';
+export default {
+ components: { IconSwitch, ModalSwitchToRunning, PageSection },
+ mixins: [BVToastMixin, LoadingBarMixin],
+ props: {
+ isPageDisabled: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Boolean,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ loading,
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ isSingleFileUploadEnabled() {
+ return this.$store.getters[
+ 'firmwareSingleImage/isSingleFileUploadEnabled'
+ ];
+ },
+ sectionTitle() {
+ if (this.isSingleFileUploadEnabled) {
+ return this.$t(
+ 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.sectionTitleBmcCardsCombined'
+ );
+ }
+ return this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.sectionTitleBmcCards');
+ },
+ running() {
+ return this.$store.getters['firmwareSingleImage/activeBmcFirmware'];
+ },
+ backup() {
+ return this.$store.getters['firmwareSingleImage/backupBmcFirmware'];
+ },
+ runningVersion() {
+ return this.running?.version || '--';
+ },
+ backupVersion() {
+ return this.backup?.version || '--';
+ },
+ backupStatus() {
+ return this.backup?.status || null;
+ },
+ showBackupImageStatus() {
+ return (
+ this.backupStatus === 'Critical' || this.backupStatus === 'Warning'
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ switchToRunning() {
+ this.startLoader();
+ const timerId = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.endLoader();
+ this.infoToast(
+ this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.verifySwitchMessage'),
+ {
+ title: this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.verifySwitch'),
+ refreshAction: true,
+ }
+ );
+ }, 60000);
+ this.$store
+ .dispatch('firmwareSingleImage/switchFirmwareAndReboot')
+ .then(() =>
+ this.infoToast(
+ this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.rebootStartedMessage'),
+ {
+ title: this.$t(
+ 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.rebootStarted'
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ .catch(({ message }) => {
+ this.errorToast(message);
+ clearTimeout(timerId);
+ this.endLoader();
+ });
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareCardsHost.vue b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareCardsHost.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47f60f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareCardsHost.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ <page-section
+ :section-title="$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.sectionTitleHostCards')"
+ >
+ <b-card-group deck>
+ <!-- Running image -->
+ <b-card>
+ <template #header>
+ <p class="font-weight-bold m-0">
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.cardTitleRunning') }}
+ </p>
+ </template>
+ <dl class="mb-0">
+ <dt>{{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.cardBodyVersion') }}</dt>
+ <dd class="mb-0">{{ runningVersion }}</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </b-card>
+ <!-- Backup image -->
+ <b-card>
+ <template #header>
+ <p class="font-weight-bold m-0">
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.cardTitleBackup') }}
+ </p>
+ </template>
+ <dl class="mb-0">
+ <dt>{{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.cardBodyVersion') }}</dt>
+ <dd class="mb-0">
+ <status-icon v-if="showBackupImageStatus" status="danger" />
+ <span v-if="showBackupImageStatus" class="sr-only">
+ {{ backupStatus }}
+ </span>
+ {{ backupVersion }}
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </b-card>
+ </b-card-group>
+ </page-section>
+import PageSection from '@/components/Global/PageSection';
+export default {
+ components: { PageSection },
+ computed: {
+ running() {
+ return this.$store.getters['firmwareSingleImage/activeHostFirmware'];
+ },
+ backup() {
+ return this.$store.getters['firmwareSingleImage/backupHostFirmware'];
+ },
+ runningVersion() {
+ return this.running?.version || '--';
+ },
