Hide LDAP tab on Intel environment
Signed-off-by: MichalX Szopinski <michalx.szopinski@intel.com>
Change-Id: I18c5df56a857733adebec57f0fba68590dcb11f8
diff --git a/.env.intel b/.env.intel
index 4620145..f47d794 100644
--- a/.env.intel
+++ b/.env.intel
@@ -3,4 +3,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/env/components/AppNavigation/intel.js b/src/env/components/AppNavigation/intel.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55981f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/env/components/AppNavigation/intel.js
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+import IconAnalytics from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/analytics/16';
+import IconDataCheck from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/data--check/16';
+import IconSettingsAdjust from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/settings--adjust/16';
+import IconSettings from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/settings/16';
+import IconPassword from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/password/16';
+import IconChevronUp from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/chevron--up/16';
+const AppNavigationMixin = {
+ components: {
+ iconOverview: IconAnalytics,
+ iconHealth: IconDataCheck,
+ iconControl: IconSettingsAdjust,
+ iconConfiguration: IconSettings,
+ iconAccessControl: IconPassword,
+ iconExpand: IconChevronUp,
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ navigationItems: [
+ {
+ id: 'overview',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.overview'),
+ route: '/',
+ icon: 'iconOverview',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'health',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.health'),
+ icon: 'iconHealth',
+ children: [
+ {
+ id: 'event-logs',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.eventLogs'),
+ route: '/health/event-logs',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'hardware-status',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.hardwareStatus'),
+ route: '/health/hardware-status',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'sensors',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.sensors'),
+ route: '/health/sensors',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'control',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.control'),
+ icon: 'iconControl',
+ children: [
+ {
+ id: 'kvm',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.kvm'),
+ route: '/control/kvm',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'manage-power-usage',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.managePowerUsage'),
+ route: '/control/manage-power-usage',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'reboot-bmc',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.rebootBmc'),
+ route: '/control/reboot-bmc',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'serial-over-lan',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.serialOverLan'),
+ route: '/control/serial-over-lan',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'server-led',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.serverLed'),
+ route: '/control/server-led',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'server-power-operations',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.serverPowerOperations'),
+ route: '/control/server-power-operations',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'virtual-media',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.virtualMedia'),
+ route: '/control/virtual-media',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'configuration',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.configuration'),
+ icon: 'iconConfiguration',
+ children: [
+ {
+ id: 'date-time-settings',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.dateTimeSettings'),
+ route: '/configuration/date-time-settings',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'firmware',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.firmware'),
+ route: '/configuration/firmware',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'network-settings',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.networkSettings'),
+ route: '/configuration/network-settings',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'snmp-settings',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.snmpSettings'),
+ route: '/snmp-settings',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'access-control',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.accessControl'),
+ icon: 'iconAccessControl',
+ children: [
+ {
+ id: 'local-user-management',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.localUserManagement'),
+ route: '/access-control/local-user-management',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'ssl-certificates',
+ label: this.$t('appNavigation.sslCertificates'),
+ route: '/access-control/ssl-certificates',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ },
+export default AppNavigationMixin;
diff --git a/src/env/router/intel.js b/src/env/router/intel.js
index 3a25650..5612873 100644
--- a/src/env/router/intel.js
+++ b/src/env/router/intel.js
@@ -1,3 +1,232 @@
-import routes from '@/router/routes';
+import AppLayout from '@/layouts/AppLayout.vue';
+import ChangePassword from '@/views/ChangePassword';
+import ConsoleLayout from '@/layouts/ConsoleLayout.vue';
+import DateTimeSettings from '@/views/Configuration/DateTimeSettings';
+import EventLogs from '@/views/Health/EventLogs';
+import Firmware from '@/views/Configuration/Firmware';
+import HardwareStatus from '@/views/Health/HardwareStatus';
+import Kvm from '@/views/Control/Kvm';
+import KvmConsole from '@/views/Control/Kvm/KvmConsole';
+import LocalUserManagement from '@/views/AccessControl/LocalUserManagement';