+ backupVersion() {
+ return this.backup?.version || '--';
+ },
+ backupStatus() {
+ return this.backup?.status || null;
+ },
+ showBackupImageStatus() {
+ return (
+ this.backupStatus === 'Critical' || this.backupStatus === 'Warning'
+ );
+ },
+ },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.page-section {
+ margin-top: -$spacer * 1.5;
diff --git a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareFormUpdate.vue b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareFormUpdate.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f13b8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareFormUpdate.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ <div>
+ <div class="form-background p-3">
+ <b-form @submit.prevent="onSubmitUpload">
+ <b-form-group
+ v-if="isTftpUploadAvailable"
+ :label="
+ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.form.updateFirmware.fileSource')
+ "
+ :disabled="isPageDisabled"
+ >
+ <b-form-radio v-model="isWorkstationSelected" :value="true">
+ {{
+ $t(
+ 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.form.updateFirmware.workstation'
+ )
+ }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ <b-form-radio v-model="isWorkstationSelected" :value="false">
+ {{
+ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.form.updateFirmware.tftpServer')
+ }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ </b-form-group>
+ <!-- Workstation Upload -->
+ <template v-if="isWorkstationSelected">
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="
+ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.form.updateFirmware.imageFile')
+ "
+ label-for="image-file"
+ >
+ <b-form-text id="image-file-help-block">
+ {{
+ $t(
+ 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.form.updateFirmware.imageFileHelperText'
+ )
+ }}
+ </b-form-text>
+ <form-file
+ id="image-file"
+ accept=".tar"
+ :disabled="isPageDisabled"
+ :state="getValidationState($v.file)"
+ aria-describedby="image-file-help-block"
+ @input="onFileUpload($event)"
+ >
+ <template #invalid>
+ <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
+ {{ $t('global.form.required') }}
+ </b-form-invalid-feedback>
+ </template>
+ </form-file>
+ </b-form-group>
+ </template>
+ <!-- TFTP Server Upload -->
+ <template v-else>
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="
+ $t(
+ 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.form.updateFirmware.fileAddress'
+ )
+ "
+ label-for="tftp-address"
+ >
+ <b-form-input
+ id="tftp-address"
+ v-model="tftpFileAddress"
+ type="text"
+ :state="getValidationState($v.tftpFileAddress)"
+ :disabled="isPageDisabled"
+ @input="$v.tftpFileAddress.$touch()"
+ />
+ <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
+ {{ $t('global.form.fieldRequired') }}
+ </b-form-invalid-feedback>
+ </b-form-group>
+ </template>
+ <b-btn
+ data-test-id="firmware-button-startUpdate"
+ type="submit"
+ variant="primary"
+ :disabled="isPageDisabled"
+ >
+ {{
+ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.form.updateFirmware.startUpdate')
+ }}
+ </b-btn>
+ <alert
+ v-if="isServerPowerOffRequired && !isHostOff"
+ variant="warning"
+ :small="true"
+ class="mt-4"
+ >
+ <p class="col-form-label">
+ {{
+ $t(
+ 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.serverMustBePoweredOffToUpdateFirmware'
+ )
+ }}
+ </p>
+ </alert>
+ </b-form>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Modals -->
+ <modal-update-firmware @ok="updateFirmware" />
+ </div>
+import { requiredIf } from 'vuelidate/lib/validators';
+import BVToastMixin from '@/components/Mixins/BVToastMixin';
+import LoadingBarMixin, { loading } from '@/components/Mixins/LoadingBarMixin';
+import VuelidateMixin from '@/components/Mixins/VuelidateMixin.js';
+import Alert from '@/components/Global/Alert';
+import FormFile from '@/components/Global/FormFile';
+import ModalUpdateFirmware from './FirmwareModalUpdateFirmware';
+export default {
+ components: { Alert, FormFile, ModalUpdateFirmware },
+ mixins: [BVToastMixin, LoadingBarMixin, VuelidateMixin],
+ props: {
+ isPageDisabled: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Boolean,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ isHostOff: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Boolean,
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ loading,
+ isWorkstationSelected: true,
+ file: null,
+ tftpFileAddress: null,
+ isServerPowerOffRequired:
+ process.env.VUE_APP_SERVER_OFF_REQUIRED === 'true',
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ isTftpUploadAvailable() {
+ return this.$store.getters['firmwareSingleImage/isTftpUploadAvailable'];
+ },
+ },
+ watch: {
+ isWorkstationSelected: function () {
+ this.$v.$reset();
+ this.file = null;
+ this.tftpFileAddress = null;
+ },
+ },
+ validations() {
+ return {
+ file: {
+ required: requiredIf(function () {
+ return this.isWorkstationSelected;
+ }),
+ },
+ tftpFileAddress: {
+ required: requiredIf(function () {
+ return !this.isWorkstationSelected;
+ }),
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.$store.dispatch('firmwareSingleImage/getUpdateServiceSettings');
+ },
+ methods: {
+ updateFirmware() {
+ this.startLoader();
+ const timerId = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.endLoader();
+ this.infoToast(
+ this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.verifyUpdateMessage'),
+ {
+ title: this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.verifyUpdate'),
+ refreshAction: true,
+ }
+ );
+ }, 360000);
+ this.infoToast(
+ this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.updateStartedMessage'),
+ {
+ title: this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.updateStarted'),
+ timestamp: true,
+ }
+ );
+ if (this.isWorkstationSelected) {
+ this.dispatchWorkstationUpload(timerId);
+ } else {
+ this.dispatchTftpUpload(timerId);
+ }
+ },
+ dispatchWorkstationUpload(timerId) {
+ this.$store
+ .dispatch('firmwareSingleImage/uploadFirmware', this.file)
+ .catch(({ message }) => {
+ this.endLoader();
+ this.errorToast(message);
+ clearTimeout(timerId);
+ });
+ },
+ dispatchTftpUpload(timerId) {
+ this.$store
+ .dispatch(
+ 'firmwareSingleImage/uploadFirmwareTFTP',
+ this.tftpFileAddress
+ )
+ .catch(({ message }) => {
+ this.endLoader();
+ this.errorToast(message);
+ clearTimeout(timerId);
+ });
+ },
+ onSubmitUpload() {
+ this.$v.$touch();
+ if (this.$v.$invalid) return;
+ this.$bvModal.show('modal-update-firmware');
+ },
+ onFileUpload(file) {
+ this.file = file;
+ this.$v.file.$touch();
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImageModalSwitchToRunning.vue b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareModalSwitchToRunning.vue
similarity index 100%
rename from src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImageModalSwitchToRunning.vue
rename to src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareModalSwitchToRunning.vue
diff --git a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareModalUpdateFirmware.vue b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareModalUpdateFirmware.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c52f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareModalUpdateFirmware.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ <b-modal
+ id="modal-update-firmware"
+ :title="$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.sectionTitleUpdateFirmware')"
+ :ok-title="
+ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.form.updateFirmware.startUpdate')
+ "
+ :cancel-title="$t('global.action.cancel')"
+ @ok="$emit('ok')"
+ >
+ <template v-if="isSingleFileUploadEnabled">
+ <p>
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.modal.updateFirmwareInfo') }}
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ {{
+ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.modal.updateFirmwareInfo2', {
+ running: runningBmcVersion,
+ })
+ }}
+ </p>
+ <p class="m-0">
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.modal.updateFirmwareInfo3') }}
+ </p>
+ </template>
+ <template v-else>
+ {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.modal.updateFirmwareInfoDefault') }}
+ </template>
+ </b-modal>
+export default {
+ computed: {
+ runningBmc() {
+ return this.$store.getters['firmwareSingleImage/activeBmcFirmware'];
+ },
+ runningBmcVersion() {
+ return this.runningBmc?.version || '--';
+ },
+ isSingleFileUploadEnabled() {
+ return this.$store.getters[
+ 'firmwareSingleImage/isSingleFileUploadEnabled'
+ ];
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImage.vue b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImage.vue
index b7ad4c5..2e601bd 100644
--- a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImage.vue
+++ b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImage.vue
@@ -1,244 +1,68 @@
<b-container fluid="xl">
<page-title />
- <b-row v-if="isServerPowerOffRequired">
- <b-col xl="10">
- <!-- Operation in progress alert -->
- <alert v-if="isOperationInProgress" variant="info" class="mb-5">
- <p>
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.operationInProgress') }}
- </p>
- </alert>
- <!-- Power off server warning alert -->
- <alert v-else-if="!isHostOff" variant="warning" class="mb-5">
- <p class="mb-0">
- {{
- $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.serverMustBePoweredOffTo')
- }}
- </p>
- <ul class="m-0">
- <li>
- {{
- $t(
- 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.switchRunningAndBackupImages'
- )
- }}
- </li>
- <li>
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.updateFirmware') }}
- </li>
- </ul>
- <template #action>
- <b-link to="/control/server-power-operations">
- {{
- $t(
- 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.viewServerPowerOperations'
- )
- }}
- </b-link>
- </template>
- </alert>
- </b-col>
- </b-row>
+ <alerts-server-power
+ v-if="isServerPowerOffRequired"
+ :is-host-off="isHostOff"
+ />
+ <!-- Firmware cards -->
<b-col xl="10">
- <page-section>
- <b-card-group deck>
- <!-- Running image -->
- <b-card>
- <template #header>
- <p class="font-weight-bold m-0">
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.runningImage') }}
- </p>
- </template>
- <dl class="mb-0">
- <dt>{{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.bmcAndServer') }}</dt>
- <dd class="mb-0">{{ systemFirmwareVersion }}</dd>
- </dl>
- </b-card>
+ <!-- BMC Firmware -->
+ <bmc-cards :is-page-disabled="isPageDisabled" />
- <!-- Backup image -->
- <b-card>
- <template #header>
- <p class="font-weight-bold m-0">
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.backupImage') }}
- </p>
- </template>
- <dl>
- <dt>
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.bmcAndServer') }}
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <status-icon v-if="showBackupImageStatus" status="danger" />
- <span v-if="showBackupImageStatus" class="sr-only">
- {{ backupFirmwareStatus }}
- </span>
- {{ backupFirmwareVersion }}
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <b-btn
- v-b-modal.modal-switch-to-running
- data-test-id="firmware-button-switchToRunning"
- variant="link"
- size="sm"
- class="py-0 px-1 mt-2"
- :disabled="isPageDisabled || !isRebootFromBackupAvailable"
- >
- <icon-switch class="d-none d-sm-inline-block" />
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.switchToRunning') }}
- </b-btn>
- </b-card>
- </b-card-group>
- </page-section>
- </b-col>
- </b-row>
- <b-row>
- <!-- Update firmware -->
- <b-col sm="8" md="6" xl="4">
- <page-section
- :section-title="$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.updateFirmware')"
- >
- <div class="form-background p-3">
- <b-form @submit.prevent="onSubmitUpload">
- <b-form-group