+import Login from '@/views/Login';
+import LoginLayout from '@/layouts/LoginLayout';
+import ManagePowerUsage from '@/views/Control/ManagePowerUsage';
+import NetworkSettings from '@/views/Configuration/NetworkSettings';
+import Overview from '@/views/Overview';
+import PageNotFound from '@/views/PageNotFound';
+import ProfileSettings from '@/views/ProfileSettings';
+import RebootBmc from '@/views/Control/RebootBmc';
+import Sensors from '@/views/Health/Sensors';
+import SerialOverLan from '@/views/Control/SerialOverLan';
+import SerialOverLanConsole from '@/views/Control/SerialOverLan/SerialOverLanConsole';
+import ServerLed from '@/views/Control/ServerLed';
+import ServerPowerOperations from '@/views/Control/ServerPowerOperations';
+import SslCertificates from '@/views/AccessControl/SslCertificates';
+import VirtualMedia from '@/views/Control/VirtualMedia';
+import i18n from '@/i18n';
+const routes = [
+ {
+ path: '/login',
+ component: LoginLayout,
+ children: [
+ {
+ path: '',
+ name: 'login',
+ component: Login,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.login'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/change-password',
+ name: 'change-password',
+ component: ChangePassword,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.changePassword'),
+ requiresAuth: true,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/console',
+ component: ConsoleLayout,
+ meta: {
+ requiresAuth: true,
+ },
+ children: [
+ {
+ path: 'serial-over-lan-console',
+ name: 'serial-over-lan-console',
+ component: SerialOverLanConsole,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.serialOverLan'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: 'kvm',
+ name: 'kvm-console',
+ component: KvmConsole,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.kvm'),
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/',
+ meta: {
+ requiresAuth: true,
+ },
+ component: AppLayout,
+ children: [
+ {
+ path: '',
+ name: 'overview',
+ component: Overview,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.overview'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/profile-settings',
+ name: 'profile-settings',
+ component: ProfileSettings,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.profileSettings'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/health/event-logs',
+ name: 'event-logs',
+ component: EventLogs,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.eventLogs'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/health/hardware-status',
+ name: 'hardware-status',
+ component: HardwareStatus,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.hardwareStatus'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/health/sensors',
+ name: 'sensors',
+ component: Sensors,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.sensors'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/access-control/local-user-management',
+ name: 'local-users',
+ component: LocalUserManagement,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.localUserManagement'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/access-control/ssl-certificates',
+ name: 'ssl-certificates',
+ component: SslCertificates,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.sslCertificates'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/configuration/date-time-settings',
+ name: 'date-time-settings',
+ component: DateTimeSettings,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.dateTimeSettings'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/configuration/firmware',
+ name: 'firmware',
+ component: Firmware,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.firmware'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/control/kvm',
+ name: 'kvm',
+ component: Kvm,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.kvm'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/control/manage-power-usage',
+ name: 'manage-power-usage',
+ component: ManagePowerUsage,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.managePowerUsage'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/configuration/network-settings',
+ name: 'network-settings',
+ component: NetworkSettings,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.networkSettings'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/control/reboot-bmc',
+ name: 'reboot-bmc',
+ component: RebootBmc,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.rebootBmc'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/control/server-led',
+ name: 'server-led',
+ component: ServerLed,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.serverLed'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/control/serial-over-lan',
+ name: 'serial-over-lan',
+ component: SerialOverLan,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.serialOverLan'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/control/server-power-operations',
+ name: 'server-power-operations',
+ component: ServerPowerOperations,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.serverPowerOperations'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '/control/virtual-media',
+ name: 'virtual-media',
+ component: VirtualMedia,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.virtualMedia'),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: '*',
+ name: 'page-not-found',
+ component: PageNotFound,
+ meta: {
+ title: i18n.t('appPageTitle.pageNotFound'),
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
export default routes;
diff --git a/src/env/store/intel.js b/src/env/store/intel.js
index 70c9b98..a3acedf 100644
--- a/src/env/store/intel.js
+++ b/src/env/store/intel.js
@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@
// store modules
// https://vuex.vuejs.org/api/#registermodule
export default store;