- v-if="isTftpUploadAvailable"
- :label="$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.fileSource')"
- :disabled="isPageDisabled"
- >
- <b-form-radio v-model="isWorkstationSelected" :value="true">
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.form.workstation') }}
- </b-form-radio>
- <b-form-radio v-model="isWorkstationSelected" :value="false">
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.form.tftpServer') }}
- </b-form-radio>
- </b-form-group>
- <!-- Workstation Upload -->
- <template v-if="isWorkstationSelected">
- <b-form-group
- :label="$t('pageFirmware.form.imageFile')"
- label-for="image-file"
- >
- <b-form-text id="image-file-help-block">
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.form.onlyTarFilesAccepted') }}
- </b-form-text>
- <form-file
- id="image-file"
- accept=".tar"
- :disabled="isPageDisabled"
- :state="getValidationState($v.file)"
- aria-describedby="image-file-help-block"
- @input="onFileUpload($event)"
- >
- <template #invalid>
- <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
- {{ $t('global.form.required') }}
- </b-form-invalid-feedback>
- </template>
- </form-file>
- </b-form-group>
- </template>
- <!-- TFTP Server Upload -->
- <template v-else>
- <b-form-group
- :label="$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.fileAddress')"
- label-for="tftp-address"
- >
- <b-form-input
- id="tftp-address"
- v-model="tftpFileAddress"
- type="text"
- :state="getValidationState($v.tftpFileAddress)"
- :disabled="isPageDisabled"
- @input="$v.tftpFileAddress.$touch()"
- />
- <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
- {{ $t('global.form.fieldRequired') }}
- </b-form-invalid-feedback>
- </b-form-group>
- </template>
- <b-btn
- data-test-id="firmware-button-startUpdate"
- type="submit"
- variant="primary"
- :disabled="isPageDisabled"
- >
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.startUpdate') }}
- </b-btn>
- <alert
- v-if="isServerPowerOffRequired && !isHostOff"
- variant="warning"
- :small="true"
- class="mt-4"
- >
- <p class="col-form-label">
- {{
- $t(
- 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.alert.serverMustBePoweredOffToUpdateFirmware'
- )
- }}
- </p>
- </alert>
- </b-form>
- </div>
- </page-section>
+ <!-- Host Firmware -->
+ <host-cards v-if="!isSingleFileUploadEnabled" />
- <!-- Modals -->
- <modal-update-firmware
- :running="systemFirmwareVersion"
- :backup="backupFirmwareVersion"
- @ok="updateFirmware"
- />
- <modal-switch-to-running
- :backup="backupFirmwareVersion"
- @ok="switchToRunning"
- />
+ <!-- Update firmware-->
+ <page-section
+ :section-title="
+ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.sectionTitleUpdateFirmware')
+ "
+ >
+ <b-row>
+ <b-col sm="8" md="6" xl="4">
+ <!-- Update form -->
+ <form-update
+ :is-host-off="isHostOff"
+ :is-page-disabled="isPageDisabled"
+ />
+ </b-col>
+ </b-row>
+ </page-section>
-import { requiredIf } from 'vuelidate/lib/validators';
-import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
-import IconSwitch from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/arrows--horizontal/20';
+import AlertsServerPower from './FirmwareAlertServerPower';
+import BmcCards from './FirmwareCardsBmc';
+import FormUpdate from './FirmwareFormUpdate';
+import HostCards from './FirmwareCardsHost';
import PageSection from '@/components/Global/PageSection';
import PageTitle from '@/components/Global/PageTitle';
-import Alert from '@/components/Global/Alert';
-import FormFile from '@/components/Global/FormFile';
-import StatusIcon from '@/components/Global/StatusIcon';
-import ModalUpdateFirmware from './FirmwareSingleImageModalUpdateFirmware';
-import ModalSwitchToRunning from './FirmwareSingleImageModalSwitchToRunning';
-import VuelidateMixin from '@/components/Mixins/VuelidateMixin.js';
import LoadingBarMixin, { loading } from '@/components/Mixins/LoadingBarMixin';
-import BVToastMixin from '@/components/Mixins/BVToastMixin';
export default {
name: 'FirmwareSingleImage',
components: {
- Alert,
- FormFile,
- IconSwitch,
- ModalSwitchToRunning,
- ModalUpdateFirmware,
+ AlertsServerPower,
+ BmcCards,
+ FormUpdate,
+ HostCards,
- StatusIcon,
- mixins: [BVToastMixin, LoadingBarMixin, VuelidateMixin],
+ mixins: [LoadingBarMixin],
beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
data() {
return {
- isWorkstationSelected: true,
- file: null,
- tftpFileAddress: null,
- timeoutId: null,
process.env.VUE_APP_SERVER_OFF_REQUIRED === 'true',
@@ -251,152 +75,23 @@
isHostOff() {
return this.hostStatus === 'off' ? true : false;
- isOperationInProgress() {
- return this.$store.getters['controls/isOperationInProgress'];
+ isSingleFileUploadEnabled() {
+ return this.$store.getters[
+ 'firmwareSingleImage/isSingleFileUploadEnabled'
+ ];
- ...mapGetters('firmwareSingleImage', [
- 'backupFirmwareStatus',
- 'backupFirmwareVersion',
- 'isRebootFromBackupAvailable',
- 'systemFirmwareVersion',
- 'isTftpUploadAvailable',
- ]),
isPageDisabled() {
if (this.isServerPowerOffRequired) {
return !this.isHostOff || this.loading || this.isOperationInProgress;
return this.loading || this.isOperationInProgress;
- showBackupImageStatus() {
- return (
- this.backupFirmwareStatus === 'Critical' ||
- this.backupFirmwareStatus === 'Warning'
- );
- },
- },
- watch: {
- isWorkstationSelected: function () {
- this.$v.$reset();
- this.file = null;
- this.tftpFileAddress = null;
- },
created() {
- this.$store.dispatch('firmwareSingleImage/getUpdateServiceSettings');
- Promise.all([
- this.$store.dispatch('global/getHostStatus'),
- this.$store.dispatch('firmwareSingleImage/getFirmwareInformation'),
- ]).finally(() => this.endLoader());
- },
- validations() {
- return {
- file: {
- required: requiredIf(function () {
- return this.isWorkstationSelected;
- }),
- },
- tftpFileAddress: {
- required: requiredIf(function () {
- return !this.isWorkstationSelected;
- }),
- },
- };
- },
- methods: {
- updateFirmware() {
- this.setRebootTimeout(360000, () => {
- this.infoToast(
- this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.verifyUpdateMessage'),
- {
- title: this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.verifyUpdate'),
- refreshAction: true,
- }
- );
- });
- this.infoToast(
- this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.updateStartedMessage'),
- {
- title: this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.updateStarted'),
- timestamp: true,
- }
- );
- if (this.isWorkstationSelected) {
- this.dispatchWorkstationUpload();
- } else {
- this.dispatchTftpUpload();
- }
- },
- dispatchWorkstationUpload() {
- this.$store
- .dispatch('firmwareSingleImage/uploadFirmware', this.file)
- .catch(({ message }) => {
- this.errorToast(message);
- this.clearRebootTimeout();
- });
- },
- dispatchTftpUpload() {
- this.$store
- .dispatch(
- 'firmwareSingleImage/uploadFirmwareTFTP',
- this.tftpFileAddress
- )
- .catch(({ message }) => {
- this.errorToast(message);
- this.clearRebootTimeout();
- });
- },
- switchToRunning() {
- this.setRebootTimeout(60000, () => {
- this.infoToast(
- this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.verifySwitchMessage'),
- {
- title: this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.verifySwitch'),
- refreshAction: true,
- }
- );
- });
- this.$store
- .dispatch('firmwareSingleImage/switchFirmwareAndReboot')
- .then(() =>
- this.infoToast(
- this.$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.rebootStartedMessage'),
- {
- title: this.$t(
- 'pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.toast.rebootStarted'
- ),
- }
- )
- )
- .catch(({ message }) => {
- this.errorToast(message);
- this.clearRebootTimeout();
- });
- },
- setRebootTimeout(timeoutMs = 60000, callback) {
- // Set a timeout to disable page interactions
- // during a BMC reboot
- this.startLoader();
- this.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
- this.endLoader();
- if (callback) callback();
- }, timeoutMs);
- },
- clearRebootTimeout() {
- if (this.timeoutId) {
- clearTimeout(this.timeoutId);
- this.endLoader();
- }
- },
- onSubmitUpload() {
- this.$v.$touch();
- if (this.$v.$invalid) return;
- this.$bvModal.show('modal-update-firmware');
- },
- onFileUpload(file) {
- this.file = file;
- this.$v.file.$touch();
- },
+ this.$store
+ .dispatch('firmwareSingleImage/getFirmwareInformation')
+ .finally(() => this.endLoader());
diff --git a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImageModalUpdateFirmware.vue b/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImageModalUpdateFirmware.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 5157525..0000000
--- a/src/env/components/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImageModalUpdateFirmware.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- <b-modal
- id="modal-update-firmware"
- :title="$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.updateFirmware')"
- :ok-title="$t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.startUpdate')"
- :cancel-title="$t('global.action.cancel')"
- @ok="$emit('ok')"
- >
- <p>
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.modal.updateFirmwareInfo') }}
- </p>
- <p v-if="showMessage">
- {{
- $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.modal.updateFirmwareInfo2', {
- backup,
- running,
- })
- }}
- </p>
- <p class="m-0">
- {{ $t('pageFirmware.singleFileUpload.modal.updateFirmwareInfo3') }}
- </p>
- </b-modal>
-export default {
- props: {
- backup: {
- type: String,
- required: true,
- },
- running: {
- type: String,
- required: true,
- },
- },
- computed: {
- showMessage() {
- return this.backup !== this.running;
- },
- },
diff --git a/src/env/store/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImageStore.js b/src/env/store/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImageStore.js
index b16cac8..ae4d633 100644
--- a/src/env/store/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImageStore.js
+++ b/src/env/store/FirmwareSingleImage/FirmwareSingleImageStore.js
@@ -4,83 +4,107 @@
const FirmwareSingleImageStore = {
namespaced: true,
state: {
- activeFirmware: {
- version: '--',
- id: null,
- location: null,
- },
- backupFirmware: {
- version: '--',
- id: null,
- location: null,
- status: null,
- },
+ bmcFirmware: [],
+ hostFirmware: [],
+ bmcActiveFirmwareId: null,
+ hostActiveFirmwareId: null,
applyTime: null,
tftpAvailable: false,
getters: {
- systemFirmwareVersion: (state) => state.activeFirmware.version,
- backupFirmwareVersion: (state) => state.backupFirmware.version,
- backupFirmwareStatus: (state) => state.backupFirmware.status,
- isRebootFromBackupAvailable: (state) =>
- state.backupFirmware.id ? true : false,
- bmcFirmwareCurrentVersion: (state) => state.activeFirmware.version, //this getter is needed for the Overview page,
isTftpUploadAvailable: (state) => state.tftpAvailable,
+ isSingleFileUploadEnabled: (state) => state.hostFirmware.length === 0,
+ activeBmcFirmware: (state) => {
+ return state.bmcFirmware.find(
+ (firmware) => firmware.id === state.bmcActiveFirmwareId
+ );
+ },
+ activeHostFirmware: (state) => {
+ return state.hostFirmware.find(
+ (firmware) => firmware.id === state.hostActiveFirmwareId
+ );
+ },
+ backupBmcFirmware: (state) => {
+ return state.bmcFirmware.find(
+ (firmware) => firmware.id !== state.bmcActiveFirmwareId
+ );
+ },
+ backupHostFirmware: (state) => {
+ return state.hostFirmware.find(
+ (firmware) => firmware.id !== state.hostActiveFirmwareId
+ );
+ },
+ bmcFirmwareCurrentVersion: (_, getters) =>
+ getters.activeBmcFirmware?.version, //this getter is needed for the Overview page,
mutations: {
- setActiveFirmware: (state, { version, id, location }) => {
- state.activeFirmware.version = version;
- state.activeFirmware.id = id;
- state.activeFirmware.location = location;
- },
- setBackupFirmware: (state, { version, id, location, status }) => {
- state.backupFirmware.version = version;
- state.backupFirmware.id = id;
- state.backupFirmware.location = location;
- state.backupFirmware.status = status;
- },
+ setActiveBmcFirmwareId: (state, id) => (state.bmcActiveFirmwareId = id),
+ setActiveHostFirmwareId: (state, id) => (state.hostActiveFirmwareId = id),
+ setBmcFirmware: (state, firmware) => (state.bmcFirmware = firmware),
+ setHostFirmware: (state, firmware) => (state.hostFirmware = firmware),
setApplyTime: (state, applyTime) => (state.applyTime = applyTime),
setTftpUploadAvailable: (state, tftpAvailable) =>
(state.tftpAvailable = tftpAvailable),
actions: {
- async getFirmwareInformation({ commit }) {
- return await api
+ async getFirmwareInformation({ dispatch }) {
+ dispatch('getActiveHostFirmware');
+ dispatch('getActiveBmcFirmware');
+ return await dispatch('getFirmwareInventory');
+ },
+ getActiveBmcFirmware({ commit }) {
+ return api
.then(({ data: { Links } }) => {
- const currentLocation = Links.ActiveSoftwareImage['@odata.id'];
- // Check SoftwareImages list for not ActiveSoftwareImage id
- const backupLocation = Links.SoftwareImages.map(
- (item) => item['@odata.id']
- ).find((location) => {
- const id = location.split('/').pop();
- const currentId = currentLocation.split('/').pop();
- return id !== currentId;
- });
- return { currentLocation, backupLocation };
- })
- .then(async ({ currentLocation, backupLocation }) => {
- const currentData = await api.get(currentLocation);
- let backupData = {};
- if (backupLocation) {
- backupData = await api.get(backupLocation);
- }
- commit('setActiveFirmware', {
- version: currentData?.data?.Version,
- id: currentData?.data?.Id,
- location: currentData?.data?.['@odata.id'],
- });
- commit('setBackupFirmware', {
- version: backupData.data?.Version,
- id: backupData.data?.Id,
- location: backupData.data?.['@odata.id'],
- status: backupData.data?.Status?.Health,
- });
+ const id = Links?.ActiveSoftwareImage['@odata.id'].split('/').pop();
+ commit('setActiveBmcFirmwareId', id);
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
+ getActiveHostFirmware({ commit }) {
+ return api
+ .get('/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Bios')
+ .then(({ data: { Links } }) => {
+ const id = Links?.ActiveSoftwareImage['@odata.id'].split('/').pop();
+ commit('setActiveHostFirmwareId', id);
+ })
+ .catch((error) => console.log(error));
+ },
+ async getFirmwareInventory({ commit }) {
+ const inventoryList = await api
+ .get('/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory')
+ .then(({ data: { Members = [] } = {} }) =>
+ Members.map((item) => api.get(item['@odata.id']))
+ )
+ .catch((error) => console.log(error));
+ await api
+ .all(inventoryList)
+ .then((response) => {
+ const bmcFirmware = [];
+ const hostFirmware = [];
+ response.forEach(({ data }) => {
+ const firmwareType = data?.RelatedItem?.[0]?.['@odata.id']
+ .split('/')
+ .pop();
+ const item = {
+ version: data?.Version,
+ id: data?.Id,
+ location: data?.['@odata.id'],
+ status: data?.Status?.Health,
+ };
+ if (firmwareType === 'bmc') {
+ bmcFirmware.push(item);
+ } else if (firmwareType === 'Bios') {
+ hostFirmware.push(item);
+ }
+ });
+ commit('setBmcFirmware', bmcFirmware);
+ commit('setHostFirmware', hostFirmware);
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ },
getUpdateServiceSettings({ commit }) {
@@ -147,8 +171,8 @@
throw new Error(i18n.t('pageFirmware.toast.errorUploadAndReboot'));
- async switchFirmwareAndReboot({ state }) {
- const backupLoaction = state.backupFirmware.location;
+ async switchFirmwareAndReboot({ getters }) {
+ const backupLoaction = getters.backupBmcFirmware.location;
const data = {
Links: {
ActiveSoftwareImage: {